Beiträge, die mit elsalvador getaggt sind
You: "You can't do this! I'm a citizen!"
Fascist Thug: "We don't believe you."
You: "I'll prove it!"
Fascist Thug: "Really? To whom? You think your cellmates in El Salvador will care?"
#DueProcess #ICE #FascistTakover #HabeusCorpus #ImmigrantsAreGood #Immigrants #Fascist #Dictator #resistance #USpol #USpolitics #AmericanFascism #HumanRights #Cruelty #Trump #Deportation #Immigration #MassDeportation #ConcentrationCamps #gulag #ElSalvador
All the government has to do is claim that you are not a citizen; without due process you have no chance to prove the contrary.
Via Timothy Snyder on Bluesky
#CivilRights #trump #deportations #venezuela #ElSalvador #politics #DueProcess
So #Trump — with no legal process whatsoever, in complete defiance of our #Constitution and the Bill of Rights — kidnapped him and deported him to one of the world’s most notorious prisons in #ElSalvador, citing the tattoo as justification."
#DonaldTrump #GOP #Fascism #News #US
She Stepped Onto a Sidewalk in Boston — and Vanished Into Trump’s Shadow State
Masked ICE agents are now snatching dissidents off the streets like a scene from Stalin’s Russia. This isn’t speculative fiction. It’s happening right now, in America…Thom Hartmann (The Hartmann Report)
"#Trump administration invokes state secrets privilege in El Salvador #deportations case"
Guantanamo is/was a peculiar case where it is forceful occupation and a military base in nocountry.
Men were pulled from the buses so fast the guards couldn’t keep up. Chained at their ankles and wrists, they stumbled, fell. With each fall came a kick, a slap, a shove.
#elsalvador #trump #venezuela #venezuelans #Nazi
What the Venezuelans Deported to El Salvador Experienced
Exclusive photos of the arrival of Venezuelan detainees deported from the U.S.Philip Holsinger (Time)
U.S. Fascism hits the Ignore Courts, Jail Enemies phase; Bombing Yemen over Gaza Blockade; Yet Another MAGA Pedophile; Vance’s “Incompatible Migrants” and Dr. Oz’s Nurseless Nursing Homes; Muzzling our National Parks Employees; #BoycottIdaho: The Fight to Ban Marijuana Initiatives; Chuck Schumer Begins His Book Tour, Others Try Saving Democracy.
#BoycottIdaho #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #ChuckSchumer #ElSalvador #Gaza #Germany #Houthis #ICE #immigration #Israel #JDVance #JohnFetterman #KyrstenSinema #Marijuana #MehmetOz #NationalParks #RobertMorris #Venezuela #Yemen
Fight? I've Got a Book Tour! -
U.S. Fascism hits the Ignore Courts, Jail Enemies phase; Yet Another MAGA Pedophile; Schumer Begins His Book
"Inside the list of people #deported to El Salvador last weekend" - CBS News #Deportation
Officials in #ElSalvador who approve this "business" need to hang high and soon!
Death squad children and grandchildren
@nini @aral
Photos of the #Venezuelans illegally *deported* by #Trump under the #AlienEnemiesAct to the maximum security prison Terrorist Confinement Centre (#CECOT) in Tecoluca, #ElSalvador
Photos, released by the Presidencia El Salvador.
#law #Constitution #immigration #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #CivilRights #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #CoEqualBranchesOfGovernment #ConstitutionalCrisis #AbuseOfPower #HumanTrafficking #Slavery
The #UnitedStates government under #Trump by all accounts is shipping these people into indefinite involuntary servitude in #ElSalvador without even the pretense of any #judicial process, much less duly convicting them of a #crime. It’s an enslaving operation.
It is #HumanTrafficking.
#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #Venezuela #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #AbuseOfPower
Flying a person to a third country that they may never have been to, directly into a prison where they are going to be forced to do hard labor, is not a #deportation; it's something else entirely.
#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #CivilRights #Trump
Donald #Trump's deportations under #AlienEnemiesAct blasted as abuse of power
1st they came for "them" and then they came for the "others" ...
People in #ElSalvador endured decades of brutal US installed dictatorships .. and few people in the US stuggled in solidarity to them seeking "democracy".
I have hope on their humanitarian and democratic values to fight for the prisoners.
Die aus den USA abgeschobenen mutmaßlichen Mitglieder einer venezolanischen Drogenbande sind jetzt in einem Hochsicherheitsgefängnis, das El Salvador für Bandenmitglieder gebaut hat. Die Haftbedingungen dort sind extrem. Von Michael Castritius.
#ElSalvador #Trump
Isolation total in El Salvadors Mega-Gefängnis
Die aus den USA abgeschobenen mutmaßlichen Mitglieder einer venezolanischen Drogenbande sind jetzt in einem Hochsicherheitsgefängnis, das El Salvador für Bandenmitglieder gebaut hat. Die Haftbedingungen dort sind
#usa #trump #ruleoflaw #courtorder #elsalvador
US deports hundreds of Venezuelans to El Salvador despite court order
Hundreds of alleged criminals have been deported from the US to El Salvador, hours after a federal judge said not to do so.Brandon Drenon (BBC News)
Die USA haben mehr als 200 mutmaßlich kriminelle Venezolaner nach El Salvador abgeschoben. Präsident Trump berief sich dabei auf ein Gesetz aus dem Jahr 1798. Dass ein Richter einen Stopp der Abschiebung angeordnet hatte, blieb unbeachtet.
#USA #ElSalvador #Abschiebung #Venezuela
USA schieben mutmaßliche kriminelle Venezolaner nach El Salvador ab
Die USA haben Hunderte mutmaßlich krimineller Venezolaner nach El Salvador abgeschoben. Trump beruft sich dafür auf ein Gesetz aus dem Jahr 1798. Dass ein Richter einen Stopp der Abschiebung angeordnet hatte, blieb
#Palestina #genocidio #Gaza #ElSalvador #SilvioRodriguez #trova
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'Total panic' as USAID cuts jobs from Syria to Haiti
In 2023, USAID spent $42 billion to support programs across 157 countries — ranging from malaria and HIV prevention to fighting starvation and helping those displaced by war.Nita Bhalla (The Japan Times)
Vor zwei Jahren hat El Salvador ein Gefängnis eröffnet, in das bis zu 40.000 Häftlinge eingesperrt werden können. Nun hat das Land angeboten, dort Abgeschobene aus den USA zu inhaftieren - und möglicherweise auch US-Bürger.
#USA #ElSalvador
February 3, 2024
"A South Dakota tribe has banned Republican Gov. Kristi Noem from the #PineRidgeReservation after she spoke this week about wanting to send #RazorWire and security personnel to #Texas to help deter immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border and also said cartels are infiltrating the state’s reservations.
“'Due to the safety of the #Oyate, effective immediately, you are hereby Banished from the homelands of the #OglalaSioux Tribe!” Tribe President #FrankStarComesOut said in a Friday statement addressed to Noem. “Oyate” is a word for people or nation.
"#StarComesOut accused Noem of trying to use the border issue to help get former U.S. President Donald Trump re-elected and boost her chances of becoming his running mate.
"Many of those arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border are #IndigenousPeople from places like #ElSalvador, #Guatemala and #Mexico who come 'in search of jobs and a better life,' the tribal leader added.
"'They don’t need to be put in cages, separated from their children like during the Trump Administration, or be cut up by razor wire furnished by, of all places, South Dakota,' he said.
"Star Comes Out also addressed #Noem’s remarks in the speech to lawmakers Wednesday in which she said a gang calling itself the Ghost Dancers is murdering people on the Pine Ridge Reservation and is affiliated with border-crossing cartels that use South Dakota reservations to spread drugs throughout the Midwest.
"Star Comes Out said he took deep offense at her reference, saying the #GhostDance is one of the Oglala Sioux’s “most sacred ceremonies,' 'was used with blatant disrespect and is insulting to our Oyate.'"
Read more:
#IndigenousNews #SiouxNation #Oglala
South Dakota tribe bans Kristi Noem from reservation
The Oglala Sioux Tribe in South Dakota has banned Gov. Kristi Noem from the Pine Ridge Reservation, one of the largest in the U.S.TRISHA AHMED (AP News)
#Biden Extends Protected (#Immigration) Status for 800,000 #Venezuela-ns, #ELSalvador-ans
Protected Status for 800,000 Venezuelans, Salvadorans Extended by US
President Joe Biden’s administration extended temporary protected status for 600,000 Venezuelans and more than 200,000 Salvadorans in the US just 10 days before Donald Trump takes office vowing mass deportation of immigrants.Alicia Caldwell (Bloomberg)
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#cdmx #mexico #gaza #palestina #paz #amor #españa #catalunya #colombia #monterrey #chile #argentina #honduras #elsalvador #nicaragua #losangeles #berlin #portland #ontario #quebec #estocolm