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It's the Day of Selene / Luna's Day / #Monday! 🌛

"A team of mules unbridled and a mule-cart with silver wheels are there on the beach, but #Selene knows not how to put mules to her yokestrap--she drives a team of bulls!"
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 7.222

🏛️ #Luna in her biga, relief on the short west side of the Arch of Constantine, #Rome, 312—315 CE

📸 Sergey Sosnovskiy

@antiquidons @mythology #DayOfSelene #MoonMonday #GreekRomanArt #mythology
Relief of the Roman moon goddess Luna in her biga, a chariot drawn by two animals. He holds the reins in her right and was probably holding a whip in her left. She has her iconic lunar crescent on her head and her billowing cloak rises behind her. Above them, a winged Eros flies, symbolising the passion Selene feels for Endymion, who is sleeping at the bottom of the relief.