Beiträge, die mit birds getaggt sind
#birds #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #canonr10 #australia
"An evening
starred with starlings...
Were that wordplay
it also brings out
so blackly twittering,
an unheard-of-ness
in the labyrinth.
It must
be Autumn: a furrowing
of the brow,
the birdcloud
from fouled treetops
to take
northwards, an
incomprehensible direction."
'Birdcloud', by John Hartley Williams
#Poetry #Birds #Nature
zum hintergrund einer besonderen vogelrettung bitte in den kommentaren weiterlesen.
@FotoVorschlag gutes tun
#fotovorschlag #mockfotos #photography #magpie #collage #animals #rescue #birds
#photography #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #masswildlife #halifax #massachusetts #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusettswildlife
"There is no leaving for them
in such shifts south,
best weather is their territory,
their existence its insects
swallowed like distance.
For us, just a surging
of sky-piercing shapes,
pointed birds in search of moon-food,
and the weighty northern day
bereft. But from these beliefs
and from their visiting wings’
return were angels made."
'The Nowhere Birds', by Caitriona O'Reilly
#Poetry #Birds
#birdsofmastodon #ducks #duck #waterfowl #birding #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotograph
#fotovorschlag #mockfotos #photography #birds #nepal #nature #kingfisher #eisvogel
My first bluethroat of the season. And this fellow was in a good singing mood, flying around. I sat down and waited, until he popped up in bush behind me singing. 😍
#Bird #Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdWatching #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography
Extra photo
#Bird #Birds #Featherverse #BirdsOfFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdWatching #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography
Waddler (
Todays waddle was magic. It started slow and bit colder than expected, but then I spotted My first bluethroat of the season. And this fellow was in a good singing mood, flying around.Pixelfed
Hallo kleine #MittwochsMeise. Du brauchst dich nicht verstecken. Es weiß doch so und so jeder, daß du eine von meinen bist.
Euch einen schönen #Mittwoch.
#Fotografie #Photography #Vögel #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon
The moon is stunningly bright in the high sky.
Such a gold stone, such a brilliant hard light.
Such large round eyes of the owl among the trees.
All seems immortal but for the dangling mouse,
an old hurt string among the harmony
of the masterful and jewelled orchestra
which shows no waste soundlessly playing on."
'Owl and Mouse', by Iain Crichton Smith
#Poetry #Nature #Birds
@handmade_ghost bet I can guess your favourite line 😉
#Poetry #Nature #Birds
@FotoVorschlag 'Exotische Tierwelt' #FotoVorschlag
#PletzfeldAnimals #photography #animals #birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #darktable #WilhelmaStuttgart #mywork #myphoto
Ich habe mir vorgenommen, geradlinig auf das nächste Wochenende zuzusteuern.
Ach Mist, da muß ich ja arbeiten.
Habt einen schönen #Montag. Kommt gut in und durch die neue Woche.
#Fotografie #Photography #Vögel #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon
#photography #birdphotography #canonphotography #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #birds #CanonR7 #backYardBirds
#Jacksonville #Florida #Wildlife #AmateurPhotography #Pixelfed #StreetPhotography #Birds #Ducks #MuscovyDucks #UrbanExploration #GalaxyS23+
#naturephotography #nature #birds #birders #birdwatchers #birding #birdwatching #DailyBird #BirdsOfPixelfed #BirdsOfMastodon #naturephotos #marin #marinbirds #pointreyes #chickadee
#Birds #BlueTit #ColeTit #Wildlife #Photography #Vogel #Tannenmeise #Blaumeise
#SciArt #art #illustration #watercolor #painting #sketchbook #NatureJournal #NatureJournaling #PerpetualJournal #Tucson #SonoranDesert #NativePlants #biodiversity #environment #ecosystem #ecology #nature #outdoors #ISS #InternationalSpaceStation #Lupine #bird #birds #birding #BirdsOfMastodon #bunting #PaintedBunting
This White-breasted Nuthatch was flitting about the yard this evening.
diese jungen turmfalken in meiner unmittelbaren 'nachbarschaft' zu sehen (wortwörtlich, das ist das dach des nachbarhauses) hat mich sehr erfreut :)
ich hoffe sehr, dass sie auch dieses jahr wieder eine brut erfolgreich hier großziehen können.
#birds #falcons #rooftop #fledgelings #nature #raptors #parrots