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Beiträge, die mit nazis getaggt sind


>Holocaust-Forscher über Israel und Ultrarechte: „Das ist kein Flirt, das ist eine Liebesaffäre“

-Der israelische Holocaust-Forscher Amos Goldberg über Israels Beziehungen zu Ultrarechten aus aller Welt und warum er Genozid-Vorwürfe für stichhaltig hält, auch wenn Gaza nicht Auschwitz ist. n Inge Günther

-Amos Goldberg befasst sich in seinen Forschungen mit der Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte der Juden während des Holocaust.



Wenn die #LetzteGeneration zu 100 000 auf die Straße geht, dann sind es 10 tausende.

Wenn gegen #merz, #söder, #AFD und #Nazis 100tausende auf die Straße gehen, dann sind es 10 tausende.

Wenn 100 tausende wegen der #Klimakrise auf die Straße gehen, dann sind es 10 tausende....

Und jetzt schreibt Ihr 100tausende bei einem fremden Land?


#ICE #thugs #kidnapped 54-year-old Julio Noriega and stuffed him into a van like the #Nazis #Gestapo was known to do. He spent several hours in an ICE "processing center" (a cage) before the thugs grabbed his wallet and saw he's a US citizen.


A man with a Nazi eagle tattoo on his chest is seen bathing in a river during the Russian Orthodox Church's Epiphany celebration in Ukraine.

#photography #photo #news #press #streetphotography #politics #nazis #portrait #photojournalism #fotografia

#Nazis sind und bleiben gefährlich
Seien Sie bitte vorsichtig...IMMER

Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is steeping.

A morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol.

America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.

GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)

Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.

Israel is a terrorist state.

Today's agenda:

»›Die politischen Veränderungen in den USA – und die zunehmende Polarisierung des kulturellen Diskurses – wirken sich bereits auf die Serienproduktion aus‹, sagte der Bereichsleiter Drama beim Unternehmen ZDF Studios, Robert Franke.«

Ich möchte an dieser Stelle daran erinnern, dass das deutsche #Kino in der #WeimarerRepublik zu den bedeutendsten der Welt gehörte. Vor Frankreich und teilw. vor #Hollywood. Die #Nazis haben es kaputt gemacht und Hollywoods Aufstieg beschleunigt.

Ja, aber das wäre zu billig.

Wenn wir nicht Millionen € #Steuergeld an irgendwelche Ami - #Nazis regelmäßig überweisen und unsere gesamte Sicherheits-Infrastruktur von deren "Lampenöl" - Monopolprojekt bis in alle Ewigkeit abhängig machen, hat die #CDU ihren Job nicht vernünftig gemacht.

It's hard for people with low self-esteem to not buy into the bullying crowd once they realize they are all welcome there, and it beats being a target. The price is your soul.

#bullies #thugs #nazis #gangs #cults #extremists

Die #Nazis von der #fckafd fordern btw. die "unverzügliche" Einführung von #Palantir in #Deutschland .. und das sollte allen eigentlich schon vollkommen reichen als Information.

[ der Link geht (offensichtlich) zur Afd ! ]



Nun ja, das waren vermutlich ja auch #Nazis.

Trotzdem möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass du nur über die "verschollenen" Waffen dort Bescheid weißt weil es vorher eine offizielle Untersuchung gab deren Ergebnisse nicht geheim gehalten wurden

From the #Nazis in DC who claim they are protecting Jews from #antisemitism. #NIH councils can meet but their research includes a religious lithmus test.

"Earlier this month, the Trump administration began demanding that international researchers funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention answer political questions, such as whether they work to “combat Christian persecution” or collaborate with communist governments."



Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is steeping.

Another morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol. Blä.

America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.

GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)

Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.

Hang billionaires.

Israel is a terrorist state.

🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Today's agenda: Garden stuff, weather permitting.
A lush, vibrant cannabis plant in a blue flower pot.
Daya 121 and still no tomatoes? WTF!

America: do you get it yet?

“President Donald Trump has suggested sending people who are attacking Teslas to prisons in El Salvador if they are convicted of crimes as a number of the automaker's vehicles and showrooms have been targeted by reported arson and other violence.”

#Fascism #Nazis


"One of many #Holocaust remembrance articles taken down as part of the Hegseth’s effort to rid Pentagon platforms of anything related to DEI. . . . Also removed was an article on Bea Arthur, the Jewish “Golden Girls” star who served in the Marines during World War II."

May the ghost of #BettyWhite haunt you fascists every day & night.
These are the people, I mean #Nazis, who say they want to protect Jews from #antisemitism? Give me an effin' break.



If you have to say you're not like the Nazis while your military is engaged in genocide, you're like the Nazis.

"We’re not like the #nazis

-Benjamin #Netanyahu
April 17, 2024

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SanctionIsrael #BDS
#palestine #Israel #Politics #Genocide #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Ja, sehr sehr gruselige Zukunftsoptionen sind das. Allerdings ist die Anzahl der einsatzfähigen Atomsprengköpfe auf #STOPputin|s + #STOPtrump|s Seite, gekoppelt mit der offenen Ankündigung, diese und andere Waffen einzusetzen, wesentlich größer als auf der Seite der europäischen #Nazis. Oft frage ich mich, ob es derzeit noch irgendeine Option mit #Gandhi|s Methoden gibt – und sehe leider keine. 😟 🕊️ ☮️

Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is still just a thought.

A grey morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol. Meds await.

America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.

GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)

Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.

Hang billionaires.

Israel is a terrorist state.

🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Today's agenda: Foment unrest.
An embroidery in a hoop: a lit Molotov Cocktail, and the words Be the light you want to see in this world.

“From the #Nakba to #Gaza: ‘Exterminate All the Brutes!’”

by Jeremy Salt in Palestine Chronicle


“The seed the European powers planted in #Palestine has grown into [..] the greatest #threat to #world #peace since the #Nazis. And that can’t be a coincidence, given the ideological affinities between #Nazism & #Zionism, the #racism, the #supremacism, the contempt for international law, & the #contempt for human life [..] in #Gaza & #Lebanon



Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is steeping.

A clear morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol.

America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.

американський президент, иди нахуй!
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)

Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.

Hang billionaires.

Israel is a terrorist state.

🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Today's agenda: Pick my nose. *flick!*
The leg crossing scene in Basic Instinct, except it's Klingons.
Is that a Tribble?

#Nazis machen Nazisachen.

Und das ist neben #Massenmord & der Vernichtung der #Demokratie eben auch deren permanentes erbärmliches Gejammer.

#rumopfern. Das könn'se wirklich.



Another example of a #CRIMINALACT by #ICE, @LATimes. #FreeSpeech DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO PROMOTE #CriminalActivity by ANYONE, including your #NAZIs regime in power currently, bitches.

"Fabian Schmidt was “violently interrogated”, stripped naked & put in a cold shower by two officials at Logan (airport). #immigration agents pressured him to give up his #greencard. he was placed on a mat in a bright room with other people at the airport & denied access to his medications."

#EU #Nazis 💝 "#Israel" now

Furthering the '#FarRight International': Likud joins the Patriots for Europe


It wasn’t just terror: The #Nazis won the cultural battle in a year

For the National Socialists, everything was political. All forms of culture — from theater and cinema to painting and literature — were turned into instruments of #propaganda and antisemitism

2025: “Rubio says #Trump’s ‘51st state’ plan not on #G7 summit agenda in #Canada”.

1939: Hitler issues ultimatum to Poland, 16 fake demands which would trigger an invasion if not met.

The media treated Hitler like a harmless buffoon.

#Nazis #WWIII


Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is steeping.

A morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol.

America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.

американський президент, иди нахуй!
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)

Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.

Hang billionaires.

Israel is a terrorist state.

🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Today's agenda: Where are the Luigis?
Puppyfucker's book: Mein Covfefe.

Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea is steeping.

A dark morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol. Too early for meds.

America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.

GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)

Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.

Hang billionaires.

Israel is a terrorist state.

🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Today's agenda: Nada.
People commute through a burning hellscape. 
How bad does BUSINESS AS USUAL have to get before it's OK to disrupt it?

Elon Musk's "affinity for Nazi salutes have also called into question his racial ideology, especially as a descendant of #Nazi sympathizers. That is according to his father, Errol Musk, who told the Podcast and Chill Network in November that the billionaire’s maternal grandparents supported #AdolfHitler and were members of the #German Nazi Party in #Canada before moving to #SouthAfrica in support of #apartheid."


#ElonMusk #Musk #Nazis #Nazism #Racism #News #US #USA
Text from article:
Musk has practically made the notion of diversity his enemy as he works—via the Department of Government Efficiency—to strip and defund federal agencies whose missions make mention of inclusivity efforts.

“DEI is just another word for racism,” Musk wrote in January. “Shame on anyone who uses it.”

The world’s richest man’s affinity for Nazi salutes have also called into question his racial ideology, especially as a descendant of Nazi sympathizers. That is according to his father, Errol Musk, who told the Podcast and Chill Network in November that the billionaire’s maternal grandparents supported Adolf Hitler and were members of the German Nazi Party in Canada before moving to South Africa in support of apartheid.

The #Nazis that run the #USA currently kinda like #Israel because it's rightwing-extremist government is behaving totally reckless - but they still hate "#TheJews".

Of course.

