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I think our moles are hilarious. Sure - they do a bit of damage - I have plants die when they go through the roots sometimes, and yeah, the lawn looks a bit like yours in the summer. But it indicates it's healthy - and they weren't there when we moved in 5 years and and started improving the soil so I'll take it.

I'd love to see one though: they don't seem to ever come out in the garden which is a shame...
They have extremely fine senses to feel every vibration of the ground. You would have to lie in wait very quietly. The moment you walk, they know you're there. @artistsgarden
right… that sounds like a lot more patience than I have!
Me, too. I only saw some on hikes over meadows, when they were as surprised as me. 😁 Beautiful animals with velvety fur. @artistsgarden
I have only ever seen one once.