Beiträge, die mit horse getaggt sind
I’m migrating from Instagram, where I did more lurking than posting. It’s taking me some time to find my way around over here.
I’m particularly interested in finding #Horse people, and people who are into #ClickerTraining, #PositiveReinforcement, and #AnimalBehavior. I worked in #AnimalRescue for five years, but man is that a hard, draining career. I am currently recovering from pretty severe burnout. But I still love my local #AnimalShelter.
All of my horses are #Adopted because hey, I was in a position to provide them a home when they needed it. No shame if that’s not how you got your horse(s) - I just find that if I think too hard about looking for another herd member, the universe provides. So I try not to think that too hard, because the ones I have now are plenty! :P
My #horses are varied in size from a tall #Percheron to a chonky little #Haflinger, and all in their mid-twenties. They live with me at a rural #HousingCooperative and kindly allow themselves to be petted and played with by local community members in an outreach program that I started this winter. It’s still a pretty small endeavor. We’ll see where it goes. I’ll probably post about that sometimes.
I hope this reaches you, #HorseLovers and #ClickerTrainers! Also, anyone else who wants to say hi! There is a long list of other topics I may post about in my bio, so I won’t list everything in this already rather long post. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
Faliscan / Etruscan, Late 7th c. BCE
(Italy | Etruria | Narce, Tomb 64B)
Ceramic, H 34.3 cm, Dia. 26.67 cm
On display at Penn Museum (MS935)
“Excavated in a rich tomb of the Faliscans, who were neighbors of the Etruscans, this vessel signifies a nobleman's status as a horse breeder. Expensive to keep, horses symbolized the ruling class and its control of land.”
After 24 years of going back and forth with gluten intolerance, a year ago I had a very serious conversation with a loaf of bread. One day when my wife left, I decided to face what seemed like an addiction. I put a loaf of bread cut in half on the table and started having a chat with him. Lots of questions and lots of answers. After that conversation, many things became clear to me and I haven't eaten it again absolutely no gluten since then.
Surely Ozzy's horse was a projection like my bread. It's a good method, it works.
#ozzyosbourne #horse #gluten #actuallyautistic
#Blog #Collecting
Wintergreen - Breyer Horse - Aywren's Nook | Gaming & Geek Blog
Model information for the Breyer horse
#horse #crossStitch #needlework #craft
And yes, they have names. Left to right we have Babs, Sailor, Spice and Sandy. Babs and Sailor were Haflingers, Spice was a TBxID (a big fearless mare who would jump anything you pointed her at) and Sandy was a Welsh Section B x Arab and went like the proverbial off a shovel (she jumped ridiculously high fences too).
See. There’s reasons behind all the oddly scaled critters.
#crossStitch #horse #craft #fiberArt