Beiträge, die mit nootherland getaggt sind
No one is outside with a JCB trying to demolish my home, my neighbours' homes, the school.
A foreign army is not throwing stun grenades at my neighbours, adults and children alike.
No one is firing live rounds at my friends and family.
And yet, I am afraid; not for me, but for humanity.
#NoOtherLand #Palestine #Israel
It's with Swedish subtitles.
#NoOtherLand #SvtPlay #Documentary #Streaming #Sweden #Swedish #Palestine #Israel #Occupation #Streaming @palestine group @israel group
#NoOtherHome #NoOtherLand
He has since been released
Basel Adra, another co-director, witnessed the detention: “We came back from the Oscars and every day since, there is an attack on us."
Exactly how fascists work to silence dissent
#NoOtherLand #israelicrimesagainsthumanity #westbank #ethniccleansing #uspol .
Updates: Journalists among 65 killed in wave of Israeli attacks on Gaza
Latest bombardment comes as the death toll from Israel’s devastating war on Gaza crosses 50,000 since October 2023.Lyndal Rowlands (Al Jazeera)
Palestine occupée : le coréalisateur de « No Other Land » attaqué par des colons - NPA Révolutionnaires
Hamdan Ballal, coréalisateur du documentaire No Other land (Pas d’autre terre), un documentaire qui montre le quotidien de Palestiniens aux prises avec les exactions des colons et des soldats israéliens, a été attaqué et blessé à la tête et au ventre…NPA Révolutionnaires
Le coréalisateur de « No Other...
Le coréalisateur de « No Other Land » attaqué par des colons israéliens puis arrêté - Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières
Le village de Hamdan Ballal a été attaqué lundi par des colons armés de bâtons, de couteaux et d'un fusil d'assaut. Dépêchée sur les lieux, (…)
-- Palestine &… #Palestine #Israël #NoOtherLand #Solidarité #Colonialisme
Le coréalisateur de « No Other Land » attaqué par des colons israéliens puis arrêté - Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières
Le village de Hamdan Ballal a été attaqué lundi par des colons armés de bâtons, de couteaux et d'un fusil d'assaut. Dépêchée sur les lieux, (…)
Ballal relata su experiencia en Susiya y el ataque - ENTER 504
El cineasta palestino Hamdan Ballal, uno de los cuatro codirectores y ganadores del Óscar por el documental 'No Other Land', dijo este martes que los colonos que le agredieron ayer en la aldea de Susiya, sur de Cisjordania ocupada, intentaron matarle…Eddy Sarmiento (Inversiones Publicitarias Enter504 S de RL)
#press #news #BreakingNews #WestBank #FreePalestine
The three had spent the night on the floor of a military base while suffering from serious injuries sustained in the attack"
I suspect the international outcry had something to do with it. Otherwise...
#HamdanBallal #Israel #WestBank #IDF #NoOtherLand #Settlers
Colonos israelíes golpearon a uno de los codirectores palestinos de la película gana
#Actualidad #Afrofminas #Apartheid #Cisjordania #colonialismo #colonos #DetencinIlegal #EjercitoIsrael #genocidio #HamdanBallal #Israel #NoOtherLand #palestina #sionismo
El director palestino ganador del Oscar es atacado por colonos israelíes y detenido por el ejército
Colonos israelíes golpearon a uno de los codirectores palestinos de la película ganadora del Oscar “No Other Land” en l Cisjordania ocupada este lunes, y luego fue detenido por el ejército israelí, según dijeron activistas judíos en el lugar.Afroféminas
Hamdan Ballal was one of three detained.
Basel Adra, another co-director, witnessed the detention: “We came back from the Oscars and every day since, there is an attack on us."
#NoOtherLand #israelicrimesagainsthumanity #westbank #ethniccleansing #uspol .
Updates: Journalists among 65 killed in wave of Israeli attacks on Gaza
Latest bombardment comes as the death toll from Israel’s devastating war on Gaza crosses 50,000 since October 2023.Lyndal Rowlands (Al Jazeera)
#NoOtherLand #Oscar #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank
Hamdan Ballal, who won an Oscar earlier this month, was allegedly seized from an ambulance.
#Palestine #Israel #film #cinema #oscars #nootherland #press "
#NoOtherLand, which won the Oscar this year for best documentary, chronicles the struggle by residents of Masafer Yatta to stop the Israeli military from demolishing their villages."
#Hollywood #Oscars #Israel #terrorism #racism
Oscar-winning Palestinian director is attacked by Jewish settlers and detained, activists say
Activists say Israeli settlers beat up one of the Palestinian co-directors of the Oscar-winning film “No Other Land” in the occupied West Bank, and he was then detained by the Israeli military.AP News
That is why I have immense respect for filmmakers who stay authentic to their truth regardless. This is the only way to justify the existence of this art.
#filmnews #film #filmmaking #cinema #documentary #NoOtherLand #Palestine #HamdanBallal
The occupying Israeli #military then stepped in…to detain Hamdan Ballal.
#Occupation #Oscars #Terrorism #Israel #Politics
#israel #palestine #nootherland
‘A group of settlers just lynched Hamdan #Ballal, co director of our film no other land. They beat him and he has injuries in his head and stomach, bleeding. Soldiers invaded the ambulance he called, and took him. No sign of him since.”
#Israel #Palestine #NoOtherLand
#israel #Gaza #Ainoakotimaa #nootherland #HamdanBallal
Lähteet: Israelin armeija pidätti Oscar-palkitun elokuvan ohjaajan Länsirannalla
Paikan päällä olleiden aktivistien mukaan Länsirannan juutalaiset asukkaat pahoinpitelivät palestiinalaisen ohjaajan ennen pidätystä.Meri Naski (Yle Uutiset)
#Lynching #Israel #illegalsettlements #nootherland
#Israel #Palestine #WestBank #NoOtherLand
#FreePalestine #Gaza #NoOtherLand #HamdanBallal
(AP) #HamdanBallal #NoOtherLand #WestBank #Israel #settlers
Oscar-winning Palestinian director is attacked by Jewish settlers and detained, activists say
Activists say Israeli settlers beat up one of the Palestinian co-directors of the Oscar-winning film “No Other Land” in the occupied West Bank, and he was then detained by the Israeli military.AP News
This film made by a Palestinian-Israeli collective shows the destruction of the West Bank’s Masafer Yatta by Israel's occupation and the unlikely alliance which develops between the Palestinian activist Basel and Israeli journalist Yuval.
#NoOtherLand #WestBank #MasaferYatta #Colonialism #LandGrab #Israel #Occupation #FreePalestine #Trailer
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“The Oscar win for “No Other Land” for best documentary ought to have been a triumphant moment for Palestinian and Israeli cinema and society — a rare instance in which artists from both communities stood on the world stage together to receive acclaim for a film they made together. “
#oscars #nootherland #palestinians #israel #documentary
Opinion | ‘No Other Land’ Won an Oscar. Many People Hope You Don’t See It.
Opinion | ‘No Other Land’ Won an Oscar. Many People Hope You Don’t See It. - INBELLAINBELLA
Meiner claims the film is “an attack on Jewish people” despite the fact that half of the direction/production team is quite literally Jewish.
#NoOtherLand #Politics #Miami #oscars2025 #Censorship #USPol #Politics #Documentary #Fascism
Meiner claims the film is “an attack on Jewish people” despite the fact that half of the direction/production team is quite literally Jewish.
#NoOtherLand #Politics #Miami #oscars2025 #Censorship #USPol #Politics #Documentary #Fascism @israel
Cancel-Vorbild Deutschland
Der Bürgermeister von Miami Beach will Vorführungen des preisgekrönten Dokumentarfilms »No Other Land« in einem Arthouse-Kino unterbinden. Wegen der medialen Aufmerksamkeit gibt es nun sogar Zusatzvorfü
'No Other Land' is a victory for the Palestinian struggle
While some have accused the film of normalization, Masafer Yatta leaders and activists are unwavering in their support for joint resistance.Jonathan Adler (+972 Magazine)