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Beiträge, die mit nootherland getaggt sind

Tonight, I am sitting in my home in Scotland watching a film.

No one is outside with a JCB trying to demolish my home, my neighbours' homes, the school.

A foreign army is not throwing stun grenades at my neighbours, adults and children alike.

No one is firing live rounds at my friends and family.

And yet, I am afraid; not for me, but for humanity.

#NoOtherLand #Palestine #Israel

The Palestinian-Israeli documentary "No Other Land" is available on Swedish TV via http;//svtplay.se or the svtPlay app using a VPN.

It's with Swedish subtitles.

#NoOtherLand #SvtPlay #Documentary #Streaming #Sweden #Swedish #Palestine #Israel #Occupation #Streaming @palestine group @israel group
no other land documentary poster

Calling it #Apartheid or #genocide is supposedly antisemitism, but what other words can you use for how #israele treats Palestinians in #Gaza and the #WestBank. This has s not new but has escalated so much that denying actually an actively happening genocide is more than just dishonest. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/03/27/middleeast/ballal-palestinian-oscar-settler-assault-interview-intl-cmd/index.html
#NoOtherHome #NoOtherLand

Report Hamdan Ballal, a Palestinian co-director of the Oscar-winning documentary, No Other Land, was brutally attacked by West Bank settlers and then detained by the Israeli military.

He has since been released

Basel Adra, another co-director, witnessed the detention: “We came back from the Oscars and every day since, there is an attack on us."


Exactly how fascists work to silence dissent

#NoOtherLand #israelicrimesagainsthumanity #westbank #ethniccleansing #uspol .
Codirectors of the film

NPArevolutionnaires📢 Palestine occupée : le coréalisateur de « No Other Land » attaqué par des colons: Hamdan Ballal, coréalisateur du documentaire No Other land (Pas d’autre terre), un documentaire qui montre le quotidien de Palestiniens aux prises avec les exactions des colons et des soldats israéliens, a été attaqué et blessé à la tête et au ventre dans son village de Soussiya par des… https://npa-revolutionnaires.org/palestine-occupee-le-corealisateur-de-no-other-land-attaque-par-des-colons/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 📢NPA-R #Palestine #Occupation #Colonisation #NoOtherLand #JusticePourLaPalestine

🕸glané sur le net🕸 Le coréalisateur de « No Other Land » attaqué par des colons israéliens puis arrêté: Le village de Hamdan Ballal a été attaqué lundi par des colons armés de bâtons, de couteaux et d'un fusil d'assaut. Dépêchée sur les… #Palestine #Israël #NoOtherLand #Solidarité #Colonialisme

Le coréalisateur de « No Other...

🕸glané sur le net🕸 Le coréalisateur de « No Other Land » attaqué par des colons israéliens puis arrêté: Le village de Hamdan Ballal a été attaqué lundi par des colons armés de bâtons, de couteaux et d'un fusil d'assaut. Dépêchée sur les lieux, l'armée israélienne a arrêté le réalisateur oscarisé. Il a été libéré mardi à la mi-journée. En filmant sa réalité quotidienne dans le documentaire No (…)
-- Palestine &… https://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?article74185&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Palestine #Israël #NoOtherLand #Solidarité #Colonialisme

#Internacionales El cineasta palestino ganador del Óscar dice que el ataque de colonos buscaba matarle #HamdanBallal #NoOtherLand #Susiya #Cisjordania #Israel
👇 https://enter504.com/ballal-relata-su-experiencia-en-susiya-y-el-ataque/

#HamdanBallal who won an Oscar with his documentary #NoOtherLand has been brutally beaten and #abducted by #IDF soldiers during a settler attack. Nobody has heard of him since.

#press #news #BreakingNews #WestBank #FreePalestine


"Hamdan Ballal and two other Palestinians left a police station in the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, where they were being held on Tuesday. Ballal had bruises on his face and blood on his clothes.

The three had spent the night on the floor of a military base while suffering from serious injuries sustained in the attack"

I suspect the international outcry had something to do with it. Otherwise...

#HamdanBallal #Israel #WestBank #IDF #NoOtherLand #Settlers


El director palestino ganador del Oscar es atacado por colonos israelíes y detenido por el ejército
Colonos israelíes golpearon a uno de los codirectores palestinos de la película gana
#Actualidad #Afrofminas #Apartheid #Cisjordania #colonialismo #colonos #DetencinIlegal #EjercitoIsrael #genocidio #HamdanBallal #Israel #NoOtherLand #palestina #sionismo

Report The Palestinian co-director of the Oscar-winning documentary, No Other Land, has been bashed by West Bank settlers, then detained & disappeared by Israel. His lawyer doesn't know where he is.

Hamdan Ballal was one of three detained.

Basel Adra, another co-director, witnessed the detention: “We came back from the Oscars and every day since, there is an attack on us."


#NoOtherLand #israelicrimesagainsthumanity #westbank #ethniccleansing #uspol .
Palestinian co-directors of the Oscar-winning documentary, No Other Land

A co-director of the Oscar-winning film “No Other Land,” Hamdan Ballal, was attacked by Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank and taken away by Israeli soldiers, according to his co-director and eyewitnesses. Read more from @CNN
#NoOtherLand #Oscar #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank

Palestinian ‘No Other Land’ director reportedly beaten by settlers and arrested by Israeli military


Hamdan Ballal, who won an Oscar earlier this month, was allegedly seized from an ambulance.

#Palestine #Israel #film #cinema #oscars #nootherland #press
 Rachel Szor, Hamdan Ballal, Basel Adra, Yuval Abraham at the 97th Oscars held at the Dolby Theatre on March 2, 2025 in Hollywood, California. (Rich Polk/Penske Media via Getty Images)

So while everyone is entertained (in French we say "diverted" which is more apt) by a bunch of clowns in the US, #Israel killed 600 #Palestinians in #Gaza, during what is supposed to be a #ceasefire. Today in the #WestBank, #Oscar winning co-director of #NoOtherLand Hamdan Ballal was beaten up by #settlers then disappeared by the the Israeli army. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/03/24/middleeast/ballal-oscar-palestinian-beaten-israeli-settlers-intl-latam/index.html

| Oscar-winning Palestinian director attacked by Israeli settlers and arrested
Yuval Abraham 
A group of settlers just lynched Hamdan Ballal,
co director of our film no other land. They beat
him and he has injuries in his head and stomach,
bleeding. Soldiers invaded the ambulance he
called, and took him. No sign of him since.

"Oscar-winning Palestinian director is attacked by Israeli settlers":
https://apnews.com/article/no-other-land-oscar-israel-palestinians-084c63f33e748a3279646759e9b705c2 "
#NoOtherLand, which won the Oscar this year for best documentary, chronicles the struggle by residents of Masafer Yatta to stop the Israeli military from demolishing their villages."
#Hollywood #Oscars #Israel #terrorism #racism

If anything our teachers wanted us to learn in my not-so-flawless art academy is that being a filmmaker, like being a journalist, comes with significant social responsibility. Every frame you choose is a political act.

That is why I have immense respect for filmmakers who stay authentic to their truth regardless. This is the only way to justify the existence of this art.


#filmnews #film #filmmaking #cinema #documentary #NoOtherLand #Palestine #HamdanBallal

Asad Rad: Illegal Israeli #settlers attacked a #Palestinian village and beat #HamdanBallal, who is one of the Palestinian co-directors of #NoOtherLand

The occupying Israeli #military then stepped in…to detain Hamdan Ballal.

#Occupation #Oscars #Terrorism #Israel #Politics

Nasser’s Israeli co-director Yuval Abraham posted on X:

‘A group of settlers just lynched Hamdan #Ballal, co director of our film no other land. They beat him and he has injuries in his head and stomach, bleeding. Soldiers invaded the ambulance he called, and took him. No sign of him since.”



Co-director of No Other Land, Hamdan Ballal, was beaten by settlers then, while being taken away in an ambulance, arrested by Israeli soldiers.

#Israel #Palestine #WestBank #NoOtherLand
Tweet by Yuval Abraham saying "A group of settlers just lynched Hamdan Ballal, co director of our film no other land. They beat him and he has injuries in his head and stomach, bleeding. Soldiers invaded the ambulance he called, and took him. No sign of him since"

Israeli settlers attacked Hamdan Ballal, one of the co-directors of the Oscar-winning film “No Other Land,” before the Israeli military snatched him from an ambulance as he was being treated for his injuries.

(AP) #HamdanBallal #NoOtherLand #WestBank #Israel #settlers


"No Other Land“


This film made by a Palestinian-Israeli collective shows the destruction of the West Bank’s Masafer Yatta by Israel's occupation and the unlikely alliance which develops between the Palestinian activist Basel and Israeli journalist Yuval.

#NoOtherLand #WestBank #MasaferYatta #Colonialism #LandGrab #Israel #Occupation #FreePalestine #Trailer

“The Oscar win for “No Other Land” for best documentary ought to have been a triumphant moment for Palestinian and Israeli cinema and society — a rare instance in which artists from both communities stood on the world stage together to receive acclaim for a film they made together. “
#oscars #nootherland #palestinians #israel #documentary

Mayor of Miami cancelled the lease of a tiny community theatre because it screened the Oscar Winning documentary "No Other Land" last week.

Meiner claims the film is “an attack on Jewish people” despite the fact that half of the direction/production team is quite literally Jewish.

#NoOtherLand #Politics #Miami #oscars2025 #Censorship #USPol #Politics #Documentary #Fascism

Mayor of Miami cancelled the lease of a tiny community theatre because it screened the Oscar Winning documentary "No Other Land" last week.

Meiner claims the film is “an attack on Jewish people” despite the fact that half of the direction/production team is quite literally Jewish.

#NoOtherLand #Politics #Miami #oscars2025 #Censorship #USPol #Politics #Documentary #Fascism

@palestine@a.gup.pe @palestine@lemmy.ml @israel

Der Bürgermeister von Miami Beach will Vorführungen des preisgekrönten Dokumentarfilms »#NoOtherLand« in einem Arthouse-Kino unterbinden. Wegen der medialen Aufmerksamkeit gibt es nun sogar Zusatzvorführungen. https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1189756.steven-meiner-cancel-vorbild-deutschland.html

And in case some have caught the debate about #BDS irresponsibly claiming #NoOtherLand is an example of #normalisation of #Israel's apartheid, I'll copy here the words from a Masafer Yatta villager: "I am ashamed of all these critics and attackers. Instead of supporting Yuval and Basel and contributing to our struggle, even just with words online, this is what they choose to do? Preach to us and tell us what the #Palestinian struggle should be?"
