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Beiträge, die mit stars getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit stars getaggt sind

100 years ago, Cecilia Payne discovered what the stars are made of It might seem obvious today, but it was just 100 years ago that we discovered that the Sun, and all stars, are made of hydrogen and helium. We should thank Cecilia Payne for that.bigthink.com/starts-with-...#space #science #stars

100 years ago, Cecilia Payne d...

Wedding at the Louvre Under the Stars, Paris, France

More about me & prints:

Aperture: f/8 (for sharpness and depth of field across the scene)
Shutter Speed: 30s (to capture the stars and crescent moon with a long exposure)
ISO: 800 (to handle the low-light conditions while minimizing noise)

A stunning night photograph of the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, illuminated against a starry sky with a crescent moon. The glass pyramid reflects beautifully on the wet courtyard, surrounded by the historic Louvre Palace, while wispy clouds add a dramatic effect to the celestial backdrop.

Hot new #JWST image just dropped. (Literally hot; the temperature inside this object can reach upward of 25,000 degrees.)

Meet the planetary #nebula NGC 1514, aka the "Crystal Ball Nebula". It's about 1500 light years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Taurus.

Planetary nebulae occur toward the end of the lives of #stars that have about the mass of the Sun. They shed their outer layers into space, leaving behind an Earth-sized star called a white dwarf. Its temperature can be up to about 100,000 degrees, so it emits a lot of ultraviolet and X-ray light. That light energizes the gas ejected during the earlier phase, lighting it up like a neon sign. (NGC 1514's white dwarf is the bright star at the center with the spikes, which are an artifact of the telescope's optics.)

This image is a composite of individual frames made through three colored filters by the Webb telescope's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). The image shows two concentric shells of material whose bright edges appear as circles. It's actually an hourglass-shaped structure seen an angle inclined to our line of sight toward NGC 1514.

A newly published study finds that these rings are different than the reddish material inside them. The light they emit comes from very tiny grains of carbon-rich material given off by the progenitor star very late in its life.

But why the ring shapes? It turns out that the progenitor star was actually two, only one of which endured this phase of high mass loss. Energetic "winds" given off by the stellar pair shaped the carbon grains as they were pushed away from the system.

(Processing of this image was done by Judy Schmidt: https://www.flickr.com/photos/geckzilla/54206737999)

A colorful planetary nebula appears on a dark background. The nebula is a range of colors from red to pink to orange to white and consists of an inner reddish region surrounded by two diffuse gray/white rings tilted at 45 degrees toward the lower right. A bright star appears in the center with six short diffraction spikes. Faint stars and galaxies are scattered across the background.

I found the “sister” of M33. Her name, NGC2403. They are pretty much alike. Have more or less the same size, shape, and they both feature a very big nebula: NGC604 in M33 and NGC2404 in the sister galaxy. Though, they got mad of each other, and now they are millions of l-y appart.

#astrophotography #astronomy #space #nightsky #nightphotography #photography #outdoors #stars #nebula #nebulae #galaxy #Astrodon
A spiral galaxy, spotted with pink blobs here and there, has a bright and tight core in its center. The arms of the galaxy expand and fade away into the vacuum of space. Although of majestic aspect, it’s only half the size of our own galaxy.

Amongst my three attempts at astrophotography, this was the one somewhat successful excursion. The biggest lesson I learned that night is that when a pack of coyotes about 100 ft away howl, don’t panic. I was sure I’d get eaten.

I took copious notes from that night but have since misplaced them; the two brightest stars are planets. Don’t remember which ones, though.

#Photography #Astrophotography #MilkyWay #NightSky #StarryNight #Stars #Planets
A starry sky with a yellow glow hovers over a fog shrouded hill. The Milky Way is rising from the left, and a foggy orange glow from traffic outlines the silhouette of trees on the bottom right.

One of the best shots of the Milky Way that I've captured to date. This is a 20-image stack of minute-long exposures taken with the aid of a tracking mount to keep the camera gently centered on our galaxy. The dark skies are courtesy of a sparsely populated corner of the Ozark Mountains in north central Arkansas. I can't wait for Milky Way season this year and opportunities to get more photos like this one.

#Astronomy #NightSky #Astrophotography #LongExposure #Arkansas #Ozarks #Space #Photographer #LandscapePhotographer #Stars #MilkyWay
The core of the Milky Way arcs vertically into the sky. The orange-tinted glow of city lights along the horizon fade in a star-filled tapestry into the inky black void above.

There are mighty rivals for the famous Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula, like these, located in the not so famous SH2 284 nebula. You can find these in the Unicorn.

#astrophotography #astronomy #space #nightsky #milkyway #nightphotography #photography #outdoors #stars #nebula #nebulae #Astrodon
An explosion of colorful clouds, layered in reddish, yellow, green and blue shades, stained with dark clouds that give the object character and depth. Many distant stars sparkle the whole picture.

The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are two dwarf galaxies that orbit the Milky Way. At approximately 163,000 and 206,000 light years away, respectively, they're only visible in the Southern Hemisphere and are a treat for eyes accustomed to the night skies of the Northern Hemisphere. I captured this single exposure photo of the pair while visiting Patagonian Argentina in January 2020. The mountain rising in the foreground is illuminated by the nearby lights of El Chaltén, which sits at the gateway to a near pristine wilderness in the foothills of the Andes Mountains and the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.

#magellanicclouds #largemagellaniccloud #smallmagellaniccloud #space #astronomy #stars #astrophotography #patagonia #argentina
A star-filled night sky featuring the Large and Small Magellenic Clouds, which are only visible from the Southern Hemisphere. A mountain in the foreground is illuminated in orange light from the nearby town of El Chalten.

« Each star passes but once in the night through the meridian over our heads and shines there but an instant; so, in the heaven of the mind each thought touches its zenith but once, and in that moment all its brilliancy and all its greatness culminate. »

— Henri-Frédéric Amiel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/745694070979084288/each-star-passes-but-once-in-the-night-through-the

#quotes #HenriFrédéricAmiel #stars #heaven #mind #thoughts #greatness

Two anonymous anemonae! LBN 807 is a strong emission nebula that is being carved by numerous and potent young blue stars.

Shot for a total of about 14 hours from my observatory on a rooftop in Mexico City.

#astrophotography #astronomy #space #nightsky #nightphotography #photography #outdoors #stars #nebula #nebulae #Astrodon
Some say the distinguishing features of this nebula look like tadpoles… I don’t think so 🙂.

« Soon as the evening shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly to the listening earth
Repeats the story of her birth.
While all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets in their turn,
Confirm the tidings as they roll,
And spread the truth from pole to pole. »

— Joseph Addison

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/733925337696698368/soon-as-the-evening-shades-prevail-the-moon-takes

#quotes #JosephAddison #poetry #moon #stars #poems

I am musing about my theme for this year's A to Z Blogging Challenge.

I have been consistently failing a Constellation Myths plan year after year... might be time to actually do it this time. I want to do constellation myths outside of the ones everyone knows... ✨

#blogging #astronomy #constellation #stars #folklore #mythology