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Beiträge, die mit languages getaggt sind

400 day streak studying #languages at least ten minutes a day. Feels good.

Now if I could nail this #exercise pattern. It’s actually more important.

What are your exercise tips?

#blog #recommendations #habits

Me: my Cantonese is not that great but I can try

Hairstylist: tells me a very complicated life story about every person in her family

My go to is not ‘I don’t speak Cantonese’ it’s ’I am chiu chow so my Cantonese is slowwwwww’

A photo of a person getting a haircut while a Chinese hairstylist tells her a story

My dad went to the movies and accidentally caught the Bob Marley movie... dubbed.
Into Hungarian.

I don't think he'll ever recover.


#movies #cinemastodon #languages