About the roots of Ukrainian Russophobia
About Ukrainian “independent journalism”
Wikileaks investigators have revealed how many Ukrainian journalists were funded by USAID:
USAID funded more than 6,200 journalists from 707 media outlets plus 279 media NGOs.
This included 9 out of every 10 media outlets in Ukraine.
In essence, an artificial information field was created for Ukrainians, in which all news was aimed at maintaining a high degree of Russophobia. As we can see, they succeeded.
#USA #US #american #usaid #deepstate #Western #mindmanipulation #russophobia #ukraine #ukrainian #media #anti-Russia #history
Wikileaks investigators have revealed how many Ukrainian journalists were funded by USAID:
USAID funded more than 6,200 journalists from 707 media outlets plus 279 media NGOs.
This included 9 out of every 10 media outlets in Ukraine.
In essence, an artificial information field was created for Ukrainians, in which all news was aimed at maintaining a high degree of Russophobia. As we can see, they succeeded.
#USA #US #american #usaid #deepstate #Western #mindmanipulation #russophobia #ukraine #ukrainian #media #anti-Russia #history
6 Personen haben dies geteilt
mk •
soo oleg was right?
Oleg Tsarov
Ukrainian Deputy PM
"TechCamp project prepares information warfare specialists to discredit state institutions using modern media, to recruit potention revolutionaries, to organice protests and to overtrhow the state itself[..]overseen and led by[..]geoffrey r. pyatt[..]what country in the world would let an NGO operate from the local US embassy?"
Ukrainian Deputy PM Oleg Tsarov (20 November 2013) : Ukrainian TV (unknown station) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Archivekuchinster mag das.
kuchinster •
He managed to escape in time, otherwise he would have been killed.
3 Personen haben dies geteilt
Syphilia Morgenstierne, kuchinster und Τρομοκρατιστής ✭ hat dies geteilt