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Beiträge, die mit startrek getaggt sind

Musk's spermchild's question of "Why doesn’t the #future look like the future?" was the impetus for Musk's ugly design of the #cybertruck.

The correct answer is that the future already does look like the future, not like #Startrek, but like #idiocracy.

#musk #tesla

Ever notice in other media and pop culture contexts, whenever people talk about Star Trek, they're usually only talking about TOS and maybe TNG? #StarTrek

Tja, das ist Star Trek Version davon, wenn man den ÖPNV kaputt spart...2,5 Mrd € fürs 9€-Ticket

#ISS #SpaceX #StarTrek #oepnv

PS: ARD, eure Accounts interagieren nicht. Dafür gibt es die Einstellung Bot. Das ist das Fediverse "no reply".

Odo: "There's no room in justice for loyalty or friendship or love. Justice, as the humans like to say, is blind. I used to believe that. I'm not sure I can anymore"

From DS9 E208 "Necessary Evil"

#StarTrek #StarTrekDS9
A close-up shot of Odo in his office standing with his arms crossed.  From DS9 E208 "Necessary Evil"

Hair's to International Wig Day! Change your look and keep your head cozy with these knit wig hats including braids and curls as well as famous characters like Leia, Spock, Elvis, Tinkerbelle, Belle, and more.
#knitting #StarTrek #StarWars
Collage of knit projects. A woman wearing a hot pink wig with curls and bangs, A woman wearing a Star Trek costume with a hat shaped like Spock's hair along with pointed ears, a baby wearing a fairy costume with a knit yellow wig, a man wearing an exaggerated Elis wig with huge pompadour, a woman wearing a princess Leia wig with curled buns over ears, a girl wearing a hat with long Pippi Longstocking style braids. Woman wearing hot pink bob. Little girl wearing a Belle costume with knit brown wig with long curls and bun on top.

Who I Am and How I Toot: v. 2025b (updated March 2025, edited to remove in-line hashtags)

I use the fediverse to engage in conversations about justice on all levels. Children’s rights, antifascism, prison/policing abolition, healing trauma, +

Preschool teacher. I get joy from bicycling, music, nature, Star Trek (any), fantasy stories

#AuDHD #abolition #preschool #justice
#bicycling #StarTrek #fantasy #Palestine #Environment #Climate, #TransformativeJustice

I started another quilt today. This one will go to a coworker having a baby around the end of July. I still have to appliqué a ship and a moon. #quilting #StarTrek
Purple Star Trek quilt

That reminds me of my time on Omicron Ceti III

Capt. Kirk: [Everybody is now safely back aboard Starship 'Enterprise'] We haven't heard much from you about Omicron Ceti III, Mr. Spock.

Spock: I have little to say about it, captain. Except that... for the first time in my life... I was happy.


From #StarTrek S1E24, This Side of Paradise
Teleplay by D.C. Fontana
Story by Jerry Sohl (as Nathan Butler)
Mr Spock holding the hand of Leila Kalomi on Omicron Ceti III
From the episode, This Side of Paradise 
Teleplay by D.C. Fontana
Story by Jerry Sohl (as Nathan Butler) 
Star Trek S1E24

The Borg claim "resistance is futile", but that is clearly not true. It's just propaganda.

#Resistance #StarTrek #TNG #VOY

William Shatner (93) deutet mögliche Rückkehr als Captain Kirk an. Ein Autor einer neuen #StarTrek-Serie hat ihn kontaktiert. Wie könnte eine Wiederbelebung des ikonischen Charakters aussehen? https://winfuture.de/news,149089.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

"The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go!"

(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)

#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #StarTrek #TNG #StarTrekTNG #Picard #Troi
Two-panel meme with a scene from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Picard is seated in his Ready Room, and Counselor Troi is seated across the desk from him.

Troi is asking, "What does a yellow traffic light mean?"

Picard answers, "Slow down."

Troi says, "What... does... a... yellow... traffic... light... mean?"

Ensign: There’s a flood of lizard creatures coming from the south, a flurry of lizard creatures coming from the east, and a deluge of lizard creatures coming from the northwest.

Captain: Dear God. It’s the Perfect Gorn.


In der Folge „Platons Stiefkinder“ (Raumschiff #Enterprise) gab es 1968 den 1. Kuss zwischen einer schwarzen Frau und einem weißen Mann im US-TV. Verschiedene Sender in den Südstaaten weigerten sich, diese Folge auszustrahlen.

#Movies #Kirk #StarTrek

Schwarz-weißer Ausschnitt aus "Star Trek" - Kirk und Spkck stehen hinter einem Modell des Raumschiffs und blicken in die Ferne.

Well, you can’t be doing the driving with a gun in your hand. 🧐

#AllStarTrek #StarTrek StarTrekTNG #TNG #Emergence @allstartrek

Ursprünglich (1964) sollte der #Mars der Heimatplanet von #Spock sein. Er wurde später auf den #Vulcan „umgesiedelt“ da man fürchtete, dass Menschen auf dem Mars landen könnten noch während die Serie #StarTrek lief 😳😂🙄.

Ein schwarz-weiß-Auschnitt zeig Spock aus Star Trek. Er schaut ernst und spricht, während im Hintergrund unscharfe Elemente eines Raumes zu sehen sind.

About Me!

My name is Vince, I live in #Colchester in the #uk

I love to talk and play with all sorts of #Technology including but not limited to #RaspberryPi #Servers, #Dockers and much more.

I watch #StarTrek on repeat and #Stargate.

I like to tinker with code in #Python mainly.

For a day job from 1st Jan 2024 I am now the Technical Support Manager for #CivicaUK in their Local Government department.

#startrek #voyager

I still do not like #lowerdecks. #discovery does nothing for me. I am also looking fearfully forward to #starfleetacademy, a series that arrives a decade too late. I have watched #tng too many times.

What's left? Star Trek: Voyager!

I watched the show the last time on TV, when it was aired back in the day. In German. Thanks to streaming services I now can enjoy the show in original English and in slightly better quality. Besides that: it's simply STAR TREK! A good thing 😊
The crew of the federation starship Voyager ...

I’ve loved Star Trek since I attended Hollywood High School. I asked my friend Chris Coon what his dad was working on, and he said, “some science fiction thing, it sounds pretty good”.

I saw Section 31 last night, and just hated it, it was just so far off (Roddenberry) message. I especially despised the screaming Vulcan-shaped Dalek, that particularly pissed me off. The whole thing reminded me of a bad TV pilot.

#Section31 #StarTrek #GrowingUpHollywood

Paramount+ calling itself the "home of Star Trek" and then proceeding to lose all TOS and TNG movies at various times, cancelling Lower Decks and jettisoning Prodigy.
An image from a Paramount Plus promotional video touting it as "Home of Star Trek."

"Joy is not a word that naturally rhymes with communism, at least the Soviet variety. But pleasure is central to Star Trek‘s version of communism, which rejects the notion that escaping the logic of accumulation requires individuals to submit to a collective. Star Trek‘s writers make this point brilliantly by contrasting the Federation, made up of creative individuals who are free to choose their projects and partners, with the Borg — a dystopian cyborg collective made up of drones linked together in a beehive-like social order that expands by assimilating every species it encounters.

Star Trek rejects collectivism while still avoiding lazy critiques. We are treated to the traumatic reintroduction of a Borg drone to humanity, who experiences debilitating withdrawal symptoms, missing desperately the collective’s voice in her head. It is a reminder of how authoritarianism can be dangerously attractive to the lonely, but also of how important it is to pay the price of personhood.

But Star Trek does not just offer a vision of a splendid future. Like any other practical manifesto, it offers a theory of change: of social evolution founded on solid historical materialist tenets."


#Communism #StarTrek #HistoricalMaterialism #SciFi #ScienceFiction

"Frame of Mind" was one of the more unsettling episodes on TNG. Great performance by Jonathan Frakes who was the main star of this story.

Signing off now. Have a nice weekend and until next time!

#AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TNG #FrameOfMind @allstartrek

Have yourself a Jeri little Christmas.
#StarTrek #7of9
Jeri ryan

It's that time of year again! Just hung up The Wreath of Khan.
#StarTrek #Kahn
Wreath with Khan Noonan Sing in the center

Liar. I recognize the set of the original #StarTrek when I see it.

Ok as a #StarTrek nerd there’s only one way I can see this logo. In fact I’m struggling to see what else it’s meant to be. #Ferengi
A sign for "Brisbane Dental Studio" on a blue wall, with a logo of what I guess is a tooth on the left and a head in profile on the right.
The logo to me looks like a Ferengi in profile, wearing the headdress around the back of the head.

Time to purge my phone of memes. This one is my favorite, but I'm setting it free. Time for someone else to watch over it for a while :blobhaj_heart:

#StarTrek #DS9 #DeepSpace9
Post by logically-loving-jim-kirk

Things My (non-trekkie) Friend Has Called Garak So Far:

"dinosaur boy"

"crocodile husband"



"that gay stegosaurus"

"the fuckin.. flamboyant bearded dragon you keep talking about"

"Julian!" (pause) "wait no that's the boyfriend"

"Geordi right?"

"one of your spocks, the lizard one"

*human names but the first letter replaced with a G*, i.e. "Gatthew" "Gimothy" "Gackary" etc
