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Beiträge, die mit autistic getaggt sind

Why is it always so stressful trying to make a complaint to a company/bank these days?🤔

1) Sending me a message via online banking message about their branch closing in a town I haven't lived in for 14 years, even though they put my correct/current address at the top as if it were a posted letter 🤦🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️.
2) All details of alternatives in the old town I've not lived in for over a decade, present!
3) All details of alternatives in the current town I live in & have done for over a decade, tumbleweed has more presence.🤯

4) Online 24/7 help not working & hitting the Retry button just repeats the fail.😠
5) DDG to the rescue but could they(the bank) just give me a frelling postal address?
... Nope!
6) Find working online complaint page.
7) Yay! I should no in '...four days...' once I've completed this form.
8) Starts simple but then the Qs get more ambigious, my complaint might be to do with that option or it might not. If only there was a blue circle with one of these❕ that I could hover the mouse over for more info.😡📈
9) Finally done > SUBMIT
10) Nope, I missed something? Then why the F did it not show me when I was at that part of the FRELLING form⁉️📈🤬
11) Success❕ Or was it?
It will take 1 - 8 weeks before they get can deal with the thing & that long for them to get back to me about it.
What happened to FOUR DAYS❗🤬⁉️📈🤬

Guess I best forget about it so I can have a nice surprise in 1 - 8 weeks... or not 🤷.

#BusinessIncompetence #Incompetence #OnlineFail #IdiotsInCharge #Life #AutisticProblems #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #AuDHD #ADHD

Extremely in love with my next book's cover, illustrated by Rebecca Burgess (a fellow autistic) 💕

This book explains what it means to be autistic to kids (and adults!!) in a neuroaffirmative and fun way, and I can't wait for it to hit shelves in June 🎉

Published by #JessicaKingsleyPublishers
Yellow book cover with 3 kids on it. Background of cover has numerous items such as fidgets, ear defenders, lava lamp etc. 
Book Title: "Being Autistic (and what that actually means)" by Niamh Garvey (me) Illustrated by Rebecca Burgess

I think a big reason allistic people always accuse autistic people of only thinking in black and white is because allistic people are trained to ignore consent.

We have boundaries about our bodies and such allistic people don't have and they hate being told no

#actuallyAutistic #autistic

original application. We’ll contact you to let you know the outcome."

Reference 59 is the #NDIS legislation 21 (3)

So in fact it seems I got turned down because they couldn't process my application in time. How ridiculous. 😤🤯

#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic

my missus spends a big chunk of her time doing paediatric ADOS assessments. The range of parental responses is surreal from ‘my child cannot possibly be #autistic’ thru to ‘my child is definitely autistic’ - often entirely disassociated from the reality. The accompanying parental actions can be deeply unhelpful and even harmful.

this dino keeps asking why because he genuinely wonders, not because he's trying to argue. please understand 😌🙏

#art #autistic #neurodivergent #mastoart #humanartist #digitalart
Drawing of a pondering dinosaur in purple colors with starry night sky behind it titled "the autistic urge to know why"

The #autistic urge to infodump anytime anyone steps into your circles of interests.


I am so, so, so tired.
Tired of the endless barrage of stupidity coming from the #US White House
Tired of the idiocracy coming from the New Zealand Beehive
Tired of people like #Trump, #Musk, #Tamaki, etc.
Tired of being made to feel like I'm not worth anything because I am different (#Autistic)
Tired of seeing an actual dictator get his ass kissed by what the world thought was an "at least half decent" country.
Tired of seeing politicians here in #Aotearoa give in to the most petty and reckless lawmaking, purely out of spite.
Tired of people yelling bloody murder over a fucking 75cm wide #bikelane that harms nobody (The road is still wide enough for 2 cars AND a cyclist)
Tired of narrow minded #bigots treating people differently because they're not white|cis|male|western, whatever the fucking fuck their current issue is they invented to be upset about.
Tired of hearing how a few (5? maybe 6?) people are cheerfully threatening the safety of the whole world

I'm tired. Tired of people yelling. Tired of people screaming. Tired of all the shit.

Please excuse me while I go scream in to the #void, stare in to the #abyss and just... I don't know. Cry, or something. I can't take it anymore.

In case anyone in #Cork fancies coming the launch of my book of essays by #Autistic people, and a chance to mingle (I know I know.... Shudder) with autistic people.... This book launch is open to public.
P.S. There is also a #Dublin launch on March 27th in Hodges Figgis at 6pm.
Dubray welcomes.. Niamh Garvey... Book Launch.
Dubray Cork.
Thursday 3rd April.

Worried how someone will react if you tell them you're autistic? Want some tips to make that conversation go better? And deal with rejection sensitivity if it doesn't?

Perfect timing. I'm hosting a free workshop tomorrow on that.


Inclusive. Recorded. Actually free.

#Autism #autistic #ActuallyAutistic #AutismAcceptance #autismawareness #AuDHD #neurospicy

This has me terrified.
I am a parent to an #autistic child with #adhd. She is not broken. She does not have a disease that needs to be cured.
She has a #neurotype that is only recently being acknowledged and accepted.
#neurodivergence need sto stop being seen as "other" or as needing to conform to some arbitrary "normal".
#vaccines save lives. There is 0 link with vaccines and autism.But even if there were, if you'd rather your child have #polio than autism, you shouldn't have kids at all.

Image Breakdown
Long Description:

The image shows a background of a sandy beach with gentle waves lapping against the shore. In the foreground, there are several overlaying text boxes containing text. A child wearing a yellow outfit is crouching on the beach, partially visible at the bottom of the image. The sky appears cloudy, and there are trees or dense foliage visible in the distance.


Text overlay on a beach background with a child crouching.

Transcribed Text:

The CDC under RFK jr’s direction will be investigating AGAIN whether there is a correlation between vaccines and autism

This study has been done multiple times with over 1.2 million autistic children already

No link has EVER been found and it won’t be

This will likely have knock on effects, it could normalize harmful non evidence based “treatments” that are already gaining traction, like enemas, restricting safe foods, detoxes

Not to mention fuel vaccine skepticism

Let us live.

It might be worth pointing out that not only people with visual and/or auditory impairments benefit from #AltText. It can be useful in many other ways, too.

To me, as an #autistic person whose perception and information processing work in quite different ways, it is not always clear what the point of an image is. Some good alt text can help a lot.

Some clarifying background info in alt text can also be very useful for the general public (which helps to normalise the use of alt text).

The AJ Chronicles: 7 March 2025
A week in the life of an autistic widower. (That's me!)

Free to read on Substack.


#blog #journal #life #grief #health #family #cars #technology #music #parenting #autism #autistic #adhd

Today was pretty satisfying. I had a face to face meeting with my supervisor, who was pretty happy with most of my confirmation report. Then I went to the Writers Week talk on #autistic experiences, which was pretty good. Then a meeting, and then got some work done, sent some emails, and am listening to The Framed Women of Ardmore House, a mystery with an autistic lead, by an #ActuallyAutistic author. I’m still tired, sore, jetlagged and freaked out about… everything. But today was pretty nice.

In my experience, when I have told an NT person that I am #autistic, they tend to take it to mean one of two things:

1. They think if I am self-aware enough to know I'm autistic so that I could tell them about it, that implies I know the difference between autistic and normal behavior, so I can just do the normal thing, because that's all it takes, knowing what the normal thing is. They think I'm informing them that I've got it handled, so they can just carry on as usual without any adjustments. Maybe they think I'm bragging or asking them to be impressed? Who knows.

2. They think I am informing them of an insurmountable barrier to communication, and conclude it will be too hard to have a relationship (of whatever kind), so there's no point in trying.

The frustrating thing is that they don't realize there is a third option: They could meet us halfway. They could learn to do their part in bridging the #DoubleEmpathyProblem communication gap. They could cut us a little slack when we unintentionally mess up and break one of their mysterious social rules that are impossible for us to learn, because part of the rules is that they always lie about what the rules really are. They could try to understand that we see the world differently than they do, that the way we see things is just as valid as theirs, and we shouldn't have to do all the work to bridge the communication gap without any help from them.

And beyond frustrating, they appear to think the way to support me is to "help" me adapt to NT social norms. They tell me what I'm doing is wrong, even without me asking. They "guide" me toward NT standard behavior, which usually feels like bullying because then they punish me when I don't conform. It feels like everyone thinks it's their job to be an ABA therapist and gently torture me into normality.

There are, thankfully, some people who I'm close enough to that I can lead them to the third option. But that's always hit-or-miss, and is never easy. I'm really grateful for the handful of people who really do accept me, and even if they don't understand me all the time, they cut me some slack for not being able to perform NT.


Now available on YouTube, an #OnlineAutscape2025 “More Autistic Joy” performance:

On the 7th of February at 20:30 GMT/UTC, autistic stand-up poet and BBC Radio 4 regular Kate Fox performed some of her pieces from last year’s hit Autscape show, the Dr Who-themed “Bigger on the Inside”, plus other poems which invoke autistic joy!

Content warning: Profanity, explicit references to sex.
Watch it at: https://youtu.be/c3_aYD89TUI

#Autscape #AutisticJoy #ActuallyAutistic #autistic #autism #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #poetry #standup
At Online Autscape 2025: More Autistic Joy, Kate Fox performed: Autistic joy and other hopeful poems. Portrait of the performer, a woman with copper-coloured long hair, wearing an owl-themed dress, looking sideways.

📌 Pinned Thread

What I find fascinating as an autistic person is how often I envision an anarcho-syndicalist society. Every day, I imagine a world built on freedom, solidarity, and mutual aid, a society where people are empowered to live with dignity and autonomy.

Yet, when I look around me, I see the overwhelming reality of the system I’ve been suppressed by for nearly 25 years. It’s a system that feels broken, unjust, and dehumanizing, a constant reminder of the garbage we’re forced to endure.

#Anarchism #Syndicalism #AnarchoSyndicalism #Autism #Autistic #Freedom #Solidarity #DirectAction #MutualAid #WorkersRights #Unions #Decentralization #Liberty #Dehumanizing
"Power operates only destructively, bent always on forcing every manifestation of life into the straitjacket of its laws. Its intellectual form of expression is dead dogma, its physical form brute force. And this unintelligence of its objectives sets its stamp on its supporters also and renders them stupid and brutal, even when they were originally endowed with the best of talents. One who is constantly striving to force everything into a mechanical order at last becomes a machine himself and loses all human feeling."

— Rudolf Rocker
Anarcho-syndicalist flag

I had an #autistic moment last week that resulted in ripped trousers, damaged jacket and a cut finger. I am hideously embarrassed by this, an attempt to bypass a downed fence across a path I regularly use. I’m saying so here in an attempt to remove some power from it. The jacket is being repaired, the trousers demoted to ‘decorating wear’ (as if I’ll ever decorate) and the finger, slightly infected, but now healing. ❤️‍🩹 Just tryna love myself and move on.

How are you doing? 🙂

@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyADHD @actuallyadhd #AuDHD @actuallyaudhd

Now, ever since I was a teenager, I've ALWAYS been recruited by EVERY congregation out there. No joke. I was definitely Agnostic and leaning toward Atheism, but living rural Texas, you keep that shit to yourself.
The only correct answer to "Do you know Jesus Christ?" is to answer, "Yes" and keep on going.

But being #Autistic means that I can't see people manipulating me and using me. They exploit my talents and skills, my honor and reputation, and my kindness/stupidity.


Since this is my main social media channel, i'm sharing the invitation to my qualitative study about friendships between autistic adults that i'm conducting for my master's thesis. I'm looking for Polish speaking people. Please share if you can!


Dzień dobry, nazywam się Emil Gałaman i jestem studentem Psychologii na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim.

Jeśli jest Panx dorosłą osobą autystyczną i ma Panx znajomych lub przyjaciół w spektrum autyzmu, serdecznie zapraszam do udziału w badaniu, które przeprowadzam w ramach mojej pracy magisterskiej. Badanie ma na celu poszerzenie wiedzy o przyjaźniach między dorosłymi autystami i będzie polegało na rozmowie, podczas której zadam różne pytania dotyczące Państwa przyjaźni z innymi osobami autystycznymi. Pomysł na to badanie wziął się z mojego własnego doświadczenia, ponieważ sam jestem autystyczny i znam wielu innych autystów. O doświadczeniach tej grupy mówi się od niedawna, a badań na ten konkretny temat właściwie nie ma, więc biorąc udział w moim badaniu mogą Państwo przyczynić się do lepszego poznania doświadczeń autystów z ich własnej perspektywy.

Zachęcam do zapisywania się na rozmowę w trybie stacjonarnym w Instytucie Psychologii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego przy al. Rodziny Scheiblerów 2 lub w innej uzgodnionej lokalizacji na terenie Łodzi. Możliwe jest także przeprowadzenie rozmowy online przez platformy Skype, Discord lub Signal, zależnie od możliwości logistycznych i osobistego komfortu. W sprawie badania proszę pisać na adres mailowy emil.galaman@protonmail.com, dodać mnie na Discordzie (nazwa użytkownika neurohound), Skype (identyfikator live:.cid.b666e59e0114e1ed) lub Signalu (nazwa użytkownika emil_g.37). Wszystkie inne szczegóły są do uzgodnienia.

#ActuallyAutistic #autism #autistic #study #autyzm #pleaseboost

I was just imagining in a near dream state 'bed tents', a fabric cover held up by poles curved over the bed so you are more private and less perceived in bed.

#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic

I should add that it's very easy for #autistic folk to be seen as assholes no matter what we do. Social and communication differences make that a daily thing for many of us. Thanks, Double Empathy Problem!

But it never works to say something like "Sorry for the miscommunication. I'm autistic and these things happen. Let's try that again." That almost always results in ignorant allistics saying "You can't use autism as an excuse for being an asshole! You're probably lying about the autism too!" They do that because they think their way of communicating is the only correct one, and if we use our natural autistic communication style they see it as wrong and disrespectful, and so we must be assholes for talking to them that way.

Nothing simple or easy about this stuff. I wish people weren't so damn ignorant about autism.


Is anyone keeping a list of all the rich assholes who are suddenly claiming to be #autistic? I default to believing people when they say they are autistic, even without a medical diagnosis, but some of this feels like it could be someone pretending to be autistic as a cover for a history of bad behavior. And I really don't like the implication that being autistic causes people to act so much like monsters that you can't tell the difference.

I usually have great sympathy for late-dx folk and respect self-dx, but sometimes I wonder if these people who lie all the damn time might possibly be lying about being autistic, too. Hah, I remember when the problem was rich assholes claiming to be Highly Sensitive People or have a Non-Verbal Learning Disorder to avoid the stigma of an autism label. I'm so confused now.

I strongly suspect that i may be #aspie / #autistic...

...cus my grandma and possibly my mother are...

...because i talked like young sheldon in grade school...

...because fuckers keep telling me that they do not understand me, they don't get what i'm telling them when i make it so abundantly clear! and then i turn out to be right in the end??? annnoying i feel like cassandra from greek myth

...because i can get pretty damn overstimulated in hostile crowds (like mall-goers as opposed to festival-goers) or supermarkets

...because i have an obsession with radical honesty, and i get very mad if i am lied to or decieved because "i just wanted to be polite" FUCK OFF, HOW AM I MEANT TO REPROGRAM MY BEHAVIOUR TO ACCOUNT FOR YOU?

...because i have a degree of executive dysfunction and have pursued an adhd diagnosis in the past

...because i have had intrusive thoughts that made me want to k/ms, which is a comorbidity

...because i have my special interest programming, at which i do excel at times

...because i always self-reflect and refract a thousand times over, it's crazy and never ending

...because when someone raises a "big" interpersonal issue w/ me and then leaves for the weekend i CAN't let it go and my weekend is ruined because i intrusively obsess over it and SHEME endlessly...

...because i highly relate to Masking as a concept, and interactions with others require my concentration

But on the other hand:
I am a pretty confident, promising young man with a spring in his step and a bright future.
Not sure "man" is entirely accurate and i fear my gender and sexuality are of fractal nature that yearns to be expressed but can't be
But i am usually extroverted, goated at presentations, writing, theatre and making people like me (sometimes)

Some of the autism symptoms don't really apply because i have MECHANISMS
Which some folks appear not to have aquired through their respective experience

I also feel like i have a lot of empathy! And i feel strongly!
"Lack of empathy" is actually soo unrelatable
I got ALL you idiots simulated on my minds holodeck, and i DO feel along very strongly (with a less than passable accuracy that is augumented by good decision making heuristics, such as "assume the best" and "disregard percieved insults, chances are they didn't mean it , even if they did, reacting sincerely pulls their teeth" and "DONT FLIRT. NOT WITHOUT A CONTRACT FORMALISING THE WISHES, EXPECTATIONS, BOUNDRIES AND INSURANCES THEY HAVE FOR ME. DON'T DO IT.")

There are still many unrelatable things you guys talk about

What the fuck is going on pls help.
Should i pursue a diagnosis? Even if i've just tried to get ADHD a few months ago and obviously that wasn't entirely accurate? Am i embarassing myself
Chat is this real, what should i do guys


I just ate this for dinner, and I know chicken nuggets are a big fav in the autistic community. The vegan versions are now *fucking delicious*. I can only recommend.

#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic

an #VeganFood
airfryed dinner: vegan chick*n nuggets with plant based butter coated asparagus.






say protes wheat flou maltoden Fiere, fructa yeast extinc sodium be debyer shet (zinch grea

Contare wher






airfryed dinner: vegan chick*n nuggets with plant based butter coated asparagus.


The principle is sound. I don't like questioning someone who claims to be autistic either.

But in this particular case, the claim is so obviously spurious and so harmful, that it is a much greater harm *not* to question it.

Because #Musk now single-handedly defines the public impression of what it is like to have an #autistic person in charge. And that reflects on all of us, for decades to come.

That is why we must oppose this with all our might.

If you want to know what it's like to be at Autscape, here's a video to watch!

Autscape participant Jen “The Rainbow” Hart from the Netherlands has made a great half-hour video relating her experience attending Autscape in person for the first time.

Content warning: brief discussion of suicidal thoughts from 3:50 to 4:46.

Watch at: https://youtu.be/8MmxsJtAziU

Note: this video was entirely unsolicited and we had no hand in its making. In fact we only just found out about it, two months after it went live.

Please do give Jen's channel a subscribe for us, though. :-)

#Autscape #autism #autistic #ActuallyAutistic #neurodivergent #neurodivergence #neurodiversity

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic #autistic #autisticMasking
I got permission from the author to bring this amazing comic about masking here.

If you like their work and want to help them you can become a Patron:
Or check out their shop:

And I got their book (Xmas gift)!
There's a reason autistic people can experience burnout due to masking.

[Image description: Honeydew explains masking to a friend. The comic is titled "Masking Job" and is made by Theresa Scovil.

Panel 1:
A friend happily asks Honeydew "Could you explain masking to me? I want to have a better understanding."
Honeydew smiles.
Panel 2:
Honeydew says "Sure. Have you ever worked in retail?"
The friend looks confused as they say "Yeah?"
Panel 3:
Honeydew says "Masking is like being in perpetual customer service mode."
Panel 4:
Honeydew continues. "You have to modify your behaviour to placate everyone around you to avoid reprimand."
Panel 5:
Honeydew goes on. "You also have to endure when you're uncomfortable. Any respite is often frowned upon."
Panel 6:
Honeydew finishes off by saying "Masking is like being an unpaid retail worker."
The friend looks shocked as they say "Oh. Oh god."]

I find sounds often physically painful. I was just resting with my eyes shut after eating lunch and I got a text message, the sound of it shocked me and basically hurt. This morning I woke with a start thinking someone was walking into my bedroom (no one was) and the feeling was like being electrocuted.

#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic

hi #fedi i'm looking for the most #autistic #relay possible, whether that's #actuallyautistic creators or some #train and #urbanism content or something other stuff like that, let me know because i need more 'tism rep in my feed and @celestiallavendar said that was the best way to ask