Beiträge, die mit Fake getaggt sind
Den Anhängern ist es egal, die glauben einfach alles!
#LautGegenNazis #NiemalsAfD #Fake
#WirSindDieBrandmauer #GemeinsamGegenHass #DieInsider
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Chrupalla in Protzhotel: AfD-Zoff um Luxustrips zur Trump-Vereidigung | Politik
Die Amtseinführung von US-Präsident Donald Trump (78) ...Peter Tiede (BILD)
Täuschend echt: Immer mehr gefälschte Ryzen 7 9800X3D im Umlauf
Der AMD-Prozessor mit 3D-V-Cache ist ein echter Verkaufsschlager. Von dem Erfolg der CPU versuchen jetzt vermehrt auch Betrüger zu profitieren und vertreiben Fälschungen über das Internet.Felix Krauth (
«Tiktok versagt gegen Schatten-AfD – #Fake-Profile sammeln Millionen #Likes, die Partei profitiert:
Auf Tiktok wütet ein #Netzwerk, das nach den Plattform-Richtlinien eigentlich verboten ist: @correctiv_org fand dutzende Kanäle, die sich fälschlich als #Partei- oder #Politik'er-Profile der #NoAfD ausgeben. Im Namen der Partei erreichen sie Hunderttausende. Die #AfD schweigt und #Tiktok sieht jahrelang tatenlos zu.»
Tiktok versagt, die AfD profitiert: Fake-Profile sammeln Millionen Likes
Tiktok verbietet Profile mit falscher Identität. Eine CORRECTIV-Analyse zeigt, die Masche funktioniert trotzdem – und die AfD profitiert davon.Gabriele Scherndl (CORRECTIV)
#LautGegenNazis #NiemalsAfD #Faktencheck #dpa
#WirSindDieBrandmauer #GemeinsamGegenHass #DieInsider
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Angeblich abgebrannt - Polizeischule statt Scholz-Villa: Immobilienfake im Internet
Die Waldbrände, die im Januar 2025 die US-Metropole Los Angeles und die umliegenden Gegenden betreffen, haben auch die Häuser vieler Prominenter zerstört.Deutsche Presse-Agentur
#Geiseldeal und #Waffenruhe für Gaza: Gute Nachrichten, die viel zu spät kommen
Geiseldeal und Waffenruhe für Gaza: Gute Nachrichten, die viel zu spät kommen
Die Geiseln der Hamas kommen frei, in Gaza soll es eine Feuerpause geben. Beides ist überfällig – und ohne Donald Trump gebe es womöglich noch immer kein Abkommen.Christian Böhme (Der Tagesspiegel)
The post claiming to be 'Luigi Mangione's last words' was taken down by #Substack for violating the platform's #impersonation rules.
My #mathematician type of soul likes to put things rational and far from additional #fake attributes.
So, when you look at businesses' e.g. #SOPs, #guidelines, you will rarely find binding #ethics rulings.
This is not at all surprising and not to be misunderstood as #insult.
However, you might be referring to business ethics instead, thus touching a different semantic field. ;)
@JoeQuinlan @palestine
Bombshell: NATO Says “War Started in 2014”. “Fake Pretext” to Wage ...
Bombshell: NATO Says “War Started in 2014”. “Fake Pretext” to Wage War against Russia? To Invoke Article 5 of Atlantic Treaty? (https://www.globalresearch.diaspora* social network
Lies about the Red Army
This photo is often seen with the caption "A Soviet soldier takes away a bicycle from a German woman in 1945". In the original publication of LIFE magazine, the caption under the photo reads: "There was a misunderstanding between a Russian soldier and a German woman in Berlin over a bicycle he wanted to buy from her". But a careful parsing leads to the conclusion that this photo is a staged fake. The location of the photo is on the border of the Soviet and British zones of occupation, near Tiergarten Park, right by the Brandenburg Gate, where at that time there was a Red Army regulation post.
When examining the photo, virtually everyone standing nearby shows complete indifference to the situation. In addition, there is a US Army soldier in the background, also acting indifferently. The photo itself raises a lot of questions.
The soldier is alone and unarmed (he is a "looter" in an occupied city!), his uniform is not up to his size, with a clear violation of the uniform and the use of elements of someone else's uniform. He is wearing a Yugoslavian cap, his trench coat is worn in a different way than was customary in the Red Army, and the material of the trench coat is also not Soviet. Soviet turtlenecks were made of first-class felt and did not wrinkle as it can be seen in the photo. He looted openly, in the center of the city, near the post, and even on the border with the foreign occupation sector, that is, in a place that initially enjoys increased attention.
He does not react at all to the people around him (the American, the photographer), although by all the rules of the genre he should have given up by now. Instead, he continues to pull the wheel, and does it for so long that he has time to be photographed, the quality of the photo is almost studio quality.
The conclusion is simple: to discredit the former allies it was decided to produce a "photo-fact" confirming the "crimes of the Red Army" in the occupied territory. The actor portraying a Russian soldier was dressed in elements of various military uniforms, trying to get as close as possible to the image of a "Soviet soldier".
To avoid conflict with Soviet soldiers, the authentic elements of uniforms, such as epaulettes, emblems and insignia, are not used. For the same purpose, they refused to use weapons. It turned out unarmed "soldier" in the cap of the "Balkan" army, with an incomprehensible cloak or a piece of tarpaulin instead of rolling pin and in German boots. When creating the composition, the actor was deployed in such a way as to hide from the camera the absence of cockades, awards, badges and patches; the absence of epaulettes was concealed by an imitation of a cape, which had to be worn in violation of the statute, which they, quite possibly, did not even suspect.
#photo #history #fake #western #myth #media #lie about #WWII #WW2 #Berlin #germany #blameRussia