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Beiträge, die mit folklore getaggt sind

Going down the rabbit hole about the Welsh Triads. Organizing random mythical things in threes is one of the most delightful storytelling systems I know.

#Wales #folklore #mythology #folktales #WelshFolklore #storytelling

Conservative folklore peeps in Hungary: "Folktales carry our Traditional Values and the Ancient Wisdom of Our Ancestors. They follow a strict set of Traditional Rules"

Literal Hungarian folktales I found in archives:

- Princess Rosalia Lemonfarts

- The Diamond Prince in a Rubber Suit

- The Magic Flying Penis

- Rapunzel, but it's a bloke who makes a rope from his body hair

- Saint Peter got drunk and puked the first 🌈

- The Princess who became a Prince

#folklore #folktales #storytelling

The best story in the #Grimm collection is still the one where a miller marries an earth spirit and ends up with a magical mill, but his son wants to study magic, so he spreads the word that the mill is cursed and defends it with various traps, but people still keep bothering him because the mill makes amazing flour, and eventually a girl with an emotional support beaver shows up and the miller's son is like sure fine whatever here is a bunch of gemstones leave me alone.

#folklore #folktales

In [conveniently vague geographical region] #folklore, [half-remembered, likely inaccurate, certainly sensational claim].

[No source given.]

🏞️ by [unsourced artist]

![](stolen artwork.png)

#ListOfPopularHastags #OfferingToTheAlgorithm @folklore

I saw a lot of this at the bird site. I see too much of it on the butterfly site. We can do better. We are honest folk; we *ought* to do better.

A while ago I did a survey about epics. I asked people which epics they were most familiar with, and which ones they heard of, or studied in school.

More than 200 people filled out the survey, and I just posted a blog post about the most interesting or unexpected results.

Read here:

#epics #WomensEpics #storytelling #folklore #literature #bookstodon #AtoZChallenge

In advance of the April #AtoZChallenge I wrote another blog post. This one is about the epics that have women heroes, but I won't include them in the series in April.

To read the list, and the reasons why, visit the blog:

(And if anyone has any suggestions for getting translations for some of these, that would be great 😉 )

#WomensEpics #epics #folklore #literature #storytelling #mythology #books #blogging #bookstodon

Something different for today's #StandingStoneSunday:

The Whet Stone, a glacial erratic boulder on Hergest Ridge, Herefordshire. The stone is supposed to go down to the nearby spring to drink at midnight, like the nearby Four Stones stone circle over the border in Radnorshire.

Visited March 2012 while walking Offa's Dyke Path.

#Herefordshire #Folklore #OffasDykePath
An angular boulder on a grassy hillside, marked with yellow lichen. Looking towards another prominent hill behind on the right. Further views beyond quickly fade away into blue haze on this lovely spring day.

Taking a break from other stuff to read this article on the deep roots of certain folktales. 2016 study published by The Royal Society, downloaded over 200K times.
#folklore #research

Comparative phylogenetic analyses uncover the ancient roots of Indo-European folktales
Sara Graça da Silva and Jamshid J. Tehrani


But now I am wondering what the motif number is for a carrion size bag of frozen raccoons...

#Badumtss #folklore

I did not expect to see a folktale motif number for "large bag of frozen raccoons" today...

(Thompson folktale motif index X1115, in case anyone is wondering)

#folklore #folktales #storytelling #WTF

"Whispers of the Wild: Embrace Our Floral Family

We introduce a series dedicated to rekindling our ancestral relationships with plants and considering the possibility of their fellow sentience."

#Plants #Blog #Garden #Sentience #Learn #Food #Folklore #History #Wild Read more: https://www.murfreesborocommunitygardening.com/post/whispers-of-the-wild-embrace-our-floral-family

In advance before April's blog series on women's epics, I am curious if there are any that people know, or want to know about. :)

Do you know any epics about women? Name them in comments and I'll tell you if they will be included!

(And by "epic" I also mean sagas, shamanic songs, monogatari, and chivalric romances.)

#WomensEpics #epics #folklore #mythology #storytelling #literature #image
A flowery template with text. "Do you know any epics about women? Name them in the comments, and I'll let you know if they will be featured in my blog series in April!" #WomensEpics

Also, re: mistletoe

Yesterday I learned that not everyone knows mistletoe is a tree parasite. Which is interesting to me as a storyteller. In Norse mythology, the god Baldr is killed with mistletoe (thanks Loki...). His mother, Frigg extracted an oath from everything under the sun to not harm her child. But she skipped mistletoe because she didn't consider it a separate plant.

Taxonomy saves lives, people. :D

#mythology #MythologyMonday #folklore #nature #storytelling

Today I did a storytelling workshop for future landscape architects at the university. We talked about how to use folktales and fairy tales in environmental education. They'll be working on a project about a local urban forest and its connections with the community.

I love my job 😊😊

#storytelling #folklore #education #environment #teaching #nature

I am taking a deep dive into the Philippine stories about Maria Cacao. A goddess / fairy / mythical figure who grows cocoa and transports it to America on a golden ship. Fascinating stuff 😄

#folklore #mythology #Philippines #research

We are a group of knowledge seekers, chasing the profound and the peculiar. Join us as we dive into wild theories, unravel media mysteries, and share the strange thoughts that keep us up at night.

Get ready for rabbit-hole content and unfiltered exploration.

#mythology #art #history #fantasy #folklore #videos #blog #digitalart #merchandise #mythsandmischief

The British King Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio was said to possess a magic gold & silver chess board whose pieces move by themselves and which could play any opponent on its own. This board appears in many King Arthur legends, and it's one of the 13 Treasures of Britain guarded by Merlin.

#WyrdWednesday #31DaysofHaunting #Mythology #WelshMythology #CelticMythology #ArthurianMythology #Folklore #WelshFolklore #CelticFolklore #ArthurianFolklore #Wales #Celtic #KingArthur #Arthuriana #BoardGame #Chess

New instance, new #Introduction !

My name is Jürgen, and I translate old German folk tales into English - not just tales from the Brothers Grimm, but from the hundreds of other 19th century German folklorists out there.

To date, I have translated more than 600 tales. You can learn more about my project here (and you can get a free ebook version of my first book if you subscribe to my newsletter there):

#Germany #folklore

By the way, this Missouri French folktale is hella fun. A prince decides to be a jester instead, and goes off to see the world. He befriends three giants, and they help him win a princess.

When he visits his giant friends, they feed him by cutting their own food into tiny portions, and ask him to dish about the events at court. Initially he beheads one of them on instinct, but manages to revive the giant and apologize for the knee-jerk questing reaction.

#FolktaleMoment #folktales #folklore

Alright tooters, out of curiosity (and because I am way down in this rabbit hole):

If you hear "epic" what stories do you automatically think of?

(In the interest of narrowing it down, let's say "traditional epic"!)

#question #literature #folklore #mythology #epics #storytelling #tradition

Driving myself half insane trying to locate an English translation of the Manchu epic of Umesiben Mama. There are at least two study volumes in English about it, but no actual text. Honestly this should be illegal. If you publish a whole book about a never-translated epic, include the text!

#GrumbleGrumble #academia #epics #translation #folklore #WomensEpics

Romania joined the Schengen zone, and the first one to cross the newly open border between Romania and Hungary was a dog.

Everyone thinks this is a cute news story.

Except folklorists, who are looking like 🤨 😬

#folklore #folktales

Anybody know of any #Sussex wassailling or apple howling in the coming days? Feeling the need for a #folklore fix.

In German #folklore, a lot of folk tales qualify as "revenge fantasy". The peasant storytellers knew perfectly well that many evil nobles, rich merchants, or other authorities would never have to face justice in this world - and thus they invented tales about how the Devil appeared and viciously punished them for their misdeeds.

And given all the debates about #UnitedHealthcare and #LuigiMangione , I must say that I am seeing these tale in a new light. In our age, too, great villains are rising to the top of nations and businesses and we know, deep down, that they will never face justice for their misdeeds - no matter how much we wish for it. Thus, revenge fantasies about such villains are only to be expected.

A question: Can anyone recommend any good, academic works that analyze "moral panics" through the ages?

From the "Witchcraft Panics" of early modern Europe to the "Satanic Panic" of the 1980s to the modern anti-trans panic and TERF movement - I could use some good scholarly analysis of their psychology and how they propagate.

I eventually want to write a book about witch tales from German folklore, and it may be useful to compare the witchcraft panics of the past with more modern variants - so that I can show that while the context changes, the basic phenomenon is still with us.

#history #psychology #folklore #witchcraft #SatanicPanic #TERF

New favorite #FolktaleMoment form Iran:

A princess really wants a pet donkey but her father refuses. Her magical aunt finds a way to convince the father (with some clever spells) to allow the donkey anyway.

When princess kisses the donkey on the nose, it turns into a handsome prince. Turns out he had been cursed.

In return for saving him, the princess asks the prince to buy her a new donkey.

#folklore #folktales

Wieder humanitäre Hilfe durch die Left/Folk-Kampagne von "A Blaze Ansuz": #Gaza #Palestine #neofolk #darkfolk #FolkloreSunday #folk #Folklore #leftfolk: http://www.popmonitor.de/left%e2%80%8b-%e2%80%8bfolk-vii-songbook-ov-thine-mourning-star/

New blog post:
Folktales for Election Time

There are many elections happening around the world, so I thought it was timely to collect some folktales on the topic. They can be used to spark discussions on leadership, democracy, choices, and social responsibility.

Read here:

#election #elections #election2024 #politics #folklore #folktales #storytelling #leadership

Greetings, Myth Lovers! In celebration of #PodcastDay we are asking for your favourite #mythology and #folklore podcasts this week. Do you listen to any myth-themed #podcasts that you enjoy or are you creating one yourself? Tell us about the #podcast and why we will love it and use the hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts. See you soon! 🎙

#mythology @mythology @folklore @TarkabarkaHolgy @juergen_hubert @curiousordinary @wihtlore @FairytalesFood @bevanthomas @FinnFolklorist @Godyssey @GaymerGeek @starrytimepod @ljwrites
Photo of a white marble bust wearing headphones in front of a lavender-coloured background.

Had a "spin the globe" gig today. I love doing this #storytelling program: kids get to spin, and wherever they point, I tell a story from that place (or in case of the oceans, about that place). It was great fun, and the (elementary school) kids were super enthralled by the spinning globe, finding countries, asking questions.
I am just proud that I could remember all the stories (out of 206) they chose 😅😅

#folklore #folktales #school

Folklore from 19th century Crete:

A caterpillar infestation hit the vineyards one year. When all else failed, people formally summoned the caterpillars to court, threatening them with legal prosecution.
When that failed too, women exposed themselves in the vineyards, hoping that the caterpillars would be so scandalized they would leave on their own.

Organic agriculture. No pesticides.



Wrote a blog post about my most recent research adventure, trying to track down animal species mentioned in a folktale. It was a wild ride, and I learned a lot about why it is woth doing your homework on animal tales.

Read here:

#folklore #folktales #nature #animals #storytelling #birds

19th century British folktale translators be like

*Native bird name* = Pidgeon
*Native songbird name* = Blackbird
*Native raptor name* = Eagle
*Native antelope name* = Deer
*Native name for jackal* = Clever Fox
*Native name for any feline* = Tiger


#folklore #folktales #storytelling #translation

Today in #MinCup24 Corundum gets the storytelling vote. I have recently done a whole two-hour program on just folktales and legends about corundum (sapphires and rubies).

You can find many of the stories on my blog:

#storytelling #geology #folklore #folktales