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Beiträge, die mit crossStitch getaggt sind

The Bothy Threads January sale is now on.
This is not helping with my plan to not buy any craft stuff this year!



More borders and more road.

I was a bit lost as to what to do in London, but now I have a plan. 🗺️

#crossStitch #sewing #craft
Work in progress cross stitch sampler. The bottom section which is being worked on has a road, a university building surrounded by trees and a London double decker. There is another bus starting to be worked on. This is bounded on the left and right by a decorative border. The top is no visible

Leaving the ponies behind and heading off to university. 😢

#crossStitch #craft
A cross stitch sampler in the middle of being made. At the bottom, below a field of ponies, is a small university building. It looks very small and lonely.

And now we need a fence to keep the ponies in! And of course… more borders.

#crossStitch #craft
Work in progress cross stitch samplers. Lots of animals and trees. Ponies at the bottom are starting to have a fence out underneath them.

And the last of the ponies - another two Haflingers - Nicky and Aurora

#horse #crossStitch #needlework #craft
A partially completed cross stitch sampler. At the bottom there are six ponies- two Haflingers, a bay, a chestnut and another two Haflingers
A Haflinger horse’s head poking out of an open stable door. His coat is a light chestnut and his mane is white. He has a blaze.
A Haflinger mare’s head over a stable door. She has a light chestnut coat and white mane. She also has a large white star and snip

And another pony.

And yes, they have names. Left to right we have Babs, Sailor, Spice and Sandy. Babs and Sailor were Haflingers, Spice was a TBxID (a big fearless mare who would jump anything you pointed her at) and Sandy was a Welsh Section B x Arab and went like the proverbial off a shovel (she jumped ridiculously high fences too).

See. There’s reasons behind all the oddly scaled critters.

#crossStitch #horse #craft #fiberArt
I work in progress Crosstitch sampler. At the top there are leaves and trees and flowers and deer. below that there is four leaf clover, cats, Pigs, acorns and a big flower. then there’s a fence. Below the fence are four ponies two Palominos then a bay and then a chestnut. There’s space on the right for two more ponies.
A bay mare’s head. She’s wearing a bridle and her mane is sticking up (she used to be hogged). This is Spice.
A poor quality picture of a chestnut mare’s head and shoulders. She’s wearing a green rug and has been clipped for winter. This is Sandy

Even more ponies.

Well in truth the bay was a big TBxID but my cats are the size of pigs which are the size of acorns so I think I gave up on scale along time ago…

#crossStitch #crafts #needlework
Partially completed cross stitch sampler. There are lots of animals, trees and flowers which are all stylised rather than realistic. The part currently being worked on has two Haflinger ponies and a bay.

More pig and more cat. More border too.

Completing this by end of year is looking increasingly unlikely. 😔

#crossStitch #craft #wip
A WIP cross stitch sampler. The bottom section has from left to right a four leaf clover, a black cat, a Tamworth pig, an acorn, a red flower, an acorn, a Tamworth pig, a black cat and a four leaf clover. Symmetry in everything…

Stalks done, so now I can line my trees up with a bit more confidence!

Partially completed cross stitch samplers, decorative border, foliage, stags and trees. In a folk style

I messed up somewhere with my holly tree (it’s not in the right place…) 😫

So I’m putting flower stalks in to make sure I can line my trees up properly.

#crossStitch #craft
Cross stitch sampler in the process of being made decorative border, foliage, trees and stags are visible. And at the bottom there are some stalks which will have flowers on them.

Finished the border in the right! Woot!

Just another 54 inches to go! Boo!

#crossStitch #craft
Partially completed cross stitch sampler. Border on the left, top and right is complete. Foliage and one and a half stags in the middle.

Ok couldn’t wait to finish the border. Had to add a few leaves.

A partially completed cross stitch border in yellow, black and red. In the left hand top corner are a few simplified cross stitch leaves.

More progress being made. Can’t wait to get onto the body of this properly. But I need to get this border done… 😭

#CrossStitch #needlework
A decorative cross stitch border in black, red and yellow.

Bit more done. Who thought adding a border would be a good idea? (It was me…).

I’ve got 70” of this to do… 😫

#CrossStitch #NeedleWork
A zigzag decorative cross stitch border

You know what? I don’t really like cross stitch and yet here I am again.

#crossStitch #craft #needleWork
A line of half cross stitches (diagonal only) in black on white aida. It doesn’t appear to be very exciting.

Day 15.

This SAL is challenging me, which is frustrating because it is so simple. Once again I miscounted on where I started the word merry, by the time I noticed, I was just finishing the word....so it stays, I am not frogging it. I need to find some focus.

#AdventSAL #CrossStitch
White and pale grey threads have added the words "merry and" to the ongoing cross stitch.