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Beiträge, die mit garden getaggt sind

The #garden is filling out and the temperatures are slowly coming up. It hasn’t rained for 2 weeks, and no meaningful rain for at least a months. So I fed and watered yesterday.

The perennial echium is still coming into bloom but with a blue sky it was glowing

Obviously it rained overnight. Ah well…

#Gardening #bloomscrolling
A pot of orangey red tulips against a cream wall and a blue door
A perennial echium in early bloom against a blue sky, wooden greenhouse frame to the right

Jobs for the weekend - 29/30 Mar

As well as catching up on a bunch of stuff from last weekend, i’ll be preparing tomato frames, mulching borders and planting summer flowering bulbs, building wildlife tunnels with the help of the neighbours and possibly feeding the lawns.

#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #Nature #GardenersOfMastodon #GardenersWorld #Fruit #Veg #FruitAndVeg #Gardens #NatureLoves #Flower #Wildlife #Animal #Animals

It’s the Tuesday and on Friday, 20’th is the spring #equinox and I plan to start a 🧵: a #sarasspringcount25 for my #garden

We still have cold nights with frost every night and thin ice on the lake. Only thing actually flowering are snowdrops. Plus it’s been really windy

Spent yesterday recovering from a fantastic & fun #rEDScan25 - sleeping, unpacking, etc. (sometimes retirement is a blessing, I did not have to go to a job)

Today’s plan is to clean my very dirty car

Program & schedule for the #rEDScan25

Home #garden report is in! And it’s doing fabulously…
Crown Prince squash is just through; sunflowers are coming on; cosmos (with random morning glories) is at 3 inches in a 10 days.

And in the garden tulips and daffs have arrived. Anemones are going gangbusters, and the perennial Echium shrub - was on its last warning - is finally flowering. It’s spectacular when it goes but ours never has before.

Home on Friday… cannot wait!

#Gardening nearly #bloomscrolling ?
A perennial echium shrub with many flower spikes about to bloom
A greenhouse  with many trays and pots of seedlings
A tray of cosmos seedlings with volunteer verbena bodies is and morning glory next to fruit juice cartons with winter squash seedlings just showing
A bed of purple and white anemones

This Swiss chard on my balcony planter is more than 2 years old.

I have harvested #leaves from it at least 9 times and it's time to cut more leaves again to make #vegetable #soup.

It is absolutely delicious & the highest ROI of my #balcony #garden. #SwissChard
#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #SouthOfFrance #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants #France #GrowOwnFood @plants
2 years old switch chard growing on a planter on the balcony

Been busy all last week cutting down the borders. With the temperatures on the up, I reckoned that everybody is out now of their winter quarters in stems and seedheads.
The photograph is of the middle third of the #garden, viewed across. Behind the camera is the greenhouse, a little more space and a tall hedge.
Later in the year, this area is filled with tall, flowering #perennials, ornamental #grasses and #wildflowers - you cannot see from one side to the other. It is beautiful, undisciplined and overflowing with nature.
At this time of the year it is just flat. I am anxiously waiting to see what will come back.

#ArtistsGarden #ImperfectGarden #gardener #gardening #GardenPhotography #Artist #wolfkettler #Photography #GardenWiltshire #WiltshireGarden #Wiltshire #sustainable #spring #biodiversity #natural #NaturalGarden #WeedGardening #weeds #WildlifeFriendly #PlanetFriendly #PollinatorFriendly #ecology #climate #ClimateChange #conservation #sustainability
On the left and in the background hedges and shrubs. The main section of the photograph is cut down borders and grass. In the foreground a stone sundial and in the background a stone bench.

Planted more seeds. We're getting more snow. I had three little supervisors. #garden #gardening

Super productive day today! Not only did I get to sow my courgettes, peppers and chives, but I went a bit mad and sowed a bunch of flowers as well :) Also built a greenhouse! So the setup has had a massive upgrade!

#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Fruit #Veg #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #GardenersOfMastodon #productivity

This is what happens at this time of year, if you can't actually get into your #garden...

Sitting at your desk, you discover you've ordered 300 sweet pea seeds, without really paying attention.

Hmmm. And I won't be there to cut them during the week either: with that volume I'd say 3 big vases a day... reckon some mates might be going to get Sweet Pea plants as presents.

#Gardening #ArmChairGardening

"Whispers of the Wild: Embrace Our Floral Family

We introduce a series dedicated to rekindling our ancestral relationships with plants and considering the possibility of their fellow sentience."

#Plants #Blog #Garden #Sentience #Learn #Food #Folklore #History #Wild Read more: https://www.murfreesborocommunitygardening.com/post/whispers-of-the-wild-embrace-our-floral-family

Germination achieved for 'Mikado' (a potato-leaved heirloom and possible ancestor of 'Brandywine'), 'Honey Drop' (an open-pollinated yellow cherry touted as tasting like white grapes), and 'San Marzano' (a plum choice for canning). #tomatoes #garden #gardening #seedlings #germination #vegetables #allotment
Six square pots filled with soilless media and sporting white plastic knives with tomato names written on them with a black marker. The front three have small seedlings.

So, gardeners, is there any good use for eggshells now that it's established that they don't prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes and don't deter slugs in lettuce plantings? Am wondering whether they would work as an inert for repotting orchids, or perhaps as a decorative addition to my miniature rock garden. Thanks for suggestions. #eggs #eggshells #calcium #tomatoes #slugs #garden #gardening #allotment
One-gallon ziploc bag filled with finely-ground brown eggshells, resting on a scale that reads, "4 lbs 15 7/8 oz."

Here's my 10 x 25' plot at the community garden. To keep the birds off my peas and the squirrels off my tomatoes I've draped netting over the center portion that contains trellises made of concrete reinforcement panels. #garden #gardening #allotment #fence #peas #tomatoes #swarthmore #GrowYourOwn #VerticalGardening
Rectangular vegetable garden with a 4' chicken-wire perimeter, entry door, and 6 rows of trellises.

I recently acquired a plot of land on an allotment. It was a complete mess when I was assigned the garden (the previous tenant had not delivered it properly). But besides the fact that this gave me a workout that lasted several days (weeds, so many weeds!), it is also satisfying to see beautiful, black soil after all the hard work.

One of the most enjoyable phases has now begun: setting up the garden step by step. This morning I placed the first box, with a rack that courgettes and tomatoes can climb against.

I have zero experience as a vegetable gardener, so I am very curious about what this project will bring me. And what this project will bring to nature, because one of my most important goals is to contribute to biodiversity.

#nature #gardening #biodiversity #garden #vegetables #herbs #flowers

I can't face the news yet so I've been in the #garden instead - revelling in another unexpected week working from home. Started in full mist - max 300m vis.

It was the first day I really have felt spring is properly here, and I planted onions, cosmos, Cron Prince sqaush, more red geums (can you have too many? I have about 100 plants already I'd say).

And then the sun stared to burn off the morning mist and the light was exquisite. I'm no photographer but I tried.

A slightly misty field with morning light and blue sky
Dafodills framed against a misty morning field with hedging trees and distance house below a very blue sky
A small garden with a concrete garage to the right, gable ends of houses at the end and left, a metal pergola frame, all silhouetted by white light from the about-to-emerge sun ahead: blus sky above, and morning shadows across the garden
Bear hedging trees in silhouette pushing up towards the blue sky.

Things are growing in the garden hurrah!

#Garden #Photo #Plant
A lone purple crocus in the garden, behind it is the base of a moss covered sundial, a couple of snowdrops are behind that. The ground is mostly bare earth with lots of stones.

Well it's spring, sort of--and a lovely misty/sunny day here in the #PNW. Edgeworthias are in full bloom in my garden and the irises are up. And boy does the garden need some cleanup. We've had some major windstorms and while nothing big has fallen here, there's for branchlets and cones and blown-in leaves everywhere.
#Gardening #PNW #garden #Spring
Overview of a garden in bright morning g sun. Grass path in foreground, garden beds with yellow clumping grass, small evergreens, blooming hellebore flowers, in the middle. Some tall fir trees in the back and the distance is misty and foggy.
View of a shrub with no leaves yet but bright yellow flowers on bars branches, they are clusters of little waxy tubes. Behind a fir trunk is a lit by the sun. Mist shrouded trees in the far distance.
Bright green shoots emerging from a brown dead leaf mulch, receding along a bed to the distance. Stone pavers run alongside and are covered in leaves and fir cones. Large concrete planters and a retaining wall and a fence in the distance. The bright morning sun makes the green shoots glow.

we’re confident that our biggest issue in our #garden this year was lack of organic matter in our beds (since this was our first year #gardening and we didn’t have any #compost to start off with).

to address this, we’re trying a few different things:
- a tumbling composter primarily for kitchen scraps (mixed with various brown material)
- mesh composters filled with invasive/exotic plants, hay, leaves, and used hemp bedding, in layers
- an old plastic composter that i neglected last year, to be left open over winter to finish decomposing
- “chop and drop” on some of our beds

#compost enthusiasts: i’d be so grateful for your thoughts! does this seem like a sensible approach to maximize compost for next year? we live in a temperate climate where it doesn’t remain below freezing for long

boosts encouraged!

#compostodon #organic #veganic
A dual-compartment compost bin is shown, partially opened to reveal organic material inside. The bin features a green and black design and sits on a concrete surface, surrounded by grass and plants.
Two compost bins made of wire mesh filled with plant materials and leaves, located on grass with some surrounding greenery. A black compost container is visible in the background.
The inside of a black plastic composter. It’s partially composted, but some cardboard remains.
A metal raised garden bed filled with decomposing pea plants.

So the next update in the #garden saga was the putting together effort for the new metal pergola followed by planting 24 trees. Turns out that both require quite a lot of energy. Still. Did it. And now just have to water and feed them all for a few years before we will know if they are going to fruit. Excellent!

Was actually a lot of fun: gentle sun (didn’t anticipate it so, being a bit of a ginger, got a bit burnt) and then planted up tomatoes and chilli’s in trays. Spring is coming…
A metal garden frame with 1 year maiden fruit trees planted into round holes, covered with woodchip, between the frame’s uprights.  A stand of Echiums is growing through the left hand side.

I did some gardening... new pergola arrived - in pieces. Took quite some assembling, and looks pretty shocking right now, stark in a winter #garden. However, we've got 20 odd trees arriving tomorrow which will go in alongside.

As we put it up I suggested to the missus we needed a woven fence to block out the compost bins and #gardening stuff. But where would I get the willow to try to make one?

Voila: next morning, tree surgeon in willow next door. Exchange of coffee for willow - and away.
An outline of a tree surgeon in a nearly fully trimmed willow trunk with a hard hat, ropes and pruning saw in hand
A rond frame metal pergola assembled over a lawn, around a clump of echiums on the left, with garden implements to the right and a little bit f blue sky with cloud overhead.
A pile of willow branches dropped over a breezeblock wall topped with wooden panel fencing.
A scruffy willow fence half built, with compost bins and two yellow plastic kayaks behind.

Olla update: I’ve had my #garden ollas in place for 2 weeks now and they are still half to 2/3 full of water. The seedlings around them have grown steadily. We’ve had light rain once in the last two weeks. The true test will be when temperatures start to soar, but so far this #irrigation method has been impressively easy & efficient. It’s wild to know that an #ancienttechnology can still be so useful and relevant. I love clay! #pottery #ceramics #keramik #permaculture #gardening #ollasbyosa
Two terracotta pots with lids. The one on the left is larger than the one on the right. They both are curved forms with a narrower neck decorated with textured rings. Each has a lid that features carved geometric pattern decoration. The background is plain, sage green.
A photo of the mouth of an olla that has been submerged in a garden bed. There are mulch and seedlings surrounding it. My hand holding the olla lid is in the foreground, slightly blurred.

Good morning lovely folks. Meant to be a hot one here (heading for 40C) so staying home and cool. Here's a cool misty memory for everyone doing likewise. #art #sculpture #garden #Canberra
View of the reed filled pond at the sculpture garden (National Gallery of Australia in Canberra several years back). The mist sculpture is on and the reeds have a haze of mist around them. Sculpted heads stick out of the water amid the reeds (can be a little creepy). Lots of tall trees in the sunshine behind the reeds plus a twisty silver metal sculpture.

Opportunity to head home early this week so will get 4 days home in the #garden (woohoo!!!). Loads of seeds to get, planting to do (onions, leeks, lettuce, tomatoes, celeriac at least) into trays on a propagator - and then measuring out the garden to order the new pergola and fruit trees. No one grafts locally any more which is a real shame: they will all have to be ordered in. Cannot wait!


I create a matrix: lines are garden beds, columns are months. This way I have an overview for successive planting. I know which bed is occupied and when it becomes available for the next crop. Also crop rotation becomes easier, as I just shift by one each year with only slight adjustments for last season's fails and other requirements. #Garden #GrowOwnFood #SelfSufficiency #gardening
a table with blocks of grey, yellow, green and orange cells, the cells are labeled with German vegetable names, each column is a month of the year, each line represents a garden bed

And the result of the Excel #garden planning...

That's the base... now to plan the planting for the year.

A spreadsheet setting our a gridded garden plan with numbers 1 to 30 along the top and 1 to 73 down the rows, colours indicating some of the beds, and text for vegetables - 1. now planted 2. in plan with a greenhouse and patio at the top, compost bins and a garage down the bottom right hand side, and a store and mini-greenhouse bottom left.  Trees are indicated with a green box and a number.  A key shows these to be: 1	Pear
2	Cherry
3	Pear
4	Hydrangea
5	?
6	Holly
7	Victoria plum
8	Mirabelle
9	Greengage
10	Cox orange pippin
11	Russset apple
12	Quince pear
13	Gros France
14	Cherry
15	Plumcot
16	Cherry
17	Bay
18	That horrible shrub thing
19	Cherry
20	Guava
21	Copper cobnut
22	Fig
23	Cork Oak

Two of my epidendrum orchids are blooming 🥰. They're so tiny that they're easy to miss!

#orchids #bloomscrolling #garden #gardening #flowers #epidendrum #plants #hawaii
Yellow-orange epidendrum flowers
Tiny pink and white epidendrum orchid

Yes thankyou. I think so too.

My lad goes back to college in Bristol on Saturday night (fingers crossed for a smooth ferry crossing...dodgy time of year to cross the channel) and then hopefully we have a quiet night at home and no social-gallivanting after a long old day in the #garden

Yay! Weekends!

First tomatillo of the new crop coming along. It’ll be ready to harvest when that outer green husk dries up. #gardening #Garden Australia
A bright green husk looking like a spherical leaf with a pointed tip