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Beiträge, die mit Gardening getaggt sind

Jobs for the weekend - 29/30 Mar

As well as catching up on a bunch of stuff from last weekend, i’ll be preparing tomato frames, mulching borders and planting summer flowering bulbs, building wildlife tunnels with the help of the neighbours and possibly feeding the lawns.

#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #Nature #GardenersOfMastodon #GardenersWorld #Fruit #Veg #FruitAndVeg #Gardens #NatureLoves #Flower #Wildlife #Animal #Animals

Snowdrops first started blooming 3 months ago, on December 27, 2024.

Despite numerous snowfalls since then, and getting covered completely with 8+ inches of snow, they continue to bloom today.

#gardening #Zone6b

Some now rusting puppy fencing around one of the growing beds. #GrowYourOwn #Gardening #Allotment
12 rusting metal fence panels form a rectangular boundary to deter inquisitive muntjac from a growing bed.  Some top soil dug out from making a hűgelkultur bed, leaf litter and wood chip all mulch the bed itself. Behind the fenced bed is a grey wooden shed with a blue door. An upturned pallet of a compost area contains various canes and poles. A black downpipe feeds rainwater from the shed roof into a green water butt. A flower bed is to the side of the fence with some yet to flower daffodils among the weeds. A nature reserve tree line is the backdrop beyond the plot.

Early potatoes are dibbed in, covered with soil and then with hessian covers. I’m interested to see what the badgers do with them.

The beds have been regularly visited by badgers rooting around for earthworms since autumn. Sadly, they have had too much of a good thing. #NoDig #Gardening #Allotment
An allotment plot with two strips of hessian or burlap material covering beds where early potatoes have been dibbed into the soil. A jostaberry bush is in leaf and almost hides the greenhouse behind it. There are several containers of compost to one side with fresh green growth of phacelia coming up in front. On the other side of the Jostaberry is a stack of perennial sunflower stalks which will be chopped up and used to mulch the potatoes.

The mustard green manure in the allotment greenhouse has been doing well in the spring sunshine. #NoDig #Mulch #GrowYourOwn #Gardening #Allotment
A greenhouse with mustard green manure growing well in the beds. Feeding the soil biology. These will be chopped and dropped before they flower. Some komatsuna with yellow flowers will be harvested next visit. Four green bins are in the central pathway and contain harvested rainwater.

It's been gorgeous weather up here in the grim northwest today. So much so that I've been sneaking out of my home office to potter around the garden for the first time this year.

I've given the front lawn a quick trim, moved some seedlings into the cold frame for the day, and generally tidied up some of the dead stuff that I left over winter.

#Gardening #UKGardening

Will be very interested to hear... the only interesting things I grow in the winter are rosemary, which flowers in late Jan for us, cobaea scandens (which is only perennial coz we're in #Jersey I think) and siberian dogwood, with its red stems which are lovely, but still look pretty bleak. So sorry no insights: definitely interested though!


Statice seeds germinate super fast! I sowed some Saturday and they were already up yesterday, a few days later.


A couple of weeks makes all the difference in the spring: flowers are here, and while still not exactly warm, the small increase in average temperature is doing it's thing and everything is bursting through.

Most excitingly is the perennial echium. I took it as a cutting from a friend (5 years ago?), grew it on, passed on cuttings to others who have seen them bloom with huge success. Ours never has. Until now! Woohoo!!! They are so stunning.

#Bloomscrolling #Gardening
8 pictures of daffodils in a 4 X 2 panel in white, yellow, peach and orange
A 2 X 2 penal of flowers; 1. Anemones in a border in purple and white to the front, and red behind; 2. White anemones in front, purple behind;  white with orange trumpet daffodils right against a breeze blockj wall with a bird box above; 3. a pot of pink and red tulips in a pot in front of a garden with a metal pergola behind; 4 red tulips in a pot with a rosemary bush behind and further back a an offset 3 over 3 sash window
A 2 X 2 panel of flowers: 1. white bells pre-opening showing purple; 2. a single red anemone close up; 3. the sky-blue flower just emerging of a perennial echium close up; 4. the full perennial echium bush with flower spikes not fully in bloom, wooden greenhouse right.

Well - I could read more, focus more, and remember more - to improve success. But then spontaneity and intuition are great to have too. I don't usually mnd the failures if they are my fault. We get potato/tomato blight every year eventually, and local farmers who use increasing amounts of deeply toxic chemicals to control, make me pretty angry. In general though, successes are good enough to keep me really happy.


My local nursery has them, and I was given a voucher for that nursery recently! Happy days. They've got both white and blue - so I'm going to try to create two double coloured ones. They also said that they are hardy enough to live outside here in #Jersey which is a joy, coz pots and winter frost protection are a pain!

Let's see what can be done: I've never grafted before so will need to do a bit of research.


#FotoVorschlag: Zwei Farben // Two colo(u)rs

... sogar an einem #Bäumchen! 🤍 // ... on one #tree! 💜

#Werder #gardening #Garten #Enzian #BloomScrolling #flowers #blossoms #Blütenpracht

First time for "accidentally chucking the secateurs in the green bin" on the 2025 garden bingo card 🤦‍♀️
Won't be the last 🤣

#Life #Gardening

#Roselle bushes have #calyces (the protective layer around the flower) which can be used to make #jams, #sauces, & #teas, and are known for their tart, cranberry-like flavour. This one of my Roselle is getting dozens of them. #gardening
Roselle bushes have calyces (the protective layer around the flower) which can be used to make jams, sauces, and teas, and are known for their tart, cranberry-like flavour. This one of my Roselle is getting dozens of them.

I'm up in Cumbria this week, checking out the progress of spring here. The flowering currant bush seems to be doing well...

#Photography #Gardening #Spring #Bloomscrolling
Close-up of red and white currant flowers and new, green leaves.

I’ve had one or two occasions when a deer got in as I’ve feed the birds with apples during winter. On my tour around the edges I spray poles, gates and fence with repellent spray and also spread some Revira outside the fence. Next Thursday I get help with watering down nematodes and then will get help to put an additional pole at the lowest part of the fence beside the compost

For now the spray and lots of Revira pellets has to be enough

@gardening@lemmy.world #sarasspringcount25
Revira against deer of different kinds
Back corner with low fence

Here follows my inspection tour around the garden … +12°C this afternoon so spring is rapidly approaching.
My patio below is still a mess. It’s time to clean up after the winter, put furniture in order, etc.
And clean the windows on the outside. Plus it’s time to actually plant some seeds, veggies and flowers which means, sorting the mess around the corner

Patio after winter
Boxes and pots for planting seeds
Boxes and pots for planting seeds from another angle

Version two of my cold benches. They're getting better and better! #coldbench #diy #gardening #lowtech #plantnursery
Screwing in stick to hold the top
Platform for the cold bench
Long cold bench on pallets and happy gardener

🎶 Rain, rain, go away
Come again ... sometime in October
Or maybe sporadically during the summer
So I don't have to get the hose out 🎶

#Life #Gardening #Weather

Bees move so fast I have to take dozens of pics just to get one clear shot. I managed to take one mid-flight that reminds me of that cat meme.

What do you think?

(Xylocopa virginica)

#gardening #jardin #garten #pollinators #bees #abeille #bloomscrolling #FleurisTonFil #flores #blumen ##permaculture #insects #insekten #昆虫 #spring #Printemps #primavera #fruhling
A carpenter bee is hovering near budding pink and green flowers on a bush. The plant appears to be in early bloom, with small clusters of blossoms and new leaves visible.
A fluffy, light-colored cat appears to be floating or flying in mid-air, with a serious expression, against a blurred background of greenery.

Plot progress. The front half is almost ready for sowing and planting up from next month onwards.

A Jostaberry now occupies the space the mass of wild brambles used to.
#NoDig #Gardening #GrowYourOwn #Mulch #Allotment
No dig gardening beds, some in the process of being made, run down the length of an allotment plot either side of a wood chip central path. Bags of collected wood chip are lying on cardboard with some rolls of wire mesh which will be used to protect a bed from curious muntjac. A couple of reclaimed water tanks will be sunk into the space in between the no dig beds for their new life as ponds.
A two year old Jostaberry plant taken from a cutting freshly transplanted and mulched with wood chip in an allotment bed. Some cardboard is placed as weed suppressant where a pathway will be in between the Jostaberry and a nettle patch. Wild brambles have been trained along a post and wire fence. Beyond that is a footpath and a re-laid hedge of a nature reserve. An elderberry is growing to the left surrounded with wood chip mulch.

We send greetings to all of our gardening friends, both north and south, on the equinox. For us it means more sunlight and warmer days ahead. BeetBear is taking the time to clean off his sign on our tool shed door.
A ten inch tall (25cm), light brown teddy bear in green overalls sits on top of an orange and yellow fiberglass stepladder. His name is BeetBear. He is holding a beet in his right paw.  There is a bunch of beets embroidered on the bib of his overalls.  He is looking at a sign on the door of a grey and white garden shed.  The sign says "Beware of Attack Bear".

I got a pineapple sage to go in the former nasturtium pot, it smells amazing. Or at least like pineapple. It's edible too.

Lime green leaves on sage plant amid clay pots, purple pansies

Ollas drying in the sun. The funny pointy ones are upside down. Those are for houseplants—a new design.

Most of my houseplants are low maintenance (different types of pothos & succulents) but I have a couple that start to give up the ghost whenever they’re just the slightest bit thirsty. Those dramatic plants that droop and wilt when they’ve only been dry for like one day? That’s who the houseplant ollas are for. #OllasByOsa

#gardening #SustainableGardening #plants #pottery #ceramics
A collection of unglazed clay pottery pieces in various shapes and sizes is displayed on a wooden surface. The pottery includes large jars with lids, to be used as ollas. The background features greenery and a wooden fence.

Home #garden report is in! And it’s doing fabulously…
Crown Prince squash is just through; sunflowers are coming on; cosmos (with random morning glories) is at 3 inches in a 10 days.

And in the garden tulips and daffs have arrived. Anemones are going gangbusters, and the perennial Echium shrub - was on its last warning - is finally flowering. It’s spectacular when it goes but ours never has before.

Home on Friday… cannot wait!

#Gardening nearly #bloomscrolling ?
A perennial echium shrub with many flower spikes about to bloom
A greenhouse  with many trays and pots of seedlings
A tray of cosmos seedlings with volunteer verbena bodies is and morning glory next to fruit juice cartons with winter squash seedlings just showing
A bed of purple and white anemones

I try to accept the failures and losses stoically - and like Churchill’s modest adversary who had plenty to be modest about - I have plenty to be stoical about!

But that feeling when you can share something tasty or flowers or seedlings, or put a stack of something in the freezer or a preserving jar…

The successes always take me somewhat by surprise in fact. It’s fabulous!

We have a seedling! 🌱 I brought my seed trays inside last night to protect them from the surprise blizzard, and spotted this little guy. 🥰 There are also a few smaller siblings beginning to push through, but they’re harder to see.

My next adventure will be to figure out how the heck to transfer them into my actual garden beds when they’re bigger and it is safe to do so, weatherly-speaking. 🤔

#Gardening #JennyBookmarkGardening
Close up photo of an aluminum tray with a clear plastic cover. Inside, a small green seedling is emerging from the dark brown soil.

Wow, the tips of the cactus flower are getting really bright. See all those little petals? So lovely.

Top of a small cactus covered in cream coloured spines in the lower part but in orange in the top. There is a circle of magenta buds that are pointed all around the top, just below the cap of orange spines. The camera focuses on on of the buds which is very magenta at its point, which can be seen to be made of of lots of tiny spear shaped petals.

Been away from home for 10 days now, and this is what has been happening in my greenhouse...

Those temperature fluctuations are from solar-heating but...I know the seedlings MUST need water. I hate nagging the missus: but I'm not home till Friday night and another 3 days of this???

She's a full on ultra-busy Speech Therapist in an under-funded, overwhelmed paediatric facility & gets home knackered & emotionally shattered most days. But...I'll have to gently ask her to do a little.

Temperature and humidity graphs showing daily spikes anywhere from lows of approx 5 degrees C to 22 decgrees C and 59% to 94% respectively

Spring cleaning this weekend to get ready for new gardening season. First, the compost needs to be turned. The first thing to know about compost is that there are a lot of ways to do it, and a lot of people are convinced that theirs is the only right way. I ignore them. I am a lazy composter. I don't balance my greens and browns, I don't take temperature readings, I don't turn the piles more than a few times a year. I use the three bay system.
A compost area with 3 bays. The structure is made of cedar 2x4s and wire mesh. The bin on the left is full of leaves and has a wooden gate over its front. The other two are full of brownish black compost and their fronts are open. A storage shed and some bushes are visible in the background.

Kann jemand sagen zu welchem Käfer der Engerling gehört? Heute im Kompost rechte viele von denen gefunden. #garten #gardening
Dicker weißer Engerling liegt zusammengerollt auf einem schwarzen Handschuh.

#gardening report: finally made it to the allotment. Garlics are up, with softnecks way ahead of the hardnecks. Disappointed that nothing survived this winter under the row covers, so now we just have pre-warmed soil for lettuces, spinaches, etc. Dug a few rows where the soil was fry enough. Need to prune raspberries. #gyo #GrowFoodFromSeed