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Beiträge, die mit starwars getaggt sind

Der finale #Trailer zur 2. Staffel von #Andor verspricht spannende Entwicklungen. Die Rebellion wächst, doch der Bau des Todessterns bringt die imperiale Bedrohung auf ein neues Level. #StarWars #DisneyPlus https://winfuture.de/videos/Film-TV/Andor-Der-finale-Trailer-zur-2.-Staffel-sorgt-fuer-Gaensehautmomente-27302.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

I'm just saying that when I rewatch the prequels, I like them more but when I rewatch the sequels, I like them less.


Hair's to International Wig Day! Change your look and keep your head cozy with these knit wig hats including braids and curls as well as famous characters like Leia, Spock, Elvis, Tinkerbelle, Belle, and more.
#knitting #StarTrek #StarWars
Collage of knit projects. A woman wearing a hot pink wig with curls and bangs, A woman wearing a Star Trek costume with a hat shaped like Spock's hair along with pointed ears, a baby wearing a fairy costume with a knit yellow wig, a man wearing an exaggerated Elis wig with huge pompadour, a woman wearing a princess Leia wig with curled buns over ears, a girl wearing a hat with long Pippi Longstocking style braids. Woman wearing hot pink bob. Little girl wearing a Belle costume with knit brown wig with long curls and bun on top.

Ewan McGregor „versaute“ diverse #StarWars Szenen weil er nicht anders konnte und während der zahlreichen Lichtschwert-Kämpfe Lichtschwert-Geräusche imitierte 😂😂😂

Das Foto zeigt Ewan McGregor als Obi Wan mit einem Lichtschwert

Die beliebte #StarWars-Serie #Andor kehrt im April für ihre finale Staffel zurück. Ein neuer Special Look-Trailer gibt Einblicke hinter die Kulissen und zeigt erste Szenen aus den kommenden Episoden. #Trailer https://winfuture.de/videos/Film-TV/Andor-Neuer-Special-Look-Trailer-stimmt-auf-die-finale-Staffel-ein-27223.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Der erste Trailer zu Andor Staffel 2 ist da. Die finale Staffel der #StarWars-Serie startet am 23. April 2025 auf Disney+. https://winfuture.de/videos/Film-TV/Andor-Staffel-2-Erster-Trailer-zum-Finale-der-Star-Wars-Serie-27197.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

In den ersten Drehbüchern von #StarWars hieß Yoda „Minch Yoda“ oder einfach nur „Minch“.

Das Foto zeigt Yoda.

Super Star Wars - Holiday Special unofficially arrives on the Commodore Amiga as a Port from the Sega Mega Drive.

Not only the SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis get a new homebrew release called [Super Star Wars Holiday Special]. Today you can download the Commodore Amiga version, that's been ported over as the first public beta by Earok.


#amiga #super #starwars #port #retro #gaming #art #retrocomputing #engineer #artist #media #tech #news
Here's the latest from Earok. "I'm very pleased to post a port of Master Linkuei's recent Mega Drive game to the Amiga. This is the first public beta, while it is complete it hasn't been broadly tested. Please let me know if you find any bugs or have other suggestions for improvements. Except for one or two short tracks, music is currently CD only. I'm very proud to get this one out the door - this is the first time a Mega-Drive-First Scorpion game has received an Amiga port. Hopefully there'll be a tonne more in future".
[ImageSource: Earok]

Which is an unofficial game from the cult-classic SNES Super Star Wars series, and loosely based on the outrageous The Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978.

AGA, CD32 Pad | Music is CD32 only | 020/2MB Chip minimum | 030 or Fast RAM recommended but not required

Wo finde ich denn jetzt die #lego und die #starwars Community?

I finished Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It was very fun to play despite the map and lack of fast travel. Also: there's BD-1! #starwars #videogames #shareyourgames #blog #fallenorder #playstation5 #gaming


I think that Rebel One or whatever it's called is on the telly.

I don't like the look of it really. I mean, the quality of video compared to the older films.

It doesn't look #StarWars to me.

And I think a large chunk of a film's enjoyableness is how it looks: the colours, the toning, the cinematography.

It's what a lot of newer #movies seem to lack. Not all, but a lot.

Today's featured nerd couture seems appropriate for the moment.
#StarWars #RogueOne #Resistance

Someone at work just suggested our Christmas party should be Star Wars themed.

I immediately became an unskippable cut scene.

#StarWars #Christmas #SWChristmasSpecial #LifeDay

In #EmpireStrikesBack C3PO calls Luke a human being.

Now we know it all happened a long, long time ago, so my theroy is that #StarWars is actually set in the future, after humans have emigrated to other planets, but as viewers, we're watching from even further into the future.

Tadhg Hickey #StarWars #2024

#USA #Ireland #Israel #Palestine


I’ve long wished that more people could’ve been at that event or it could’ve been videoed or somehow shared

Because there were parts that could’ve become memes or in-jokes I would gladly share with millions of #StarWars fans, because they were funny as hell

Guess we’ve got our oral tradition

Years later I met another person who was there and they too tell people about that night 🚀

One of the greater public art folklore celebrations I’ve been part of was the #StarWars Epic Rock Opera Puppet Show which was held in #Olympia #Washington’s Capital Theatre

It was sort of a talent/variety show with absolutely no official approval thrown together in 1997 before the first trilogy was re-issued in theatres

People dug out “folk knowledge” we all shared and it was ridiculous and amazing and there was a Death Star piñata

So much better than CGI

In Re-Creative Ep1, Mark A. Rayner rewinds to the #StarWars that electrified his 11-year-old self. 🎥⚔️ Join us for a journey into cinematic inspiration and how a tale of space and sabers can change everything. Also, uncover Mark's own stories with a special book offer! https://re-creative.ca/a-new-hope/#CreativeMinds #SciFiLove