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Beiträge, die mit hiking getaggt sind

Excuse me, you *did* order your rocks neatly folded, right?

#rocks #geology #hiking
Cliff face on the far side of the canyon from where I'm hiking. Echelon folding of the rocks is clearly shown with dark rocks and thin near-white (quartz?) layers.

Location is central Arizona, the cliff is mostly rock with some small green bushes.

Some images from yesterdays hike in the badlands of Tabernas, Almeria. A cold day but this made the skies crystal clear of either the heat haze or the Saharan dust that normally plague this area

#Hiking #Spain #Walking #Mountains #Spain #Photography #Landscape #LandscapePhotography #Outdoors
A natural frame, well sort of natural. In fact this is a motorway bridge! But gives a nice framework for the interesting scenery behind
The rough and arid country leading to the peak of Cerro Alfaro
A huge loose wall of crumbling stone rears above two hikers on the path below and to the right
Typical scenery in the Tabernas desert. Arid badlands contrasting with vegetation in the "Ramblas". These palm trees were the scene for the oasis scene in Lawrence of Arabia

Zum aktuellen Thema #Komoot – könnte für die Selbsthoster vielleicht interessant sein:


Ich habe es vor einer Weile mal aus Neugier installiert und etwas damit herumgespielt. Auf den ersten Blick ziemlich cool!

Wirklich „produktiv“ benutzt habe ich es bisher nicht, werde es jetzt aber mal als Alternative ausprobieren.

#selfhosting #running #hiking #bicycle #laufen #wandern #fahrrad

'Im Wald' #FotoVorschlag 'In the forest'
Ah I thought about this #photo immediately when I saw today's motto 🙂. I admit that I don't see #fog in the #forests very often - but this time I was just super lucky to witness this scene!

The blogpost for it:https://www.franzgraf.de/blog/2024/highlights-from-our-bavarian-forest-getaway-last-autumn/

#photos #photography #nature #naturephotography #forest #bayerischerwald #bayerwald #outdoors #hiking
The image depicts a serene scene in a forest, with the sun shining through the trees casting a warm glow. The forest is enveloped in fog, adding a mystical and ethereal quality to the landscape. The dominant colors in the image are black and grey, with accents of a warm brown hue. A tree is prominently featured in the foreground, with yellow leaves adding a pop of color to the otherwise muted palette. The overall atmosphere is one of tranquility and peace, making it a perfect representation of a misty autumn day in a northern hardwood forest.

Zum Welttag der Gletscher

Im August 2023 startete ich zu einer dreitägigen Tour vom Jungfraujoch zum Grimselpass. Der grösste Teil der Tour führte über verschiedene Gletscher. Übernachtet wurde in zwei Hütten. Ein falscher Schritt liess mich bereits am ersten Tag in eine Gletscherspalte abrutschen. Ausser einer schmerzenden Schulter ist zum Glück nichts passiert. Am nächsten Morgen waren die Schmerzen zu stark um die Tour fortzusetzen, weshalb ich mit einem Helikopter bei der Hütte abgeholt und zur Kontrolle ins Spital gebracht wurde. Die Kollegen nahm ich am nächsten Tag auf dem Grimselpass in Empfang. Trotz allem war es ein unglaubliches Erlebnis, sich auf diesen mächtigen Gletschern zu bewegen. Ich kann dies jedem empfehlen und hoffe, dass dies noch lange möglich sein wird.

World Day for Glaciers

In August 2023, I set off on a three-day tour from the Jungfraujoch to the Grimsel Pass. Most of the tour led over various glaciers. Sleeping was in two huts. One wrong step caused me to slip into a crevasse on the very first day. Fortunately, apart from a sore shoulder, nothing happened. The next morning, the pain was too severe to continue the tour, so I was picked up from the hut by helicopter and taken to hospital for a check-up. I met my colleagues the next day on the Grimsel Pass. Despite everything, it was an incredible experience to be on these mighty glaciers. I can recommend this to everyone and hope that it will be possible for a long time to come.

#WorldDayForGlaciers #Glaciers #Gletscher #hiking #wandern #berge #mountains #alpen #alps

In my off season this past fall, I decided to go to Kauai and go backpacking all over the island. Coming from Alaska it was quite pleasant to wear shorts constantly and have good fresh fruit everywhere you went. While I was camping on the west side of the island I decided to pull the camera out and get some Milky Way shots. What I totally forgot about was the #comet C/2023 A3 passing by our planet.

The hooting and hollering that I made when I first looked at the image could be heard for miles.

The upper part of the cloud is lit up from the moon rising behind the island creating a very pleasing image.
I am shooting this on a #sony A7iii with a 20mm f1.8 lens. 30” exposure, iso 1250

#milkyway #astrophotography #comet #sonyalpha #kauai #hawaii #beaches #nightsky #ocean #nature #hiking #camping

The alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis asiatica), the State flower of Alaska. Photographed in the White Mountain National Recreation Area in late June.

Info in my Alaska Wildflower Guide: https://www.lwpetersen.com/alaska-wildflowers/alpine-forget-me-not-myosotis-asiatica/

#wildflowers #bloomscrolling #alaska #hiking
Close-up view of an alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis asiatica), Alaska’s state flower, with clusters of small, vivid blue flowers each with a yellow center surrounded by a pinkish ring. The flowers are growing on a slender green stem with small, textured green leaves. The background is softly blurred, showing dry grass and tundra vegetation in the White Mountain National Recreation Area, photographed in late June.

The last couple of days I went through my lightroom catalog and noticed that I never published the #photos from this bike & hike last august.
Again one of the areas that I wanted to visit since .. really long. But that day we just set out - despite the weather forecast and tried to have a great day.

The Blogpost (including a short clip with us biking in the rain!): https://www.franzgraf.de/blog/2025/reflections-on-a-rainy-bike-hike/

#photography #nature #naturephotography #hiking #mountains #bikeAndHike #outdoors #bayern
A serene and peaceful scene is captured in this image, showcasing a trail cutting through a dense forest. The trail winds its way through towering trees, their leaves creating a lush canopy overhead. The forest is a mix of old-growth trees, with a variety of plant life adding to the vibrant greenery. Sunlight filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The image evokes a sense of tranquility and connection to nature, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of the woodland landscape.

Vermutlich letztes Schnee stapfen für den heurigen Winter 😲
0*C, 40 km/h Wind, sonnig
#Wandern #hiking #austria #stmk
Zugefrorener und schneebedeckter Bergsee mit Wäldern rundum und einen beschneiten Berg mittig
Bergpanorama mit einer Wasserflasche, einem Apfel und Müsliriegel links, einem schneebedeckten Tal mittig und einem halbrunden felsigen schneebedeckten Bergkamm rechts
Bergpanorama mit Schnee vorne, einem schneebedeckten Tal mittig und einem halbrunden felsigen schneebedeckten Bergkamm rechts
Schneebedeckter felsiger Gipfelkamm mit Schleierwolken und bedeckter Sonne

8 Jahre ist es jetzt mittlerweile her, dass ich dort oben auf ca. 2.700m stand und diesen malerischen Sonnenuntergang erleben durfte. Es war der anstrengendste Auf- und Abstieg, den ich bisher erleben durfte, der von einer Woche Muskelkater begleitet wurde. Ein Glück war zu diesem Zeitpunkt meine Foto-Ausrüstung mit der ur-E-M5 mit dem Kit von Olympus noch superklein und superleicht.
Doch da oben zu stehen und sein Gipfelradler bei diesem Anblick genüsslich zu schlürfen hatte schon echt was.

#fotografie #wolken #natur #landschaft #schweiz #alpen #berge #wandern #bergsteigen #sonnenuntergang #sonne #stille #ruhe #moment #stimmung #stillersonntag #gipfel #gletscher
#photography #cloudporn #sunset #switzerland #alps #silentsunday #nature #landscape #moment #mood #moody #fineart #fediart #art #outdoor #mountains #hiking #peak #glacier #peaks #glaciers #alpenglow
Zu sehen ist das Gstellihorn mit einer Höhe von 2.855m im Sonnenuntergang, bei dem es mit goldenem Licht angestrahlt wird.

A photo taken shortly after we found ourselves at the top of Conic Hill in a thunderstorm.

#LochLomond #Scotland #hiking
man walking down grassy hill towards loch with islands

Hey folks! Quick snap from today's hike. More to come later. Just doing some resting and cooking first.

See you later!

#nature #landscape #hiking #wandern #mountains #Photography #Winter #naturephotography #outdoors #alps
A breathtaking landscape featuring a majestic mountain covered in snow, towering against a backdrop of a serene blue sky with fluffy white clouds. In the foreground, there is a tranquil lake reflecting the beauty of the mountain. The scene is enhanced by a scattering of trees adding a touch of green to the snowy terrain. In the distance, a rocky hill can be seen with patches of snow. This picturesque view captures the essence of nature's beauty, showcasing the harmony between the elements of earth, water, and sky in a stunning outdoor setting.

Die heute, kurze Wanderung kennt ihr vermutlich. Zumindest wenn ihr schonmal mit dem Zug von Treuchtlingen nach Nürnberg gefahren seid, entweder mit NV, den ICEs über Augsburg oder wegen Umleitung

Ich bin da auch schon geradelt.

Die 12 Apostel bei Solnhofen

Aber das Ganze mal von oben und von der anderen Seite zu sehen ist nochmal beeindruckender


Le glacier de la Becquetta depuis la montée vers le glacier de la Chiaupe. On distingue vaguement l'altiport de Courchevel vers la droite de l'image.

#MountainMonday #hiking #mountains #alps #LandscapePhotography
Photo d'un paysage de montagne. Au premier plan, une petite mare entourée d'herbe rase fait une plateforme donnant sur une vue dégagée. On distingue un glacier un peu plus loin. À l'arrière-plan s'enchaînent des massifs montagneux. L'air est brumeux

Just witnessed a dog , clearly worried about his person’s rapid speed of descent, bite her right ski as she was cruising down the hill. Result: Ski came off. Full stop.

No injuries.
#newsnow #hiking

July 19, 1983: I felt terrific as I followed the Appalachian Trail along streets through the town. Duncannon was a small city with a downtown business district consisting of a few square blocks of mid- to early twentieth-century buildings like the Doyle Hotel quickly giving way to tree-lined residential streets.

#backpacking #hiking #landscapephotography #outdoors #nature #pennsylvania #mountains #forest #AppalachianTrail
Beneath an extremely hazy whitewashed summer sky we are at a lookout high up a mountainside looking hundreds of feet down at a lush green valley where two major rivers join into one very large river. Impressive arch bridges span the mouths of both rivers, connecting the riverbank on or left to the peninsula between the rivers and then the riverbank on our right. There are wide swathes of forest along all the riverbanks, with the outskirts of a small city to our left. The rest of the valley is farm fields and pastures. A long, flattish ridge, barely visible through miles of thick humidity, rises from the far end of the valley.

Auf dem Weg zum Gaustatoppen in Norwegen ...
Später ging eshier auch noch zu Fuß bis auf den Gipfel!

On the way to Gaustatoppen in Norway ...
Later that day we also went to the summit on foot.

(September 2014)
#mountainmonday #handyfoto #norwegen #norway #photographynorway #gaustatoppen #telemark #hiking #wildenatur #nature #tuddalsvegen
Blick auf den Gaustatoppen, südlich vom Tuddalsvegen aus

Let's connect

I'm still looking for more people in the fediverse who write mostly about personal stuff and only occasionally post political things. Also, I encourage you to comment more, nobody wants to talk into a void...

Here's a list of my interests: Reading (mostly fantasy and general fiction like Naomi Novik, Haruki Murakami, Stephen King), photography, taking walks, urban gardening, animals, paper crafting, Cologne, traveling, music (Marillion, Riverside, Vanessa Carlton, Toto), the Netherlands, Spain, singing in a choir, going to museums, and lots of other things.

#museum #animal #choir #literature #Cologne #music #traveling #photography #marillion #hiking

And last but not least: Last import (I guess) is about a nice hike along lake #achensee .
Well - give it a try, it's not very long and I am - hopefully - finished with transferring my videos.

The hike itself is REALLY beautiful.


#hiking #video #mountains #alps #alpen #wandern #video #vlog
A picturesque scene captured along the Mariensteig path, which leads to the stunning Achensee lake in the highlands. The image shows a serene landscape with a path winding through lush greenery, leading towards the calm body of water. In the background, majestic mountains rise up, adding to the natural beauty of the scene. The color palette is dominated by shades of grey and black, with accents of earthy tones. This tranquil setting exudes a sense of peacefulness and invites viewers to immerse themselves in the wilderness of the outdoors.

#WaterfallWednesday #hiking #PNW #mosstodon
Skirting behind the middle falls at Little Mashel Falls, January last year.
A person in a brown/red rain gear and hiking poles walks around moss-covered boulders towards the back of waterfall crashing down white water into a rocky basin.

A few snaps #hiking along the Coast Trail this week

(1/2) Before I lost my hat...

I dropped everything to chase the forecast this week. I wanted some 'winter' photos for the guidebook I'm working on and, on balance, I think it panned out ok in the end.

Ben Donich, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park

#ScottishHighlands #hiking #Scotland #snow
woman on snowy mountains with ice axe
snowy mountains and cloud
woman on snowy mountain, looking down at loch and mountains
snowy mountains and cloud, seen from a mountain

Inhaltswarnung: US pol, resilience, comforting myself and maybe others too, covid

We absolutely love the Lofoten Islands! 🩵

The scent of the Atlantic, the white beaches, the incredibly beautiful mountains, the small scale of the landscape, the endless motifs, the light of the midnight sun and the strength of nature – it's all just incredible!

We can't wait to come back, because this is our home away from home!

#beAnywhere #maremountain #hiking #photography #landscapePhotography #Lofoten #Norway #Norwegen #norge #home #mountains #nature #atlantic #amazing #stunning #love
man with a camera taking a photo of the beautiful landscape on the Lofoten Islands.

Before I go hunting, is there a #fediverse project for showing #geotagged #photo walks with photos. Hummm!

I don't think #pixelfed can do it but I might be wrong.

In the meantime I am stuck with a 20 year old Nokia app that keeps changing owners, which is okay but very proprietary.

#Photography #hiking #travel #blogs #gps

Cordillera Paine ("Towers of Paine") in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile.

🗓️ November 2002
📍 https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/778244277#map=17/-50.950303/-72.988282&layers=P

#MountainMonday #TorresDelPaine #Mountains #Hiking
3 tooth-like peaks behind a glacier lake.