Beiträge, die mit Sabotage getaggt sind
PDF #Zine
„We’re excited to announce a new zine version of Good Night, Tech Right: Pull the Plug on AI Fascism, a deep-dive into the influence of far-Right and neo-fascist politics on the emerging bloc of tech billionaires within the Trumpian state, and its push to cement Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a new regime of capital accumulation.
With anger only rising against techno-fascists like #ElonMusk and calls for protests against #Tesla growing, we hope this zine offers people a resource and chance to start discussions around our shifting landscape.“ via @igd_news
#Technology #Fascism #Musk #FckNzs #AI #KI #SurveillanceCapitalism #Capitalism #Protest #Sabotage #politics
“Good Night, Tech Right” PDF Zine
We're excited to announce a new zine version of Good Night, Tech Right: Pull the Plug on AI Fascism, a deep-dive into the influence of far-Right and neo-fascist politics on the emerging bloc of...It's Going Down
The survey found that 41 percent of Millennial and Gen-Z employees said they’d done some form of sabotage.
#AI #sabotage #tech #press
#acab #allcopsarebastards #police #healthrisk #staysafe #protest #activist #activism #riotpolice #lrad #sabotage #policebrutality
We have to #resist this #PoliceState tactics.
#MaskUp and #sabotage but do it in an organised way. Stay safe!
#Press #news #BreakingNews #UK
The plan was led by Biden's #NSC & involved at least 7 national security agencies working w/European allies to disrupt plots targeting #Europe & the #UnitedStates….
#security #USpol #geopolitics #Russia #sabotage #disinformation #cyberattacks #NewWorldOrder #Trump #PutinsPuppet
counter Russian sabotage as #Trump moves closer to #Putin
Several US #NationalSecurity agencies have halted work on a coordinated effort to counter Russian #sabotage, #disinformation & #cyberattacks, easing pressure on Moscow as the Trump Admin pushes #Russia to end its war in #Ukraine.
#intelligence #security #USpol #geopolitics #NewWorldOrder #PutinsPuppet
#AntifaAF #Sabotage
RealJournalism (
Activists sabotage multiple rat traps #Anarchism #Poland #AnimalRightsMastodon
#Cargo ship captain arrested in #NorthSea collision with US-flagged tanker is Russian national, owner says
Christian Edwards, CNN
Wed, March 12, 2025
Cargo ship captain arrested in North Sea collision with US-flagged tanker is Russian national, owner says
The captain of the Solong cargo ship who was arrested after crashing into an oil tanker off the English coast is a Russian national, the vessel’s owner said ...Christian Edwards, CNN (Yahoo News)
Six Allied subs are planning to take part in NATO's submarine warfare exercise off the coast of Italy between 28 Feb and 14 March. Exercise "Dynamic Manta 25" brings surface ships, submarines, aircraft and thousands of personnel together in the #Mediterranea, where they will train, demonstrate and refine Allied capabilities in this particularly demanding type of warfare.."; and swamp #migrants rafts ofc.
#NATO's Undersea War practice
Six Allied subs are planning to take part in NATO's submarine warfare exercise off the coast of Italy between 28 Feb and 14 March. Exercise "Dynamic Manta 25" brings surface ships, submarines, aircraft and thousands of personnel together in the #Mediterranea, where they will train, demonstrate and refine Allied capabilities in this particularly demanding type of warfare.."; and swamp #migrants rafts ofc.
#NATO's Undersea War practice
"Was du hier in den Händen hälst, könnte als eine Art Neuauflage der Prisma – prima radikales info sammelsurium militanter aktionen verstanden werden, die vor ungefähr elf Jahren in autonomen Kreisen verbreitet wurde. Dieses Heft will jedoch neben den ganzen praktischen Tips, mehr Gewicht für strategisches und taktisches Agieren vorschlagen. War die Prisma ein typischer Ausdruck einer Phase exponierender Militanz, ging dieser Phase doch irgendwann die Luft aus. Resultat eines inhaltlichen und organisatorischen Stillstands der autonomen oder anderweitig radikalen Szene, die lediglich die Taktzahl ihrer Angriffe kurzfristig steigern konnte."
zur Broschüre gehts hier lang:
#Anarchismus #zine #militanz #sabotage #Insurrection #directAction #Zine
Spektrum aufsässiger Ideen (Broschüre pdf.)
Jede Kriegführung gründet auf Täuschung. Wenn wir also fähig sind anzugreifen, müssen wir unfähig erscheinen; wenn wir unsere Streitkräfte einsetzen, müssen wir inaktiv scheinen; wenn wir nahe (...)
#Israel #terroriststate #Westbank #Westoever #occupation #bezetting #Palestine #politiek #Netanyahu #ICC #ICJ #Lebanon #Syria #colonialism #kolonisten #nederzettingen #sabotage #ceasefire
Met militaire controle en nederzettingen breidt Israël zijn grondgebied steeds verder uit
Het leger wil controle houden in de Palestijnse stad Jenin en op Syrisch grondgebied. Ook in Zuid-Libanon blijven voorlopig troepen aanwezig.Eliane Lamper (NOS Nieuws)
Netanyahu playing ‘dirty games’ to sabotage Gaza truce deal: Hamas
The Palestinian group says the Israeli government is not engaging in negotiations for phase 2 of the truce deal.Al Jazeera Staff (Al Jazeera)
#Berlin #Brandenburg #Kabelschaden #Sabotage #Zugverkehr
Zugverkehr in Berlin wohl bis Samstagmorgen gestört
In Berlin kommt es weiter zu Einschränkungen im Regional- und Fernverkehr Richtung Polen. Grund ist mutmaßlich Brandstiftung in einem Kabelschacht. Ab Samstagmorgen soll der Verkehr wieder
#Bahn #Bekennerschreiben #Brand #DeutscheBahn #Kabelschaden #Polizei #Sabotage
Bekennerschreiben: Sabotage an Bahnstrecke wegen Tesla
Ein Brand in einem Kabelschacht sorgt für Einschränkungen im Regional- und Fernverkehr in Berlin. In einem Bekennerschreiben heißt es, die Sabotage richte sich gegen die Deutsche Bahn und
Noch bevor sie ausgeliefert werden konnte, soll es einen Vorfall an der neuen Korvette "Emden" gegeben haben. Nach Recherchen von WDR, NDR und SZ beschäftigt der Fall die Sicherheitsbehörden. Offenbar steht die Frage im Raum, ob das Schiff ins Visier von Saboteuren geriet.
#Marine #Sabotage
Link -->
#gaza #ceasefire #sabotage #media
The Gaza Ceasefire Is Being Sabotaged By Israel, By Trump, And By The Media
Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):Caitlin Johnstone (Caitlin’s Newsletter)
Russia supported sabotage spree in Germany to roil election campaign, report says
A wave of car vandalism, initially blamed on climate activists, is now being linked to Moscow.Chris Lunday (POLITICO)
Hunderte Autos beschädigt: Deutschlandweite Sabotageserie offenbar von Russland gesteuert
Auspuffrohre mit Bauschaum verklebt, Robert-Habeck-Sticker auf Scheiben gepappt: Was wie das Werk radikaler Klimaaktivisten aussieht, soll nach SPIEGEL-Recherchen auf das Konto russischer Auftraggeber gehen.Roman Lehberger (DER SPIEGEL)
Most of them aren't old enough to rent a car.
And you're going to let them mess with airline safety that's already deteriorated on your watch?"
-H Clinton
Republicans will be complicit until there's a disaster or crisis in their states that was caused by #TrumpMusk -or because the Trump admin refuses to compensate, or fund the recovery.
#USPol #AI #DOGE #Sabotage #DOT #AirlineSafety #PublicSafety #Betrayal #GOPDeathCult
>> Es sah aus wie #Sabotage durch radikale Klimaaktivisten. Doch die Aktion war offenbar aus Russland gesteuert. Und soll Robert Habeck schaden.
#depol #RUSpol
Bauschaum im Auspuff: Russland steckt wohl hinter Sabotageaktion
Unbekannte hatten bundesweit Bauschaum in Auspuffe gesprüht ...FUNKE Mediengruppe (Berliner Morgenpost)
Verstopfte Auspuffrohre, Habeck-Aufkleber: Laut einem Medienbericht wurden bundesweit Hunderte Autos beschädigt, um vor der Bundestagswahl Ressentiments gegen die Grünen zu schüren - angeblich steckt Moskau dahinter.
#Sabotage #Russland #Medienbericht #Bundestagswahl2025 #Grüne #Habeck
"Simple Sabotage Field Manual" by United States. Office of Strategic Services is a historical publication written during the early 1940s, amid World War II. This manual acts as a guide for ordinary civilians to conduct simple acts of sabotage against enemy operations without the need for specialized training or equipment.
#FieldGuide #Sabotage #Fascism #CIA #Declassified
Simple Sabotage Field Manual by United States. Office of Strategic Services
Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by volunteers.Project Gutenberg
Over the last week, the guide has surged to become the 5th-most-accessed book on Project Gutenberg, an open source repository of free and public domain ebooks. It is also the fifth most popular ebook on the site over the last 30 days, having been accessed nearly 60,000 times over the last month (just behind Romeo and Juliet). "
#USA #Sabotage #Fascism #AntiFascism #PublicDomain
Declassified CIA Guide to Sabotaging Fascism Is Suddenly Viral
The World War II-era "Simple Sabotage Field Manual" is full of steps that office workers can take to resist leadership.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
"A dipstick is a simple enough tool, measuring the level of oil in a car or truck.... The notched lines at the end of the dipstick show whether there’s enough engine oil, or whether it’s getting a little on the low side,"... 😎
Citroen’s genius act of sabotage against the #Nazis in World War II
Sabot in the Age of AI
A captured screenshot showcasing the iocaine demonstration site in operation. The primary objective of iocaine is to generate a stable, infinite maze of randomized garbage.ASRG

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"Use the public domain to rebuild the creative commons."
#JoanMastodon #TTJ
#AntifaAF #ResInt #Antifascist #Antifa #Fascist #Army #CIA #Sabotage #CreativeCommons #PublicDomain
Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet #64 - Fascism! : Army Orientation Branch: Information and Education Division : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
March 24, 1945. Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet #64 Fascism! A sheet printed and distributed by the United States War Department as an educational tool for...Internet Archive
Fast zeitgleich mit der Havarie der "Eventin" hat es am Wochenende einen weiteren Zwischenfall mit einem "Schattenflotten"-Öltanker vor Rügen gegeben. Die "Jazz" musste die Fahrt drosseln. Es besteht Sabotageverdacht.
#Sabotage #Tanker #Rügen
Weiterer Öltanker-Zwischenfall vor Rügen
Fast zeitgleich mit der Havarie der "Eventin" vor Rügen hat es am Wochenende einen weiteren Zwischenfall mit einem Schattenflotten-Öltanker vor der Ostseeinsel gegeben. Wieder besteht der Verdacht der versuchten Sabotage.Martin Möller, Henning Strüber (
Nach mutmaßlichen Sabotagefällen wollen die NATO-Staaten Kabel und Pipelines in der Ostsee besser schützen. Auf einem Gipfel berieten sie über das Vorgehen. Experten warnen, Sabotage könne zu "wirtschaftlicher Verwüstung" führen. Von J. Wäschebach.
#NATO #Ostseekabel #Sabotage
by The Canary @thecanaryuk
“Activists from Shut The System sabotaged telecomms cables leading to far-right lobbyists’ headquarters at 55 Tufton Street on Saturday 4 Jan. They aimed to cut off telephone and internet services in order to cause financial losses and disrupt the lobbyists’ malignant work undermining democracy”
#Press #UK #ShutTheSystem #Sabotage #ClmateAction
Tufton Street internet cables cut by activists in protest
An underground climate group cut the fibre optic cables at Tufton Street - home to climate denialists, far-right groups and anti-trans orgsThe Canary
Discord, living up to it's name... 😎 #Sabotage #UFOs #UFOSighting
Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.Discord
"Ottawa factory producing parts for #Israel’s F-35 warplanes #sabotage-d" (Oct 30 2024)
North Shore Counter-Info (
Attached: 1 image New communique received: Sabotage of Ottawa factory producing parts for Israel’s F-35 warplanes
(EDIT The story is debunked now so you can save your magnets - but it's still fun so I can't bring myself to delete it)
#Tesla #Sabotage
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
Free and just futures demand new strategies."😎
SPECIFIC SUGGESTIONS: SIMPLE #SABOTAGE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY (The most potent tools for fighting #injustice are the ones already in your hands.) Modern #Monkeywrenching #SocialEngineering #SocialHacking
Specific Suggestions: Simple Sabotage for the 21st Century
The most potent tools for fighting injustice are the ones already in your hands.Specific Suggestions: Simple Sabotage for the 21st Century