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Beiträge, die mit humor getaggt sind

Inhaltswarnung: A grammar joke

Oh, oh, do this one next:

"My life has a superb cast, but I cannot figure out the plot.”
― Ashleigh Brilliant

#quote #quotes #life #meaningoflife #humor #humour
tom gauld cartoon 
Soren Kierkegaard, 1843

Cartoon showing a man walking to the left and a dog walking to the right while they say:
"Live can only be understood backwards" "but it must be lived forwards."

In einem Essay beschwert sich Mark Twain über die dt. Sprache. So sei eine Rübe weiblich ein Fräulein aber sächlich. Er nennt Körperteile die männl/weibl o. sächl sind. Das führe dazu, dass dt. Männer nur zu 1/3 männl. seien.

#Literatur #Humor #Satire

Ein Buchcover von Mark Twain mit dem Titel "Reisebilder". Das Cover zeigt eine Szene mit mehreren Personen, die auf einer Holzplattform stehen. Im Hintergrund sind Berge und eine aufgehende Sonne zu sehen. Der Schriftzug "Mark Twain, Band 6" ist oben platziert, während der Titel "Reisebilder" mittig in großen Buchstaben abgebildet ist. Die Farbgebung des Covers ist auffällig und dominiert von Rottönen.

I am greatly enjoying the audiobook of @stephenfry's Mythos, but I imagine this may be the jar situation in his home.

#etymology #greek #humor #humour
Swear jar -- not much change in it
Unsolicited etymology trivia jar - overflowing with coins


Yes, I usually have a few WIPs in process at the same time.

How about the rest of you?

#storytelling #writing #writingcommunity #humor #humour
The distracted boyfriend meme:
Girl in red dress: New story idea
Boyfriend: Me
Girlfriend: Story in progress

Feel-good pic of the day😎

"Guys, no one is setting #Teslas on fire. It's auto auto-immolation. Teslas have started achieving self-awareness, and as soon as they discover their creator is Adolph Twitler, they self-combust in horror. That's the real story the lamestream media won't report." -#ArunGupta, Facebook #Humor #Tesla #ElonMusk
Tesla Flambe en mass

Plain weaves and twill weaves are accepted, though.

Proofreading: It matters!

#goofy #signs #weird #proofreading #typos #humor #humour
sign in front of burlington weslyan independent church: Be gone satin you have no power here

Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 16, 2025

#ElonMusk, #Doge & the #Trump administration are skewered in #Doonesbury #Comic strip.

"In just seven years, we shrunk the federal workforce by 426,000, consolidated 800 agencies and eliminated 640,000 pages of rules...

And you didn't notice because the process was carefully planned and responsibly executed.

It never disrupted essential public services. Compare that to now."

#Musk #Coup #Corruption #USPol #Humor #Comics
Part of the Doonesbury Comic Strip for March 16, 2025. 
Six of the eight panes are shown (four completely, two partialy).

In the first two panes Mark, the radio host, answers a call from Al Gore.
Third pane: Mark asks, "So, Al, wasn't government reform once your jam?" Al replies,"It was, Mark. Reinvention was job one for me as veep."
Fourth pane: Al continues,"In just seven years, we shrunk the federal workforce by 426,000, consolidated 800 agencies and eliminated 640,000 pages of rules.
Fifth pane: Mark says, "Wait... What? Why didn't I know that?" Al replies,"Because you didn't notice at the time.
Sixth pane: Al continues, "And you didn't notice because the process was carefully planned and responsibly executed."
Top of the Seventh pane: Al continues,"It never disrupted essential public services. Compare that to now."
Top of the eighth pane: Bits of chaos with a minion shouting, "Banana" and another one shouting, "Poopaye!"

The resemblance is uncanny...

(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)

#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Politics #Trump #DonaldTrump #USPol #Bathrooms #Toilet
Photo of a toilet with the seat up. An orange-ish towel or piece of carpet has been slung across the uppermost area of the lifted seat, and a red cloth of some kind has been placed in the middle of the hinge. 

There is a distinct resemblance to Donald Trump, with the orange fabric resembling his hair, the red fabric resembling his tie, and the gaping hole in the seat resembling his pursed mouth when he is shouting.

Jon Stewart: "Donald Trump declared that CNN and MSNBC should be illegal.
By the way, I'm not against everything he does."
#media #humor #politics #TheDailyShow

Statistical #Mapping sites🤣

How many people (males and transvestites assumed) got their penis stuck in a vending machine. 2023. Merican Men are #1!

Caveat: The poster claims there's 'nothing wrong with this map', but no methodology is availabe to tell if the numbers quoted are per-capita... nevertheless... 🤣 #maps #funfacts #humor #statistics https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/comments/1bbm83z/number_of_people_who_got_their_penis_stuck_in_a/

Danke für's Liken, Teilen und Kommentieren.

Die neuesten Moses Cartoons per Newsletter bekommen 👉 www.mosescartoons.de

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#mosescartoons #cartoonist #cartoon #karikatur #lustig #humor #ufo #alien #aliens #kuh #cow #muh

Day 6: I believe they have accepted me as one of their own, though I'm worried about Larry, who keeps asking: "Is it just me, or do I smell wet dog?"

#dog #dogs #otter #otters #humor #humour
wet border collie amongst a group of otters floating in the water

By a series of fortunate events, I came across this book at the library: "Killed Cartoons: Casualties of the war on free expression". This was written in 2007 and is a nice little time capsule of the environment at that time, which some people seem to misremember as a golden age when comedians could tell any joke without repercussions worse than a few groans and politicians never put any pressure on publications. So, if you want to remember, check out this book:

#FreesSpeech #history #cartoons #censorship #publishing #journalism #library #humor
Cover of "Killed Cartoons: Casualties of the war on free expression". Edited by David Wallis.

Caturday is always the best time to drop a new Mr.Mittens and the Yowltones album cover.

#cat #cats #caturday #catsofmastodon #catstodon #humor #humour
four cats walking towards the camera and others looking back at a forest on fire

Tag 1: ich mach die Zeitung auf und sehe #Musk.
Tag 2: ich mach das Fenster auf und sehe #Musk-Autos.
Tag 3: ich mach Mastodon auf und sehe #Musk.
Tag 4: ich mach meinen Laptop auf und sehe #Musk.
Tag 5: ich würd ja gerne meinen #Klodeckel aufmachen, aber irgendwie trau ich mich nicht...


Switzerland Just Dropped A BRUTAL BOMBSHELL On TRUMP

#Switzerland #SwissNeutratity #Trump #Middlefinger #Basel #Karneval #politics #humor

Some days you just want to say "fuck it" and take your Majungasaurus for a walk.

#humor #humor #dinosaur #majungassaurus
girl in a red raincoat holding a teddy bear walking with a red dinosaur as they cross the street

Tariffs for Dummies:

#finance #tax #economics #logic #humor #trumpTariffs #politics