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Beiträge, die mit mastoart getaggt sind

Hier ist noch mal der Autistic Burnout-Infocomic für euch (nächste Woche poste ich die Fortsetzung 😊). Falls ihr gerade selbst in einem Autistic Burnout seid, wünsch ich euch, dass es euch bald wieder besser geht 💜.

#MastoArt #ComicArt #Comic
Ein Infocomic in neun Panels.
1. Panel: Überschrift: Was ist ein Autistic Burnout?
Illustration: Der Hintergrund ist schwarz, ein kleines Gehirn mit Augen und Mund steht in Flammen, es schaut panisch.
2. Panel: 
Überschrift: Wie fühlt es sich an?
Text: Ein Autistic Burnout ist eine tiefe, chronische Erschöpfung. Dazu kommt der Verlust von exekutiven und mentalen Fähigkeiten, Außerdem ist die Reizfilterschwäche noch stärker ausgeprägt. Das Nervensystem ist komplett überlastet. 
Illustration: Das Gehirn liegt am Boden, es ist völlig fertig und hält ein Schild mit „Out of order“ hoch
3. Panel:
Text: Folgende Anzeichen können auftreten: 
- Fehlender Antrieb (auch für angenehme Dinge) - tiefgehende Erschöpfung - höherer Bedarf für Regeneration und “Me-Time“ - Sozialer Rückzug - höherer Schlafbedarf, evtl. Schlafschwierigkeiten - höhere Reizempfindlichkeit - Selbstregulation funktioniert nicht mehr richtig - verstärktes Stimming - Erinnerungsverlust - Sprachverlust - Maskieren fällt schwerer bzw. ist unmöglich - Overloads/Meltdowns treten häufiger auf - Selbstfürsorge wird vernachlässigt
Illustrationen: Mehrere kleine Symbole sind um den Text verteilt: Theatermaske, Zahnbürste, Totenkopf, eine Blase mit kleinen Zs, die Schlaf symbolisieren, ein Gehirn mit einem Fragezeichen

The third little bug magnet design has been assembled! I’m still on the fence about making the horns a bit bigger on this one, what do you think?

This is the biggest model so far, and it has two magnets because it just seemed more fitting!

#handmade #wip #workinprogress #beetle #insect #insects #cute #sewing #embroidery #art #smallbusinesssaturday #smallbusiness #fediverse #fediart #mastoart #pixelfed
A little felt magnet held on my fingers, overlooking some gardens. 
The magnet is as long as my fingers and looks similar to a jewel beetle: it’s long and thin and has a three-toned green back, an orange head with silly black and white eyes and two reddish horns and mandibles. Its legs are a dark brown.
Another angle of the magnet.

Thank you to a buyer in California for choosing my work! A 32x48 Canvas Print is on its way to its new home. Your support means so much! 💛✨

Canvas prints on Pixels (most locations and more choices) and paper prints on Etsy (US)

Pixels - https://mark-tisdale.pixels.com/featured/love-the-rain-with-you-mark-tisdale.html

Etsy - https://marktisdaleart.etsy.com/listing/1726191603/romantic-gay-couple-print-male-couple

#Gay #QueerArt #GayArt #Colorful #Rain #DigitalArt #MastoArt #FediArt #CreativeToots #FediGiftShop #MarkOnArt
Colorful digital artwork of two men walking closely under an umbrella in the rain. One man has his arm around the other in a romantic embrace."

And here comes our first photo-DLC for the @DACHstudio Jigsaw Puzzle Box:
@nebbigraphy took amazing animal pictures and you can puzzle them from the comfort of your home 💖 :BlobhajHeart: 🐺


#DACHpuzzle #gamedev #indiedev #jigsawPuzzle #JigsawPuzzles #cozy #animal #MastoArt #artodon #animalphoto

Celebrating a small victory!

I stopped using Amazon or Walmart for the obvious reasons. I live in a small rural town, so this has not been easy.

I found an amazon alternative to ship my hard to find locally (and not inexpensive) dog vitamins.

They sell at the same price as Amazon and offer subscriptions! I'm surprised at how much joy this brings me :)

Painting by me

#dogs #art #boycott #painting #mastoArt #acrylic #kentucky #arte
an acrylic painting by ken swinson depicting two dogs playing on a hill. there are birds in the sky and an outhouse at the top of the hill

I don't know what to do or say right now, so I'm painting. It helps me work out my thoughts and gives me some comfort-hope it makes your day a little better too

Acrylic on canvas 16x20
The Night Watch

#art #painting #owl #kentucky #acrylic #rural #mastoArt #arte
blue and green painting depicting an owl flying in the foreground. a house and stary sky are in the background

It's been a rough week, and it's only Tuesday afternoon. How about a pretty picture of a Canada Goose from Thursday's sunset down at the ol' Benstein Boardwalk?

March 13, 2025. Wolverine Lake, Michigan.

#sunset #bird #birds #goose #geese #CanadaGoose #nature #photography #naturephotography #michigan #spring #art #mastoart #birdsofmastodon
Photograph of a Canada goose swimming from left to right on a lake lit by orange and yellow sunset reflections.

i'm challenging myself to make a teapot every day.
Here's day #3

It's that time of the year to come out of hibernation! rawr!

This is unfired porcelain. decorated and ready for the kiln!

#tea #bear #art #kentucky #spring #craft #pottery #teapot #workInProgress #ceramica #arte #mastoArt

this dino keeps asking why because he genuinely wonders, not because he's trying to argue. please understand 😌🙏

#art #autistic #neurodivergent #mastoart #humanartist #digitalart
Drawing of a pondering dinosaur in purple colors with starry night sky behind it titled "the autistic urge to know why"

title: Spotted Leopard
artist: Mathew Brady Studio, active 1844 - 1894
source: National Portrait Gallery
notes: The Frederick Hill Meserve Collection comprises more than five thousand […]
#Art #Design #Museum #Gallery #MastodonArt #MastoArt #Culture #Random


Ich zeichne #Fantasylandkarten, für Autor*innen und Verlage. Ich habe Illustration und Grafikdesign studiert. Die Landkarten zeichne ich ganz klassisch von Hand mit Bleistift oder Fineliner, um einen schönen handgemachten, »alten« Look zu erzielen, wie er für viele Fantasysettings gut passt.

Einige Arbeitsproben gibt es hier:

Eine schwarz-weiße Fantasylandkarte, mit Bleistift gezeichnet, das Land "Vanfarin" mit verschiedenenen Landschaften und einer größer hervorgehobenen Hauptstadt.

New #CreativeCommons Game-Ready Asset with a lovely 4K Atlas texture of both clean and dirty cutlery and dishes.



#3dart #gamedev #mastoart #blender #godot

Trying a different color combination for my little fishies in today's #inkyDays drawing. I also finished a big 'organize' piece, and made progress on the clustered floral piece.

More photos posted for my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi, in this month's post:

Why do I put most of my art behind a tiny-paywall? To make it a little harder for the data-thieves.

#ink #drawing #art #fish #resist #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has little fish motifs that looks as though they could be swimming across the page.

It's been so stormy, and we had a brief window of time when the sun came out and we could get outside for a good walk. The wind and rain peeled away some of the bark on many trees, revealing brilliant green layers. I couldn't resist playing with some of the patterns in today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.


#ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like the tree bark after a storm.

Another iteration of 'Resistance is NOT futile', for today's #inkyDays drawing.

I also cut one of my large drawings from the watercolor paper block. Now I have an all new frontier to play on.

#ink #drawing #art #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a chemical diagram with the electronics symbol for resistance connecting the nodes.

Having fun with yesterday's pattern, and playing with a different ink today.

Here's an in-progress shot.

Finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#inkyDays #ink #drawing #art #flowers #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like looking down on a bunch of flowers bunched together.

A bright and cheery floral pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing. I liked it so much that I drew a bigger one on watercolor paper.

Here's an in-progress shot.


#ink #drawing #art #flowers #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is floral.

Playing with triangles for today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot. The finished drawing and some other work is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt #wip #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has sort of a chain of triangles with nested triangles inside of them.

Playing with an iteration of "resistance is NOT futile", in today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

#ink #drawing #art #wip #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a chemistry or electrical diagram.

It's a new year, and I felt like drawing a sunflower. It turned out looking more like a sunflower crossed with a dahlia. Oh well. Happy new year!

I've started new posts for this coming month of #inkyDays drawings:

#ink #drawing #art #flowers #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a sunflower crossed with a dahlia flower.