Beiträge, die mit WildLife getaggt sind
Northern Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) are highly territorial. This one perches atop a small pine tree, surveying the landscape below, likely on the lookout for prey.
Step into a world where even the smallest moments—like the glint in a bird's eye—tell their own story.
#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #NorthernMockingbird
Coy Pearson - Official Website
This is the website of Coy Pearson. Shop for nature art, wildlife art, bird art, and more. Designs are available to purchase as canvas prints, framed prints, posters, greeting cards, apparel, and other products. Retired soldier.Coy Pearson - Official Website
In #Bath #Somerset #UK.
#Nature #Wildlife #UKWildlife #Mammal #NatureCommunity
#birds #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonr10 #australia
Three Orangutans Rescued from Illegal Captivity Finally Returned to Their Forest Realm
Three Orangutans Rescued from Illegal Captivity Finally Returned to Their Forest Realm
After learning how to survive independently in the jungle, she has been allowed to return to her home in the Busang Ecosystem.Andy Corbley (Good News Network)
As well as catching up on a bunch of stuff from last weekend, i’ll be preparing tomato frames, mulching borders and planting summer flowering bulbs, building wildlife tunnels with the help of the neighbours and possibly feeding the lawns.
#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #Nature #GardenersOfMastodon #GardenersWorld #Fruit #Veg #FruitAndVeg #Gardens #NatureLoves #Flower #Wildlife #Animal #Animals
Since then a bunch of furry friends have used the bridge, often going out of their ways to get across.
So enjoy this little skunk crossing the “mighty river.” 😊
#Wildlife #TrailCam #15SecondsOfFame #Skunks
Als wir letztes Jahr von einem Spaziergang zurück kamen, ist mir eine Katze aufgefallen, die auf etwas lauerte. Unter einem Auto saß ein Turmfalke, der keine Anstalten gemacht hat, sich zu bewegen. Er schien also verletzt. Online haben wir eine Person gefunden, die sich um Wildvögel kümmert. In Absprache mit ihr, haben wir Ferris, so haben wir ihn spontan getauft, vorsichtig mit Handschuhen eingefangen, in einen Karton mit Handtüchern gebettet und im Kofferraum zum Vogelschutzzentrum gefahren.
Dort angekommen, konnte die Person leider nur noch den Tod von Ferris feststellen. Wir hätten aber alles richtig gemacht, die Katze hätte sich sonst mit ihm vergnügt. Es war ein junges Tier, welches noch keine eigene Familie gegründet hatte. Sie vermutete, dass der Turmfalke gegen etwas geflogen ist und dadurch innere Blutungen hatte. Sie versprach uns, dass Ferris ein schönes Plätzchen in ihrem Garten bekommt.
Für uns stand es außer Frage, so etwas Gutes zu tun und auch wenn es leider nicht geklappt hat, würden wir es jederzeit wieder machen.
#Fotografie #Photography #FujiX #BrokkoGrafie #WildLife
#photography #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #masswildlife #halifax #massachusetts #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusettswildlife
#birdsofmastodon #ducks #duck #waterfowl #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotograph
My first bluethroat of the season. And this fellow was in a good singing mood, flying around. I sat down and waited, until he popped up in bush behind me singing. 😍
#Bird #Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdWatching #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography
Extra photo
#Bird #Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdWatching #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography
Waddler (
Todays waddle was magic. It started slow and bit colder than expected, but then I spotted My first bluethroat of the season. And this fellow was in a good singing mood, flying around.Pixelfed
#auspol #victoria #australia #environment #wildlife #forest #ecology #extinction #wildfires
Leaked report lays bare environmental devastation of Victorian fires
The ecological devastation of the Victorian bushfires has been laid bare in a leaked report, which warns some species are likely to already be extinct.Bianca Hall, Peter Hannam (The Age)
#Fotografie #Photography #FujiX #BrokkoGrafie #WildLife #Insects
#Jacksonville #Florida #Wildlife #AmateurPhotography #Pixelfed #StreetPhotography #Birds #Ducks #MuscovyDucks #UrbanExploration #GalaxyS23+
#Birds #BlueTit #ColeTit #Wildlife #Photography #Vogel #Tannenmeise #Blaumeise
Roter Apollo - Parnassius apollo vercoricus - mountain apollo, Vercors, France, Juni 2022
#natur #nature #naturephotography #butterfly #butterflyphotography #schmetterling #macro #makro #macrophotography #makrofotografie #apollo #wildlife #insect
#macro #macrophotography #makro #makrofotografie
#wildlife #wildbee #wildbiene
Save our public lands!
#NationalParks #Protests #WildLife #Environment #fascism #doge #trump #musk
Op-Ed | Former Ranger Says Be Afraid For ALL Public Lands
As a former national park ranger, the recent mass mobilization in support of our national parks has left me scared, but not for the reasons you might
A male sitting in the spring sunshine, high on the hills of the west coast of Scotland today.
#ptarmigan #scotland #wildlife #birdphotography #highlands
#Birds #photography #wildphotography #birdphotography #WIldlifePhotography #Wildlife
For about a week now, a flock of starling several hundred strong has been feeding on the soft wet soil. They're constantly on the move, covering two or three miles up and down the dale each day. They've just spotted me so they're off again.
There's also good numbers of Lapwing and Curlew on the wing and calling.
#Birds #wildlife
"Australians are hooked on tax perks while road fatalities and emissions are surging and spending on petrol and insurance increasing."
#RoadViolence #SUVs #harm #SocietalCosts #governance #australia #WayofLife #RoadTrauma #pedestrians #wildlife #ClimateBreakdown
Pitch Wildlife and Environmental investigations to Bellingcat - bellingcat
If your source material is online and public, and your story unearths something deeper about our planet, we'd love to hear from you.Claire Press (bellingcat)
#birdsofmastodon #merganser #commonmerganser #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotograph
#nature #birds #Wildlife #photography #NaturePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #UK #BirdScrolling
American hunting enthusiast, Sam Jones filmed herself taking a defenceless baby wombat from the side of the road for photos.
The mother wombat was distressed, chasing after them to get her baby back while they laughed about it. The juvenile wombat was also distressed, hissing and calling back to the mother.
If anyone recognises her friend recording and enabling, please let us know. She posted the video to @samstrays_somewhere on Instagram but has since removed it.
Wildlife experts criticise US influencer for temporarily taking joey wombat from mother
A US hunting influencer is under fire after posting a video of herself capturing a wild baby wombat off the side of the road.Hanan Dervisevic (ABC News)
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Selling prints - DM me. #Wednesday #fish #creature #ocean #pacificocean #marinelife #animals #nature #wildlife #outdoors #explore #environment #earth #photo #photography #scuba #discover
The sweeping federal firing spree in February hit Colorado’s black-footed ferret hub hard, where two-thirds of the recovering population is housed
"A #wildlife conservation program to reintroduce black-footed #ferrets, once thought extinct, back to their prairie ecosystems, has new worries about its own future."
#ElonMusk #Musk #Doge #USPol #Nature #Animals #Colorado #USA #News
DOGE firings rattle Colorado ferret program as populations are on the mend
The federal firing spree in February hit Colorado’s black-footed ferret hub hard, where most of the recovering population is housedParker Yamasaki (The Colorado Sun)
#Jacksonville #Florida #Wildlife #AmateurPhotography #Pixelfed #StreetPhotography #Birds #UrbanExploration #GalaxyS23+
#CitizenScience #Stadtnatur #wildlife #Wissenschaft
Stadteichhörnchen im Lockdown
Eine Studie untersucht den Einfluss von Ausgangsbeschränkungen während der Covid-19 Pandemie auf das Verhalten der kleinen Nager in
#Nature #Wildlife #UKWildlife #WildlifePhotography #Amphibian