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Beiträge, die mit maps getaggt sind

The "True Size" site is a fascinating way of comparing the actual size of countries. Here's Australia, superimposed on Europe - showing Cairns to Perth is similar to the distance from Moscow to Madrid.

#australia #europe #map #maps
Screenshot of a map of Australia over a map of Europe.

The re-naming of the Gulf of Mexico is much deeper than “just a name change”, it’s made clear the power that Google now wields over us. Maps exert authority over our lands and everything in it. When colonisers come, they conquer with more than weapons. Their maps legitimise their imagined places over what was there before. Who gave Google this power? #google #power #maps

Die ca. 1000 km langen Kong-Berge erschienen von 1802-1905 auf fast allen Karten Afrikas. Sogar in J. Vernes Werken kamen sie vor. Ein Geograph hatte sie 1798 erfunden um seine These über den Verlauf des Niger zu stützen.

#Maps #Afrika #Fake #Literatur

Historische Landkarte von Afrika, die in unterschiedlichen Farben und Schattierungen die geografischen Regionen, Flüsse und Orte darstellt. In der unteren Mitte der Karte befindet sich ein ovalsförmiger Textblock mit der Aufschrift "A NEW MAP OF AFRICA FROM THE LATEST AUTHORITIES. By John Cary, Engraver, 1805."

Statistical #Mapping sites🤣

How many people (males and transvestites assumed) got their penis stuck in a vending machine. 2023. Merican Men are #1!

Caveat: The poster claims there's 'nothing wrong with this map', but no methodology is availabe to tell if the numbers quoted are per-capita... nevertheless... 🤣 #maps #funfacts #humor #statistics https://www.reddit.com/r/mapporncirclejerk/comments/1bbm83z/number_of_people_who_got_their_penis_stuck_in_a/

https://www.europesays.com/1915869/ Air Canada apologizes for replacing Israel with the name ‘Palestinian territories’ on its planes’ maps #AirCanada #Airlines #airplanes #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #maps #Palestine #WorldNews
Air Canada apologizes for replacing Israel with the name 'Palestinian territories' on its planes' maps

Farmers ruined by Musk killing USAID

"USAID bought $2 billion a year of rice, wheat, lentils, and peas from American farmers. - Civil Eats

Click to see where farmers are getting ruined by MAGA policies and the local political rep to hold accountable."

[It's an interactive map.]

#ElonMusk #Musk #Coup #Doge #Corruption #Trump #GOP #USPol #USPolitics #USAID #Farmers #Food #US #USA #Maps

FOSS #maps based on #OpenStreetMap are very close to fully replacing Google Maps for me. OpenStreetMap is often more complete and up-to-date than Google, and when it's not, I'm happy to help improve it. Once I pick two endpoints in Organic Maps or GNOME Maps, routing works fine (even for public transit, so long as that transit authority is supported).

The problem is just searching for #addresses or named destinations. That's the only reason I use Google Maps. Is there any fix on the horizon?

Since The Associated Press, in contrast to Google and Apple, continues to call the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of Mexico, I just made a donation as a thank you gesture.


#journalism #GulfOfMexico #Google #Apple #maps

#Gaza City is to be renamed, "New #Miami.

#Google #Maps have already made the required changes

#USA #Politics


🥇Today's best weather will be in western North Carolina. The town of Salisbury will lead the way. Salisbury, is known for Cheerwine, a cherry-flavored soft drink that was created there in 1917.

#northcarolina #weather #travel #sunshine #blog #outdoors #maps
A weather rating map of the US showing bright orange and red in the Southeast.

So using a non-google maps app is possible & probably a good idea. Giving your location to google is not safe going forward.

Been using & experimenting with some & I think you might want to find some too.

Apps: https://european-alternatives.eu/category/navigation-apps


cc @european_alternatives

#maps #navigation #google #infosec #USpol #location #DataEthics

Gibt es eigentlich eine Open Source "Wander Community"? Ich fand Komoot vom Prinzip her eigentlich cool, aber die App ist eine Datenkrake sondergleichen.
Also: Routen bewerten, eintragen, kommentieren, kopieren wären tolle Funktionen.
Mit Organic Maps konnte ich zumindest "Tracks aufzeichen", was ich schon sehr cool fand'.
#komoot #Wandern #opensource #maps #gps #trekking #hiking #organicMaps #osm #openstreetmap

African tribes that were the most taken to The Americas during The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade https://www.byteseu.com/647426/ #Map #MapPorn #MapPorn #Maps
African tribes that were the most taken to The Americas during The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade

Qatar condemns maps published by Israel claiming Arab territories

The publication of maps by the Israeli government claiming areas of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria as part of Israel has been denounced by Gaza ceasefire mediator Qatar.

“We emphasize the necessity for the international community to undertake its legal and moral responsibilities to compel the Israeli occupation to comply with international legitimacy resolutions.”


My latest "conspiracy theory": the standard map projection used by the Soviet Union really makes sense only if Scandinavia was part of it. Otherwise you would move slightly the centre, rather than have dangling Chukotka in the top-right corner.
See more maps of the USSR: https://istorik.net/502-karty-sssr.html #maps #mapstodon

You need to know this stuff...

States where you can own #kangaroos.🤣 #Maps

This ‘digital twin’ of the planet could rival Google Earth — here’s how you can try it: Google needs Competition

French startup Kermap has developed a ‘digital twin’ of the Earth that claims to offer the most up-to-date views of our home planet.

The programme is called Nimbo Earth Online and it is the only platform providing new satellite views of the world every month, without clouds. Google Earth refreshes its imagery every several months to years, depending on location.

There’s one caveat though: Nimbo offers a resolution of only 10 metres per pixel. This is far less precise than what is offered by Google Earth.

But then Google Earth has really not been moving forward in leaps and bounds for the last few years. I wanted to find a specific location a few months ago, which contained a shooting range. The problem I had with Google Earth was that more than one of the recent images had cloud concealing that area. Going back in time, went too far back. Nimbo is using AI to remove the clouds. So maybe there is something with this AI-powered mapping.

Nimbo also includes a split & swipe function, which allows you to compare before and after images in one single view.

Although Nimbo states a resolution of 10 m per pixel, the interface has an HD button which says it is coming soon. So, it looks like that will improve.

But this does go to show that Google needs competition in order for them to improve. Google could have already been doing some of this AI-powered mapping if they'd felt the need to.

See This ‘digital twin’ of the planet could rival Google Earth — here’s how you can try it

The new AI-powered platform is the only one of its kind providing new satellite views of the world every month, without clouds.

#technology #mapping #AI

#map #maps #satelliteimagery #earth
Danie van der Merwe