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Beiträge, die mit Law getaggt sind

Private groups work to identify & report #student #protesters for possible #deportation

When a protester was caught on video in January at a NY rally against #Israel, only her eyes were visible between a mask & headscarf. But days later, photos of her entire face, along w/her name & employer, were circulated online.

#Trump #immigration #law #FacialRecognition #technology #FreeSpeech #RightToProtest #FreedomOfAssembly #dissent #CivilRights

Conway Explains: “What They’re Doing is Profoundly Evil and Wrong” | Free part

#Visa #USA #StudentVisa #SecRubio #Politics #ICE #DueProcess #Law #SecretPolice

Texas GOP Lawmakers Propose Amending Abortion Ban Linked to Deaths and a Rise in Sepsis Cases

The bill comes after ProPublica’s reporting on the deaths of three Texas women. It specifies that doctors don’t need to wait until an emergency is “imminent” to terminate pregnancies but leaves in steep penalties for those who violate the law.

#News #Abortion #Texas #GOP #Law #Women #Health #Pregnancy

This Is the Land of Wolves Now

Masked agents snatching people off the street. Govt ofcls using caged prisoners for propaganda videos. We are the villains.

“They have clearly been posed by the jailers, forced to hold position so that they can be useful props for the American woman so that she can manufacture #propaganda for her regime.

“We have seen this kind of thing before. Just not from America.”

#Trump #law #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #DueProcess #HumanRights

Reason To Hate Capitalism #235 - Under Capitalism ‘justice’ is based on wealth, because only the wealthy can afford the best lawyers (& can pay off police, judges and politicians too) #capitalism #law #justice #crime #anticapitalism
@RickiTarr If the amount of "justice" you receive is based on how good the lawyers you can afford are, then "justice" is only for the rich.

LibGen is a wonderful evidence machine for all of the inevitable lawsuits to come. Kudos to The Atlantic and Alex Reisner on creating a great tool 👏


#GenAI #law #journalism

OPSEC com Officer:
"Publishing active attack plans on a PERSONAL phone... including times, locations, weapons packages, etc... would have EVERY individual involved facing indictment, trial, and significant jail time... at least 20 years plus.

This is a HUGE deal.

Don't believe any lie that says otherwise."


#OPSEC #Espionage #Law #NationalSecurity #Penalties #SecurityBreach

An interesting way to look at the influence of #China (#PRC) on other #countries: the #ChinaIndex.

The highest-"ranking" country in Europe is mine: #Germany.

»The China Index seeks to establish an interactive world map that visualizes the PRC‘s evolving influence in different countries. The Index captures PRC influence across nine Domains: #Academia, Domestic Politics, #Economy, Foreign Policy, #Law Enforcement, #Media, #Military, #Society, and #Technology. Each of these Domains contains 11 Indicators corresponding to an observable phenomenon of PRC influence, and presents comparable data collected by regional partners through collaboration with local experts.«


So, about that #Signal chat.

On Monday, shortly after we published a story about a massive #Trump-admin #security breach, a reporter asked the secretary of #defense, #PeteHegseth, why he had shared plans about a forthcoming attack on #Yemen on the Signal messaging app. He answered, “Nobody was texting war plans. And that’s all I have to say about that.”

#law #NationalSecurity #SignalGate #idiocracy #kakistocracy #intelligence #JeffreyGoldberg #TheAtlantic

It's technically possible to do this:

"remained committed to broader reforms to strengthen environmental protection and speed up decision-making."

if you immediately say no to any project that might damage the environment.

Meanwhile the ALP are 100% focused on jobs that destroy said environment over any number of jobs that rely on the existing environment.

#auspol #environment #climatechange #australia #law #media #journalism

A colleague: “What worries me about this Guardian article is the scare quotes & the label 'Tasmania'. This issue has broader implications. Quotes from Environment Justice Australia, the Greens, Andrew Wilkie & David Pocock relegated to the tail end of the article. And 'internal angst from pro-environment MPs' left to the very end”
#auspol #environment #climatechange #australia #law #media #journalism


#CoreCivic, the corporation that operates the facility, announced that it had reached an agreement w/ #ICE to reopen the South #Texas #Family *Residential* Center in #Dilley, TX, w/room for up to 2,400 people, making it one of the largest #detention centers in ICE’s portfolio.

CoreCivic spox Steve Owen said “it’s our understanding that this will be housing families again. It’s a family residential center.”

#Trump #ConcentrationCamps #immigration #law #FamilySeparation #TheCrueltyIsThePoint

In Chicago, a sanctuary city, immigration rights advocates say ICE has unlawfully picked up at least 22 migrants, creating warrants after some had already been detained.

#News #Chicago #Immigration #ICE #Trump #Law #Migrants #Immigrants

The Imperative of Solidarity in Response to Assaults on #Legal Services, #Universities, & Independent #Media

“If #journalists, #lawyers, & #academics are going to be able to play the role that they need to perform as bulwarks of #democracy & the rule of #law, they & their employers must begin to think & act in collective terms.“


In case you haven't noticed, or paid attention, or maybe been in a #TrumpVirus / #GQP #media induced coma....

>> The Trump administration is descending into authoritarianism


> From media to culture and the arts to the refusal to abide by court orders, we’re nearing ‘Defcon 1 for our democracy’, experts

#fascism #DOGE #Muskville #GQP #oligarchy #plutocracy #Project2025 #coup - Full-tilt war on #truth - #democracy - #respect for #law

It seems extraordinary that an 'expert witness' in the Family Court system currently is not required to be a member of any professional body or part of a regulated profession... essentially 'expert' in the Family Court would seem to be merely declaratory.

Given the consequence(s) of their testimony this open door can (and has) had problematic results, and the sooner it is regularised & 'experts' are experts, as they are elsewhere in the Court system, the better!


Murder rates US vs Canada vs Europe

You really don't wanna live in US red states...

#law #socialJustice #WealthGap #Safety #Politics #SocialContract #RedStates in more than one sense, they bleed. #MurderRates

I am ashamed of my country.

"Germany’s unwavering support for #Israel is not only crushing the rights of those advocating for justice in #Palestine, but also violating the most fundamental principles of international #law"


Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? 30 Days Until Martial Law...? (By Jessica Wildfire • 20 Mar 2025.) https://www.the-sentinel-intelligence.net/should-i-stay-or-should-i-go-now-30-days-until-martial-law/ Salacious title, but worryingly possible.

She links (Safe Travel Trans Americans Passport Policy) https://19thnews.org/2025/03/safe-travel-trans-americans-passport-policy/
(TGNC Checklist under Trump) https://lambdalegal.org/tgnc-checklist-under-trump/

(Travel State gov page on passport help on sex marker) https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/passport-help/sex-marker.html
(Reddit thread A Guide for Americans to Leave) https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/urwlbr/a_guide_for_americans_that_want_to_get_out_of/

(SF Chronicle on the Insurrection Act) https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/insurrection-act-president-trump-20201819.php

"Meanwhile, corporate media asks, “Can he do that?” These stories are engineered to distract the public with technicalities. While everyone’s debating what they can and can’t do, they are doing it.

We know this administration’s pattern of loose interpretation when it comes to law and historical precedent. There’s no reason to believe he’ll stop here, instead using this act to use force against anyone his administration considers a threat, regardless of their status or what they’re protesting.

You also have to remember this country has a long, established history of censoring speech and leading witch hunts. During WWI, god help you if you didn’t buy enough liberty bonds or called yourself a pacifist.

We’re the land of moral panics.

Every single one of this administration’s actions have been building toward this moment, when the president suspends our civil and human rights. It explains why they’ve taken such aggressive action toward federal agencies, firing tens of thousands of workers and purging their ranks of anyone who might say no. They’ve already been testing boundaries, daring courts to stop them as they shut down government operations and kidnap U.S. citizens."

(some bullshit from an insecure asshole puppetted for power) https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/declaring-a-national-emergency-at-the-southern-border-of-the-united-states/
(How to move out of the USA) https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2024/11/04/how-to-move-out-of-the-us/

#politics #pol #US #USA #USA2025 #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #travel #holiday #vacation #trip #passport #getaway #weekend #Summer #USpol #USApol #USpolitics #USApolitics #policy #legislation #legislature #law #legal #contract #TipsAndTricks #tips #idea #ideas #suggestion #suggestions #GetOut #fantasticMovie #Horrifying #butFantastic

Per Asha Rangappa:

Historical note: When President Lincoln *actually suspended* #HabeasCorpus under the Suspension Act of 1863, he was required to provide lists of all people detained who were not POWs to the circuit court. He complied. While prosecuting an *actual war*.

(Ex parte Milligan - https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/71/2%26nbsp)

#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower #Trump

They were not DEPORTED. Deported means sending them back to their country of origin. These people were sent to a maximum security #prison in #ElSalvador, without any #DueProcess or any analysis as to whether they feared harm there.

Flying a person to a third country that they may never have been to, directly into a prison where they are going to be forced to do hard labor, is not a #deportation; it's something else entirely.

#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #CivilRights #Trump

There are still serious concerns about the prior two flights WITH *alleged* [w/o #DueProcess there’s no way to verify & family members & attorneys have said the allegations are false in many cases] #AlienEnemiesAct detainees onboard that continued despite the judge's order.

#law #Constitution #immigration #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #Venezuela #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower #Trump

From the Sat night hearing:

#UnitedStates Govt attorney:

"Would this TRO apply to aliens that otherwise have final orders of removal, because from our perspective, that would be an independent basis to effectuate their removal?"
Judge #Boasberg: "That's fair. ... Yes, Mr. Ensign, I agree."

#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #Venezuela #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower #Trump

#DOJ also argued that b/c it filed for a stay before the appeals court, it "should not be required to disclose sensitive information bearing on national security & foreign relations until that motion is resolved, especially given that this information is neither material nor time-sensitive."

[Not time-sensitive? They were literally flying people out if the country as fast as they could to avoid complying with the court’s order]

#law #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #DueProcess #Judiciary #Trump

Essentially the #DOJ told Judge #Boasberg that it does not need to provide the Court with any additional info (despite being ordered to do so) b/c "there was no violation of the Court's *written* order (since the relevant flights left US airspace, & so their occupants were 'removed,' before the order issued)"

DOJ then said the Court's oral pronouncements prior to the written order being docketed "were not independently
enforceable as injunctions"

[this is bullshit]
#law #Judiciary #Trump

4. #Trump #DOJ says they will only give Judge #Boasberg answers on #compliance "through an in camera & ex parte declaration." (that is, they say will file a non-public declaration that he alone can see). They still give zero specific reasons other than handwaving at national security.

#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess#Venezuela #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower
The Court also ordered the Government to address the form in which it can provide further details about flights that left the United States before 7:25 PM. The Government maintains that there is no justification to order the provision of additional information, and that doing so would be inappropriate, because even accepting Plaintiffs’ account of the facts, there was no violation of the Court’s written order (since the relevant flights left U.S. airspace, and so their occupants were “removed,” before the order issued), and the Court’s earlier oral statements were not independently enforceable as injunctions. The Government stands on those arguments. Moreover, given that the Government’s motion for a stay remains pending before the D.C. Circuit, the Government should not be required to disclose sensitive information bearing on national security and foreign relations until that motion is resolved, especially given that this information is neither material nor timesensitive. If, however, the Court nevertheless orders the Government to provide additional details, the Court should do so through an in camera and ex parte declaration, in order to protect sensitive information bearing on foreign relations.

NEW. The #Trump admin files its notice w/ Judge #Boasberg, saying:

1. Everyone on the third plane had a final order of removal, so was not deported under the #AEA

2. The Proclamation was signed Friday but didn't go into effect until posted on the WH website

3. #ICE alleges there are 258 known #TdA members in the US

#law #Constitution #AlienEnemiesAct #immigration #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #Venezuela #CivilRights #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower

Family members of Venezuelan migrants who suspect their loved ones were sent to El Salvador as part of a rapid US #deportation operation over the weekend are struggling to get more info as a legal battle plays out.

Advocates have launched a WhatsApp helpline for people searching for family members, while #immigration attorneys have tried to locate their clients after they went dark.

#law #Constitution #DueProcess #CivilRights #USpol #Trump #AbuseOfPower #AlienEnemiesAct

#Boasberg did in fact mention #contempt as an aside earlier that I didn’t include.

Here’s the exact quote:

“Two more questions for Mr. Kambli (for the US govt) that don't relate to CONTEMPT / disobeying court orders. 1) Was Trump's Tren de Aragua proclamation signed in secret on Friday? Or on Saturday? Need to know timing & when US thinks it went into effect.”

#law #Constitution #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower #AlienEnemiesAct #Trump

With that, the hearing is over. The govt will file more information tomorrow, & it may again refuse to provide specific the information #Boasberg requested (but must explain why). There is a further hearing on the #TRO on Fri, & action in the DC Circuit Court where briefing ends Wed.

#law #Constitution #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #immigration #Venezuela #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower #AlienEnemiesAct #Trump