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Beiträge, die mit WildLife getaggt sind

Looking Out on the realm

Northern Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) are highly territorial. This one perches atop a small pine tree, surveying the landscape below, likely on the lookout for prey.

Step into a world where even the smallest moments—like the glint in a bird's eye—tell their own story.


#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #NorthernMockingbird
"This image showcases the northern mockingbird perched gracefully atop a pine tree. Its grayish-brown feathers, contrasting with its pale underparts, are beautifully captured. Its signature long tail adds to its elegance, and the bird appears vigilant, gazing towards the right. The clear, serene sky in the background complements the natural setting, emphasizing the bird's distinctive features. The credit "© Swede's Photographs" in the bottom corner adds a touch of professionalism to this striking nature shot. It truly embodies the beauty of wildlife photography!" - Copilot

Australasian Grebe, Tachybaptus novaehollandiae, on a water treatment pond. #birds #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #australia
Australian Grebe with chick.

Silvereye, Zosterops lateralis, a common small insectivore of the Canberra region. Common or not, they're still beautiful - and I've even had the privilege of holding one in my hand - when it flew into a window and was stunned. I held its immaculate little presence in my hand, protecting it from harm (and pets) until it recovered sufficiently to fly off. Wonderful.
#birds #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonr10 #australia
Silvereye, Zosterops lateralis, a common small insectivore of the Canberra region., on a barbed wire fence.

Jobs for the weekend - 29/30 Mar

As well as catching up on a bunch of stuff from last weekend, i’ll be preparing tomato frames, mulching borders and planting summer flowering bulbs, building wildlife tunnels with the help of the neighbours and possibly feeding the lawns.

#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #Nature #GardenersOfMastodon #GardenersWorld #Fruit #Veg #FruitAndVeg #Gardens #NatureLoves #Flower #Wildlife #Animal #Animals

You may remember the trailcam footage of a porcupine that hated getting its paws wet in the small woodland stream we have on the property. So my wife built a tiny bridge which it promptly started using.

Since then a bunch of furry friends have used the bridge, often going out of their ways to get across.

So enjoy this little skunk crossing the “mighty river.” 😊

#Wildlife #TrailCam #15SecondsOfFame #Skunks

'Gutes tun' | Fuji XT30 II | XC50-230mmF4.5-6.7

Als wir letztes Jahr von einem Spaziergang zurück kamen, ist mir eine Katze aufgefallen, die auf etwas lauerte. Unter einem Auto saß ein Turmfalke, der keine Anstalten gemacht hat, sich zu bewegen. Er schien also verletzt. Online haben wir eine Person gefunden, die sich um Wildvögel kümmert. In Absprache mit ihr, haben wir Ferris, so haben wir ihn spontan getauft, vorsichtig mit Handschuhen eingefangen, in einen Karton mit Handtüchern gebettet und im Kofferraum zum Vogelschutzzentrum gefahren.

Dort angekommen, konnte die Person leider nur noch den Tod von Ferris feststellen. Wir hätten aber alles richtig gemacht, die Katze hätte sich sonst mit ihm vergnügt. Es war ein junges Tier, welches noch keine eigene Familie gegründet hatte. Sie vermutete, dass der Turmfalke gegen etwas geflogen ist und dadurch innere Blutungen hatte. Sie versprach uns, dass Ferris ein schönes Plätzchen in ihrem Garten bekommt.

Für uns stand es außer Frage, so etwas Gutes zu tun und auch wenn es leider nicht geklappt hat, würden wir es jederzeit wieder machen.

#Fotografie #Photography #FujiX #BrokkoGrafie #WildLife
Foto im Hochformat. Ein junger Turmfalke, ein kleiner Greifvogel mit weiß-braunem Gefieder mit schwarzen Punkten, einem grauen Kopf und gelb-schwarzem Schnabel sitzt auf dem Asphalt neben einem Autoreifen.

A couple of weeks ago I had a beautiful foggy morning to shoot waterfowl and I am very happy with the way this shot turned out! I hope you like it as much as I do.

#birdsofmastodon #ducks #duck #waterfowl #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotograph
Vertical format.  The water line is about 1/5 from the top.  On the water line is a lone silhouetted duck on the left and facing right.  There is a lot of fog on the water and above it is pitch black.  Below the duck is more fog blending into a reflection of the trees in the background with the golden glow of sunrise extending to the bottom.

Todays waddle was magic. It started slow and bit colder than expected, but then I spotted
My first bluethroat of the season. And this fellow was in a good singing mood, flying around. I sat down and waited, until he popped up in bush behind me singing. 😍

#Bird #Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdWatching #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography
Bluethroat in a bush with growing leaves. Bird is beige brown, with orange chest band and blue throat. Beak open singing
Bluethroat in a bush looking to the left
Bluethroat in bus looking forwards with beak closed.

It was a great waddle.

Extra photo
#Bird #Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdWatching #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography
RE: https://pixelfed.social/p/Stephan/810499743267036331
Bluethroat on a twig looking towards camera. Blue throat and orange band clearly visible

“The govt knows, even if it prefers to forget, the realities of losses 5 years ago. Wildlife & its habitat doesn't just pop up again in a year or two. There seems to be a deliberate agenda to ensure they never return” 🌏
#auspol #victoria #australia #environment #wildlife #forest #ecology #extinction #wildfires

Darling lets eat before this Pheasant steals our food again
#Birds #Ducks #Wildlife #Photography #Vogel #Enten
A male and female Duck on a lawn interacting with eat other. They came twice a day for some food and disappear again. This time they have a little competition by the visiting Pheasant who enjoys the same food

White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos) feeding an immature member of its family group. These Choughs share rearing duties as a group. And they are a delight to watch. #birds #nature #wildlife #australia #naturephotography
White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos) feeding an immature member of it's family group.
White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos) feeding an immature member of it's family group.
White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos) feeding an immature member of it's family group.

How cute is this?! it's a little Angolan Reed Frog, and whilst they are titchy tiny they certainly make a big noise all through the Okavango Delta. This one spotted by the eagle eyed guide operating the boat trips from Xakanaka campsite. #wildlife #naturephotography #frogs
A tiny little speckled frog on the end of a child's finger.

Kann sein, dass ich es bereits erwähnte, dass ich Apollos mag? Nu ja, falls nicht: Ich mag Apollos. Und schönes Licht auch. Und Farben. Manchmal lässt sich das sogar kombinieren. Hier: Sonnenaufgangsfelswandbeleuchtungslicht mit Sonnenaufgangshimmelblau.

Roter Apollo - Parnassius apollo vercoricus - mountain apollo, Vercors, France, Juni 2022

#natur #nature #naturephotography #butterfly #butterflyphotography #schmetterling #macro #makro #macrophotography #makrofotografie #apollo #wildlife #insect
Apollofalter mit offenen Flügeln auf einer Mergeritenblüte, im Hintergrund zu zwei Dritteln orange Farbtöne eines von der Morgensonne angestrahlten Felsmassivs und zu einem Drittel hellblauer Himmel durch unscharfes Geäst sichtbar

Mein erstes Wildbienenbild des Jahres. Eine Weiden-Sandbiene (Andrena vaga) an einem Südhang der Donau. Mitte März 2025

#macro #macrophotography #makro #makrofotografie
#wildlife #wildbee #wildbiene
Wildbiene sitzt am Nesteingang und sieht frontal in die Kamera.


Save our public lands!

#NationalParks #Protests #WildLife #Environment #fascism #doge #trump #musk



A male sitting in the spring sunshine, high on the hills of the west coast of Scotland today.

#ptarmigan #scotland #wildlife #birdphotography #highlands
A portrait photo of a male ptarmigan perched in boulders today, in some spring sunshine.

I'm a couple of fields away from home, at the next farm, an easy walk to get to where I'm repairing a wall.

For about a week now, a flock of starling several hundred strong has been feeding on the soft wet soil. They're constantly on the move, covering two or three miles up and down the dale each day. They've just spotted me so they're off again.

There's also good numbers of Lapwing and Curlew on the wing and calling.
#Birds #wildlife
There are rough grazing fields going down to a road then up again. The grass is grazed short and dull green in the end of winter colours. Just lifted off the ground is a large flock of starling.

#journalism @Bellingcat is looking for #wildlife and #environment -related pitches for open, data-based stories and investigations.


This season has been tough for shooting waterfowl. Since November I have been plagued by boaters, kayakers, police, droughts, ice and mud like quicksand but didn’t give up. LOL. I got this shot of a Female Common Merganser on Tuesday and I really like it. I hope you do too!

#birdsofmastodon #merganser #commonmerganser #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotograph
Wide frame.  Female Common Merganser is swimming in the lower third from the right to left into the frame with its eye roughly halfway into the frame horizontally.  The background is glowing golden with gold bokeh balls.  There is a soft reflection on the water.  The merganser has a pinkish bill, bronze head, white neck and silver back.

#AnimalWelfare #AnimalAbuse #Animals #Wildlife #Australia - #US > shared via Aussies Against Animal Abuse

American hunting enthusiast, Sam Jones filmed herself taking a defenceless baby wombat from the side of the road for photos.
The mother wombat was distressed, chasing after them to get her baby back while they laughed about it. The juvenile wombat was also distressed, hissing and calling back to the mother.

If anyone recognises her friend recording and enabling, please let us know. She posted the video to @samstrays_somewhere on Instagram but has since removed it.


DOGE firings rattle Colorado ferret program as populations are on the mend

The sweeping federal firing spree in February hit Colorado’s black-footed ferret hub hard, where two-thirds of the recovering population is housed

"A #wildlife conservation program to reintroduce black-footed #ferrets, once thought extinct, back to their prairie ecosystems, has new worries about its own future."

#ElonMusk #Musk #Doge #USPol #Nature #Animals #Colorado #USA #News
Headline and photo with caption.

Headline: News: Environment	
DOGE firings rattle Colorado ferret program as populations are on the mend

The sweeping federal firing spree in February hit Colorado’s black-footed ferret hub hard, where two-thirds of the recovering population is housed

Parker Yamasaki 4:01 AM MST on Mar 7, 2025

Photo with caption:
A black-footed ferret looks out from a prairie dog burrow in Colorado after its release. (Olivia Sun, The Colorado Sun via Report for America)

🐿️ Während der Pandemie änderten #Eichhörnchen in #Berlin ihr Verhalten: Sie wurden aktiver – obwohl mehr Menschen zu Hause waren. Grund dafür waren laut Sinah Drenske von der #TUBerlin Bemühungen von Menschen, ihre Gärten wildtierfreundlicher zu gestalten, etwa mit ausreichend Versteckmöglichkeiten, lokalen Pflanzenarten und Futterstellen.

👉 https://www.tu.berlin/news/berichte/stadteichhoernchen-im-lockdown

#CitizenScience #Stadtnatur #wildlife #Wissenschaft
Nahaufnahme eines Eichhörnchens mit rötlichem Fell, das auf dem Boden steht. Foto: Stephanie Kramer-Schadt