Beiträge, die mit Nazis getaggt sind
#australia #bigots #hypocrites #rightwing #neoliberals #politics #nazis #neonazis #neofascism
Anarcho Syndicalist Federation (ASF-IWA)
The Anarcho Syndicalist Federation is the Australian section of the International Workers Association (IWA-AIT)ASF-IWA
>Holocaust-Forscher über Israel und Ultrarechte: „Das ist kein Flirt, das ist eine Liebesaffäre“
-Der israelische Holocaust-Forscher Amos Goldberg über Israels Beziehungen zu Ultrarechten aus aller Welt und warum er Genozid-Vorwürfe für stichhaltig hält, auch wenn Gaza nicht Auschwitz ist. n Inge Günther
-Amos Goldberg befasst sich in seinen Forschungen mit der Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte der Juden während des Holocaust.
Holocaust-Forscher über Israel und Ultrarechte: „Das ist kein Flirt, das ist eine Liebesaffäre“
Genozid Gaza Israel
Wenn die #LetzteGeneration zu 100 000 auf die Straße geht, dann sind es 10 tausende.
Wenn gegen #merz, #söder, #AFD und #Nazis 100tausende auf die Straße gehen, dann sind es 10 tausende.
Wenn 100 tausende wegen der #Klimakrise auf die Straße gehen, dann sind es 10 tausende....
Und jetzt schreibt Ihr 100tausende bei einem fremden Land?
#photography #photo #news #press #streetphotography #politics #nazis #portrait #photojournalism #fotografia
A morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol.
America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)
Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.
Israel is a terrorist state.
Today's agenda:
Ich möchte an dieser Stelle daran erinnern, dass das deutsche #Kino in der #WeimarerRepublik zu den bedeutendsten der Welt gehörte. Vor Frankreich und teilw. vor #Hollywood. Die #Nazis haben es kaputt gemacht und Hollywoods Aufstieg beschleunigt.
Wenn wir nicht Millionen € #Steuergeld an irgendwelche Ami - #Nazis regelmäßig überweisen und unsere gesamte Sicherheits-Infrastruktur von deren "Lampenöl" - Monopolprojekt bis in alle Ewigkeit abhängig machen, hat die #CDU ihren Job nicht vernünftig gemacht.
#classwar #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #fascism #oppression #repression #statism #nazis #neonazis #neofascism #doublestandards
The Church is Not Liable for Child Sexual Abuse by Priests, as Clergy Are Not Employees
The High Court of Australia found that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ballarat cannot be liable over one of its priests sexually abusing a child.Sydney Criminal Lawyers (NSW Courts)
[ der Link geht (offensichtlich) zur Afd ! ]
Polizeiliche Analyse-Software Bundes-VeRA unverzüglich einführen – Bewährte Software zur Bekämpfung von Clankriminalität nutzen - AfD-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag
Berlin, 28. November 2023. Im Jahre 2016 einigte sich die Innenministerkonferenz im Rahmen der „Saarbrücker Agenda zur Informationsarchitektur der Polizei als Teil der Inneren Sicherheit“ zur „Schaffung einer gemeinsamen, modernen, einheitlichen Info…Robert (AfD-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag)
Trotzdem möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass du nur über die "verschollenen" Waffen dort Bescheid weißt weil es vorher eine offizielle Untersuchung gab deren Ergebnisse nicht geheim gehalten wurden
"Earlier this month, the Trump administration began demanding that international researchers funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention answer political questions, such as whether they work to “combat Christian persecution” or collaborate with communist governments."
Another morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol. Blä.
America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)
Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.
Hang billionaires.
Israel is a terrorist state.
🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
Today's agenda: Garden stuff, weather permitting.
“President Donald Trump has suggested sending people who are attacking Teslas to prisons in El Salvador if they are convicted of crimes as a number of the automaker's vehicles and showrooms have been targeted by reported arson and other violence.”
#Fascism #Nazis
Trump Touts Prison in El Salvador for Tesla Attackers
There have been a number of attacks targeting Tesla vehicles and dealerships in the last few weeks.Shane Croucher (Newsweek)
May the ghost of #BettyWhite haunt you fascists every day & night.
These are the people, I mean #Nazis, who say they want to protect Jews from #antisemitism? Give me an effin' break.
Holocaust remembrance pages removed in Pentagon’s DEI purge
Stories of Holocaust survivors were caught in the anti-DEI net, as was an article about Jewish "Golden Girls" star Bea Arthur.Grace Gilson (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
"We’re not like the #nazis
-Benjamin #Netanyahu
April 17, 2024
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SanctionIsrael #BDS
#palestine #Israel #Politics #Genocide #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow
A grey morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol. Meds await.
America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)
Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.
Hang billionaires.
Israel is a terrorist state.
🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
Today's agenda: Foment unrest.
by Jeremy Salt in Palestine Chronicle
“The seed the European powers planted in #Palestine has grown into [..] the greatest #threat to #world #peace since the #Nazis. And that can’t be a coincidence, given the ideological affinities between #Nazism & #Zionism, the #racism, the #supremacism, the contempt for international law, & the #contempt for human life [..] in #Gaza & #Lebanon”
From the Nakba to Gaza: ‘Exterminate All the Brutes!’ - Palestine Chronicle
Israel’s war on Gaza is a genocide in full view—massacres, starvation, and forced displacement while the west looks away.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
A clear morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol.
America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.
американський президент, иди нахуй!
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)
Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.
Hang billionaires.
Israel is a terrorist state.
🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
Today's agenda: Pick my nose. *flick!*
Und das ist neben #Massenmord & der Vernichtung der #Demokratie eben auch deren permanentes erbärmliches Gejammer.
#rumopfern. Das könn'se wirklich.
„Warum all der Hass und die Gewalt gegen mich?“ Elon Musk versteht die Welt nicht mehr
In drei Monaten ist der Aktienkurs des Elektroauto-Herstellers Tesla um rund die Hälfte eingebrochen. Firmenchef Elon Musk sieht sich als
"Fabian Schmidt was “violently interrogated”, stripped naked & put in a cold shower by two officials at Logan (airport). #immigration agents pressured him to give up his #greencard. he was placed on a mat in a bright room with other people at the airport & denied access to his medications."
Green card holder from New Hampshire 'interrogated' at Logan Airport, detained
Originally from Germany, Fabian Schmidt was stopped on his way home from Luxembourg, questioned, and held in Rhode Island.Sarah Betancourt (GBH)
Furthering the '#FarRight International': Likud joins the Patriots for Europe
Furthering the 'Far-Right International': Likud joins the Patriots for Europe
Calls from far-right figures to 'cleanse' Europe of Muslims and commit a 'Srebrenica 2.0' are now symbolically reinforced by the backdrop of Israel's war on GazaMiddle East Eye
#FascistAmeriKKKa #fascism #Nazis #science #academics #scientists #history #politics
For the National Socialists, everything was political. All forms of culture — from theater and cinema to painting and literature — were turned into instruments of #propaganda and antisemitism
It wasn’t just terror: The Nazis won the cultural battle in a year
For the National Socialists, everything was political. All forms of culture — from theater and cinema to painting and literature — were turned into instruments of propaganda and antisemitismMar Padilla (Ediciones EL PAÍS S.L.)
1939: Hitler issues ultimatum to Poland, 16 fake demands which would trigger an invasion if not met.
The media treated Hitler like a harmless buffoon.
#Nazis #WWIII
A morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol.
America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.
американський президент, иди нахуй!
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)
Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.
Hang billionaires.
Israel is a terrorist state.
🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
Today's agenda: Where are the Luigis?
A dark morning here at the ol' Imperial Palace. Kittys are fed and on patrol. Too early for meds.
America is fallen.
aмерика struggles to emerge.
Now is the time of monsters.
GOP = #GroupiesOfPutin (AKA #Nazis)
Fuck you, 🚀boy. Eat shit and die. No one elected you to shit.
Hang billionaires.
Israel is a terrorist state.
🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
Today's agenda: Nada.
#ElonMusk #Musk #Nazis #Nazism #Racism #News #US #USA
Trump Rushes to Do President Elon Musk’s Dirty Work With South Africa
Donald Trump attacked South Africa right after the country refused one of Elon Musk’s business projects.The New Republic
Of course.
Elon Musk beschuldigt Soros, hinter Tesla-Protesten zu stecken
Der umstrittene Tech-Milliardär hat sich seit 2023 auf den jüdischen Philanthropen eingeschossen, der ein beliebtes Ziel für Rechtsextreme istDER STANDARD
#journalism #fascism #Trump #Hitler #Nazis #misinformation #auspol