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Beiträge, die mit plants getaggt sind

Jobs for the weekend - 29/30 Mar

As well as catching up on a bunch of stuff from last weekend, i’ll be preparing tomato frames, mulching borders and planting summer flowering bulbs, building wildlife tunnels with the help of the neighbours and possibly feeding the lawns.

#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #Nature #GardenersOfMastodon #GardenersWorld #Fruit #Veg #FruitAndVeg #Gardens #NatureLoves #Flower #Wildlife #Animal #Animals

Ollas drying in the sun. The funny pointy ones are upside down. Those are for houseplants—a new design.

Most of my houseplants are low maintenance (different types of pothos & succulents) but I have a couple that start to give up the ghost whenever they’re just the slightest bit thirsty. Those dramatic plants that droop and wilt when they’ve only been dry for like one day? That’s who the houseplant ollas are for. #OllasByOsa

#gardening #SustainableGardening #plants #pottery #ceramics
A collection of unglazed clay pottery pieces in various shapes and sizes is displayed on a wooden surface. The pottery includes large jars with lids, to be used as ollas. The background features greenery and a wooden fence.

This Swiss chard on my balcony planter is more than 2 years old.

I have harvested #leaves from it at least 9 times and it's time to cut more leaves again to make #vegetable #soup.

It is absolutely delicious & the highest ROI of my #balcony #garden. #SwissChard
#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #SouthOfFrance #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants #France #GrowOwnFood @plants
2 years old switch chard growing on a planter on the balcony

Super productive day today! Not only did I get to sow my courgettes, peppers and chives, but I went a bit mad and sowed a bunch of flowers as well :) Also built a greenhouse! So the setup has had a massive upgrade!

#Garden #Gardening #Gardener #Sustainability #Fruit #Veg #Vegetables #Flowers #Plant #Plants #GardenersOfMastodon #productivity

Growing season has started. On the left cherry tomatoes. In the center stevia, mint and some other 'sweet' baking herbs. On the right a few kinds of peppers, rosemary, thyme, garlic chives, dille and spring onion

#gardening #food #plants
A collection of growing containers in a windowsill

"Whispers of the Wild: Embrace Our Floral Family

We introduce a series dedicated to rekindling our ancestral relationships with plants and considering the possibility of their fellow sentience."

#Plants #Blog #Garden #Sentience #Learn #Food #Folklore #History #Wild Read more: https://www.murfreesborocommunitygardening.com/post/whispers-of-the-wild-embrace-our-floral-family

Hey #botanists of Fedi - tell me about the COOLEST sounding plant deceases that you know of because I heard there are some really awesome shit you have decided to call these things!

I mean the stuff that could be straight out of a druid's spell book, thank you!


I am here because I try to stop using the platforms of megalomanic oligarchs whose only two principles are money and power.

I like #frogs, #plants (in particular less common #houseplants), #photography, and people who respect each other regardless of background. I think I will post mostly in English, but it would be nice to meet other Swedes here, and perhaps even people from #umeå.

Let's see how things develop...

I got to spend a happy 30 mins in the sun, and planted Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign', which I think looks rather lovely in front of Hellebore 'Double Ellen Red'.

Freya came out to enjoy some sun too.

#Gardening #Plants @plants
A small blue flower and green foliage, with a larger maroon flower, slightly out of focus, behind it.
A white cat with tabby markings sitting on the edge of a brick raised bed, looking directly at the camera. There is shelving with a mix of Alpines on it, behind her.

For no particular reason at all, I am growing a cabbage indoors. 😜 🌱

A cabbage plant basking in the sun in my dining room. A wooden shelf full of various indoor plants stands behind it.

I've been going through the press releases, scribbled notes and photos from the recent Garden Press Event. This rather lovely new clematis was just one of the things I saw.

Head over to my blog to read about the day: https://bit.ly/4bgGNn0

#gardens #gardening #clematis #flowers #plants #GardenChat #clematis #BlogPost #journalist
Pink clematis flowers with a darker pink stripe.

Delighted to see my feature on growing hellebores in the current issue of Amateur Gardening.

I talked to the National Collection holder and Ashwoods Nurseries. Hellebores are one of my favourite flowers and, as always, talking to expert growers I learnt lots!
#gardening #flowers #plants #gardens #magazine #featurewriter #journalist
Part of a magazine feature on hellebores with picture of purple hellebore flowers at the top.

#introduction Hi, I'm Jillian. I just started exploring this app. I’m not big on social media but trying this out! I really like #plants #books #snails #VideoGames #mushrooms #moss
Looking to connect with people who are into any of these hobbies, especially books! Let me know if you have any recommendations for people who are into these hobbies as well! I'm on Goodreads and it's great but I'm kind of sick of Amazon, so looking for a new way to connect with a book or reader community. Good day!

hello everyone i was wondering if you could help me identify this plant 🌱

he was growing out of the pavement in my patio but was a nuisance since right near a door so evicted him and i put him in a pot instead

additional info: grew in Melbourne, Australia, under partial sunlight. also grew real fucking fast as soon as summer approached. it had a really wide stem at the base, which you can't see here.

#gardening #plants
a photo of a  green leafy plant with a thick stem. the leaves are broad and have bumpy edges.

Who leaves these messages for me? At least someone still writes letters.

(It's probably pine bark beetles.)

#plants #insects #trees
A closeup of the rotting trunk of a fallen pine tree. Almost all of the bark has fallen off, exposing the smooth, light-colored inner wood. A pattern of shallow grooves is cut into the surface. They look like ideograms or heiroglyphs. A roughly rectangular patch of the surface is covered with a rust-colored powder, making the lighter grooves more obvious.

It's that time of year when the Thalictrum delavayi is looking just beautiful...

#BloomScrolling #Flowers #Plants #Thalictrum
A swarm of small pink flowers with yellow anthers. Only one flower is in focus, the rest are blurred both behind and in front, causing a pinky-purple mist-like effect around the flower one we're focussed on

After harvesting our lemon verbena, my wife has stewed some leaves for a most delicious and refreshing drink.

Lemon verbena is the strongest smelling lemon fragranced plant I know, and our house now has a fruity scent mingling with the herbs.

#pagan #gardening #lemon #herbs #plants
Small Japanese style tea cup next to a laptop. The cup is white with blue circles and inside each circle is a four pointed star shape. Inside the cup is a light green coloured liquid which is stewed lemon verbena

Took advantage of our low temps to cold stratify some woolly sunflower and skirret seeds outdoors and then got inspired to get some early starts underway as well.

I found an old Ikea mini greenhouse for sale second hand complete with led grow lights for under $20 at the end of the summer, which is especially helpful in keeping the cat away from the new seedlings. He decapitated a bunch last year.

Starts for this year, so far, are:

Bull's Blood Beet
Delft Perpetual Leek, a perennial leek variety
Perennial Chard
Hakurei Japanese Turnips

I cluster sew in small pots to save space which also tends to increase productivity. Not great for carrots or parsnips though, as their roots tend to get entangled.

#gardening #PNWGardening #seeds #plants #skirret #perpetualLeek #beets #perennialChard #turnips #woollySunflower
Four pots of potting soil inside a small tabletop greenhouse with small green labels on each.

Just trying something different. This is the back of a fresh Gaillardia flower, backlit by the sun.

#BloomScrolling #Flowers #Plants #Gaillardia
The back of a red and yellow flower, seen from the back with the sun lighting it from the other side.

Two of my epidendrum orchids are blooming 🥰. They're so tiny that they're easy to miss!

#orchids #bloomscrolling #garden #gardening #flowers #epidendrum #plants #hawaii
Yellow-orange epidendrum flowers
Tiny pink and white epidendrum orchid

We have so much to learn from the ways #plants adapt to their environment. I love making pots that pour, and the super long spout on this plant watering can was a fun challenge. Water is life, and throughout history, people have made beautiful vessels to contain it.

The pot is decorated with #wildclay collected in Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama and Lake Ontario. I turn the clays into decorating slips called terra sigillata that I paint onto the surface.
A ceramic watering can with a long spout, painted in earth tone colors with symmetrical geometric line and dot patterns, held by a brown hand in front of tropical foliage.

This song was introduced to me by Mastodon. I share it back with love for #JukeboxFridayNight #Plants
“The Seed” by Aurora


Cthulhu tree stump in Florida

#trees #Cthulhu #Lovecraft #HPLovecraft #Florida #plants #monsters
A bizarrely twisted tree in a sunlit woodland clearing, surrounded by a carpet of dry brown leaves. The tree curls back down on itself, its thick branches snaking tightly around its own trunk and curling into the ground. The general appearance is beautifully monstrous, as though the branches were tentacles. A roughly circular scar on the bark where you might expect to see an eye, if this were a creature, strengthens its Cthulhu-like vibes. A few metres beyond it are ferns and upright trees.