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Beiträge, die mit gaza getaggt sind

"In Gaza, human shields are used by Israeli soldiers at least six times a day...Today, almost every platoon keeps a "shawish," and no infantry force enters a house before a "shawish" clears it. This means there are four "shawishes" in a company, twelve in a battalion, at least 36 in a brigade.” #gaza #genocide

Cisjordània, el linxament dels colons israelians a un cineasta palestí https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/cisjordania-linxament-colons-israelians-cineasta-palesti/ #JocdeMiralls #Cisjordània #Gaza

Oh look! Total #pacifists #terrorists raided and ARRESTED b/c @palestine

"Quakers in Britain are reeling from what they say is an unheard-of violation of one of their places of worship by police officers who forced their way into a meeting house...

“No one has been arrested in a Quaker meeting house in living memory,” -Paul Parker, recording clerk for Quakers #UK

"#London Police Arrest #Gaza Protest Planners at #Quakers House"

Paywall: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/30/world/europe/london-quaker-arrests-gaza.html
None: https://archive.ph/sNIuQ

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹’𝘀 𝗡𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗹 protested the presence of solar panels and generators in Gaza, saying: “𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻 𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺… 𝗚𝗮𝘇𝗮 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗱𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆.”#Gaza#FreePalestine#StandWithGaza#StopGenocide#WarCrimes#EthnicCleansing#CrimesAgainstHumanity

Ils sont où les putains de faussaires racistes de #JeSuisCharlie ?

Et je n'y inclus pas ceux qui sont réellement pour la liberté d'expression et contre l'assassinat de quiconque


#Gaza #Press #Execution #ForbiddenStories #GazaProject #Journalism #Palestine #Journalisme #investigation #WarCrime #Genocide

French President @Macron called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin @Netanyahu, urging for an end to the strikes in #Gaza to restore the ceasefire and enable the delivery of humanitarian aid. #Two-stateSolution http://xhtxs.cn/2nA

#gaza #two


Nelle scorse ore l’aviazione israeliana ha condotto diversi bombardamenti sulla Striscia di Gaza, uccidendo un numero ancora non specificato di civili — mentre scriviamo l’ultimo aggiornamentoriportato da Al Jazeera parla di 9 morti, tra cui 5 bambini. Questa mattina le forze israeliane hanno aperto il fuoco proprio durante il momento della preghiera.


#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

Ende des Liveblogs

Damit schließen wir den Liveblog für heute. Danke für das Interesse.

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-250.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Ende-des-Liveblogs
🕚 30.03. 23:07 CEST

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

'‘Torture Jails’ – Investigation Exposes Violations against Palestinian Detainees'
#gaza #palestine #zionist #warcrimes

Sparano sulle ambulanze

Der Schlüssel zum Gelingen ist ein Dietrich. Friedrich @kueppersbuschtv.bsky.social in @tazgetroete
#Freiheitsdienst #Grüne #Merz #CDU #CSU #SPD #Depression #NotJustSad #Hegseth #Signal #Hamas #Gaza #Proteste #Türkei #Erdoğan #İmamoğlu #RWEssen


Canada breaks promise on arms to Israel by allowing $78.8M contract for artillery propellants.


#canada #gaza #genocide

Gaza : une semaine après avoir dénoncé des tirs israéliens contre des ambulances https://mastodon.social/@la_voix/114248063205625363 dans l'enclave palestinienne, le Croissant-Rouge #palestinien a affirmé dimanche 30 mars sur le réseau social X avoir retrouvé 15 corps de secouristes. Le nombre de corps récupérés s'élève à 15 à ce jour, dont 8 ambulanciers des équipes du Croissant-Rouge palestinien, 6 membres de la Défense civile et un employé de l'agence des Nations unies. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/proche-orient/israel-palestine/guerre-dans-la-bande-de-gaza-le-croissant-rouge-dit-avoir-retrouve-15-secouristes-tues-apres-des-tirs-israeliens-sur-des-ambulances_7161069.html#xtor=RSS-3-[lestitres

#israel #gaza

Today, almost every platoon keeps a "shawish," and no infantry force enters a house before a "shawish" clears it. This means there are four "shawishes" in a company, twelve in a battalion, and at least 36 in a brigade. We operate a sub-army of slaves.

#palestine #gaza #israel #usa

In Gaza, Almost Every IDF Platoon Keeps a Human Shield, a Sub-army of Palestinian Slaves

#Gaza / #Teheran / #Beirut
Tod der #Terroristen

Das sogenannte » #Politbüro « der #Hamas in der palästinensischen Enklave ist praktisch nicht mehr existent


#Israel #Selbstverteidigung #Erfolgreich

Israel will neue Straßen im Westjordanland bauen

Die israelische Regierung hat den Bau mehrerer Straßen nahe einer Großsiedlung im Westjordanland beschlossen. Das von Verteidigungsminister Israel Katz vorgeschlagene Projekt eines Straßennetzwerks bei Maale Adumim östlich von Jerusalem sei vom Kabinett gebilligt worden, erklärte Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu.

Das Vorhaben sieht den Bau zweier Straßen vor. Ein…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-250.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Israel-will-neue-Strassen-im-Westjordanland-bauen
🕣 30.03. 20:21 CEST

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

'We want to live’:

"While holding Israel responsible for the slaughter of more than 50,000 people over the past year and a half, and for subjecting the Strip to a longstanding blockade that has further intensified during the war, the protesters are also directing their ire at Hamas: they are calling on the group to do everything in its power to stop the bombing before stepping aside to allow for free elections".

#Gaza #Israel #Hamas


Pro-Palestine protester assaults activist against antisemitism in Berlin


Preisler began public campaigning during the coronavirus but has been a regular feature of anti-antisemitism demonstrations in Berlin.

#Berlin #Hamas #antisemitism #Palestine #Gaza #press

Demonstrators hold banners as they take part in a May Day protest in Berlin, Germany, May 1, 2024. The banners read: "Freedom for Palestine" and "Long live the revolutionary first of May. Expropriate corporations, disarm warmongers, smash capitalism".

“Whatever derangement currently occupies Conservative American politics is, at least, something of very real consequence: the minority groups they want to legislate out of every facet of society, the books they want to ban, the mechanisms of democracy they want to subvert – none of it is hypothetical.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

Thousands of Israelis demonstrate for new hostage deal

> On Saturday, thousands of Israelis held renewed protests throughout the country, demanding a new agreement with #Hamas for the release of #hostages remaining in the #GazaStrip.
https://www.anews.com.tr/economy/2025/03/29/thousands-of-israelis-demonstrate-for-new-hostage-deal #Israel #Gaza #GazaWar

Kurden im Nordosten Syriens lehnen neue Regierung ab

Kurden im Nordosten Syriens lehnen die neu vorgestellte syrische Regierung ab. Das Kabinett spiegele nicht die Vielfalt des Landes wider, kritisierte die Autonome Verwaltung im Norden und Osten Syriens (AANES). Man sehe sich daher nicht an Entscheidungen der neuen Regierung gebunden.

Die Kurden warfen der von Islamisten angeführten R…

🔗 https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/regierung-syrien-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-250.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Kurden-im-Nordosten-Syriens-lehnen-neue-Regierung-ab
🕖 30.03. 19:12 CEST

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Over the past week, IDF soldiers have carried out activities on the Syrian Hermon.

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Syria

Leichen vermisster Sanitäter gefunden

Mehrere im Gazastreifen vermisste Sanitäter des Rettungsdienstes Palästinensischer Roter Halbmond (PRCS) sind laut der Organisation tot geborgen worden. Retter fanden bei ihrer Suche in Rafah 14 Leichen, darunter die von acht Sanitätern, wie es in einer Erklärung des PRCS hieß. Ebenfalls gefunden wurden demnach die sterblichen Überreste von fünf Mitarbeitern des von der Hamas…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-250.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Leichen-vermisster-Sanitaeter-gefunden
🕖 30.03. 19:07 CEST

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Almenys 43 morts pels bombardaments a Gaza durant la cloenda del Ramadà https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/bombardament-gaza-final-ramada/ #Llevant #Israel #ramadà #Gaza

Empiezan a "aparecer" los cadáveres asesinados de PERSONAL MEDICO de #Gaza.
Los Crímenes de #Israel avergonzarían al mismo Mengele.

On the Anniversary of Land Day, Palestinian Land is Not for Sale: PFLP


No to the slaughter of the land… No to the folding of banners.
On the anniversary of Land Day… this land is Palestinian, not for sale, and we will never abandon it—no matter how long it takes.

To the masses of our proud Palestinian people… to the masses of our Arab nation… to the free people of the world,

On the 30th of March, we proudly and honorably remember the epic of the Eternal Land Day, when our people in the Naqab, the Triangle, the Galilee, and all parts of occupied Palestine since 1948 rose up on the land of their fathers and forefathers. With bare chests, they faced the zionist machinery of oppression in defense of their land, dignity, and existence. They etched with their blood the features of Palestinian identity and affirmed that the land remains Palestinian and the right remains firm—no matter how immense the challenges or how brutal and criminal this occupation becomes, even as it wages one of the most horrific genocidal wars in modern history.

On this great day, we salute our people in the homeland and the diaspora, especially our people in the occupied interior. We also salute our heroic prisoners steadfast in the enemy’s prisons and our martyrs who have paved the path of liberation and return with their blood. We affirm that our people, who have foiled all displacement schemes, will remain rooted in their land and will not leave—except to return to the cities and villages from which they were forcibly displaced.

O masses of our great people,

This criminal entity has intensified its massacres and policies of destruction and ethnic cleansing, in parallel with its attempts to steal the land and falsify history. Yet, it has always collided with the rock of steadfast Palestinian will, stretching from the Galilee to the Naqab, from the West Bank to Gaza, and from Al-Quds to the diaspora—where the resounding voice echoes: This land is not for sale, and we will never compromise it—no matter how long it takes.

And on this glorious occasion, we in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine reaffirm the following truths:

First: The land is the source of our existence and the essence of our identity. For it, we offer the dearest sacrifices. It is the symbol of our identity and the heart of our struggle with the occupier. Resistance in all its forms is a sacred and legitimate right to defend this eternal and historical right to our land. We will not retreat in the face of zionist and Western schemes aiming to liquidate our cause, displace our people, erase our identity, and alter the features of our land. We will stand with unwavering will and determination to defend our historical rights, no matter the sacrifices.

Second: Palestine is not for sale. No conspiracy will succeed in displacing our people—whether through the scheme of turning Gaza into the “Eastern Riviera” after expelling its population, or by forcing West Bank residents into Jordan, or through other satanic, criminal plans. To the American-zionist enemy, we say: Palestine, from the river to the sea, is the past, present, and future. It will forever belong to the Palestinian people and remain the beating heart of the East, no matter how immense the plots and threats of the American and zionist administrations become.

Third: Through national unity, we can confront the crimes of genocide, displacement, and uprooting, and remain steadfast in the face of occupation. The struggle against this criminal enemy requires unifying ranks, setting aside differences, and moving forward toward genuine national unity that places the interest of Palestine above all else. In this context, we warn against the enemy’s attempts—and its agents’—to inflame internal contradictions and plunge the Palestinian arena into more division and fragmentation. We must recognize the gravity of this moment and work together to unify in confronting these plans.

Fourth: What is happening today in Gaza—the resumption of genocide, intensification of the blockade, and a war of starvation under American cover after a period of pause—is a continuation of the policy of war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, who seeks to sustain the aggression to preserve the stability of his ruling coalition at the expense of innocent blood. In the face of this escalation and the horrific crimes being committed around the clock in Gaza, the resistance will continue using all available options to stop the aggression and compel the occupation to implement the understandings and agreements it has violated. This is primarily an Arab responsibility, which demands that they move beyond weakness and inaction, and work seriously to end the aggression and break the siege—using every pressure tool at their disposal to stop this criminal war.
Fifth: Palestine will remain the compass of the nation and the free people of the world in the battle of truth against oppression and occupation. This requires intensifying the struggle against normalization and activating all forms of boycott against the occupation, as well as escalating pressure to stop the aggression and hold the occupation leaders and their supporters accountable as war criminals. Amid the decline in popular momentum, the time has come to revive it in the streets, universities, and unions, and to resume massive demonstrations around the world in support of our steadfast people facing genocide.

Sixth: We renew our call to our people in the occupied interior to boycott the occupation’s institutions that legitimize its crimes, genocidal wars, aggressive schemes, and racist laws. Boycott is a decisive national message in confronting displacement, uprooting, Judaization, normalization, and policies of oppression and racial discrimination. It is an affirmation of Palestinian identity in the face of attempts to portray the occupation as a democratic state, while in reality, it is a settler-colonial entity founded on killing, massacres, and destruction, driven by dark messianic Torah-based tendencies.

O our people everywhere,

Land Day is a pledge and loyalty—a message to the usurper that we remain here, like the olives of the Galilee, the rocks of Carmel, the oranges of Yaffa, and the sea of Gaza. We renew our commitment to our people, martyrs, female prisoners, and prisoners to continue the path of resistance and struggle until Palestine is free from the river to the sea.

Long live Palestine, free and Arab… Glory to the martyrs… Freedom to the prisoners… and return is a right that does not expire.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Political Bureau
March 29, 2025


#alAqsaFlood #gaza #landDay #palestine #pflp #resistance #westAsia

On the Anniversary of Land Day, Palestinian Land is Not for Sale: PFLP

No to the slaughter of the land… No to the folding of banners.
On the anniversary of Land Day… this land is Palestinian, not for sale, and we will never abandon it—no matter how long it takes.

To the masses of our proud Palestinian people… to the masses of our Arab nation… to the free peo


#Communiques #AlAqsaFlood #gaza #LandDay #palestine #pflp #resistance #WestAsia

Trump droht Iran mit Bombardierungen

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat dem Iran mit "Bombardierungen" gedroht, falls es keine Einigung im Streit um das Atomprogramm Teherans gibt. "Wenn sie keinen Deal machen, dann wird es Bombardierungen geben", sagte Trump im Gespräch mit dem US-Sender NBC. Zugleich drohte er neue wirtschaftliche Strafmaßnahmen und Zollauflagen an.

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-250.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Trump-droht-Iran-mit-Bombardierungen
🕕 30.03. 18:13 CEST

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

It's no longer a little known fact I guess.

"In #Gaza, Almost Every #IDF Platoon Keeps a Human Shield, a Sub-army of Palestinian Slaves

Innocent Palestinians are regularly forced by soldiers to enter houses in Gaza to make sure there are no terrorists or explosives."




Les organisations humanitaires doivent restreindre leur travail dans la bande de Gaza

La situation humanitaire de la population de la bande de Gaza continue de s’aggraver. Les organisations humanitaires se plaignent désormais du blocage par Israël d'un système de notification éprouvé qui les a jusqu'à présent protégées des attaques


Netanyahu says Hamas leaders 'will be allowed to leave' Gaza


Israel's prime minister said military pressure on Hamas was working, but that "cracks" were emerging in negotiations. Netanyahu added that Israel will ensure security in Gaza to enable Trump's controversial plan.