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Beiträge, die mit sewing getaggt sind

The third little bug magnet design has been assembled! I’m still on the fence about making the horns a bit bigger on this one, what do you think?

This is the biggest model so far, and it has two magnets because it just seemed more fitting!

#handmade #wip #workinprogress #beetle #insect #insects #cute #sewing #embroidery #art #smallbusinesssaturday #smallbusiness #fediverse #fediart #mastoart #pixelfed
A little felt magnet held on my fingers, overlooking some gardens. 
The magnet is as long as my fingers and looks similar to a jewel beetle: it’s long and thin and has a three-toned green back, an orange head with silly black and white eyes and two reddish horns and mandibles. Its legs are a dark brown.
Another angle of the magnet.

Today I learned to sew a button on a pair of jeans, properly.
Sure I can research it online but I find the internet overwhelming for this sort of thing. And here, I can learn from my mother and hear all the tricks and habits she picked up along her sewing life.

Later, I'll learn to repair a broken seam. I have done it but always very messily and never very well.

A vertical colour photograph of a close up of a green button at the top of a light brown pair of jeans.

#WeekendSewingClub I’ve got a recovery-day off work, so I’m modifying and placing shoulder pads. I need you to see the half ‘n’ half jacket (now more like 70:30) with the sleeves in. I absolutely LOVE how the preponderance of the Prince of Wales check changes the whole perception of the piece!

Should also admit that this is the 2nd pair of sleeves I cut 🫣 The first had the horizontal stripes misaligned by about 1.5 cm, and at this stage that is just not acceptable! 😆 #sewing #tailoring #maker
Grey wool jacket hanging against a grey wall. Top half, including sleeves are a black and white prince of wales check (fine red overcheck). Bottom half (waist down) is black and white houndstooth.
Close up on one side of the jacket, showing careful alignment of the horizontal stripes of the sleeves with those on the top half of the jacket front.

I finally did something with a chunk of linen I was given. (A quilter I know had bought a pile of fabric at a charity event and discovered it among the cotton.)

I'll post a photo when I press it. There was exactly enough to make a short sleeved top. The only scraps were about 20cm of leftover bias binding and a few shavings from when I leveled some edges. Every other last bit went into the top.


I highly recommend #sewing as a remedy for this problem although it can be intimidating to get started!

I got so many great ideas for how to fix the grommet on this quilted backpack, and I tried a bunch, but ultimately realized I should just cut it off. This bag is about an inch shorter than the the pattern called for, but still roomy

I made the embroidery font myself, adding the cuneiform-like triangles to a simple alphabet. Lots of jump threads to trim but worth it! Going to be fun to carry this around

@quilting @sewing
#EaNasir #Embroidery #Quilting #Sewing
Quilted backpack in a terra cotta fabric with metallic copper fabric handle and straps. There’s a beige flap that shows when the bag is closed that’s been embroidered with the phrase “Well behaved copper ingot merchants seldom make history” in a vaguely cuneiform font. The backpack has cooper grommets near the top and a thin copper green shoelace has been threaded through them to keep the bag tied closed.

Putting on the linen tape on the edges of the canvas. The canvas is trimmed a bit beyond the future seam line, and then the tape gets put on, exactly at or slightly outside the seam line. Here I've been checking my placement with a seam gauge because I'm in that sort of mood. 😄 Then that all gets sewn down, the canvas won't move at all with nothing visibly attaching it, and the front and lapel won't stretch and will feel a bit more sturdy. Not necessary, but nice!

#Sewing #Tailoring #1890sCheckJacket
The mostly finished lapel with its inner structures in order. The narrow tape has been whipstitched on on every side, at least up to a point where there is still a sewing needle sticking out. The point of the lapel, with its mitred linen tape, is somehow much more crisp, flat and even than when it was still half off. The difference is minute but noticeable. The effect of the white tape on black and gray fabric, with gray stitching, is visually pretty striking. Sini's hand is holding onto the lapel, with her myriad shiny silver rings, for crafter's pride reasons.
A close up photo of Sini checking the seam allowance against a seam gauge. It's exactly and very satisfyingly at 1.5 centimetres. Exactly at that measurement is a white linen tape, about 1cm wide, in the process of being sewn on by hand onto the edge of black canvas. That, in turn, has a bunch of pad stitching on it, looking like very large herringbone or zigzag. The photo is a little bit out of focus.

My first zipper bag!

I’ve always been a bit leery of sewing zippers but I found a pretty good tutorial and finally decided to give it a whirl

It’s a bit harder to sew thru the quilted parts than I thought, but it was fun and I bought a bunch of zippers so there’s probably more of these ahead for me


#Quilting #Sewing
Quilted zipper bag with a flat bottom. The bag is embroidered to read “Proud Member of AUNTIFA — Aunties Against Fascism” (Auntifa is in blue and the other letters are white). The majority of the bag is quilted black fabric, but near the top is a section of blue graffiti fabric set off by a tiny black and white striped accent.

i was recently reminded of this project thanks to another user making her own version.

back in 2022 i was given a bundle of unwanted baby pink yarn. the pink was so sweet and delicate it prompted ironic feelings in me, as a stark contrast to the harshness of life—the suffering, injustices, illnesses, mortality.

i was inspired to create this dress with a crochet bodice + filet crochet lettering, curtains for sleeves, and fabric i’d kept for decades for the skirt.

#crochet #sewing #fiberart
A person stands wearing a frilly pink dress with short ruffled lace sleeves. The dress features a prominent slogan that reads "LIFE SUCKS" on the front. The background is a neutral color, highlighting the garment.
A crocheted textile in light pink with the text "LIFE SUCKS" displayed prominently. The piece features scalloped edges and some loose thread ends. The background is black.
A pink crocheted crop top featuring the text "LIFE SUCKS" made by holes in the fabric. It is displayed on a wooden hanger against a light-colored wall. The design includes fringed edges and a lacy pattern.
A doll dress displayed in a pink Barbie box. The dress is predominantly pink with ruffled sleeves and features the words "LIFE SUCKS" on the front. The packaging includes an oval framed illustration of a girl wearing a similar outfit.

Commission pieces completed! These banners will be used in the Lion Dances performed by the Jow Ga Shaolin Institute where I take my TaiChi classes.

#lunarnewyear #taichi #sewing #handmade
Two vertical banners made from red canvas with yellow Chinese characters and English lettering. The left one says Happy New Year and the right says May You be Happy and Prosperous. Banners are approximately 12 inches wide by 50 inches long.

So, I cut out the pieces of this linen guimpe I'm making. Piecing together the front and back yoke, with lace... And tried out my new seam guide presser foot and my twin needle for these fast machine sewn pintucks. I am pretty sure I might put them into half the things I make from now on. 😆

#Sewing #HistoryBounding
A larger view of the finished bit of sewing. The lace almost completely hides a seam underneath it, where two too narrow pieces of the linen have been joined to make a more convenient, usable whole. Two lines of the machine pin tucks follow along the line on both sides. It looks delicate and deliberate, cute and lovely. A little bit of miniature embellishment, making the plain bit of fabric immediately look more luxurious and fine. Sini's pink fingers in the frame.
A close up photo of the presser foot and sewing needles bit of a sewing machine, with fine white linen being sewn. There is a narrow but sedately ornate linen lace running the length of the sewing, and the two needles in one contraption on the sewing machine is putting a tiny little machine tuck into it, sewn along the lace. The distance to it is very precisely guided by the seam guide foot, which is a presser foot that has a clear plastic foot part, so you can see what's under it, and a little extended metal arm thingy so you can have haptic feedback as well, and have it follow along the edge of fabric should you wish. The result looks absolutely lovely. There's persistent cat hair and lint on the sewing machine parts.

Hello world! Today is the start of my pixelfed journey! I hope to find many of my old social media friends here! I'll be posting a lot of medieval hand sewing, projects I'm working on and works in progress! It'll all be medieval and mostly 14th century!

#medieval #medievalwoman #rosaliesmedievalwoman #ladywriter #14thcentury #handstitched #medievalclothes #sewing #history #historicsewing #womeninhistory #medievalwomen #historicalcostume #circlet #surcote #englishhistory #reenactment #reenacting #rosaliegilbert #livinghistory #middleages

I’m Ruth - living in #Machynlleth, Wales. I love #singing (I lead a choir here), #hiking and getting to know the beautiful area of #eryri, where I live. I’m learning #cymraeg. I also help to run #machspace, our local #Makerspace. I enjoy #arts and #crafts, especially #collage, #zine making, #sewing, #knitting and #crochet and am also getting into #watercolour. Am hoping to soon become a #cat owner once I find a place I can live with a pet and do some #vegetableGardening.
Ruth - a white 40-year-old woman with round glasses and red-brown hair, smiling
Welsh hills with the sun shining
Watercolour of yellow, blue and pink swirls with salt crystal effects making a mottled bleached pattern
View of the Dyfi valley in Wales, showing a flooded river, hills and a cloudy sunset sky

Looking for advice — I was adding the first of eight grommets to this quilted backpack and it cut all the way thru; I think I was using the wrong tool

I’d really like to save this piece. The metal grommets were the last step and I don’t want to lose all that work! But I also don’t want to add bigger grommets.

Is there any other option? Suggest anything and everything - I’m sad it screwed up and stuck

#VisibleMending #Repair #RepairCafe #Quilting #Sewing

Quilted fabric with a big hole from where a grommet cut all the way thru the quilt layers

I got this ~1950s mini sewing machine when someone was giving it away locally, so I've started restoring it. This is before...

There was live woodworm eating into the wood panels, the paint was flaking off, and there were rust spots on the exposed metal. The mechanism was actually in decent working order though.

#sewing #restoration #repair #vintage
A miniature hand-crank sewing machine. The metal frame is covered with flaking burgundy paint, and the wooden table and base are marked with woodworm holes.
The machine with the base and table removed, showing flaking paint all over it.
Close-up of the wooden table panel, covered in woodworm holes and a few scratches in the varnish.

J'ai trouvé quoi faire de ma colle à la farine faite la semaine dernière (et elle a même pas moisi, ptet parce que j'ai mis de la cannelle)
Devinez pour quoi c'est !
(Indice en #)

#bricolage #recup #aLArrach #teamCouture #sewing
le cadre tout recouvert du papier à fleur, en train de sécher sur deux pots, vue du dessus. le pré-coupage du papier a servi à rien, le truc est pas assez droit, c'est donc bien fait à l'arrache.
le dos du cadre recouvert par endroit
un papier a fleur découpé et pré-plié, un vieux pinceau, un pot de colle un peu marron et au premier plan une espèce de cadre  en sorte de plastique expansé (on n'en voit qu'un coin)
une plaque en recouverte de papier de soie noir, le pinceau à côté, le cadre précédent qui sèche toujours au dessus, les bobine de fil sur un tapis de découpe à gauche et des cure-dents

With all the changes at Meta my wife is searching for a new social media home.
She most misses the sewing groups at Facebook, so my question is:
Any mastodon instances (or other fediverse project) that she could join? Or rather following some hashtags like #sewing?
English and perhaps French would be OK, but German is preferred (to keep concentration on fabrics instead of the translation ;-) )
Thank you very much.

Täällä vaikuttaa olevan harmillisen vähän #kasityo kontenttia! Tietäjät, vinkatkaa miten voin parantaa oman feedini tilannetta? Vai onko tämä kenties kokonaan väärä paikka? Seurannassa jo tagit #crafts #sewing #knitting #crochet #ompelu ja #neulonta sekä tuo #kasityo

Ilmianna itsesi jos jaat kässäjuttuja!

There seems to be a lack of crafting content! Anyone able to tell me how I could improve on the contents of my feed? Or is this the wrong place altogether? I'm following the tags mentioned above!

Let yourself be known if you share crafty things!
Kasa lankaa eri sävyissä 

A pile of yarn in different colours

#WeekendSewingClub holiday special… this is the face of a woman thinking “fuck you I won”.

I jettisoned the coat I started last week (energy too scarce to waste on a project that doesn’t excite me), and redirected attention to the water-resistant, bonded houndstooth wool, but with a ‘simple’ cape pattern (new look, N6768).

It was like sewing a tarpaulin. Should have been doable in two days, but took 5. My hands are TRASHED. I love the result. #sewing #tailoring #iMadeItMyself #ItHasPockets
Me, mirror selfie, wearing knee-length, high neck black/white houndstooth cape and a slight, but smug smirk.
The cape, hung up, buttoned right up to the neck, flat against the wall, emphasising the width, the arm-slits, diagonal section seams, and the big, black buttons down the front.
Detail of a pocket, set into the diagonal section seam, held open, because they’re damned near invisible otherwise.

More borders and more road.

I was a bit lost as to what to do in London, but now I have a plan. 🗺️

#crossStitch #sewing #craft
Work in progress cross stitch sampler. The bottom section which is being worked on has a road, a university building surrounded by trees and a London double decker. There is another bus starting to be worked on. This is bounded on the left and right by a decorative border. The top is no visible

Not now sweetie, mummy's arguing with someone in the sewing group about spotlight's predatory business practices.


I love making things with beautiful fabric, but also there is a lot of textile waste in this world. So my attempt to square this circle is sticking to a cycle: make 1 thing with new fabric, fix one thing, make one thing with reused fabric. Today’s result is:
- new shirt made with new fabric;
- repaired @Pepijn’s glove
- Christmas decoration - little star stuff with cut up fabric scraps beyond repair.
5 pointed star made of fabric, hanging on a copper-colored ribbon.
Tunic/ shirt hanging on a clothes hanger. It’s made of graphic print fabric showing a city scape - buildings, trees, pink suns.
A glove with the tip of one finger visibly mended with a small patch of fabric.

They''re done! The trousers! The waistband is not quite as tight as intended so they sit a bit lower but that only means there's room for me to grow. 😄 Open images for two gifs of me trying them on and demonstrating the movement range!

#LinenCyclingTrousers #Sewing #HistoryBounding

Inspector kitties interfering very cutely with my curtain making project

#Kitties #TuxedoCats #sewing #NaughtyCats
Photo of a black and white kitty looking down at a huge piece of pink, black and blue fabric she is sitting on
Photo of two black and white kittys looking down at a huge piece of pink, black and blue fabric they are sitting close to. They're also looking at a tape measure which has been pulled out and laid on the fabric
Photo of a black and white kitty looking down at a huge piece of pink, black and blue fabric she is standing on. Seen from above
Photo of a black and white kitty looking up at a huge piece of pink, black and blue fabric that is hanging from an ironing board. She looks angry. There's more white fabric crumpled in the foreground