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Beiträge, die mit Vegetables getaggt sind

I recently acquired a plot of land on an allotment. It was a complete mess when I was assigned the garden (the previous tenant had not delivered it properly). But besides the fact that this gave me a workout that lasted several days (weeds, so many weeds!), it is also satisfying to see beautiful, black soil after all the hard work.

One of the most enjoyable phases has now begun: setting up the garden step by step. This morning I placed the first box, with a rack that courgettes and tomatoes can climb against.

I have zero experience as a vegetable gardener, so I am very curious about what this project will bring me. And what this project will bring to nature, because one of my most important goals is to contribute to biodiversity.

#nature #gardening #biodiversity #garden #vegetables #herbs #flowers

#Garten #gardening #vegetables #Gemüse

Konnte mich nicht beherrschen . . . zumal die nächsten günstigen Mond-Tage erst wieder Mitte Januar liegen.
Physalis, Chilis, Cocktailtomaten, Zwergtomaten und Andenhorn.
15 Anzuchttöpfchen mit je einem eigenen Deckel. In jedem ist ein Cocos-Netzcoin. Bunte Sticker außen an den Töpfen sind die Beschriftung.

❝ Armed with a tool similar to an x-acto knife and a fruit or vegetable from the grocery store, Gaku carves intricate patterns that are often inspired by traditional Japanese motifs... When asked what he does with all his creations after he’s done, his reply is simple: he eats them. ❞ → https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2017/03/next-level-food-carving-on-fruits-and-vegetables-by-gaku/

#FoodArt #vegetables #JapaneseArt #carving #broccoli #mukimono
A green piece of broccoli cut in half and carved with intricate, artistic patterns across its side.