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Beiträge, die mit animals getaggt sind

The cost of cute: animal advocates ring the alarm over increase in French bulldog surrenders
Animal advocates in Montreal say they're noticing an increase in the number of French bulldogs being surrendered because owners are unable or unwilling to pay for their care. Though they're cute, 'Frenchies' often have chronic medical issues — somethin...
#animals #pets #money #health #Montreal #News

"The Far Side has countless comic strips featuring animals. Moreover, it also has many strips that show the fight between animals and humans. The Far Side creator Gary Larson has definitely made it no secret that he prefers animals to humans in his comic strips."
#weird #offbeat #comics #animals #satire #lol #funny

"Black as eels but halo-bright they circled, swimming
me into their carnival, into a wider world —
so that I want to say, do not fear your anguish;
despair births miracles; hope is only waiting for release.
Pay attention, the signs gifted are subtle: small beads
for the necklace of faith we must thread for ourselves."

extract from 'Otter', by Grace Wells

#Poetry #Nature #Animals
Picture of two otters swimming gracefully in clear blue water, with the sun scattering pennies of light on the surface.

And on I go moving my stuff to #PeerTube

Today's clip is something special, as it was originally produced for the short-lived Fediverse home of our sanctuary.

Many of the donkeys and mules in our care get to spend the summer at a nearby nature reserve.

This video shows two of them reunited with their friends.

It's underlaid with "Little Glitch", a track from Schall und Stille's debut album "The Drunken Fisherman".


#music #animals #asstodon #animalwelfare

Jobs for the weekend - 29/30 Mar

As well as catching up on a bunch of stuff from last weekend, i’ll be preparing tomato frames, mulching borders and planting summer flowering bulbs, building wildlife tunnels with the help of the neighbours and possibly feeding the lawns.

#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #Nature #GardenersOfMastodon #GardenersWorld #Fruit #Veg #FruitAndVeg #Gardens #NatureLoves #Flower #Wildlife #Animal #Animals

elsa sagt danke!

zum hintergrund einer besonderen vogelrettung bitte in den kommentaren weiterlesen.

@FotoVorschlag gutes tun

#fotovorschlag #mockfotos #photography #magpie #collage #animals #rescue #birds
das bild ist eine collage mit drei fotos einer kleinen elster namens elsa. 
das große foto zeigt sie in nahaufnahme in einer voliere; sie schaut neugierig richtung kamera. ein kleines foto zeigt sie draußen auf der kante eines blumentopfs. das dritte ebenfalls kleine foto zeigt sie von hinten, wie sie durch das gitter nach draußen schaut.
der text „elsa sagt danke!“ ist auf dem großen bild zu sehen.

Here's some marvelous #StreetArt from Ōtautahi-Chrstchurch city, NZ, that I photographed earlier this month.

Since the 2010–2011 earthquakes, the newly rebuilt city has been filling with art like this. I tip my hat to whoever in the council is allowing this to happen and supporting our local artists. It's fantastic. More!

#StreetArt #animals #nz #Ōtautahi #Christchurch
A photo of an artist standing on a platform attached to a crane. He's finishing off a wall mural showing a cartoon cat riding a giant goldfish through a sunny sky with puffy clouds.

My full-res image is on Flickr at https://www.flickr.com/photos/mollivan_jon/54401718259/
A photo of a wall in central Ōtautahi-Christchurch city featuring modern graffiti-styled street art featuring a tūī bird. A tūī is a dark blue-black iridescent bird white feather highlights on the neck including a spherical tuft of white feathers at the throat. They're one of NZ's supreme songsters and have been gradually increasing in numbers in the wider Christchurch area thanks to native forest regeneration and pest mammal control.

The artist signature read "Bails iKargs".

My full-res image is on Flickr at https://www.flickr.com/photos/mollivan_jon/54401778618/

The Famous Grouse Whisky mascot writ large. It's on the Edrington site in the Drumchapel area of Glasgow. It's just a pity it's not really publicly accessable.

#glasgow #sculpture #famousgrouse #whisky #animals #birds
A giant statue of the Famous agrouse whisky brand mascot.

#h5n1 #press #news #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe #geflügelpest #video #govegan #vegan #vegetarisch #vegetarian #tiere #animals #profit #pandemie #nature #wirtschaft #moby #umwelt #evolution #doku

Für alle, die sich um die Eierpreise sorgen:

" #EARTHLINGS ist eine #Doku über die völlige wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit der Menschheit von Tieren, die als #haustiere Nahrungsmittel, #kleidung zur #Unterhaltung & für die wissenschaftliche Forschung gezüchtet werden"


#AnimalWelfare #AnimalAbuse #Animals #Wildlife #Australia - #US > shared via Aussies Against Animal Abuse

American hunting enthusiast, Sam Jones filmed herself taking a defenceless baby wombat from the side of the road for photos.
The mother wombat was distressed, chasing after them to get her baby back while they laughed about it. The juvenile wombat was also distressed, hissing and calling back to the mother.

If anyone recognises her friend recording and enabling, please let us know. She posted the video to @samstrays_somewhere on Instagram but has since removed it.


DOGE firings rattle Colorado ferret program as populations are on the mend

The sweeping federal firing spree in February hit Colorado’s black-footed ferret hub hard, where two-thirds of the recovering population is housed

"A #wildlife conservation program to reintroduce black-footed #ferrets, once thought extinct, back to their prairie ecosystems, has new worries about its own future."

#ElonMusk #Musk #Doge #USPol #Nature #Animals #Colorado #USA #News
Headline and photo with caption.

Headline: News: Environment	
DOGE firings rattle Colorado ferret program as populations are on the mend

The sweeping federal firing spree in February hit Colorado’s black-footed ferret hub hard, where two-thirds of the recovering population is housed

Parker Yamasaki 4:01 AM MST on Mar 7, 2025

Photo with caption:
A black-footed ferret looks out from a prairie dog burrow in Colorado after its release. (Olivia Sun, The Colorado Sun via Report for America)

Another animal encounter - watch to the end, when I have to step back to stop him colliding with my feet.
Edit: it’s an Echidna.
#animals #australia #nature #video #cute #film

#h5n1 #press #news #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe #geflügelpest #video #govegan #vegan #vegetarisch #vegetarian #tiere #animals #profit #pandemie #nature #wirtschaft #moby #umwelt #evolution

Für alle, die sich nur um die Eierpreise sorgen:

" #EARTHLINGS ist eine #Doku über die völlige wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit der Menschheit von Tieren, die als #haustiere Nahrungsmittel, #kleidung zur #Unterhaltung & für die wissenschaftliche Forschung gezüchtet werden"


There is currently an estimated population of 21,500 wolves in Europe, a 58% increase over the past decade!!!
🐺 🐺 :librewolf:

#Europe #nature #animals #environment
Figure from the paper cited above, showing a map of europe with mapped wolf populations.

Einfach mal die Sau raus lassen.... 🐖

'Wochenendvergnügen' #fotovorschlag

#photography #animals #pigs
Das Bild zeigt eine friedliche Szene von vier Ferkeln, die am Straßenrand unter einem kleinen, verwitterten Schrein schlafen.

Detaillierte Beschreibung:

Das Bild zeigt vier rosa Ferkel, die eng aneinander gekuschelt am Straßenrand schlafen. Ihr Fell ist leicht schmutzig und sie wirken entspannt und friedlich. Das Gras um sie herum ist hoch und grün, was auf eine ländliche Umgebung hindeutet. Hinter den Ferkeln befindet sich eine niedrige, verwitterte Steinmauer. Darüber steht ein kleiner, verfallener Schrein oder eine Kapelle mit einem rot gefliesten Dach. Der Schrein ist überwachsen und wirkt alt und verlassen. Der Hintergrund besteht aus dichtem, grünem Buschwerk, das einen natürlichen und ruhigen Hintergrund für die Szene bildet. Die Gesamtatmosphäre des Bildes ist friedlich und idyllisch. Die Sonne scheint hell und der Kontrast zwischen dem hellen Fell der Ferkel und dem dunklen Grün des Grasses ist auffällig.  Das Bild vermittelt ein Gefühl von Ruhe und Einfachheit. Die Szene könnte in einem ländlichen Gebiet in einem südlichen oder tropischen Klima aufgenommen worden sein.

Last april, I had the chance to meet this not shy robin very close to the Glencoe valley.

How I took this photo ? Canon R3 EF24-70 mm f/2,8 II at 50 mm 1/100e f/2,8 Iso 100 Manual raw No Filter

#photography #pixelfed #robin #photo #animal #animals #bird #birdoftheday #birdofpixelfed #scotland #visitscotland #glencoe #nature #natur #natura #magicishere #ourbeautifulworld #birds #canonphotography #canonphotographers

At this point, allow me to say a heartfelt *THANK YOU* to all of you who bought my #music

As many of you know, all proceeds from my recordings go to "Tara Tierhilfe e.V.", an animal #sanctuary near Cologne, Germany, which is home to more than 70 horses, goats, sheep, donkeys and pigs.

Being able to make this contribution for me is the difference between continuing to release music on #bandcamp or leaving it.

So, once again, *THANK YOU* – from me and from the #animals in our care.

closeup portrait of a runner duck
three shetland ponys and a chicken in front of a barn building
portrait of a brown horse on her paddock
two turkeys on a green yard