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Beiträge, die mit birdphotography getaggt sind

Looking Out on the realm

Northern Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) are highly territorial. This one perches atop a small pine tree, surveying the landscape below, likely on the lookout for prey.

Step into a world where even the smallest moments—like the glint in a bird's eye—tell their own story.


#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #NorthernMockingbird
"This image showcases the northern mockingbird perched gracefully atop a pine tree. Its grayish-brown feathers, contrasting with its pale underparts, are beautifully captured. Its signature long tail adds to its elegance, and the bird appears vigilant, gazing towards the right. The clear, serene sky in the background complements the natural setting, emphasizing the bird's distinctive features. The credit "© Swede's Photographs" in the bottom corner adds a touch of professionalism to this striking nature shot. It truly embodies the beauty of wildlife photography!" - Copilot

A couple of weeks ago I had a beautiful foggy morning to shoot waterfowl and I am very happy with the way this shot turned out! I hope you like it as much as I do.

#birdsofmastodon #ducks #duck #waterfowl #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotograph
Vertical format.  The water line is about 1/5 from the top.  On the water line is a lone silhouetted duck on the left and facing right.  There is a lot of fog on the water and above it is pitch black.  Below the duck is more fog blending into a reflection of the trees in the background with the golden glow of sunrise extending to the bottom.

Todays waddle was magic. It started slow and bit colder than expected, but then I spotted
My first bluethroat of the season. And this fellow was in a good singing mood, flying around. I sat down and waited, until he popped up in bush behind me singing. 😍

#Bird #Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdWatching #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography
Bluethroat in a bush with growing leaves. Bird is beige brown, with orange chest band and blue throat. Beak open singing
Bluethroat in a bush looking to the left
Bluethroat in bus looking forwards with beak closed.

It was a great waddle.

Extra photo
#Bird #Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdWatching #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography
RE: https://pixelfed.social/p/Stephan/810499743267036331
Bluethroat on a twig looking towards camera. Blue throat and orange band clearly visible

Another clue that the California towhees are not tree birds… this one was so unstable looking. Not helped by choosing a bud rather than a branch for one foot, and different branches for each foot too.

#photography #birdphotography #canonphotography #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #birds #CanonR7 #backYardBirds

The grain of the wood, the glint from the beaten metal post cap, and the textures of the plumage of this double-crested cormorant all spoke to me and said "How about trying this as a B&W image?". So here you go. What do you think? Lake Fairfax Park, Reston, Virginia, USA 18-MAR-2025 #birds #birdphotography #naturephotography #photography
A monochrome image of a double-crested cormorant perching on top of a large wooden post on a pier.  The post has a shiny beaten metal cap.  The bird is half-turned away from the camera with its wings spread as if it was about to take off.  [It did in fact take off moments later.]


A male sitting in the spring sunshine, high on the hills of the west coast of Scotland today.

#ptarmigan #scotland #wildlife #birdphotography #highlands
A portrait photo of a male ptarmigan perched in boulders today, in some spring sunshine.

This season has been tough for shooting waterfowl. Since November I have been plagued by boaters, kayakers, police, droughts, ice and mud like quicksand but didn’t give up. LOL. I got this shot of a Female Common Merganser on Tuesday and I really like it. I hope you do too!

#birdsofmastodon #merganser #commonmerganser #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotograph
Wide frame.  Female Common Merganser is swimming in the lower third from the right to left into the frame with its eye roughly halfway into the frame horizontally.  The background is glowing golden with gold bokeh balls.  There is a soft reflection on the water.  The merganser has a pinkish bill, bronze head, white neck and silver back.

I was down in Florida for a few days to escape the cold weather. There were so many burrowing owls there, but it's really difficult to get a clean shot due to buildings, cars, fences, etc... I do like the way this one turned out though.

#owl #birdsofmastodon #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotography
Burrowing owl standing on its sandy burrow on a grassy field.  The owl is backlit facing left and looking into the camera.  Its bright yellow eyes match the colors in the background on this sunny morning.

Nicht vergessen, zwischendurch auch mal in den Himmel zu schauen.

#birds #BirdPhotography
ein Eisvogel auf einem Pfahl über dem Wasser von vorne, wie er den Kopf senkrecht nach oben reckt, so dass davon nur die Unterseite seiner weißen Kehle und des spitzen Schnabels zu sehen sind

Thanks to @hiro - I learned about #ghost tonight and find it to be an interesting platform.

Here's my first post:


Still lots to learn about bird photography - but hey - its a start.

#photography #blog #post #pictures #birds #bird #birdphotography #birb #gayphotographer #gayphotography

Hey, I can play #SuperbOwlSunday too now! (I didn't have any owl photos until last year:-)

Here's a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) that was kind enough to visit our backyard and hold still for a portrait.

#Birds #Owl #BirdPhotography #CloseUp #GreatHornedOwl #BirdsOfMastodon
Close-up photo of an owl's head, showing the big round eyes, beak and feather tufts on its head.

Jetzt brauche ich mal das geballte Ornithologiewissen des Fediverse: Habe ich da heute Morgen tatsächlich in Kiel über der Innenstadt, direkt über Hauptbahnhof und Sophienhof, einen Adler fotografiert? Das Flugbild könnte passen, aber da bin ich kein Profi. Leider war ich zu weit weg und zu langsam (und das Licht ungünstig, aber das soll keine Ausrede sein) für bessere Fotos.
#birdphotography #birdsoffediverse #ornithologie #ornithology
Eine Collage aus vier Fotos ein desselben Vogels, der wegen der Lichtverhältnisse und der Entfernung nur als bessere Silhouette zu erkennen ist. Die rechteckige Flügelform könnte ein Adler sein.

White-Tailed Eagle

After seeing a pair soaring over a glen this past week, I started to think about adventures I've enjoyed out west, watching these majestic birds.

Here's a photo from a Mull Charters trip, to see the eagles close up.

#whitetailedeagle #Mull #scotland #wildlife #birdphotography
A photo of a white-tailed eagle about to pick up a fish from the surface of a sea loch.