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Beiträge, die mit horse getaggt sind

Hello, #FediVerse! I am new here and I am looking for my people so that I can follow them and maybe even have conversations. Are you my people?

I’m migrating from Instagram, where I did more lurking than posting. It’s taking me some time to find my way around over here.

I’m particularly interested in finding #Horse people, and people who are into #ClickerTraining, #PositiveReinforcement, and #AnimalBehavior. I worked in #AnimalRescue for five years, but man is that a hard, draining career. I am currently recovering from pretty severe burnout. But I still love my local #AnimalShelter.

All of my horses are #Adopted because hey, I was in a position to provide them a home when they needed it. No shame if that’s not how you got your horse(s) - I just find that if I think too hard about looking for another herd member, the universe provides. So I try not to think that too hard, because the ones I have now are plenty! :P

My #horses are varied in size from a tall #Percheron to a chonky little #Haflinger, and all in their mid-twenties. They live with me at a rural #HousingCooperative and kindly allow themselves to be petted and played with by local community members in an outreach program that I started this winter. It’s still a pretty small endeavor. We’ll see where it goes. I’ll probably post about that sometimes.

I hope this reaches you, #HorseLovers and #ClickerTrainers! Also, anyone else who wants to say hi! There is a long list of other topics I may post about in my bio, so I won’t list everything in this already rather long post. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
Abner the Haflinger horse strides toward the camera across a snowy meadow. He's wearing a stylish purple halter and blue lead rope. The rope is just draped over his back because he's a very good boy and comes back when I let him out to go exploring. There are trees in the background and a grey sky above.

Amphora (with #Horse )
Faliscan / Etruscan, Late 7th c. BCE
(Italy | Etruria | Narce, Tomb 64B)
Ceramic, H 34.3 cm, Dia. 26.67 cm
On display at Penn Museum (MS935)
“Excavated in a rich tomb of the Faliscans, who were neighbors of the Etruscans, this vessel signifies a nobleman's status as a horse breeder. Expensive to keep, horses symbolized the ruling class and its control of land.”
photo of ceramic amphora and its gallery label on display at museum “Brown gloss ware, large, two twisted handles. Decoration of incised lines and horses.”  label:  “Amphora (Jar with Two Handles) Excavated in a rich tomb of the Faliscans, who were neighbors of the Etruscans, this vessel signifies a nobleman's status as a horse breeder. Expensive to keep, horses symbolized the ruling class and its control of land. Following legal excavation, the tomb contents were exported to Philadelphia in 1896. This amphora continues to yield information on society and technology in pre-Roman Italy. Ceramic Late 7th century BCE Italy, Narce (Tomb 64B) MS935 Mediterranean Collection 34,000 objects of Greek, Roman, Etruscan, Cypriot, and Bronze Age Aegean origin.”

Time for a nonsens #doodle. Have a good start to the week! 🐹 🏇

#illustration #horse #hamster
A hamster sits on a red horse and calls hop. Both are in a good mood.

I read that Ozzy Osbourne stopped taking LSD one day when he had an hour-long talk with a horse and at the end the horse told him to "fuck off."
After 24 years of going back and forth with gluten intolerance, a year ago I had a very serious conversation with a loaf of bread. One day when my wife left, I decided to face what seemed like an addiction. I put a loaf of bread cut in half on the table and started having a chat with him. Lots of questions and lots of answers. After that conversation, many things became clear to me and I haven't eaten it again absolutely no gluten since then.
Surely Ozzy's horse was a projection like my bread. It's a good method, it works.

#ozzyosbourne #horse #gluten #actuallyautistic

And the last of the ponies - another two Haflingers - Nicky and Aurora

#horse #crossStitch #needlework #craft
A partially completed cross stitch sampler. At the bottom there are six ponies- two Haflingers, a bay, a chestnut and another two Haflingers
A Haflinger horse’s head poking out of an open stable door. His coat is a light chestnut and his mane is white. He has a blaze.
A Haflinger mare’s head over a stable door. She has a light chestnut coat and white mane. She also has a large white star and snip

And another pony.

And yes, they have names. Left to right we have Babs, Sailor, Spice and Sandy. Babs and Sailor were Haflingers, Spice was a TBxID (a big fearless mare who would jump anything you pointed her at) and Sandy was a Welsh Section B x Arab and went like the proverbial off a shovel (she jumped ridiculously high fences too).

See. There’s reasons behind all the oddly scaled critters.

#crossStitch #horse #craft #fiberArt
I work in progress Crosstitch sampler. At the top there are leaves and trees and flowers and deer. below that there is four leaf clover, cats, Pigs, acorns and a big flower. then there’s a fence. Below the fence are four ponies two Palominos then a bay and then a chestnut. There’s space on the right for two more ponies.
A bay mare’s head. She’s wearing a bridle and her mane is sticking up (she used to be hogged). This is Spice.
A poor quality picture of a chestnut mare’s head and shoulders. She’s wearing a green rug and has been clipped for winter. This is Sandy