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Beiträge, die mit bloomscrolling getaggt sind

#Bloomscrolling with the flowers of Jacksonville on Pippin Street
Close up of a common Florida wildflower, an "Indian Blanket" with a solid center and a colir pattern of yellow, brown, and red.

"We don't wish to shout
or be brilliant or climb up walls
or hang from walls

but to sit in the grass
in our clean best frills and listen,
shyly nodding our heads
or shyly shaking our heads
because we understand, yes truly we do."

'Daisies', by Katherine Towers

#Poetry #Bloomscrolling #Florespondence #Bookstodon
Close up of several daisies on a lawn

Roadside flying duck north of Mallacoota, VIC. Still only finding the occasional scattered large duck orchid (Caleana major) in locations between Genoa & Mallacoota where there are usually larger colonies. Might just be a bit dry this spring to see a lot up and out.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland #FlyingDucks
Large duck orchid (Caleana major) north of Mallacoota VIC - spring 2024

Home alone for the weekend so the garden is getting the treatment… pruning, planting (trees, bulbs), tying in, and mulching.

You think it’s a good idea to buy 600 bulbs when they’re reduced in the early sales. Less amusing when you have to get the buggers in the ground.

Grey day but the mild weather leaves much still blooming which is ace.

#Gardening #Bloomscrolling
A bumble bee in a cerise blackcurrant salvia flower
Back and highest to front (lowest): a flower border with Ricinus, Cafe au Lait blooms and a blackcurrant salvia
Coreopsis grandiflora flowers under a ricinus
Purple Morning glory flowers on a metal garden frame

Not very good focus because of the wind, but the native Hibiscus is close to having its first open flower 😍🌸
And the Australian Bluebell in the back garden has its first flower buds too 🥰
A #BloomScrolling teaser post I guess?? 😅
Photo of an unopened flower bud on a thin and almost spiky looking plant. The purple of the unfurled petals is intriguing.
Photo of a small part of a climbing vine growing up a white metal trellis against a rendered wall. A small cluster of 3 unopened buds are dangling quietly.

Croajingolong National Park wildflowers - still some late waxlip orchids flowering on the edge of the forest in late October with an occasional flying duck out in the fields of pink trigger plants (plus sundews!) near the Genoa River, East Gippsland, VIC.

Top : Waxlip orchid (Glossodia/Caladenia major) + Trigger plant - Stylidium sp.

Bottom: Sundew - Drosera sp. + large duck orchid (Caleana major).

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland #CarniverousPlants #Wildflowers
Croajingolong National Park wildflowers - spring 2024.

Some more autumn flowers in my garden. First two photos: Begonia grandis 'Alba', which is holding its blooms for a really long time this year. Perfectly hardy and perennial in the #PacificNorthwest. Second photos: Mahonia 'Charity', a hybrid of our native Mahonia aquifolium and a Chinese species. A prickly, geometric nightmare of a shrub with winter-blooming flowers that attract hummingbirds It's blooming very early this year.
#GardeningMastodon #Gardening #Bloomscrolling #pnw
A bunch of flowers in the late afternoon sun. They have payment leaves with bright red undersides typical of begonias, and white delicate open flowers with yellow centers. The stems are also reddish at the joints.
Another view of the same flowers as previous photo. The late afternoon sun makes the leaves glow brilliant yellow green. They are growing through a white metal railing beside a sidewalk
Flowering tops of a shrub with prickly holly like leaves arranged in very geometric rows like a xycad or fern. The flower bracts are like upside down squid tentacles with tiny yellow bell shaped flowers like suckers
Closer view of the yellow inflorescences of the same plant, backlit by the late afternoon sun

One of the last plants to flower in my garden: Aconitum x carmichaelii 'Arendsii', or monkshood. It's been suggested as an easier-to-grow alternative to Delphiniums and that's been true for me, although monkshood doesn't come in true blue but mostly purple or lavender. Low maintenance, light shade tolerant, very easy. Handle with gloves and keep away from pets and kids though, it's quite toxic.
A tall herbaceous flower in a garden bed. The leaves are light green and palmate and the flowers above them are clusters of purple blooms. The day is bright and sunny and the late afternoon light is golden. In front is a tall purplish grass like plant. Beyond is an evergreen tree.
Closer view of the blooms from the previous photo. Each is shaped like a hood from a sweatshirt.
Another closeup view of the monkshood flowers.
Very close view of a bloom showing the velvety texture of the flowers and the delicate veining on n them.

First flowers out in early October on the patch of sun orchids (Thelymitra pauciflora - or adjacent) just behind the house at home in Corunna, NSW. I first noticed a handful of flowers out the kitchen window post 2020 bushfires - with a slight adjustment to lawn mowing I now have 150+ plants! Quite a few interesting variations out this year so not 100% sure on the ID now - or if there are actually multiple species growing together.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #SunOrchids #Thelymitra
Sun orchids (Thelymitra pauciflora - or adjacent) flowering at Corunna, NSW - spring 2024.

Guten Morgen, für den Meermittwoch heute ein Bild von der Küste in Sligo mit Strandgrasnelken und Kalkstein. 🌺🌊⛰️

#MeerMittwoch #SeaWednesday #Atlantic #Sligo #Ireland #Limestone #Bloomscrolling
Eine Nahaufnahme eines kleinen Busches mit kleinen rosa Blüten, der am Rande einer rauen, graubraunen Kalksteinklippe wächst. Im Hintergrund sieht man einen Teil der Bucht mit einem wolkenverhangenen grauen Himmel darüber.

A close-up of a small bush of small pink  flowers growing on the edge of a rough, gray-brown limestone cliff. In the background there's a part of the bay with a cloudy gray sky above.

Caladenia carnea (pink fingers) variations growing in light forest near the Wonboyn River, NSW. These plants are much more more uniform in flower size and shape than similar forest populations of this widespread orchid further south in East Gippsland VIC - and also out slightly later.

I've never seen any other small Caladenia orchids at this location - which may be part of the reason for less variations compared to populations near Genoa, VIC where there are 4-5 similar Caladenia species out in early spring - possibly leading to some degree of hybridisation.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland #Caladenia
Caladenia carnea (pink fingers) variations growing in light forest near the Wonboyn River, NSW - spring 2024.

A clump of Sea Thrift sits on the Helvick harbour wall glowing in the setting sun.

The out of focus yellow building in the background overlooking Dungarvan bay is the old Villiers-Stewart summer house from back in the day when they owned all the land around here.

#waterford #photography #bloomscrolling
A clump of sea thrift is brightly lit by the setting sun with a handful of flowers just opening. The flowers are growing n top of a wall with some sea and foreshore visible out of focus in the background under a greyish sky. A yellow house is also visible on the edge of the steeply rising headland on the right.

Musky Cap (Caladenia moschata) at 1200m in Namadgi NP, ACT. Montane forms of this widespread species can flower right through to mid/late December in mild seasons - well after flowering has finished in most populations at lower altitudes around Canberra.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Summer #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #Canberra
Musky Cap orchid (Caladenia moschata) flowering in Namadgi National Park, ACT.

Highland sun orchids (Thelymitra alpina) near Corin Forest, ACT. Most sun orchids at this location are single, scattered plants but sometimes 2 or 3 do grow together in small clumps - usually on roadside verges.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #InTheField #Thelymitra #Nature #BloomScrolling
ighland sun orchids (Thelymitra alpina) near Corin Forest, ACT. Most sun orchids at this location are single, scattered plants but sometimes 2 or 3 do grow together in small clumps - usually on roadside verges

Red beard orchids (Calochilus paludosus) in open forest near Genoa, VIC. Plants at this location usually flower slightly later than other nearby heath land populations closer to the coast. Only found a handful of flowers out in late spring this year.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #BloomScrolling #Nature
Red beard orchids flowering near Genoa, VIC.

Interesting Diuris orchid near Square Rock, Namadgi NP, ACT. Possibly a hybrid of D. semilunulata (Late Leopard Orchid) and D. sulphurea (Tiger or Hornet Orchid) which both grow nearby. Flowers are smaller and lateral sepals are more crossed than typical D. sulphurea forms.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #BloomScrolling #Nature
Diuris orchid flowering near Square Rock, Namadgi NP, ACT.

Late spring sun orchids (Thelymitra) near Corin, ACT. Most plants here have the forward pointing spurs on the anther lobe often associated with T. alpina - but the single pink-flowering plant doesn't have spurs and may be closer to T. megcalyptra (or T. nuda). Have seen sun orchids still out here well into December in past seasons but most have finished up before the end of November this year.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Thelymitra #Nature #BloomScrolling
Sun orchids (Thelymitra) near Corin, ACT - blue and pink flowering forms growing close together in late November.

Copper beard orchid (Calochilus campestris) variations at Genoa (left) and Mallacoota (right). Both forms were growing on roadside verges and wide open on a coolish, cloudy day.

Many plants at Mallacoota are very similar to the Genoa form with impressive 'moustaches' while the plants with longer/bushier beards probably have the best 'eyes' and most aggressive/annoyed facial expressions ;)

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #BloomScrolling #Nature
Copper beard orchid (Calochilus campestris) variations at Genoa (left) and Mallacoota (right) - East Gippsland, Australia.