Beiträge, die mit rumi getaggt sind
None of those with #Ukraine, #Canada, #Mexico and #EU flags on their profile raising their voice condemning this outrageous crime.
The sheikh wandered around the city with a lamp
I'm tired of all the devils and the death, and seeking one human
They said it cannot be found, we have searched, As we said before
That which cannot be found I desire
دی شیخ با چراغ همی گشت گرد شهر
کز دیو و دد ملولم و انسانم آرزوست
گفتند یافت می نشود جسته ایم ما گفت
آن که یافت می نشود آنم آرزوست
#poetry #Rumi #Gaza #Inhumanity #Death #politics #Israel #Genocide #WarCrime @israel @iran
If you wish to shine like day,
burn up the night of self-existence.
Dissolve in the Being who is everything. »
— Jalaluddin Rumi
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#quotes #Rumi #oneness #interbeing #DivineIntelligence #EgoDeath
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Anyone in whom the troublemaking self has died, sun and cloud obey. If you wish to shine like day, burn up the night of self-existence. Dissolve in the Being who is everything. — Jalaluddin Rumipoligraf (Tumblr)
I was me — but no,
I was you
and never knew it. »
— Jalaluddin Rumi
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#quotes #Rumi #interbeing #oneness #reciprocity #widsom #interconnectedness
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
I always thought that I was me — but no, I was you and never knew it. — Jalaluddin Rumipoligraf (Tumblr)
there is nothing that is not me.
Be silent. »
— Jalaluddin Rumi
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#quotes #Rumi #love #silence #oneness #DivineIntelligence #nature
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me. Be silent. — Jalaluddin Rumipoligraf (Tumblr)
— Jalaluddin Rumi
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#quotes #Rumi #faith #Patience #possibility #appearances #perseverance
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Be patient, even if every possibility seems closed. — Jalaluddin Rumipoligraf (Tumblr)
― Rumi
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#quotes #Rumi #Mevlana #JalaluddinRumi #trees #roots #HumanNature #covenant #DivineIntelligence #love
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
The human being resembles a tree; its root is a covenant with God: that root must be cherished with all one's might. — Jalaluddin Rumipoligraf (Tumblr)