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Beiträge, die mit SciArt getaggt sind

An incredible person has started a movement to tell the stories of #US #scientists and #science experts who have been dismissed because of the #trump #madness over there at the moment

If you know scientists who have lost funding or jobs because of *certain decisions*, you should contact them! They are also looking for #volunteers ❤️❤️

More here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/silencedsciencestories_faces-of-terminated-scientists-activity-7303887945944420352-Gb2j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&rcm=ACoAADNAIO0BuzwIm3tNVH5tUXHgOK6WxKwxPr8

#scicomm #stem #illustration #art #sciart #illustrators #terminated #federalscience #sciencematters #standupforscience

For #MarshMadness and in (dubious) honor of #WorldFrogDay I've painted a water scavenger beetle, Regimbartia attenuate. These tiny, unassuming guys are famous for their ability to avoid predation by frogs... by crawling right out the other end, unscathed. Prevailing theory is that a strengthened exoskeleton keeps the beetles safe from digestive enzymes as they crawl their way through the frog's digestive tract, and air pockets trapped in the elytra allow them to breathe until they can get some fresh air outside.

#SciArt #InsectArt #watercolor
Watercolor of a very round, dark beetle with pitted elytra.

A quick geometric pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing, before heading out for the Stand Up For Science rally here in San Francisco: https://standupforscience2025.org/

#ink #drawing #art #SciArt #StandUpForScience
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a fancy drain pipe on the side of an old building.

Today's drawing takes inspiration from Aspergillus, one of the most interesting looking species I've ever seen under a microscope.

Here's an in-progress shot.


#ink #drawing #art #wip #fungi #SciArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a sample of Aspergillus on a microscope slide.

Playing with some warmer colors in this harmonics inspired pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing.

#ink #drawing #art #SciArt #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a chemistry diagram with little squiggly fish on the edges.

I was thinking about how one of most beautiful things that humans can do is to sing in harmonies. So, today's #inkyDays drawing is inspired by harmonics.

Here's an in-progress shot.

The finished drawing, and more, is now posted for my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi:

#ink #drawing #art #SciArt #MathArt #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has a lot of curvy lines, and is difficult to describe.

Playing with yesterday's pattern again, for today's #inkyDays drawing. Going with more stippling and a more diluted green ink this time.

Here's an in-progress shot.

#ink #drawing #art #SciArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like tree bark.

Feeling the need for more energy this morning, so I drew some mitochondria for today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

#ink #drawing #art #SciArt #biology #wip
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like diagrams of mitochondria.

Playing with patterns from a cell in today's #inkyDays drawing. These are mitochondria and rough ER, with little ribosomes.

#ink #drawing #art #SciArt #Biology
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like it could be a diagram from a cell biology textbook.

Seemed appropriate to draw virus particles for today's #inkyDays drawing.

I also finished a couple of medium sized drawings today. As a whim, I decided to draw a few ants on this floral pattern. I've posted photos for my supporters.


#ink #drawing #art #SciArt #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract patterns looks like virus particles of different colors. The orange one looks menacing, but is just another virus.

For today's #inkyDays drawing, I'm playing with a different color combination, including one of my new inks, in a turkey tail mushroom inspired pattern.

Here's an in-progress photo.
The finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#ink #drawing #art #wip #fungi #GenerativeArt #SciArt
Hand drawn generative procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by turkey tail mushrooms.

Today, I'm playing with some different blues and this floral-diagram pattern.

Here's an in-progress shot.

The finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#inkyDays #ink #drawing #art #SciArt #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a chemistry diagram with flowers where the atoms would be.

Dr. Munir Nayfeh

In 1959, Richard Feynman asked "What would happen if man could manipulate individual atoms?", and in 1977, Dr. Munir Nayfeh answered. Incorporating cutting edge laser technology, Dr. Nayfeh succeeded in manipulating individual atoms. This ground breaking work revolutionized particle physics, and has enabled the advent of electron microscopes.

Dr. Nayfeh was born in December 1945, in the village of Shweikeh near Tulkarem, in what was once Palestine proper 🇵🇸. Following the 1948 Nakba, Nayfeh's family was forced to settle in Jordan. He received his doctorate from the University of Stanford in the USA, and then worked at Oak Ridge National Lab. He then gained professorship at Yale, and finally achieved tenure at the University of Illinois.

Dr. Nayfeh's research interests are focused on the nanoscopic, in which he has studied atomic dynamics and their interactions with electric fields. He is also known for his work in improving solar cell performance with nanotechnology. In addition to his contributions to physics, Dr. Neyfeh often travels back to Palestine to teach high school students about nanotechnology and its impact on health care, inspiring the next generation of scientists.

#Palestine #PalestineScientist #FreePalestine #SciArt
A digital drawing of Dr Munir Nayfeh, with a color palette of red, green, black, and white. He is holding a silicon wafer and depictions of atoms and scanning probe microscopy are behind him. A rendition of the keffiyeh pattern is depicted in the background with a light spectrum along a vertical line

My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...

Some zooms into my Jurassic landscape packaging art, for the Megalosaurus coin, from the 2020 Dinosauria collection (Tales of the Earth range), by The Royal Mint and the Natural History Museum, London.

#Art #Painting #PaleoArt #PalaeoArt #SciArt #SciComm #DigitalArt #Illustration #Dinosaurs #Birds #Reptiles #Palaeontology #Paleontology #Megalosaurus

My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...

Here's my stupid face with the Jurassic landscape packaging art, for the Megalosaurus coin, from the 2020 Dinosauria collection (Tales of the Earth range), by The Royal Mint and the Natural History Museum, London.

#Art #Painting #PaleoArt #PalaeoArt #SciArt #SciComm #DigitalArt #Illustration #Dinosaurs #Birds #Reptiles #Palaeontology #Paleontology #Megalosaurus

Hey! Did you know there's a whole instance dedicated to Science and SciComm?


Edited to add: there are lot of others out there! Would love to see folks reply with instances Scientists and SciComm folks should check out. And to help folks in general find interesting science posts.

#SciComm #SciArt #Science

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Set", so I decided to draw a set of fungi in which every cap is a different color. I liked it so much that I decided to draw some on watercolor paper too. I might bring these to upcoming shows.


#inktober #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art #fungi #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like mushrooms with polka dots on the stems and caps. The watermark across the image has text that reads "Mathtober Day 28: Set by Kristin Henry"

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Elliptic", so I had to play with some budding blobs for today's drawing.

I also played with some different ink combinations in some cute little fungi drawings.

I've now posted these for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#inktober #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art #inkyDays
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like cells or blobby things budding from the edges. The watermark across the image has text that reads "Mathtober Day 26: Elliptic by Kristin Henry"

Sometimes, my daily drawings go a bit wonky. When that happens, I just try to play with the mess. Today, I took inspiration from the Mathtober prompt "Antiprism", which is a really cool topic, even though I got messy with it.


#inkyDays #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #art #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like faceted jewels connected at some of the corners. It's hard to describe.

#inkyDays 10/24/24

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Spider Graph". I didn't draw any creatures this time, just an abstract chart with ink in various shades of blue.

I also finished the Haversian system drawing. Well, almost. I still need to sign it, and cut it off of the watercolor block when it's fully dry.


#inktober #inktober2024 #Mathtober #SciArt #ink #drawing #art
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like it could be a radial chart or based on a spider web. There's a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 24: Spider Graph by Kristin Henry".

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Polynomial". So, of course, I drew ants crawling along the curve of a polynomial equation. Especially since the ants were having a moment, yesterday.


#ink #inktober #Mathtober #SciArt #art #ants #MathArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract drawing looks like ants are crawling along the curve of a polynomial equation. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 23: Polynomial by Kristin Henry"

Today's Mathtober prompt is 'Moment', so I drew ants meandering along a curve with the words "ants are having a moment" in today's drawing.

I also made a little bit of progress on the big piece inspired by Haversian systems.

These are now posted for my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi:


#SciArt #Mathtober #inktober #ants #art #GenerativeArt #Procedural
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like ants meandering along a curve with words that say "and are having a moment". Across the image is a watermark with text that reads "Mathtober Day 22: Moment by Kristin Henry"

It's been such a busy weekend at the Maker Faire. So early this morning, on this last day of the Maker Faire, I drew some busy bees before we headed out.

Here's an in progress shot.


#inkyDays #MakerFaire #SciArt #bees #wip #art #ink #drawing
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has some motifs that kind of look like bees.

Had to leave early in the morning again today, so we could get to the Maker Faire early enough to prepare for the doors opening. I'm exhausted, but enjoying so many people saying my work is amazing....and giving short little 'lessons' on coding and chemistry and how I create my artworks, when people ask me to.

So I went with a simple pattern for today's drawing, before heading out this morning.

#SciArt #MakerFaire #art #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a scrunci, but it's difficult to describe.

Got up super early this morning, so we'd be on time to finish setting up and being ready when the doors opened at the Maker Faire today.

Before we left, I sat down for a quick drawing. Today's Mathtober prompt is "Deltoid", so I played with a network of triangles.

#MakerFaire #Mathtober #inkyDays #art #SciArt #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like trangles with ruffles along the edges, and connected with little circles. Hard to describe.  There is a watermark across the image with test that reads "Mathtober Day 18: Deltoid by Kristin Henry"

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Log". I was feeling playful earlier today, and I decided to avoid log-scale, and instead draw a structure that often produces logs.

Yes, I'm late posting, though I drew it this morning. I've been busier than usual today :)

#mathtober #SciArt #MathArt #inkyDays #art #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a tree. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 16: Log by Kristin Henry"

Going back to the first Mathtober prompt for this month (Tangent), and playing with that pattern a little differently in today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

I also made more progress on this large piece I've been working on, inspired by Haversian systems in our bones.

#inktober #SciArt #MathArt #GenerativeArt #MastoArt #art
Hand drawn genertive/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has straight lines at angles, and circles along the lines...kind of like bubbles.

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Cyclic Hexagon". This looked pretty cool concept, and fairly easy to draw by hand, so I decided to play with colors and negative space.


#Mathtober #MathArt #SciArt #art #ink #drawing
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has triangles inside of a circle. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 13: Cyclic Hexagon by Kristin Henry"

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Frustum". I went with a fun pattern I've been playing with recently.

I also made progress on a large-ish piece I've been working on. It's inspired by the Haversian systems in our bones.


#mathtober #math #SciArt #ink #drawing #art #MastoArt #inktober
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a crazy steam-punk pipe system.  There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day 10: Frustum by Kristin Henry"

Today's Mathtober prompt is "Consistency". This got me thinking about what I've been drawing consistently: ants. So, of course, I drew ants following harmonic patterns.


#Mathtober #MathArt #SciArt #art #ink #drawing #ants #MastoArt #inktober
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has ant motifs drawn as if walking along the curves of a simple harmonics diagram. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Mathtober Day9: Consistency by Kristin Henry"

I couldn't resist trying these Integer Partitions with bees. I figured partitions of three might fit on a page in my sketchbook. They barely fit. Ended up with some overlapping wings in today's #inkyDays drawing.


#MathArt #SciArt #art #bees #GenerativeArt #ink #drawing #inktober
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract drawing is of bees organized in the integer partitions of 3. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Integer Partitions of 3 with Bees by Kristin Henry"

I'm not quite done with yesterdays Mathtober prompt: Integer Partitions. I wanted to see if I could draw the partitions of 5! It kinda works, but the alignments are a little wonky. Oh well.

#MathArt #SciArt #art #ants #inkyDays
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by Integer Partitions of the number 5, with ants. There is a watermark across the image with text that reads "Integer Partitions of 5, with Ants by Kristin Henry"

Today's #mathtober prompt is "Integer Partitions".

So, for today's drawing, I drew Integer Partitions with ants. I guessed that the partitions of 4 would fit on a page of my sketchbook.

I wrote a little about my years of math anxieties, along with today's drawing on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/113168313

#SciArt #MathArt #art #ink #drawing #art #ants #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is a rendering of the integer partitions of the integer 4, with ants. There's a watermark across the image with text that reads "#Mathtober 2024 Day 5: Integer Partitions"