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Beiträge, die mit Astronomy getaggt sind

#Sonnenfinsternis 29.03.2025

Baader OD 3.8 Digital Solar Filter
Canon EOS 2000Da
WO Spacecat
Skywatcher AZ-EQ 6 GT

(Stack; Adobe PS, Crop)

#astrophotography #astronomy
Bild der Sonnenfinsternis. Sie erscheint im dunkleren orange-Ton und ist oben an der Ecke vom Mond verdeckt zu circa 20 %.

Took the trusty old telescope out to capture some pics of the partial eclipse. Nice big chunky sunspot too.
#Eclipse #sun #sunspot #Astronomy

There's a partial solar #eclipse tomorrow! The #Moon will slip between #Earth and the #Sun, casting its shadow over us 🌞🌕🌍

To get in the spirit, let’s take a (very) close peek at our cosmic neighbour, with its crater-covered surface. And, sadly, no cheese in sight 🧀 👀

This image was captured in early January through the Nasmyth A focus of the UT1 telescope at our Very Large Telescope (VLT) in #Chile

📷 Abigail Frost

#astrodon #astronomy #astrophotography #science
A closeup image of a circular patch of the Moon's surface, bright and gray, sprinkled with mountains and circular craters of different sizes. This image is surrounded by a circular shadow and a cross-shaped shadow of the structure that supports one of the telescope's mirrors.

Wow – didn’t think I’d be in tears today, but this message sent home from Gaia as it was shut down forever today hits hard 😭

What you’re seeing is a map of the 106 CCD detectors that Gaia used to measure the positions of billions of stars in the Milky Way for the past 11 years 🛰️✨

They were turned off in a special sequence … 😕

#SpaceScience #Astronomy #Science
A shot of a TV screen with many green squares, interspersed with grey ones spelling out the word “bye”.

Wow wee, wow wow! JWST just keeps raising more questions than it's answering--& that's a good thing! JWST discovered that the toddler galaxy, GS-z13-1--which existed just 330 million years after the Big Bang--had ionized the ancestral neutral hydrogen that surrounded it allowing its light to transverse the universe & reach JWST. According to present hypothesis, that's incredibly early for a galaxy to have done that. https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Webb/Webb_sees_galaxy_mysteriously_clearing_fog_of_early_Universe

#Astronomy #AstroPhysics #Cosmos #JWST #Science

Call for Observations:

Partial Solar Eclipse on 2025 March 29 – Measure the Solar Diameter during Solar Maximum.

Video observations of the contact times of the upcoming solar eclipse are needed for a study of the solar diameter.


#eclipse #sun #solareclipse #astronomy #citizenscience
Path map of the upcoming partial solar eclipse on 2025 March 29.

The lasers our Very Large Telescope (VLT) pierce the Milky Way… but what is that vertical glow just below? 🤔

That’s the zodiacal light: caused by dust grains in the Solar System, it's so faint that it’s only visible in the darkest skies, such as those of Chile’s Atacama Desert.

And the pristine night sky 🌌 in this region has always been intertwined with the culture and traditions of its indigenous people, discover how: https://www.eso.org/public/images/potw2511a/

📷 F. Millour/ESO

#astrodon #astronomy #astrophysics #space #science
A vertical image of the night sky. The Milky Way – a dense band of stars and dark dust lanes – crosses the sky diagonally. Four yellow laser beams coming from outside of the image converge towards the bright core of the Milky Way. The zodiacal light – a white, diffuse and faint smudge of light – stretches vertically from the horizon.

Check out these pics to catch one last glimpse of Saturn's rings before they "disappear" from view for a while! 🪐 🤩

On 23 March, the Earth's orbit will cross the plane of the rings, making the majestic rings appear edge-on from our perspective. Since Saturn will be positioned very close to the Sun in the sky, it won’t be possible to observe it as the Earth crosses the plane. ⁠The rings will then become visible again in September this year.

Courtesy of ESO astronomer Abigail Frost, these images were captured in early January through the Nasmyth A focus of Unit Telescope 1 at our Very Large Telescope (VLT) in #Chile .

#astrodon #astronomy #astrophotography #science
An image of Saturn against a blue sky, observed through a telescope. Saturn appears as a small yellowish disk, crossed diagonally by a thin line, which is in fact Saturn's rings seen almost edge on. The blue sky is partially blocked by various circular and straight shadows of the telescope's mirrors and its support structures.
An image of Saturn against a blue sky, observed through a telescope. Saturn appears as a small yellowish disk, crossed diagonally by a thin line, which is in fact Saturn's rings seen almost edge on. The blue sky is partially blocked by various circular and straight shadows of the telescope's mirrors and its support structures.
An image of Saturn against a blue sky, observed through a telescope. Saturn appears as a small yellowish disk, crossed diagonally by a thin line, which is in fact Saturn's rings seen almost edge on. The blue sky is partially blocked by various circular and straight shadows of the telescope's mirrors and its support structures.
An image of Saturn against a blue sky, observed through a telescope. Saturn appears as a small yellowish disk, crossed diagonally by a thin line, which is in fact Saturn's rings seen almost edge on. The blue sky is partially blocked by various circular and straight shadows of the telescope's mirrors and its support structures.

For an explainer on #Euclid's background and what's in the Q1 data release, here's a conversation between Shaun Hotchkiss (https://cosmologytalks.com), Guada Canas-Herrera (gcanasherrera.com) from #ESA and our Herve Aussel:


#astronomy #science #space

~2h to go until @esa.int and the Euclid Consortium release the first 63 deg² of #Euclid survey science data plus 34 papers to go with this "Q1"-release.

More here: https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Euclid/Follow_the_reveal_of_Euclid_s_new_catalogue_on_19_March

Press releases and directions for data access will follow at the same time.

#astronomy #space #science

Tomorrow, 19 March, 12:00 CET, #ESA and the #Euclid Consortium will release the first larger batch of science data, the "Q1" data release, covering 63 deg² of sky.

Here is how you can follow the release presentation live:


#astronomy #space #science

Blood moon Eclipse sequence over Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

More about me & prints:

This sequence is from the total lunar eclipse a few years back

#moon #astronomy #bloodmoon
A mesmerizing night photograph capturing the stages of a lunar eclipse over a city skyline. The sequence shows the moon transitioning from a crescent to a fully eclipsed blood moon, glowing with a reddish hue, and back to a crescent, set against a dark, cloudy sky with the city lights twinkling below, creating a dramatic celestial display.

Hat noch wer heute Abend im Raum #Oldenburg oder sogar in #Norddeutschland dieses Phänomen am #Himmel gesehen? Sah aus wie ein #Komet, bewegte sich west-/nordwestlicher Richtung aber langsam gen Horizont. Ist da irgendwas verglüht, wenn ja, was? Konnte bisher keine Infos dazu finden.

Gerne boosten. 😊👍🏼

#sky #NorthGermany #comet #satellite #meteroid #Meteroid #Meteor #Satellit #Asteroid #asteroids #Weltraumschrott #space #spaceexploration #astronomy #astrophotography #Astronomie
Vor einem gelblichen Himmel nach Sonnenuntergang ist aus der Ferne mittig ein kometenähnliches Himmelsphänomen mit goldenem Schweif zu sehen. Im Vordergrund einige dunkle Äste von Bäumen.
Vor einem gelblichen Himmel nach Sonnenuntergang ist aus der Ferne mittig ein kometenähnliches Himmelsphänomen mit goldenem Schweif zu sehen. Im Vordergrund einige dunkle Äste von Bäumen.

I got lucky! Surprisingly, the sky was clear this morning, so I was able to see the beginning of the partial phase of this total lunar eclipse as the moon was setting.

#LunarEclipse #TotalLunarEclipse #astronomy #astrophotography #photography
Zoom on the partially eclipsed moon.
The partially eclipsed moon above trees.
The partially eclipsed moon above trees.
The partially eclipsed moon above trees and houses.

The eclipse doesn't officially start for another hour or so, but here's the moon, if anyone is wondering what it looks like right now lol

#astrophotography #astronomy #lunar #eclipse
A photo of a completely full moon

Amateur Astronomie foto van de dag: The Pencil Nebula. Foto info: https://www.aapod2.com #astronomie #sterrenkunde #fotografie #sterrenkijken #aapod #heelal #universum #sterren #astronomy

Planetary party portrait above Paranal!

In this image, taken in early February, the planets of the Solar System appear to parade one after the other above our Paranal Observatory in #Chile. Joining the party are the #Moon, the #MilkyWay, and a special guest: comet C/2024 G3 ☄️

A question we often get is whether the planets orbit the Sun in the same plane as the disc of the Milky Way. This image shows that's not the case: the plane of the Solar System –the ecliptic– is tilted about 60º relative to the Milky Way.

Read more: https://www.eso.org/public/images/potw2510a/

📷 B.Haeussler/ESO

#astrodon #astronomy #astrophysics #astrophotography #space #science
The image is a circular fisheye projection, with the horizon around the circular edge and the highest part of the sky at the centre of the circle. It shows eight telescope domes around the edge. The moon lights the telescopes and the desert from behind, creating a haze across, but above it the sky is pretty dark and full of stars. Our Milky Way galaxy –– an arc made dense by white points and hues of pink and purple –– crosses the image vertically. Several planets, which look like dots, appear aligned more or less horizontally across the sky. The image is marked with text for white points of interest, including the Milky Way, planets and comet C/2024 G3, which looks like the streak of a shooting star, blazing white.

Olympus Mons near the terminator just released by ESA Mars Express

Full size & info: https://flic.kr/p/2qQA6Fc
Credit: ESA/@DLR@social.bund.de/FUBerlin/AndreaLuck CC BY

Taken on 2024-08-06
Release Date: 2025-03-01 on https://psa.esa.int/

#Mars #Solarocks #Astronomy #Space #ESA #Astrodon
A top down view of Olympus Mons, the massive shield volcano on Mars. The volcano has a broad, circular shape with gently sloping flanks and a prominent central caldera. The surface appears reddish-brown, with darker shadowed regions emphasizing the rugged terrain. The edges of the volcano gradually fade into the surrounding Martian landscape. The lighting creates a contrast between the illuminated and shadowed areas, as the volcano is near the terminator, the boundary between day and night.

This night, it was very clear. A ship approaches on the river, its bright navigation lights shining directly toward the photographer. Despite the glare, the delicate presence of Mercury can still be seen in the sky.


#Astronomy #Astronomie #AstroPhotography #Astrofotografie #Planets #Planeten #Venus #Mercury NaturePhotography #Nature #Water #River #Fluss #Wasser #Stille #Kontemplation #Spiegelung
A calm river at dusk after sunset, its still surface reflecting the soft colors of the evening sky. The bright planet Venus shines prominently above, casting a shimmering reflection on the water. Near the yellowish horizon, just above the tree line on the riverbank, the faint glow of Mercury is visible. In the center of the image, a ship approaches on the river, its bright navigation lights shining directly toward the photographer. Despite the glare, the delicate presence of Mercury can still be seen in the sky.

Crop from a photo taken a little later: Mercury is now just about to disappear behind the trees on the horizon.


#Astronomy #Astronomie #AstroPhotography #Astrofotografie #Planets #Planeten #Venus #Mercury NaturePhotography #Nature
Crop from a photo with the river and the stars, showing only the weak dot of Mercury next to the branches of trees.

Venus (bright at top) and Mercury (yellow, slightly above the trees, slightly left of center) above the Escaut river in Northern France. Recorded on the evening of March 5th, 2025.

High resolution:


#Astronomy #Astronomie #AstroPhotography #Astrofotografie #Planets #Planeten #Venus #Mercury NaturePhotography #Nature #Water #River #Fluss #Wasser #Stille #Kontemplation #Spiegelung
A calm river reflecting the fading light of dusk after sunset. The water's surface is smooth, mirroring the deepening hues of the evening sky. Above the distant tree line on the riverbank, the bright planet Venus shines prominently, its reflection shimmering on the water. Near the yellowish horizon, just above the trees, the faint glow of Mercury is also visible, adding to the serene and celestial atmosphere of the scene.

Hot new #JWST image just dropped. (Literally hot; the temperature inside this object can reach upward of 25,000 degrees.)

Meet the planetary #nebula NGC 1514, aka the "Crystal Ball Nebula". It's about 1500 light years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Taurus.

Planetary nebulae occur toward the end of the lives of #stars that have about the mass of the Sun. They shed their outer layers into space, leaving behind an Earth-sized star called a white dwarf. Its temperature can be up to about 100,000 degrees, so it emits a lot of ultraviolet and X-ray light. That light energizes the gas ejected during the earlier phase, lighting it up like a neon sign. (NGC 1514's white dwarf is the bright star at the center with the spikes, which are an artifact of the telescope's optics.)

This image is a composite of individual frames made through three colored filters by the Webb telescope's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). The image shows two concentric shells of material whose bright edges appear as circles. It's actually an hourglass-shaped structure seen an angle inclined to our line of sight toward NGC 1514.

A newly published study finds that these rings are different than the reddish material inside them. The light they emit comes from very tiny grains of carbon-rich material given off by the progenitor star very late in its life.

But why the ring shapes? It turns out that the progenitor star was actually two, only one of which endured this phase of high mass loss. Energetic "winds" given off by the stellar pair shaped the carbon grains as they were pushed away from the system.

(Processing of this image was done by Judy Schmidt: https://www.flickr.com/photos/geckzilla/54206737999)

A colorful planetary nebula appears on a dark background. The nebula is a range of colors from red to pink to orange to white and consists of an inner reddish region surrounded by two diffuse gray/white rings tilted at 45 degrees toward the lower right. A bright star appears in the center with six short diffraction spikes. Faint stars and galaxies are scattered across the background.

From the stairs to the stars! 🪜✨ Other than going to #space, the next best way to feel close to the stars is from the dark skies high up in #Chile’s Atacama Desert, where our Very Large Telescope(*) is located.

Those yellow beams are the VLT’s laser guide stars, shooting up from the telescope (to the right, but outside of the frame) into the sky. The laser beams create artificial stars high up in the atmosphere, which the telescope’s adaptive optics system uses to make the sharpest possible observations of the cosmos, from the ground.

Read more: https://www.eso.org/public/images/potw2509a/

(*) The VLT actually comprises several telescopes. And yes, you can tease us about the name 😅

📷 F. Millour/ESO

#astrodon #astronomy #astrophotography #science
At the centre of the image is the silhouette of a person standing on a tall viewing platform, at least 5 metres high and almost just as wide. It has a two-level staircase leading up to it. The dark foreground silhouette of stairs and platform contrasts with the night sky filled with stars, showing blue and green hues, and the cloudy, white Milky Way plane reaching across, diagonally. At the top right, two orange laser beams emerging from outside the frame seem to converge towards the galactic plane.

So, I happen to think that #Astronomy is very keen, and I love it and will talk about it rather a lot. There are probably thousands of other people who have posted information and explainers and resources, but just in case some folks haven’t seen those, I’d like to post some #IntroToAstro recommendations and resources.

One of my first recommendations tends to be Stellarium (https://stellarium.org/). It’s free! It’s like having a planetarium on your computer! There’s a simpler web version!

🌍✨ February 28 #planetaryalignment the Planetarium of Brussels informs ✨🔭🧪
Over the last few days, there's been a lot of talk about a ‘planetary parade’, but beware of exaggerations! Yes, all the planets in the solar system are visible at the same time, but it's not that obvious.
👁️ What can you see?
🔹 To the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and (with a little difficulty) Saturn.
🔹 With binoculars/telescope: Uranus and Neptune.
🗺️ Map valid for Brussels at 18h55 on 28/02/2025
Sky chart with drawings of constellations and annotated planets

🛰🌟The PROBA-3 coronograph ☀ ASPIICS, which we manage, captured its first image! 📸 This “stargazing”🌟 shot shows the accuracy of the spacecraft pointing. We are looking forward to the first solar corona images of this #eclipse maker as early as March! 🤩 🧪🔭#SolarPhysics
https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Space_Engineering_Technology/Proba-3/Proba-3_stargazing_to_warm_up_for_corona_observations #Astronomy #SolarEclipses
Black disc with points showing stars annotated by their names (HD + a number). Above on the right, it is written "Orbit 0015, texp = 10 s, raw image".

🚨 2024 YR4 asteroid impact update!

New observations of 2024 YR4 conducted with ESO’s Very Large Telescope and facilities around the world have all but ruled out an impact of the #asteroid with our planet. The asteroid has been closely monitored in the past couple of months as its odds of impacting Earth in 2032 rose to around 3%, the highest impact probability ever reached for a sizable asteroid. After the latest observations, the odds of impact dropped to nearly zero.

Read more: https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso2505/

#astrodon #astronomy #astrophysics #space #science

1/ When we first joined #mastodon we posted an image of our Extremely Large Telescope, currently under construction in #Chile, and we loved the enthusiasm it generated! Today we share with you a stunning time-lapse of the construction during last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRcVJf0imso

#astrodon #astronomy #astrophysics #space #science

Un ciel de fou ce soir en Bretagne. Ça ne devrait pas durer toute la nuit, j'en profite pour sortir les jumelles. J'ai sorti le télescope pour après le dîner. #Astrodon #AstroSmartphone #astronomy #NightSky #Astronomie
Ciel étoilé au smartphone. On reconnaît la constellation d'Orion, les hyades avec l'étoile aldebaran, Jupiter au-dessus, les pléiades...

On the anniversary of Tobias Mayer’s death, here is a film recommendation for the #Göttingen #astronomy bubble:

Very nice zoom-out from our recently discovered Einstein Ring in the very center to the whole galaxy NGC 6505 (on #ESA's


#science #space #astronomy

Proba-3 is a highly under-publicized new space mission.

Two spacecraft will fly in formation to create solar eclipses on demand. The same basic technology could eventually lead to huge, virtual space observatories & to telescopes that can bring other Earths into view.

https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Space_Engineering_Technology/Proba_Missions/Proba-3_Technologies #science #space #astronomy #esa
ESA’s double-satellite Proba-3 mission will be flying where no previous member of the Proba minisatellite family has gone before – up to 60 000 km away, a seventh of the way to the Moon. Set for launch in 2024, the two satellites will be launched together into a highly elliptical orbit, ranging from 600 km up to a high point of 60 000 km. For six hours per 19.5 hour orbit, the pair will line up so that the Occulter spacecraft casts a shadow upon the Coronagraph spacecraft to open up the Sun's corona atmosphere for sustained observation.

Frankly, it borders on the obscene just how deep a modern smartphone can go 🙀

This 30 sec iPhone 15 wide-field image shows open clusters like M35, faint planets like Uranus, & clearly separates both M42 & M43 in the Orion Nebula ✨

And since it detects stars almost to 10th magnitude (yes, I checked 🙂), you can readily make out the Taurus-Auriga dark clouds as regions where stars are 'missing' 🌚


#Astronomy 🔭
#Photography 📷
#iPhonePhotography 📱
A picture of the night sky with many stars, including Orion and the Pleiades, with the edge of a building in the bottom left corner.
The same image again, but now with many stars, planets, and clusters annotated.

APOD from 2025-02-11

The Spider and the Fly

In the constellation Auriga, emission nebulas IC 417 (Spider) and NGC 1931 (Fly), both about 10,000 light-years away, house young star clusters. The deep image from Berkshire UK reveals these cosmic clouds with the Fly spanning 10 light-years.

HD image at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap250211.html#space #astronomy #nebula #universe
The Spider and the Fly
The Spider and the Fly

This was a challenging photo. I captured it about 7 years ago while driving from Salt Lake City up to southern Montana to be in a friend's wedding. When I started looking into the logistics of my arrival time, I realized there would be an opportunity to photograph the Milky Way somewhere under the dark skies of northern Utah or southern Idaho. Not wanting to stray too far off the highway, I looked for areas that might offer a unique foreground for the composition.

I soon realized that the highway alignment (northwest to southeast) would allow for a "highway to the stars" type of image, and started looking for an ideal overpass. This one caught my eye and I couldn't have been happier with the results. It took some time to capture, as it was necessary to get all of the Milky Way images without traffic on the highway, and then of course I needed to get a few images with light trails from the cars on the highway below.

I didn't have star tracker at the time, but other than that there are few things I would've changed considering the challenge and how it turned out!

#Astrophotography #Astronomy #Space #MilkyWay #Landscape #LandscapePhotography
An image of the star field of the Milky Way reaching down towards the horizon, where it meets with the vanishing point of an interstate highway highway. Light trails from vehicle lights zip towards the confluence with the Milky Way, creating a "highway to the stars" effect.

[Un anneau parfait ...] L'analyse des tous premiers clichés acquis par le #télescope spatial #Euclid a révélé cet anneau d'Einstein parfaitement circulaire. Exceptionnel ! Rarissime !

Cet anneau encercle une #galaxie (NGC 6505) située à quelque 590 millions d'années lumière de la Terre. Il est constitué de la #lumière provenant d'une galaxie plus lointaine et brillante - une galaxie jusque là inconnue, distante de 4,42 milliards d'années lumière. Info+ : https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Euclid/Euclid_discovers_a_stunning_Einstein_ring

Cette galaxie est donc la toute première découverte de la mission @ec_euclid ! 👏 Une découverte qui en augure bien d'autres ... Good luck, Euclid !

#astronomy #cosmology #Euclid #EinsteinRing
Close-up of the Einstein ring around galaxy NGC 6505
ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, image processing by J.-C. Cuillandre, G. Anselmi, T. Li