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Beiträge, die mit zine getaggt sind

Good Night, Tech Right!
PDF #Zine

„We’re excited to announce a new zine version of Good Night, Tech Right: Pull the Plug on AI Fascism, a deep-dive into the influence of far-Right and neo-fascist politics on the emerging bloc of tech billionaires within the Trumpian state, and its push to cement Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a new regime of capital accumulation.

With anger only rising against techno-fascists like #ElonMusk and calls for protests against #Tesla growing, we hope this zine offers people a resource and chance to start discussions around our shifting landscape.“

https://itsgoingdown.org/good-night-tech-right-pdf-zine/ via @igd_news

#Technology #Fascism #Musk #FckNzs #AI #KI #SurveillanceCapitalism #Capitalism #Protest #Sabotage #politics

I've been inspired to finally seed my local Little Free Libraries with antifascist literature and radical zines.


"i have a theory of "resonance" - slowly putting similar material within a limited geographic are will create interest/awareness/change of mind. Enough to remind people, get them reading, get them talking."

#ResInt #ArtFED #TVAC #AntifaAF #antifa #zine #library
Multiple copies of "on tyranny"

#Clay is so common, I can't believe I took no notice of it for most of my life. As soon as I learned it was abundant in the landscape, I just started seeing it everywhere. "Earthen Rainbow: Working with #WildClay Terra Sigillata at Midrange" is a #zine I wrote describing this experience of connecting with the land and how it's inspired my studio practice. It's also a guide for other clay artists, with technical tips and recipes.


#ZinesByOsa #pottery #ceramics #zines
A two-sheet spread of pages from my new zine. It shows text interspersed with colorful images of clay samples and test tiles along with historical graphics.

I made a #zine sharing my experiments and explorations collecting and using #wildclay to decorate my pottery as a way to encourage others to dabble with free, local materials in an easy, non-technical way. I share process, recipes and insights, letting you into my studio practice. Lots of photos of clay samples & test tiles. Available in print or digital (including a printer spread so you can print and make your own zine.)
#ZinesByOsa #pottery #ceramics
The cover of my zine featuring a photo of a pitcher I made decorated wild clay terra sigillata. It is tall and geometrically patterned with carved diamond patterns and raised dots. The pitcher is collaged on top of a photo of clay in situ, gray, yellow and tan colors of Florida earth. The zine title “earthen rainbow” is at the top of the page, all lower case and placed a bit crookedly. The subtitle “working with wild clay terra sigillata at midrange” is lower down beside the pitcher inside a light green circle.
My hand holding three copies of “earthen rainbow” zine fanned out. Held up against a sage green background.

Spektrum aufsässiger Ideen (Broschüre pdf.)

"Was du hier in den Händen hälst, könnte als eine Art Neuauflage der Prisma – prima radikales info sammelsurium militanter aktionen verstanden werden, die vor ungefähr elf Jahren in autonomen Kreisen verbreitet wurde. Dieses Heft will jedoch neben den ganzen praktischen Tips, mehr Gewicht für strategisches und taktisches Agieren vorschlagen. War die Prisma ein typischer Ausdruck einer Phase exponierender Militanz, ging dieser Phase doch irgendwann die Luft aus. Resultat eines inhaltlichen und organisatorischen Stillstands der autonomen oder anderweitig radikalen Szene, die lediglich die Taktzahl ihrer Angriffe kurzfristig steigern konnte."


zur Broschüre gehts hier lang:

#Anarchismus #zine #militanz #sabotage #Insurrection #directAction #Zine
aufgeteilt in zwei bilder 

zwischen den bildern in der mitte steht "Praktische Tipps / Taktische Vorschläge // Hastige Analyse zu sozialen Verhältnissen 
daneben abgebildet ein hammer und ein Molotow 

ganz oben links steht der titel 
spektrum aufsässiger ideen
Wie chaotinnen den staat kaputt machen wollen in der ecke ein anarchiezeichen. darunter ein mensch mit aufgezogener kaputze von hinten welcher vor mehrere hochhäusern steht 

darunter zwei stockwerke . in der mitte lässt sich nach unten blicken. sieht aus wie ein gefängniss. man sieht einen mensch am geländer stehen. unten läuft ein mensch hinten durch die tür (in schwarz)

My very first digital #zine after making black & white//cut & paste xerox style all my life. I made it for kids and I think these stories deserve to be in full color 🌈

I say I made it for them, but I learned so, so much and had so many realizations while making this zine. A small, bright act of resistance.

#QueerYouth #LGBTQyouth #GenderIdentity #Florida #LGBTQ #nonbinary #transgender #colonization #TwoSpirit #ShotgunSeamstress #ZinesByOsa


I’m Ruth - living in #Machynlleth, Wales. I love #singing (I lead a choir here), #hiking and getting to know the beautiful area of #eryri, where I live. I’m learning #cymraeg. I also help to run #machspace, our local #Makerspace. I enjoy #arts and #crafts, especially #collage, #zine making, #sewing, #knitting and #crochet and am also getting into #watercolour. Am hoping to soon become a #cat owner once I find a place I can live with a pet and do some #vegetableGardening.
Ruth - a white 40-year-old woman with round glasses and red-brown hair, smiling
Welsh hills with the sun shining
Watercolour of yellow, blue and pink swirls with salt crystal effects making a mottled bleached pattern
View of the Dyfi valley in Wales, showing a flooded river, hills and a cloudy sunset sky

Don’t Just Do Nothing:
20 Things You Can Do To Counter #Fascism #Zine

„As Christofascism takes the reins of US power, thereby impacting the whole of this continent and the globe, it should be abundantly clear at this point that appealing to the state—any state—is a losing strategy. The world had already lost when the “choice” this November was between two versions of fascism.

We offer up this sampler of ideas, encouraging you to think and act for yourselves, with each other, as precisely the only winning strategy. If each idea here seems not enough on its own—well, it isn’t......"

Thanks to @igd_news and @mafwdistro@ni.hil and oft course to @cbmilstein 🖤💜


Full text and PDF download:


#USA #Anarchy #Anarchism #Repression #State #Protest #Antireport #Distro #Zine #MutualAid

Check out my zine about Palestinian folklore and folk religion! This issue is dedicated to Palestinian folklore about the Virgin Mary.

#folktale #palestine #zine

It's available for your own set price, or free if you like!


Green Scared #Zine

"At the end of 2005, the #FBI opened a new phase of its assault on earth and animal liberation movements—known as the Green Scare—with the arrests and indictments of a large number of activists. This offensive, which they dubbed Operation Backfire, was intended to obtain convictions for many of the unsolved #Earth Liberation Front arsons of the preceding ten years—but more so, to have a chilling effect on all ecological direct action.

In this analysis, originally published in Rolling Thunder in 2008, we review everything we can learn from the Operation Backfire cases, with the intention of passing on the lessons for the next generation of #environmental activists."


#Repression #ClimateChange #AbolishThePolice #USA #Repression #Activism
Cover of the zine

on the left you can see parts of a tool and a stick. on the right you can see the title 
"Green Sacres 
Some Lessons From the fbi crackdwon eco-acitvists"

at the bottom "crimethinc

Any #zine #makers who also offer #courses for digital creation out there?

Been meaning to learn how to put one together *properly* for a couple of years and got the urge again.

Please hit me up if you’re touting for students.

Fantastic #zine fare at Jagera House today. Clever #Brisbane #writers and #artists! Some travelling from interstate to attend. Got what I could afford, plus took plenty of pics.
Poster art