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An incredible person has started a movement to tell the stories of #US #scientists and #science experts who have been dismissed because of the #trump #madness over there at the moment

If you know scientists who have lost funding or jobs because of *certain decisions*, you should contact them! They are also looking for #volunteers ❤️❤️

More here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/silencedsciencestories_faces-of-terminated-scientists-activity-7303887945944420352-Gb2j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&rcm=ACoAADNAIO0BuzwIm3tNVH5tUXHgOK6WxKwxPr8

#scicomm #stem #illustration #art #sciart #illustrators #terminated #federalscience #sciencematters #standupforscience