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Beiträge, die mit mythology getaggt sind

Going down the rabbit hole about the Welsh Triads. Organizing random mythical things in threes is one of the most delightful storytelling systems I know.

#Wales #folklore #mythology #folktales #WelshFolklore #storytelling

In advance of the April #AtoZChallenge I wrote another blog post. This one is about the epics that have women heroes, but I won't include them in the series in April.

To read the list, and the reasons why, visit the blog:

(And if anyone has any suggestions for getting translations for some of these, that would be great 😉 )

#WomensEpics #epics #folklore #literature #storytelling #mythology #books #blogging #bookstodon

Today I learned that the ship name for Orpheus and Eurydice in the online fandom is Orphydice, and I am done with the internet.

Out of curiosity, I wonder what the ship name for Orpheus and Kalais is...

(The ship name for Jason and Medea is obviously Argo. #SorryNotSorry)

#mythology #storytelling #GreekMythology

In advance before April's blog series on women's epics, I am curious if there are any that people know, or want to know about. :)

Do you know any epics about women? Name them in comments and I'll tell you if they will be included!

(And by "epic" I also mean sagas, shamanic songs, monogatari, and chivalric romances.)

#WomensEpics #epics #folklore #mythology #storytelling #literature #image
A flowery template with text. "Do you know any epics about women? Name them in the comments, and I'll let you know if they will be featured in my blog series in April!" #WomensEpics

Also, re: mistletoe

Yesterday I learned that not everyone knows mistletoe is a tree parasite. Which is interesting to me as a storyteller. In Norse mythology, the god Baldr is killed with mistletoe (thanks Loki...). His mother, Frigg extracted an oath from everything under the sun to not harm her child. But she skipped mistletoe because she didn't consider it a separate plant.

Taxonomy saves lives, people. :D

#mythology #MythologyMonday #folklore #nature #storytelling

#FotoVorschlag "Fresken" - unter all der gesammelten #StreetArt kommt dieses Werk von #NoseOne dem Thema noch am nächsten: die mythologische Figur der #Daphne, die von ihrem Vater zu einem Lorbeerbaum verwandelt wird, um #Apollon zu entkommen - er von einem Liebespfeil getroffen, sie von einem, der das Gegenteil bewirkt
#mythology #Mythologie
Eine von Pflanzen umgebene Mauer, vor der ein Holztisch mit zwei Stühlen steht.
Über der Oberfläche des Tisches beginnt das Kunstwerk und nimmt die gesamte Fläche der sichtbaren Wand ein. Es ist so breit wie der Tisch mit beiden Stühlen.
Dargestellt ist der Kopf der Daphne sowie drei Lorbeerzweige - man könnte interpretieren, dass aus ihren Haaren bereits Lorbeerzweige werden. Dicht hinter ihr ragt der Kopf des Apollon ins Bild. Beide Köpfe ähneln denen antiker Statuen. Umgeben sind sie von einem schwarzen Hintergrund mit roten Akzenten - einem schraffierten Kreis sowie einer Art Band, das von der Mauer herabhängt. Auf dem Graffiti stehen außerdem folgende Wörter: Daphne, Apollon, Assos, Mythology (Mythologie), Çanakkale und Troy (Troja)

Aufgenommen im Butik (H)Otel Daffne in Çanakkale, Türkei.

I am taking a deep dive into the Philippine stories about Maria Cacao. A goddess / fairy / mythical figure who grows cocoa and transports it to America on a golden ship. Fascinating stuff 😄

#folklore #mythology #Philippines #research

We are a group of knowledge seekers, chasing the profound and the peculiar. Join us as we dive into wild theories, unravel media mysteries, and share the strange thoughts that keep us up at night.

Get ready for rabbit-hole content and unfiltered exploration.

#mythology #art #history #fantasy #folklore #videos #blog #digitalart #merchandise #mythsandmischief

.... somehow the Epic fandom is bending over backwards to prove that Odysseus was faithful to Penelope the entire time... At least two goddesses and three children would beg to differ...

#mythology #storytelling #epic

🪼 Artist: #SFHIR / #HugoLomas in City: #Madrid #Fuenlabrada / C/ de Leganés, 44 Bajo 2/ Spain 🇪🇸 01/2025 - Title: "Sirena" - #Art #Streetart #Mural #Artist #SprayArt #Siren #Mythology - Website: https://sfhir.com/
Streetartwall. A mural with the image of a mystical female creature playing a lyre was sprayed/painted on the exterior wall of a four-storey modern building. In the middle of the wall is a row of windows. The Mural shows a modern version of a siren from the Greek legend of Orpheus. The graceful lady has a pale but young face, white hair that turns pink in length and blows in the wind. She wears a tight white dress, a golden bracelet and stands turned to one side. She plays an upright lyre and is accompanied by pink fish swimming around her. She looks determined and proud. 
Info: In Greek mythology, the sirens lured sailors with their hypnotic song in order to kill them. The Greek hero Orpheus fought the sirens' song with his lyre and turned them to stone. The mural continues the story fictitiously. The siren returns, stronger than ever, having taken over Orpheus' powers and gazing majestically at passers-by.

The British King Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio was said to possess a magic gold & silver chess board whose pieces move by themselves and which could play any opponent on its own. This board appears in many King Arthur legends, and it's one of the 13 Treasures of Britain guarded by Merlin.

#WyrdWednesday #31DaysofHaunting #Mythology #WelshMythology #CelticMythology #ArthurianMythology #Folklore #WelshFolklore #CelticFolklore #ArthurianFolklore #Wales #Celtic #KingArthur #Arthuriana #BoardGame #Chess

This week's #MythologyMonday theme is symbols. There are many symbols in ancient Greek and Roman art that are there to identify a character from #mythology. A famous example is #Herakles / #Hercules who is usually identified by his club or the lionskin of the Nemean Lion that he wears after completing his first labour: slaying the Nemean Lion.
In the images below you can see examples from Roman sculpture and Greek vase painting. See alt text for detailed info.

@mythology #GreekRomanArt
A sculpture of Hercules from the Roman city of Herculaneum. The hero is shown taking a leak, his club over his shoulder and the lionskin hanging from his arm making it clear to the onlooker that this figure is Hercules.
Black-figure vase painting depicting Herakles trying to steal the tripod from Apollon's temple in Delphi. The god intervenes, holding on to the tripod. We can identify Apollon by his long hair that is crowned with a laurel wreath and the bow and quiver at his hip. Herakles also wears a bow and quiver in this scene and we can't see his signature club but he is wearing the lionskin over his head, communicating clearly that this character is Herakles.

"Playing in the waves" (1883) by Arnold Böcklin depicts a rather unusual sea setting inspired by Greek mythology and also by the author's friend Anton Dohrn, here portayed as Neptune. On the top right we can admire some of the most joyful butts in the history of art
#Böcklin #Mythology #butts
"Playing in the waves" a painting by Arnold Böcklin depicting a scene of characters from Greek mythology swimming in the sea. On the front, Neptune is smilimg while caressing the shouler of  surprised Nereid. On the top left a sea centaurus is ridimg a wave while on the top right a couple of sea nymphs are diving and swimming naked

It's the Day of Hermes aka Mercurius Day aka #Wednesday! 🐏

"For his wedding with Juno [#Hera], Jupiter [#Zeus] ordered Mercurius [#Hermes] to invite all the gods, the men and the animals to the wedding. Everyone invited by #Mercurius [Hermes] came, except for Chelone."
Servius, On Virgil's Aeneid 1.505

🏛 Hermes, Zeus & Hera, and Nike

@mythology @antiquidons
#DayOfHermes #Mythology #GreekRomanArt
Black-and-white image of a red-figure vase painting. Zeus is seated opposite to Hera. Nike (rather than Iris) crowns his head. Hermes starts away, prepared to do his bidding.

It's the Day of Selene / Luna's Day / #Monday! 🌛

"A team of mules unbridled and a mule-cart with silver wheels are there on the beach, but #Selene knows not how to put mules to her yokestrap--she drives a team of bulls!"
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 7.222

🏛️ #Luna in her biga, relief on the short west side of the Arch of Constantine, #Rome, 312—315 CE

📸 Sergey Sosnovskiy

@antiquidons @mythology #DayOfSelene #MoonMonday #GreekRomanArt #mythology
Relief of the Roman moon goddess Luna in her biga, a chariot drawn by two animals. He holds the reins in her right and was probably holding a whip in her left. She has her iconic lunar crescent on her head and her billowing cloak rises behind her. Above them, a winged Eros flies, symbolising the passion Selene feels for Endymion, who is sleeping at the bottom of the relief.

We talk a lot on our show about the... erm... complicated marriage between the #AncientGreek gods Zeus & Hera (tl;dr: siblings, who are married. Zeus often cheats on Hera. Hera brutally punishes the mortal who Zeus cheated with).

In one of our myth ret-cons, I recast Io as Dr. Io, a therapist who finally got Zeus and Hera to break up 😂

📷 :https://philamuseum.org/collection/object/19555

#MythologyMonday #Zeus #Hera #Marriage #Io #Art #MastoArt #Museum #GreekMytholgoy #GrecoRomanMyth #mythology #myths
Drawing titled Jupiter and Juno (1631). The detailed line drawing shows a man with a beard (Zeus) lounging on a throne with a woman in a crown (Hera), looking lovingly at him. In the bottom left of the image is a large bird.

It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️

"While in the first forming of the world the island was still like mud and soft, the sun dried up the larger part of its wetness and filled the land with living creatures. [...] In consequence of these events the island [Rhodes] was considered to be sacred to Helios."
Diodorus Siculus, Library of History 5.56.3

🏛️ #Helios on a tetradrachme from the city of #Rhodes

#DayOfHelios #GreekRomanArt #mythology #numismatics
Photograph of both the obverse and the reverse of a silver tetradrachm coin. On the obverse is the head of Helios, his face turning slightly to the right, sun beams radiating from his head.
On the reverse we see a rose on a stem with a bud growing to the right.

Alright tooters, out of curiosity (and because I am way down in this rabbit hole):

If you hear "epic" what stories do you automatically think of?

(In the interest of narrowing it down, let's say "traditional epic"!)

#question #literature #folklore #mythology #epics #storytelling #tradition

Hello, Myth Lovers! Join us Monday, December 23 for the theme: BOOKS, SCROLLS, MAPS. Which myth features a special map or book? Which book features a mythological subject? If joining from #BlueSky: follow @ap.brid.gy so we can follow back and interact with your posts too! Write out your story & use the hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts. See you tomorrow! 📜

📷Divine Comedy

#mythology @mythology @folklore @TarkabarkaHolgy @juergen_hubert @curiousordinary.bsky.social @wihtlore @FairytalesFood @bevanthomas @FinnFolklorist @Godyssey @GaymerGeek @starrytimepod @ljwrites @pj-richards.bsky.social @AnnaJunePage @nataljastgermain.bsky.social @JessMahler
A page of Dante's Divine Comedy. A man dressed in blue and a man dressed in red with fur-brimmed hat and cloak stand in front of a demon who is seated on a rock. The demon has duck feet, bat wings, goat legs and horns that remind of a gazelle.

My flash fiction Sirens Don't Sing Underwater has just gone live at Moonlit Getaway. These men presume they will seduce sirens with sweet nothings, but their hubris only seasons the meat. https://www.moonlitgetaway.com/short-fiction/sirens-don't-sing-underwater #FlashFiction #GreekMythology #sirens #SpeculativeFiction #ShortStory #ProsePoem #IndigenousCreatives #Mythology #Mermaids

Greetings, Myth Lovers! Join us for the theme candles, torches, and lamps. Which stories feature a light source of this kind? Tell us the tale and use the hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts!
If joining from #BlueSky: follow @ap.brid.gy so we can follow back and interact with your posts too! See you tomorrow! 🪔

📸 Lighting ceremony of the Olympic torch in Olympia, 2020

#mythology @mythology @folklore @TarkabarkaHolgy @juergen_hubert @curiousordinary.bsky.social @wihtlore @FairytalesFood @bevanthomas @FinnFolklorist @Godyssey @GaymerGeek @starrytimepod @ljwrites @pj-richards.bsky.social @AnnaJunePage @nataljastgermain.bsky.social
A woman dressed in a white dress that invokes the fashion of ancient Greece is kneeling down while holding a burning vessel. A person off frame is holding a torch, lighting it in the fire of the burning vessel.

Hello, Myth Lovers! Join us Monday for the theme: EXTINCT, MYSTERIOUS, and MYTHICAL ANIMALS. Which creatures are featured in stories? Write out your tale and use the hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts!
If joining from #BlueSky: follow @ap.brid.gy. Then we will be able to follow back and interact with your posts too! See you tomorrow! 🦄

#mythology @mythology @folklore @TarkabarkaHolgy @juergen_hubert @curiousordinary @wihtlore @FairytalesFood @bevanthomas @FinnFolklorist @Godyssey @GaymerGeek @starrytimepod @ljwrites
Screenshot of a black-and-white film featuring a long-necked sea monster.

Hello, Myth Lovers! Join us for Monday's theme: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Write out a myth that features a musical instrument and use the hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts.
If joining from #BlueSky: follow @ap.brid.gy to activate the #Fediverse Bridge. Then we will be able to follow back and interact with your posts too! See you tomorrow! 🎸

🧑‍🎨Edward Burne-Jones

#mythology @mythology @folklore @TarkabarkaHolgy @juergen_hubert @curiousordinary @wihtlore @FairytalesFood @bevanthomas @FinnFolklorist @Godyssey @GaymerGeek @starrytimepod @ljwrites
Painting of a person playing a lyre.

Hello, Everyone! Join us for Monday's theme: MUMMIES, COFFINS, TOMBS, AND GRAVES! Gives us your stories featuring a tomb, grave or burials and use the tag #MythologyMonday for boosts. If following from #BlueSky: activate the #Fediverse Bridge by following @ap.brid.gy so we will be able to follow back and interact with your posts too! ✨

📷Antoine Wiertz

#mythology @mythology @folklore @TarkabarkaHolgy @juergen_hubert @curiousordinary @wihtlore @FairytalesFood @bevanthomas @FinnFolklorist @Godyssey @GaymerGeek @starrytimepod @ljwrites
Painting of a person opening a coffin they are lying in from the inside, looking scared.

Even deeper in the lunar mythology rabbit hole:

There are ancient Greek sources that claim that the Fair Helen came from the Moon.
According to them, Moon people were fifteen times larger than us and laid eggs instead of giving birth. And since Helen came from an egg, she had to be a Moon woman.

Please readjust your Iliad retellings to include an 80-foot tall lunar Helen accordingly.

#mythology #GreekMythology #storytelling

I am preparing for the next MythOff, and I am way down the rabbit hole about Greek and Roman sources that claim that the Nemean Lion was created by Hera and raised on the Moon. Basically, it was an artificial monster designed to defeat Heracles, transported from the Moon to Earth in a specific way.

Also now I am reading articles about Ancient Greek ideas about the Moon's flora and fauna.

I love mythology.

#mythology #MythOff #storytelling #GreekMythology

When I was putting together my "Forgotten Greek and Roman Myths" manuscript, I was constantly told that it is not a sellable concept for a book - because "people want to read their favorite myths", and not unkown ones.

Now the reviews are trickling in, and every reviewer highlights how exciting it is to find unknown myths about the well-known gods and heroes.


(Still looking for an English language publisher, btw.)

#mythology #books #bookstodon #storytelling #writing #publishing

It is an incredibly cool feeling to walk into your favorite café and ask for a latte named after your book 🥰 🥰
Pompeii Latte Art Caffe is running a promotion with a custom made Silent Goddess hazelnut-brownie latte ☕️

#coffee #latte #mythology #bookstodon #books #GreekMythology #RomanMythology
Selfie with The Silent Goddess book (in Hungarian) sold at the café, and a to-go cup of latte.

Today is looking up :D Shooting promo videos for social media for the mythology book. At the Pompeii Café in Budapest :)

I drank like 5 cups of latte during the shoot.

I can see the gods now.

#mythology #books #bookstodon #storytelling #coffee #image
Me (woman in her thirties, red hair, glasses) sitting in the corner of a café, drinking a cup of latte. The coffee table has a mosaic theme, and there is Horatius quote on the wall behind me. My book, The Silent Goddess: Forgotten Greek and Roman myths, is on the coffee table. The cover is blue, with art featuring a goddess surrounded by stars. I am wearing a white and blue Roman outfit and a blue hairband.

So, I showed up to my book launch at the literary festival today. Telling Greek and Roman myths, appropriately dressed because why not :)

Then I was told 3 minutes before stage time that... my #mythology book is not being sold at the festival.

Because... by Hungarian law, you can't sell #lgbtq content within 200 meters of a school.

So 8pm, at an adult literary event, I couldn't actually sign. Greek mythology. Because there is a school building nearby.

#books #bookstodon #Hungary