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Beiträge, die mit allstartrek getaggt sind

Well, you can’t be doing the driving with a gun in your hand. 🧐

#AllStarTrek #StarTrek StarTrekTNG #TNG #Emergence @allstartrek

I think a lot about the stage dialogue between Tomalak & Picard, specifically with Picard replying to Tomalak regarding if he was willing to give his life and the lives of his crew:

"If the cause is just, they are prepared to give their lives."

I think about that a lot today and hope more Americans should have been working toward this posture, because the Nazis intend to force them to give their lives one way or another & they've been deluding themselves about this for way too long.

#AllStarTrek #fascism #resistance

(watching TNG's "Timescape")

Picard mentioned Deanna's familiarity with Romulan ships and technology. That's a reference to the Deanna-centric (and excellent) episode "Face of the Enemy".

#AllStarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TNG #Timescape @allstartrek

"Frame of Mind" was one of the more unsettling episodes on TNG. Great performance by Jonathan Frakes who was the main star of this story.

Signing off now. Have a nice weekend and until next time!

#AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TNG #FrameOfMind @allstartrek

It’s a weird thing to saw off a perfectly good arm to install a hook arm or to gouge out an eye to install an artificial eye. Borg are weird.

#AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TNG #IBorg @allstartrek