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Beiträge, die mit AutisticBurnout getaggt sind

I find sounds often physically painful. I was just resting with my eyes shut after eating lunch and I got a text message, the sound of it shocked me and basically hurt. This morning I woke with a start thinking someone was walking into my bedroom (no one was) and the feeling was like being electrocuted.

#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic

So I got up, dropped my daughter off, worked all day, stressing if my son was ever going to get up and leave, had an exhausting day at work, came home and it's 37°C opened some doors to let the heat out and now some bastard neighbour is having a very loud party.

#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic

Just recognizing that what’s going on for you is burnout is huge.

You’re not struggling because of some personal failing, you’re not broken, and you’re not incompetent at being a human.

#AutisticBurnout #BurnoutRecovery #Burnout #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD

Policy idea for a left wing party.

They have whatever response they have to any announcement or policies from the right wing opposition, but then they also release a statement from their "disabled" policy unit who are very clever autistic people who use evidence to just burn holes in the bullshit that these bastards say which provides so much ammunition for comedians and newspapers.

#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic
#uspol #auspol #ukpol

The #NDIS in Australia has suddenly said it will no longer fund art and music therapy despite these having been provided by degree qualified practitioners to participants for years.

#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse @actuallyautistic #AutisticBurnout #ActuallyAutistic

Change.org petition.
