Beiträge, die mit garden getaggt sind
The perennial echium is still coming into bloom but with a blue sky it was glowing
Obviously it rained overnight. Ah well…
#Gardening #bloomscrolling
As well as catching up on a bunch of stuff from last weekend, i’ll be preparing tomato frames, mulching borders and planting summer flowering bulbs, building wildlife tunnels with the help of the neighbours and possibly feeding the lawns.
#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #Nature #GardenersOfMastodon #GardenersWorld #Fruit #Veg #FruitAndVeg #Gardens #NatureLoves #Flower #Wildlife #Animal #Animals
We still have cold nights with frost every night and thin ice on the lake. Only thing actually flowering are snowdrops. Plus it’s been really windy
Spent yesterday recovering from a fantastic & fun #rEDScan25 - sleeping, unpacking, etc. (sometimes retirement is a blessing, I did not have to go to a job)
Today’s plan is to clean my very dirty car
Crown Prince squash is just through; sunflowers are coming on; cosmos (with random morning glories) is at 3 inches in a 10 days.
And in the garden tulips and daffs have arrived. Anemones are going gangbusters, and the perennial Echium shrub - was on its last warning - is finally flowering. It’s spectacular when it goes but ours never has before.
Home on Friday… cannot wait!
#Gardening nearly #bloomscrolling ?
I have harvested #leaves from it at least 9 times and it's time to cut more leaves again to make #vegetable #soup.
It is absolutely delicious & the highest ROI of my #balcony #garden. #SwissChard
#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #SouthOfFrance #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants #France #GrowOwnFood @plants
The photograph is of the middle third of the #garden, viewed across. Behind the camera is the greenhouse, a little more space and a tall hedge.
Later in the year, this area is filled with tall, flowering #perennials, ornamental #grasses and #wildflowers - you cannot see from one side to the other. It is beautiful, undisciplined and overflowing with nature.
At this time of the year it is just flat. I am anxiously waiting to see what will come back.
#ArtistsGarden #ImperfectGarden #gardener #gardening #GardenPhotography #Artist #wolfkettler #Photography #GardenWiltshire #WiltshireGarden #Wiltshire #sustainable #spring #biodiversity #natural #NaturalGarden #WeedGardening #weeds #WildlifeFriendly #PlanetFriendly #PollinatorFriendly #ecology #climate #ClimateChange #conservation #sustainability
#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Fruit #Veg #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #GardenersOfMastodon #productivity
Sitting at your desk, you discover you've ordered 300 sweet pea seeds, without really paying attention.
Hmmm. And I won't be there to cut them during the week either: with that volume I'd say 3 big vases a day... reckon some mates might be going to get Sweet Pea plants as presents.
#Gardening #ArmChairGardening
#blog #blogging #garden #gardening #gardeningblog #gardeningnz #dahlia #flower
We introduce a series dedicated to rekindling our ancestral relationships with plants and considering the possibility of their fellow sentience."
#Plants #Blog #Garden #Sentience #Learn #Food #Folklore #History #Wild Read more:
Whispers of the Wild: Embrace Our Floral Family
We introduce a series dedicated to rekindling our ancestral relationships with plants and considering the possibility of their sentience.Jon Mychal Heatherly (Murfreesboro Communi)
One of the most enjoyable phases has now begun: setting up the garden step by step. This morning I placed the first box, with a rack that courgettes and tomatoes can climb against.
I have zero experience as a vegetable gardener, so I am very curious about what this project will bring me. And what this project will bring to nature, because one of my most important goals is to contribute to biodiversity.
#nature #gardening #biodiversity #garden #vegetables #herbs #flowers
It was the first day I really have felt spring is properly here, and I planted onions, cosmos, Cron Prince sqaush, more red geums (can you have too many? I have about 100 plants already I'd say).
And then the sun stared to burn off the morning mist and the light was exquisite. I'm no photographer but I tried.
#Gardening #PNW #garden #Spring
to address this, we’re trying a few different things:
- a tumbling composter primarily for kitchen scraps (mixed with various brown material)
- mesh composters filled with invasive/exotic plants, hay, leaves, and used hemp bedding, in layers
- an old plastic composter that i neglected last year, to be left open over winter to finish decomposing
- “chop and drop” on some of our beds
#compost enthusiasts: i’d be so grateful for your thoughts! does this seem like a sensible approach to maximize compost for next year? we live in a temperate climate where it doesn’t remain below freezing for long
boosts encouraged!
#compostodon #organic #veganic
Was actually a lot of fun: gentle sun (didn’t anticipate it so, being a bit of a ginger, got a bit burnt) and then planted up tomatoes and chilli’s in trays. Spring is coming…
As we put it up I suggested to the missus we needed a woven fence to block out the compost bins and #gardening stuff. But where would I get the willow to try to make one?
Voila: next morning, tree surgeon in willow next door. Exchange of coffee for willow - and away.
#blog #blogging #garden #gardening #gardenblog
#blog #blogging #garden #gardeningblog #gardening #gardeningnz #BloomScrolling #dahlia
#orchids #bloomscrolling #garden #gardening #flowers #epidendrum #plants #hawaii
#artistsgarden #imperfectgarden #gardening #gardenphotography #artist #wolfkettler #gardenwiltshire #wiltshiregarden #wiltshire #sustainable #natural #naturalGarden #WildlifeFriendly #PlanetFriendly #ecology #conservation #sustainability
#Holly #hollyplant #plants #grow #garden #GardenGuide #gardening #Holly #llex #blog #write #articles #byjessicachillea
Complete Guide on Growing Holly (llex) - Achillea Wildflower
Holly is an evergreen shrub or small tree; meaning they retain their leaves year-round. They have glossy, spiny leaves and bright red berries.By Jessica Achillea
My lad goes back to college in Bristol on Saturday night (fingers crossed for a smooth ferry crossing...dodgy time of year to cross the channel) and then hopefully we have a quiet night at home and no social-gallivanting after a long old day in the #garden
Yay! Weekends!
#gardening #garden #plants #flowers #puutarha #puutarhanhoito #jardin #jardineria #trädgård #have #hage #garten #dahlias #potagergarden #gardener