Beiträge, die mit videos getaggt sind
#videos #israel #palestina #premiososcar
Una cámara capta el momento en el que el director de 'The Other Land' es asaltado por colonos israelíes
Fuerzas israelíes arrestaron este lunes a Hamdan Ballal, uno de los codirectores del oscarizado documental 'No other land', mientras estaba siendo tratado en una ambulancia en Massafer Yatta (Cisjordania ocupada), después de que un grupo de colonos l…Redacción HuffPost (El HuffPost)
The @pixelfed app keeps getting better and better.
And yes, Collections and Stories are coming to the app in a big way.
Think Pinterest for Collections and Snapchat for Stories.
These aren't new features, they've been on the web for years, we're just now giving them proper official app support 🚀
#pixelfed #app #collections #stories #videos van harte welkom.
#dvnet #sociaal #nederland #groepen #chat #blogs #foto's #grafisch #maatschappelijk #vrienden #pages #clubs #verenigingen #videos #stories #live_chat
Abonnier den Kanal, wenn du auf dem aktuellen Stand bleiben magst!
#mathe #videos #schule #uni #fedilz #fedicampus #studium #studieren
Hier gibt's Content zu folgenden Themen: Mathematik, Informatik, Didaktik, wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, alles rund um die Hochschuletchncs
Here's Your First Look at Apple TV+’s Murderbot - Reactor
#Videos #Movies #TV #Watch #ToWatch #DVD #Streaming #Watching #WatchingNow #Film #Cinema #Television #Media #DVDs #Movie #ScienceFiction
Here's Your First Look at Apple TV+’s Murderbot - Reactor
It's no Sanctuary Moon, but we're willing to give this show a try.Molly Templeton (Reactor)
Get ready for rabbit-hole content and unfiltered exploration.
#mythology #art #history #fantasy #folklore #videos #blog #digitalart #merchandise #mythsandmischief
Meet the Team
We’re a group of knowledge seekers, chasing the profound and the peculiar. Join us as we dive into wild theories, unravel media mysteries, and share the strange thoughts that keep us up at ni…Myths & Mischief
#Videos #Movies #TV #Watch #ToWatch #DVD #Streaming #Watching #WatchingNow #Film #Cinema #Television #Media #DVDs #Movie
Do you remember the magic of the video store?
#licence #art #video #stockphoto #stockbilder #stock
On this night in the highlands documenting the #aurora, I became swamped by thick fog. The scintillating light through the branches was overwhelming to behold.
These #trees are some of the rarest on earth – they’re found only in a few dozen hectares. There’s only a few hundred living specimens left – Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. divaricata, better known as the Miena cider gum.
#ThemeParks #Rollercoaster #Videos #Ursa
🔗 :
What do these 2 lists in #peertube mean?
Does the number of other instances influence the #videos or #channels I find via my instances search and who can find me? I thought we all do federate with each other? Or is it like a block-list in negative (all other peertube instances are blocked except those on the Network list?)
#Videos #Movies #TV #Watch #ToWatch #DVD #Streaming #Watching #WatchingNow #Film #Cinema #Television #Media #DVDs #Movie #SciFi #ScienceFiction
#Videos #Movies #TV #Watch #ToWatch #DVD #Streaming #Watching #WatchingNow #Film #Cinema #Television #Media #DVDs #Movie #SciFi #ScienceFiction #1980s
"Ganz ehrlich, das ist glaub ich einer der besten wenn nicht sogar der beste Artikel den ich, in über 1 Jahr #krieg , zu diesem Thema gelesen habe. Und klar kann man den noch vielfach ergänzen v.a. im Bereich was nicht berichtet wurde (die #Videos der israelischen #Soldaten oder auch genozidale Äußerungen von hochrangigen israelischen Politikern). ..."
Medien und Nahost: Anatomie eines Systemversagens - Schantall und Scharia
Nach einem Jahr Krieg liegen große Teile des Nahen Osten in Trümmern. Und mit ihnen die Glaubwürdigkeit des deutschen Journalismus.fag (Schantall und die Scharia)
- There's a dearth of stuff to watch. Some travel #videos, some gaming, lots of politics and little else.
- Federation between instances is poor, perhaps because people have little reason to follow each other across the network.
- Instances don't have beefy server farms behind them, so transcoding takes time.
- Tagging is weak and little used.
On the plus side, I have things to post that people want to see!
Graphic video from Sweden falsely shared as 'Israeli police beating Palestinian child' - EUROPE SAYS
Videos shared with false claims continued to flood social media as the war in Gaza entered its secondEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
I've redefined my role per business needs, and contribute in quality, user experience, business development, alliances with #nonprofits, #blogs, #videos, and #graphics.
I coach our #interns so they can be #successful. Some a...
🔥Kaushiki Sen, Project Manager At PalUpNow!, Redefines Her Role