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Beiträge, die mit literature getaggt sind

“Whatever derangement currently occupies Conservative American politics is, at least, something of very real consequence: the minority groups they want to legislate out of every facet of society, the books they want to ban, the mechanisms of democracy they want to subvert – none of it is hypothetical.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

“In the right-wing vision of America, every social interaction is an organ harvest, something vital snatched from the civic body, sold for one kind of profit or another. It’s a vision that produces an almost unmatched clarity in the base, and unmatched loyalty: *which side of this operation do you want to be on?*“ One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

“It’s difficult to live in this country in this moment and not come to the conclusion that the principal concern of the modern American liberal is, at all times, not what one does or believes or supports or opposes, but what one is seen to be. From this outcome, everything is reverse-engineered.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

“…so long as there exists a Western self-conception that demands the appearance of purity at all times, it should be known that what shocks the most isn’t the cruelty or indifference. Many people‘s governments are cruel, many people‘s governments are indifferent. It’s this relentless parachuting of Virtue.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

A while ago I did a survey about epics. I asked people which epics they were most familiar with, and which ones they heard of, or studied in school.

More than 200 people filled out the survey, and I just posted a blog post about the most interesting or unexpected results.

Read here:

#epics #WomensEpics #storytelling #folklore #literature #bookstodon #AtoZChallenge

“Allowed to wield silence so freely, any institution will become insatiable. It’s not only that the absence of information allows those complicit in but unaffected by wrongdoing to look away. The silence itself becomes an empty canvas onto which any fantasy can be painted.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #literature

„Four well-known authors address the global consequences of Gaza's destruction and Western support for Israel, or as one frames it: the "world after Gaza". Charlotte Wiedemann takes a look.”


“In time there will be findings of genocide. There will be warrants issued, even. The structures of international law, undermined at every turn, will nonetheless attempt to operate as if law were an evenly allotted thing. As though criminality remains criminal even when the powerful support, bankroll, or commit the crime.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

“Waiting on a Western judicial institution to cast judgment on a killing spree financed and endorsed by the West means, inevitably, watching a disjointed ballet of impossible reconciling.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

“… The bedrock of this particular identity isn’t conformity or nonconformity – it’s self-interest. Anyone who buys into both the narrative of American rebelliousness and the reality of American authority understands that both have been created to serve them. The man in the action movie looks one way, the man the cops just shot in a traffic stop another.“ One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

If you are involved in any way in helping to organize a conference in the US at this time, it is imperative that you offer online attendance and speaker options.

And not just because it's the right thing to do for environmental and accessibility reasons (but you should do it for those reasons, anyway).

#Professional #Education #ContinuingEducation #Academia #Science #Math #Art #Design #Theatre #Film #Media #Tech #Technology #History #Archaeology #Business #Literature #Library #Conference
A speaker presenting at a large conference, looking out over a large audience

“Absent an act to describe and the language to describe it, we are capable of believing nothing, or multiple contradictory things, or anything at all.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

Just imagine how different our world could be, if we only started with the basics. As Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis once stated: “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.”


#uk #manchester #reading #books #literature #news #education #usa #media

In advance of the April #AtoZChallenge I wrote another blog post. This one is about the epics that have women heroes, but I won't include them in the series in April.

To read the list, and the reasons why, visit the blog:

(And if anyone has any suggestions for getting translations for some of these, that would be great 😉 )

#WomensEpics #epics #folklore #literature #storytelling #mythology #books #blogging #bookstodon

“To watch the descriptions of Palestinian suffering in much of mainstream Western media is to watch language employed for the exact opposite of language’s purpose – to watch the unmaking of meaning.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

“The moral component of history, the most necessary component, is simply a single question, asked over and over again: When it mattered, who sided with justice and who sided with power? What makes moments such as this one so dangerous, so clarifying, is that one way or another everyone is forced to answer.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

“Whatever the quality of its rhetoric, any politics that buckles at the prospect of even mildly inconveniencing the rich, or resisting an ally’s genocidal intentions, will always face an uphill battle against a politics that actively embraces malice. ‘Yes We Can’ is a conditional. ‘Yes We Will’ is not.“ from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“…As much as the mainstream liberal parties might be far less deranged and cruel than their right wing opponents on virtually every policy issue, it is the case of Palestinian suffering – or more precisely, utter indifference to it – where the two sides seem to be the most in agreement.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

#OTD in 1818.

Percy Bysshe Shelley, his wife Mary and her stepsister Claire Clairmont leave England for Italy (to escape its "tyranny civil and religious"), intending to take Claire's illegitimate child Alba to her father, Lord Byron.

Over the next four years produced what Zachary Leader and Michael O'Neill call "some of the finest poetry of the Romantic period".


Shelley at PG:

#books #literature #poetry
Posthumous Portrait of Shelley Writing Prometheus Unbound in Italy-painting by Joseph Severn, 1845.

Oil on canvas. Keats-Shelley Memorial House, Rome, Italy.

This romantic and idealized portrait shows the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley seated among the ruins of an ancient structure.

Shelley is portrayed in a contemplative and slightly melancholic posture, with his hand resting on his face, gazing into the distance.

“What the mainstream Democrat seems incapable of accepting is that, for an even remotely functioning conscience, there exists a point beyond which relative harm can no longer offset absolute evil. For a lot of people, genocide is that point.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“It is not quite accurate to say the Republican Party is more destructive on virtually every domestic and foreign policy issue, because such a statement would imtply that the party has any interest in policy as it exists in normal, civil society.“ from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“…in times like these, one remarkable difference between the modern Western conservative, and their liberal counterpart is that the former will gleefully sign their name on the side of the bomb while the latter will just sheepishly initial it.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“American liberalism demands a rhetorical politeness from which fascistic iteration of the modern Republican Party is fully free. There is something stomach-churning about watching a parade of Biden administration press secretaries offer insincere expressions of concern for Palestinians as the same administration bankrolls their butcher.“ from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

In advance before April's blog series on women's epics, I am curious if there are any that people know, or want to know about. :)

Do you know any epics about women? Name them in comments and I'll tell you if they will be included!

(And by "epic" I also mean sagas, shamanic songs, monogatari, and chivalric romances.)

#WomensEpics #epics #folklore #mythology #storytelling #literature #image
A flowery template with text. "Do you know any epics about women? Name them in the comments, and I'll let you know if they will be featured in my blog series in April!" #WomensEpics

“What power assumes, ultimately, is that all those who were directly affected by this, who only had to bear the minor inconvenience of hearing about these deaths from afar, will move on, will forget.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“Narrative power, maybe all power, was never about flaunting the rules, yelling at a cop, making trouble – it was about knowing that, for a privileged class, tthere existed a hard ceiling on the consequences.“ from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

"On the roof - not sitting, but standing on the roof - swaying with superb balance as it came at full speed round the corner with one wheel in the air - was Jadis the Queen of Queens and the Terror of Charn. Her teeth were bared, her eyes shone like fire, and her long hair streamed out behind her like a comet's tail."
- C. S. Lewis, "The Magician's Nephew"
🎨 Pauline Baynes

#BookWormSat #Literature #Fiction #ChildrensLiterature #Fantasy #FantasyLiterature #CSLewis #Narnia #ChroniclesofNarnia
The Empress Jadis as she rides a hansom cab like a chariot and flogs the horse. Image by Pauline Baynes.

“What has happened, for all the future bloodshed it will prompt, will be remembered as the moment millions of people looked at the West, the rules-based order, the shell of modern liberalism, and the capitalistic thing it serves, and said: I want nothing to do with this.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“The very history of the word “genocide,“ meant as a mechanic of forewarning rather than some after-the-fact resolution, is littered with instances of the world‘s most powerful governments going to whatever lengths they can to avoid its usage, because usage is attached to obligation. It was never intended to be enough to simply call something genocide: one is required to act.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“When those dying are deemed human enough to warrant discussion, discussion must be had. When they’re deemed non-human, discussion becomes offensive, an affront to civility.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“To preserve the values of the civilized world, it is necessary to set fire to a library. To blow up a mosque. To incinerate olive trees. …To level universities. …To arrest children for picking vegetables. …To let combat dogs loose on a man with down syndrome and then leave him to die. Otherwise the uncivilized world might win.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“The starting point of history can always be shifted, such that one side is always instigating, the other always justified in response.“ from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

"Little Brother" von Cory Doctorow ( @pluralistic ) handelt davon, wie schnell die eigene Heimat zum Feindstaat werden kann, wenn die Freiheit der Sicherheit untergeordnet wird. Und davon wie schnell die Technik, die uns ermächtigt und vernetzt, zum Mittel der Überwachung und Unterdrückung werden kann. Dabei macht Doctorow Mut mit den Mitteln der Technik für die Demokratie zu kämpfen. #bücherwabe #chemnitz #bücher #literatur #lesen #books #literature #bookstodon #scifi #politik #politics
Ein Bild der Bücherwabe im Schaufenster der Buchhandlung am Brühl. Es sind neun Bücher zu sehen: Ursula K. LeGuin: The Word for World is Forest, Stefan Heym: Schwarzenberg, Leaf\Lawson: Ferdinand, Norbert Bobbio: Rechts und Links, Arne Semsrott: Machtübernahme, Magdalena Sorger: Ameisen, Hannah Arendt: Menschen in finsteren Zeiten, Cory Doctorow: Little Brother (Aufstand), Mely Kiyak: Werden sie uns mit FlixBus deportieren?

“In the unfree world, the free world isn’t a place or a policy or a way of living; it’s a negation.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

“The mind outlines better than it shades.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

Reading a lot of post-apocalytptic frankly closer to utopian than dystopian novels for my own edification (post-nation state, consensus democratic syndical networks, sustainability emphasis, eco-harmonious living, indigenous centered) and yeah.

I find more hope & meaning in reading the potential lives we could lead along with resisting real life fascism, capitalism, & the current oligarchal world order than I ever did/do participating in *gestures at whatever this mainstream shitshow is*.

Hopeful post-apocalyptic takes:
🔸️Silo 49 Quadrilogy by Ann Christy - an optimistic take set in the Silo universe w Silo author Hugh Howey's consent
🔸️Bunker Quadrilogy by Jordan Rivet
🔸️Koli Ramparts Trilogy by MR Carey

All contain a component of terrible suffering & collapse of the world order as well as an exploration of the entire range of possible organizations of our societies & economies. Including optimistic imaginative takes on how we *could* live.

Ursula Le Guin or whomever was right about capitalism's first or most important victims being our own imaginations of how things could be done differently.

#books #bookstodon #literature #reading

“I wanted desperately to be in the world, telling stories of consequence – stories that, had you not read about them in my articles, you wouldn’t have read at all. This seemed to me, then, and still does now, the only kind of journalism any journalist should want to do. Everything else, to paraphrase the common saying about meetings and emails, could’ve been a press release.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation

Liebes Fediverse,
zum #Weltfrauentag am Samstag, den 8.3. um 19 Uhr, liest bei uns Prof. Eberhard Görner aus seiner Romanbiographie „Die erste Managerin des Erzgebirges – Das Leben der Rosina Schnorr (1618-1679)"
Vielleicht hat noch jemand aus #chemnitz #leipzig #dresden #erzgebirge #zwickau oder #mittelsachsen Lust zu kommen?
Mehr Infos findet ihr hier: https://buchhandlung-am-bruehl.de/2025/01/die-erste-managerin-des-erzgebirges-das-leben-der-rosina-schnorr-1618-1679/
Wir freuen uns auf Euch!
#lesung #books #literature #literatur #geschichte #lesen #chemnitz2025
Das Cover des Buches "Die erste Managerin des Erzgebirges" von Prof. Eberhard Görner, erschienen im Claus Verlag. Auf dem Cover ist ein gemaltes Porträt von Rosina Schnorr vom der Hintergrund einer landschaftlichen Zeichnung des Erzgebirges zu sehen.