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Beiträge, die mit Berg getaggt sind

Confirmation, if any needed!


by Alan McLeod in MintPress News

“The BBC [..] plays an important role in the perpetuation of crimes against humanity [in Palestine]. That this is being driven from the top down by overtly pro-Israel editors, including one with a history in both the State Department and CIA, is perhaps unsurprising but no less shocking, nonetheless”


#Press #BBC #Berg #CIA #Mossad

Edward Whymper wurde 1865 für die Erstbesteigung des #Matterhorn bekannt. Als er 1904 als Erster den #Gipfel des kanadischen Crowsnest Mountain erreichen wollte, erfuhr er, dass ihm sein Erkundungsteam entgegen ihrer Abmachung zuvor gekommen war.


Ein schwarz-weißes Bild, das auf der linken Seite einen schneebedeckten Berg zeigt, der in der Ferne liegt, und im Vordergrund einen mit Bäumen bewachsenen Hang. Auf der rechten Seite befindet sich ein älteres Porträt eines Mannes in bekannter Bergsteigerkleidung. Er trägt einen Hut und hält einen Wanderstock.

“Raffi Berg just ‘the tip of the iceberg’ when it comes to BBC pro-Israel bias”

by Ed Sykes

@israel @BBC5Live

“Scratch the surface of the BBC and you will find it packed to the rafters with Zionists who will quash ideas for programmes that are critical of Israel and who will frame the reporting on Gaza to centre Israeli interests.”


#Press #BBC #Genocide #Complicity #Zionism #Bias #Israel #Gaza #Berg #Palestine #Terrorism

“Raffi Berg just ‘the tip of the iceberg’ when it comes to BBC pro-Israel bias”

by Ed Sykes in The Canary @thecanaryuk


“But a new petition from former Channel 4 editor Tamara Abood [..] calls for the sacking of people even higher up than Berg over the BBC‘s shameful (and longstanding) pro-Israel bias, specifically during the ongoing genocide in Gaza.”


#Press #BBC #Bias #Berg #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #Zionism

About CIA and Mossad agents

In 2009, at the height of Operation Cast Lead – the Israeli attack on Gaza that killed more than 1,000 people – #Berg attended a pro-Israel demonstration in central London. Moreover, he even chastised the Israeli newspaper, The Jerusalem Post, for noting that only 5,000 people showed up to the event. In Berg’s opinion, there were three times as many in attendance. The BBC would later change its guidelines to prevent its newsroom employees from attending controversial demonstrations.

During Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli military was found to have indiscriminately targeted and killed civilians, used Palestinians as human shields, and used banned chemical weapons, such as white phosphorous, on civilian areas.

Three years later, in November 2012, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense, a high-profile, bloody assault on Gaza that made worldwide headlines. As Israel bombarded the densely-populated civilian area, Berg went on his own internal offensive, telling his BBC colleagues to word their stories in a way that does not blame or “put undue emphasis” on Israel. Instead, leaked emails show, he encouraged journalists to present the attack as an operation “aimed at ending rocket fire from Gaza,” thereby framing #Hamas as the aggressor.


The implications of former U.S. national security state operatives dictating global media output are profound. This is not least because the State Department and CIA are among the world’s most notoriously dishonest and perfidious institutions, regularly injecting lies and false information into public discourse to further Washington’s ambitions. As Mike #Pompeo, former Director of the CIA and then-Secretary of State, said in 2019:

"When I was a cadet, what’s the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses [on] it!
#US #BBC #UK #england #britain #Israel #Western #anglo-saxons #intelligence #media #lie #cheat #fraud #deception #mindmanipulation #CIA #Mossad #Gaza #history

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East Editor Exposed as CIA, Mossad Collaborator https://mintpressnews.fr/bbc-israel-coverage-raffi-berg-cia-mossad-links/288909/

“#BBC staffers reveal editor's 'entire job' to whitewash Israeli war crimes”

by The Cradle News Desk


“News editor Raffi #Berg reportedly controls online coverage of genocide in Gaza to ensure Israeli crimes are 'watered down' or ignored”


#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust

“Apparently, the BBC has a guy whose job it is to cover for Israel: If whistle blowers are to be believed, of course...”

by Laura and Normal Island News on Substack


“Every sensible person understands the job of the BBC is to water down criticism of Israel and make false equivalences so it looks like both sides are equally to blame for genocide.”


#Press #BBC #Israel #Gaza #Genocide #Propaganda #Misinformation #RaffiBerg #Berg