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Beiträge, die mit western getaggt sind

Talking heads on other #western #news:
«Brave #Isreal is fighting against the terror that is #Hamas»

Chad expert on #NRK news:
«Hamas just wants to survive and unless there's an election the only thing the #Isreali government wants is war»

OoOoOOOo, but #state sponsored #media is bad, whereas privately owned is totally honest!

It's also worth noting that NRK was designed to withstand #Russian subversion during the cold war. Some of the old heads at NRK can still speak Russian even.

Somalia and North Western State of Somalia Deny Plans to Resettle Gaza Palestinians #NorthAfrica #Somalia #WestAfrica #deny #Gaza #north #Palestinians #plans #Resettle #Somalia #state #western

About the “poisoning” of the Skripals
This was clear from the very beginning, for those who think logically.
But for some reason many people believed this Western lie and provocation.
#Western #lie #deception #fraud #MI6 #UK #britain #england #british #provocation #blameRussia #russian #history #Russia

Yulia Skripal reveals the biggest secret of all at Novichok show trial-The attack was a British operation, not a Russian one | MR Online https://mronline.org/2024/11/19/yulia-skripal-reveals-the-biggest-secret-of-all-at-novichok-show-trial-the-attack-was-a-british-operation-not-a-russian-one/
#russia #putin

Your Conscience

Cold War Canada: Ongoing state support for East European émigré groups with deep fascist roots
“Manufacturing Consent”
… for fascism

“If the triumph of communism
is the worst imaginable result,
the support of fascism abroad
is justified as a lesser evil.”

In 1988, just before the destruction of the USSR, #Herman and #Chomsky published a theory on the use of mass media “to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behavior” that “integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society.” (p.1.) The media’s “societal purpose,” they explained, is to “defend the economic, social, and political agenda of privileged groups that dominate the domestic society and the state.” (p.298.)

This propaganda model focused on five thematic “filters” of the mass media:

size, concentrated ownership, owner wealth and profit orientation…;
advertising as primary income source …;
reliance… on info. provided by government, business and “experts” funded and approved by these primary sources and agents of power;
“flak” as a means of disciplining the media;
“anticommunism” as a national religion and control mechanism. (p.2.)

With the “specter” of communism as “the ultimate evil,” the media created a “cultural milieu in which anticommunism is the dominant religion.” By “elevating opposition to communism to a first principle of Western ideology and politics,” the media used it as a “potent” “political-control mechanism.” This “fragment[ed] the left and labor movements” and sidelined “social democrats” accused of being “too soft on communists.” While many Cold War “liberal” progressives supported US-led wars justified with anticommunist pretexts, “others lapsed into silence, paralyzed by the fear of being tarred with charges of infidelity to the national religion.” (p.29.)

By stirring “anti-Communist fervor … the demand for serious evidence in support of claims of ‘communist’ abuses is suspended, and charlatans can survive as evidential sources.” These “charlatans” take “center stage” as media “experts” and “remain there even after exposure as highly unreliable, if not downright liars.” (p.30.)

Source: Edward S.Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent, 1988.


Source: Ukraine: A Captive but Unconquerable Nation, Bulletin of the World AntiCommunist League, Jun 1969

The Civil War: A Brief History of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada

#europe #Western #coldwar #USA #US #canada #ukraine #Vietnam #Iran #Guatemala #Brazil #Dominican #NATO #propaganda #fascism #anticommunism #mccarthyism #russophobia #anti-Russia in #soviet #USSR #russian #ukrainian #Russia #history

US intel community killed its own credibility by revealing its Ukraine policies (from 2022)


‘They #lied. They may hold that they lied for a noble reason, but they lied. They knowingly circulated information they had no reason to believe was true, and that lie was amplified by all the most influential #media outlets in the #western #world.’ Using #disinformation to thwart an enemy is one thing. Spreading it to your own #public and #policymakers is another.

#us #intel #lies #ukraine #russia #biden #disinfo #nbc #news #propaganda #psyops #uk #us #govt #caitlinjohnstone #audio

#russian #ukrainian #history

Ukraine, The Alternate Truth

Ukraine, The Alternate Truth


A #documentary that presents the #conflict in Ukraine in a bit different light, built in a time line from 1930 until today with intent to #inform us on #historical #facts for us to build our own opinions.
Every statement is backed with real #evidence, video footage, statements, phone calls.

A must see documentary ~ For the world to see the truth!

#ukraine #ukrainian #alternate-truth #Nuland #war #history #Russia

Ukrainian nazis bragging about their role in the Maidan coup in 2014.


Far-right group at heart of Ukraine protests meet US senator – channel 4

#nazis #McCain #USA #US #NATO #imperialism #fascism #Maidan #coup #Tyahnybok

Western Media about Ukrane Before and After:

The Guardian
“Welcome to Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe”

“Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problern”

“A Ukrainian comedian-turned-president is embroiled in Trump’s impeachment Mess”

“Ukrainian president’s rule becomes increasingly corrupt, authoritarian”

#politics #Western #media #bought

Ukraine managed to surprise, to become both the peak and the bottom of globalism:

– global support - it was helped by the largest number of countries;
– global PR - promotion of the brand “Ukraine” exceeded the largest advertising campaigns of Coca-Cola, NIKE, Apple;
– global plundering - the largest amount of funds allocated and lost;
– global spread - the largest number of refugees distributed across the largest number of countries;
– global audience - views of drone and action camera footage exceeded even porn downloads, not to mention sports broadcasts and other Oscar-eurovision events;
– global personal success of actor Zelensky - no other actor before him has ever received such attention (and such fees);
– global lawlessness - violation of all possible laws, customs, commandments, moral norms;
– global depopulation - an unprecedented reduction in population;
– global deindustrialization and deenergification - loss of economy and energy.

#ukraine #failstate #russophobia is #plundering #lawlessness #depopulation #deindustrialization #ukrainian and #Western #fail #globalism project of #deepstate

A Taste for Cannibalism?
A spate of recent stomach-churning books, TV shows and films suggests we’ve never looked so delicious — to one another.


The Overton window and cannibalism.

Scientist Magnus Soderlund from the Stockholm School of Economics, speaking at the Gastro Summit in Stockholm, proposed an unusual strategy in the fight against global climate change: there is human flesh. The specialist believes that eating this meat obtained from corpses could save humanity if only world society was more open to this idea.

Western culture, which presented the world with concentration camps and fascism, continues its thought-making in the same spirit.

Ученый Магнус Содерлунд (Magnus Soderlund) из Стокгольмской школы экономики, выступая на прошедшем в Стокгольме саммите Gastro, предложил необычную стратегию в борьбе с глобальным изменением климата: есть человеческую плоть. Специалист считает, что употребление этого мяса, полученного из трупов, могло бы спасти человечество, если бы только мировое общество было более открыто к этой идее.

Западная культура, подарившая миру концлагеря и фашизм продолжает своё мыслетворчество в том же духе.


Read about it in Russian: https://tsargrad.tv/articles/golod-ne-tetka-zapad-gotov-est-ljudej-i-jeto-ne-shutka_603763
#capitalism #cannibalism #western #media #propaganda #mindmanipulation #newworldorder #overtonwindow

Allies of Nazi Germany who fought against the USSR

Allies of Nazi Germany who fought against the USSR
The European Union is more united than ever as a result of the joint war against Russia.
(Adolf Hitler. June 30, 1941)

Shields and symbols of SS and collaborationist formations of Nazi Germany from European countries and occupied territories of the USSR.
Some useful commentary with more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/b2f9yn/map_showing_the_shields_and_collar_insignia_of/
#Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #history #anticommunism #WWII #WW2 #Western #european #nazi #nazism #war #europe #germany #Hitler #quotation

How the West promised the USSR that NATO would not expand eastward

How the West promised the USSR that NATO would not expand eastward, by Roland Dumas, former minister.

In a late interview, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, back then German Foreign Minister, said that a NATO expansion eastward had never been an issue during the talks:

There is however this video clip from the time of the talks, where he says quite the opposite in front of cameras and also the news person says that “it was promised not to expand NATO eastward”:

#Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #history #politics #europe #NATO #imperialism #war #Western #deception #lie #anglo-saxons

About the American dumpsite New York Times

The American dumpsite New York Times continues to spread lies to the world.

They write:
"It was Ms. Merkel who agreed to shut down the country’s nuclear power plants and increase Germany’s reliance on imported natural gas from Russia, helping to create an electricity price spike and a security crisis years later, after Moscow decided to turn off the taps following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022." *

And in reality:
"BERLIN, Feb 22 [2022] (Reuters) - Germany on Tuesday halted the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea gas pipeline project, designed to double the flow of Russian gas direct to Germany, after Russia formally recognised two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine." **

** https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/germanys-scholz-halts-nord-stream-2-certification-2022-02-22/

#Western #US #american #media #newyorktimes #deception #lies #mindmanipulation #europe #germany #economy #energy #naturalgas #nord-stream #blameRussia #history

Operation Unthinkable


#Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #history #map #WWII #WW2 #europe #USA #US #american #UK #britain #england #british #canadian #polish #Western #war #warmongers #СССР #история

In 1945, Winston Churchill considered starting a war with the Soviet Union right after WW2


About how the Western Deep State is destabilizing the World

#USA #US #american #money #deepstate #usaid #NED #Soros #UK #britain #british #mindmanipulation #Western #media for #ukraine #ukrainian government #coup #georgia #kyrgyzstan #lebanon #coup-d’état #history
Susan Singer

Roxanne Towner-Watkins, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel and Operation Gladio participant, responded harshly to ex-ambassador Russophobe McFaul on the X network:
You are a fucking liar. Putin shut it down because he was smart enough to figure out that its regime change and the ambassador, their CIA station chief's pot of destabilization funds to insert bad actors. When other countries try to the do the same you call them communists and immediately begin to destabilize their governments. See Georgia. See Slovakia. NATO, Operation Gladio, Operation Condor, USAID, CIA, NED, all working together to overthrow over 90 countries.

Sit your ass down. You've been exposed.


#USA #US #american #usaid #deepstate #NATO #CIA #NED #Gladio #history #Western #lies #russophobia #McFaul #anti-Russia

About the roots of Ukrainian Russophobia

About Ukrainian “independent journalism”

Wikileaks investigators have revealed how many Ukrainian journalists were funded by USAID:

USAID funded more than 6,200 journalists from 707 media outlets plus 279 media NGOs.

This included 9 out of every 10 media outlets in Ukraine.

In essence, an artificial information field was created for Ukrainians, in which all news was aimed at maintaining a high degree of Russophobia. As we can see, they succeeded.

#USA #US #american #usaid #deepstate #Western #mindmanipulation #russophobia #ukraine #ukrainian #media #anti-Russia #history

Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nebenzya at an event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day:
231 Soviet soldiers and officers gave their lives for the freedom of the prisoners of Auschwitz. Along with the soldiers followed Soviet doctors who had experience in restoring the starved inhabitants of the Siege of Leningrad.

I am sure that the children who accepted sweets from the hands of Soviet soldiers on that day could not have imagined that a few decades would pass and the decisive role of the Soviet army in the destruction of Nazism and the end of the Holocaust would be questioned, that the country on whose territory Auschwitz was located would demolish monuments to the soldiers and officers of the Red Army who liberated their country and the death camp, that representatives of the state that brought liberation from the Nazi death machine would not be invited to the memorial events in Auschwitz today.

They could not imagine that neo-Nazi marches would be held and that veterans of the anti-Hitler coalition would be banned from wearing their orders and medals. We must not forget: without the Great Victory in 1945, there would be no United Nations and no world as we know it."

The problem is that there, in the West, and to a large extent in Ukraine, it is the ordinary people who are convinced that Hitler was bringing them “liberation from communism”. That they would have lived better if the Reich had managed to take over the USSR, because all of Russia's untold wealth “would have been theirs.” They do not allow the idea that they were destined for the role of working cattle, which, as they became physically exhausted, would be utilized in gas chambers and furnaces. It was an ideological failure, which led to the fact that in the 90s, the disintegrating USSR and the socialist camp were overwhelmed by Western ecstasy, where everything seemed freer, fairer, and, of course, more nourishing.....

It was a big mistake that collaborationism was not properly evaluated, that all accomplices were not punished. The system of control over the socialist camp seemed powerful, but in fact it was a house of cards that quickly collapsed. Russia was parasitized and its resources were used without feeling the slightest gratitude.

We saw friends in those who understand only the language of force, and sincerity is perceived as weakness ...

The younger generation no longer knows the truth - they have been rewritten history, where Hitler was put on the same level as Stalin.

#Western #anticommunism

#EU occupied #western #Sahara and the #US that is. With large part of the population across the border in the most inhumane refugee camp in the world.

Same colonialist fascists that are crying about #Ukraine loading it with weapons of mass destruction.

#EU/#US estados unidos de destruction!


World order designed at the end of World War II collapses in Europe
The justification of aggressions of such magnitude against the working class requires the construction of a narrative in which the threat of war is credible and growing, so that the social unrest generated does not hinder the process. Especially when on the horizon is drawn more and more clearly, not only the collapse of living conditions as a result of the closing of companies, the shortage and cutback of public services and pensions, but the reintroduction of compulsory military service; that is, the sending of the proletarian youth to the front to fight and die in the wars of the imperialist bourgeoisie.

The control of information, i.e., information manipulation and censorship, is the fundamental element of war propaganda. Its mission, key in the ideological struggle, is the construction of an external enemy that constitutes such a serious threat to the “homeland” and to “Western civilization” that it is believed necessary to give one's life to save them. As such speeches are not usually convincing enough for an increasingly exploited working class youth, the militarization of society and the intensification of repression act as a deterrent for those who begin to see that their real enemy sits in the armchairs of the Ministries, the Councils and the boards of directors of investment funds, banks and multinationals.


We must keep in mind that fascism and war are inseparable manifestations of the capitalist crisis. The brutality of repression and destruction is in the genetic code of capitalism that in the crises manifests itself without mask. Precisely in the possibility of identifying capitalism without a mask, capable of anything against the working class, nests the seed of the possibility of the destruction of the most criminal social system in history. And that gigantic task can only be carried out by the organized working class, conscious of its historical duty and armed with the theory and experience of previous revolutions.
#europe #economy #european #vassalage #bigpharma #MIC #terrorism #censorship #corruption #militarization #fascism for #USA #US #american #anglo-saxons #Western #warmongers #deepstate #capitalism #imperialism #crisis #war #ukraine #anti-Russia

the collapse of the USSR, far from being the golden opportunity of the great capitalist Europe as an “autonomous” power, accelerated its submission to Anglo-Saxon imperialism.. The world order designed at the end of World War II is collapsing in Europe - mpr21 — https://mpr21.info/el-orden-mundial-disenado-al-final-de-la-ii-guerra-mundial-se-hunde-en-europa/ (spanish) #eu #nato #ue #otan

Liberated Russkoe Porechnoe.

#Liberated #Russkoe #Porechnoe #Russia #Ukraine

"In #Kursk oblast. Russian soldiers inspect buildings and in one of the basements found bodies of numerous old victims, who have been tortured by 404 nazis and then, with tied hands, herded into basement and executed by throwing grenades into basement. I sense #NATO "training" here. West cannot be saved."

#Western #war #ukrainian #fascism #nazism #AFU #war-crimes

#brics #id
#geopolitics #Indonesia #planning #economy #development #history #Asia #China #globalsouth #cooperation #dedollarisation vs. #Western #imperialism #IMF #WTO #US

About CIA and Mossad agents

In 2009, at the height of Operation Cast Lead – the Israeli attack on Gaza that killed more than 1,000 people – #Berg attended a pro-Israel demonstration in central London. Moreover, he even chastised the Israeli newspaper, The Jerusalem Post, for noting that only 5,000 people showed up to the event. In Berg’s opinion, there were three times as many in attendance. The BBC would later change its guidelines to prevent its newsroom employees from attending controversial demonstrations.

During Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli military was found to have indiscriminately targeted and killed civilians, used Palestinians as human shields, and used banned chemical weapons, such as white phosphorous, on civilian areas.

Three years later, in November 2012, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense, a high-profile, bloody assault on Gaza that made worldwide headlines. As Israel bombarded the densely-populated civilian area, Berg went on his own internal offensive, telling his BBC colleagues to word their stories in a way that does not blame or “put undue emphasis” on Israel. Instead, leaked emails show, he encouraged journalists to present the attack as an operation “aimed at ending rocket fire from Gaza,” thereby framing #Hamas as the aggressor.


The implications of former U.S. national security state operatives dictating global media output are profound. This is not least because the State Department and CIA are among the world’s most notoriously dishonest and perfidious institutions, regularly injecting lies and false information into public discourse to further Washington’s ambitions. As Mike #Pompeo, former Director of the CIA and then-Secretary of State, said in 2019:

"When I was a cadet, what’s the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses [on] it!
#US #BBC #UK #england #britain #Israel #Western #anglo-saxons #intelligence #media #lie #cheat #fraud #deception #mindmanipulation #CIA #Mossad #Gaza #history

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East Editor Exposed as CIA, Mossad Collaborator https://mintpressnews.fr/bbc-israel-coverage-raffi-berg-cia-mossad-links/288909/

The spread of American (Western) democracy in action
THIS is the true nature of the American government. Attacking a defenseless country which poses no threat to the United States, and has committed no act of war or hostility against us.

The United States government is a gangster government, filled with violent, tyrannical, garbage people.
#Pentagon #ISIS #US #american #Western #democracy #imperialism is #war #bombings #deaths for #Syria and #mankind

Les bombardiers B-52 américains bombardent actuellement la Syrie... Ils nettoient les détails pour que personne ne puisse témoigner

#syrie #usa #EL #russie #assad #actu #bombardements #imperialisme #pentagone #syrieecrasee #biden #trump


About capitalism

Oh sure, 20 people holding 10% of a nation’s GDP is completely how a normal, healthy economy functions. Nothing to see here! Totally fine that a handful of individuals control wealth equivalent to the output of millions of workers.

Who needs balance, fairness, or, you know, basic economic sanity when you can have a system that funnels obscene amounts of wealth into the pockets of a few? Absolutely normal, nothing dystopian about this at all!


#us #economy #capitalism

#infographics show #Western #american #oligarchy is #money for #Musk #Bezos #Ellison #Zuckerberg #Page #Brin #Ballmer #Huang #Gates #Dell #Walton #Buffet #Bloomberg #Koch etc. #oligarchs and #poverty for #workers

About the savagery and brutality of the British military

Royal Navy's submarine service is plagued by 'gang bangs', drug dealers and lewd officers who celebrate 'rape lists' as crews share Top Trumps-style cards of worst offenders, whistleblower says
And there are disturbing claims of rapes and sexual assaults taking place, as well as a culture of cocaine use among some sailors serving on nuclear submarines and some stationed at the navy's nuclear submarine HQ, HMNB Clyde, in Faslane, Scotland.

'I know of people who have been gang raped,' an insider said. 'I saw initiation ceremonies. One lad was on his knees ion his compartment with three lads and was trying to [perform a sex act on them].'

The former sailor claimed: 'On HMS Vengeance eight kids tried to kill themselves, three were raped and two have now died. Honestly, it's f***ing disgusting.'


The claims are the latest to rock the submarine service following allegations of sexual bullying, misogyny and abuse against women were revealed by the Mail.

In October the head of the Royal Navy was forced into offering a grovelling apology for sexual attacks and bullying of women on submarines, after it was exposed by the Mail.


The Navy published a 140-page report into its findings, about two-thirds of which is completely obscured by a security censor's black ink, covering up shocking details of the abuses.

#Western #NATO #UK #britain #england #british #britisharmy #navy #military #savagery #rape #drugs #antihumanity

British Military Must Die!

About Western Morons who don't know History

Bloodied Ukrainian troops risk losing more hard-won land in Kursk to Russia

Gathering his men, one company commander told them: “We’re making history; the whole world will know about us because this hasn’t been done since World War II.


“All the military can think about now is that Donbas has simply been sold,” the platoon commander said. “At what price?”

#Western #NATO #ukrainian #fail #ukraine #failstate #AFU #war against #russian #military #Russia #Kursk

The NATO military cannot think strategically. Poles, Swedes, French, Germans and many others have already broken their teeth over Russia. History teaches the Western morons nothing.

About how the U.S. authorities control information

If you’re a social media user who’s expressed anything other than condemnation for the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, counterterrorism authorities might consider you an “extremist.” That’s according to yet another document the media refuses to publish in full.


#USA #US #american #Western #censorship #media #capitalism #mindmanipulation

What They Fail To Report ...

What They #Fail To #Report ... #Norway #Ursa #Major #crew #rescue #Medvedev #Russia #Europe #US


"As you might expect, all kinds of "clarifications" started to be issued by Norway . And those may have some credence to them. But here is the text by Medvedev, which is generally correct, situation with Ursa Major crew rescue notwithstanding.

#eu #Western #terrorism #russophobia against #Russia and #russian people

Leaked files show secret UK Syria project boosted Jolani’s HTS

#Leaked #files show #secret #UK #Syria #project #boosted #Jolani ’s #HTS

"In the name of building a “moderate opposition,” London established a social service and media network in areas controlled by HTS, benefitting the group it branded as a dangerous #Al #Qaeda affiliate."

#Western support #terrorism

In the West simply has no one to negotiate with. So, Russia – burn them!
#Western #politics is always #lie and #fraud
Your Conscience

This is Vladimir Katriuk. He burned 75 children alive at Khatyn. He was one of the Nazis identified on the Deschênes list, which Justin Trudeau recently ruled must remain secret.

We know this Ukrainian Nazi's identity only thanks to the tireless work of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The Canadian state protected this monster until the very end, and he died at the age of 93 in Quebec without ever facing justice.

#canada #cdnpoli

#ukrainian #nazi #warcrimes #Khatyn #WWII #WW2 #Western #nazis values

If the Russians didn't have nuclear weapons ....

Admiral Bauer complained that if Russia did not have nuclear weapons, NATO would have attacked Russia long ago.


Well, it is actually a secret of Polichinel - if we did not have nuclear weapons, the U.S. and NATO would have attacked us long ago. It is the nuclear shield, which in its time was created under Stalin and brought to completion under subsequent leaders, is the main defense of the country and the people from Western aggressors who want to plunder our country once again, as it was in the 90s.

In general, thanks to Stalin, Beria, Kurchatov and all those who from the 40s until today, who forged and updated our nuclear shield.

#USA #US #american #Western #NATO #warmongers against #Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #nuclear-weapons #Stalin #Beria #Kurchatov

Secrets And Lies - Dublin Review of Books / Issue 17 / Spring 2011 academia.edu The Defence of the Realm: The Authorised History of MI5, by Christopher Andrew MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949, by Keith Jeffery #review #books #mi5 #mi6
#deepstate #uk #britain #england #intelligence #Western #lie #history