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Beiträge, die mit geese getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit geese getaggt sind

It's been a rough week, and it's only Tuesday afternoon. How about a pretty picture of a Canada Goose from Thursday's sunset down at the ol' Benstein Boardwalk?

March 13, 2025. Wolverine Lake, Michigan.

#sunset #bird #birds #goose #geese #CanadaGoose #nature #photography #naturephotography #michigan #spring #art #mastoart #birdsofmastodon
Photograph of a Canada goose swimming from left to right on a lake lit by orange and yellow sunset reflections.

Here’s how the #BirdFlu is affecting nesting colonies in Maine

Wildlife questions answered by #MaineAudubon Staff Naturalist Doug Hitchcox.

February 14, 2025

"Remember that #AvianInfluenza spreads via feces, saliva and mucus, which is why it spreads faster among birds in very close quarters (especially poultry in this country, hence the need for flock owners to take protective measures). #Ducks and #geese make up most of the cases in wild birds, but we are also seeing it show up in some of the predators or species that feed on the carcasses of sick birds, like #hawks, #eagles, #crows and #vultures. What we consider the 'backyard birds,' like #chickadees and #woodpeckers, are very unlikely to contract avian influenza, so there is no need to stop feeding those birds or take down bird feeders. You should always keep your feeders clean, but this is a good time to be extra vigilant with regular cleanings and also protect yourself from exposure. Avoid contact with a sick or dead wild bird. If you do have a report of a sick or dead wild bird, call Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at 207-287-8000 or 800-452-4664, or report it online. (More info: mefishwildlife.com)

"Think about the things you can do to help birds around your yard, be it during an avian influenza outbreak or not. Keeping your cats indoors is the best thing you can do, then treat your windows to break up reflections and reduce strikes. Support the next generation of birds with native plants: bird seed helps us see wild birds, while #NativePlants sustain them."

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#HPAINews #Maine #GardeningForBirds #BirdFlu #HPAI

This is one of my favorite shots of all time. Taken in 2020 at Allegheny State Park in NY. It's not often I get to photograph the sunrise but I couldn't have been happier with this one.
#NY #photography #nature #sunrise #Nikon #D750 #landscape #geese

Angel wing is a cosmetic deformity that affects the wings of geese and other aquatic birds. It occurs when the last joint of the wing twists, causing the wing feathers to point away from the body instead of lying flat against it.
This can be due to an unhealthy diet, such as feeding geese bread or crackers, which can cause nutritional deficiencies.
#WildAustralia #angelwing #geese #birds #birdsofaus #dustytravelsoz
A group of geese wandering in a park. A number of the geese suffer from a deformity called angel wing which can be cause by a diet of hi carbs (bread, crackers etc) . The wings grow outwards from their body. It impedes their flight, and  they become prey for predators.