Beiträge, die mit starwars getaggt sind
Andor: Der finale Trailer zur 2. Staffel sorgt für Gänsehautmomente
Disney gewährt uns mit einem neuen Trailer weitere Einblicke in die zweite Staffel der Star Wars-Serie Andor, die schon in weniger als einem Monat auf Disney Plus startet.Thomas Zick (
in the Mos Eisley Cantina
#krickelkrakel #kleinekunstklasse #kleinekunstklasse #saigaantilope #starwars #moseisleycantina
#knitting #StarTrek #StarWars
Wig Knitting Patterns - In the Loop Knitting
Free knitting patterns for fun hats designed to look like hair including famous characters. Many of the patterns are
‘Star Wars’ Actors Ewan McGregor and Laura Dern Kept Making Sound Effects During Their Action Scenes
'Star Wars' actors can't seem to stop making noises during their epic fight sequences.Johnell Gipson (Showbiz Cheat Sheet)
Andor: Neuer Special Look-Trailer stimmt auf die finale Staffel ein
Im April kehrt eine der beliebtesten Star Wars-Serien mit einer zweiten, zugleich aber auch letzten Staffel zurück.Thomas Zick (
Andor Staffel 2: Erster Trailer zum Finale der Star Wars-Serie
Die Star Wars-Serie Andor kehrt mit ihrer zweiten Staffel zurück. Der erste Trailer deutet auf eine Intensivierung des Konflikts zwischen Rebellion und Imperium hin.Stefan Trunzik (
Not only the SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis get a new homebrew release called [Super Star Wars Holiday Special]. Today you can download the Commodore Amiga version, that's been ported over as the first public beta by Earok.
#amiga #super #starwars #port #retro #gaming #art #retrocomputing #engineer #artist #media #tech #news
Super Star Wars - Holiday Special AGA - English Amiga Board
Super Star Wars - Holiday Special AGA project.Amiga Game
So if you post about
I'm interested in following! 👋
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PS5)
Some highlights about my playthrough of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order on Playstation 5.Sword of Seiros
I don't like the look of it really. I mean, the quality of video compared to the older films.
It doesn't look #StarWars to me.
And I think a large chunk of a film's enjoyableness is how it looks: the colours, the toning, the cinematography.
It's what a lot of newer #movies seem to lack. Not all, but a lot.
I immediately became an unskippable cut scene.
#StarWars #Christmas #SWChristmasSpecial #LifeDay
Now we know it all happened a long, long time ago, so my theroy is that #StarWars is actually set in the future, after humans have emigrated to other planets, but as viewers, we're watching from even further into the future.
#USA #Ireland #Israel #Palestine
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Because there were parts that could’ve become memes or in-jokes I would gladly share with millions of #StarWars fans, because they were funny as hell
Guess we’ve got our oral tradition
Years later I met another person who was there and they too tell people about that night 🚀
It was sort of a talent/variety show with absolutely no official approval thrown together in 1997 before the first trilogy was re-issued in theatres
People dug out “folk knowledge” we all shared and it was ridiculous and amazing and there was a Death Star piñata
So much better than CGI
#cat #cats #caturday #catsofmastodon #catstodon #StarWars #May4th #MayThe4thBeWithYou