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Beiträge, die mit AI getaggt sind

"Sewell Setzer was a happy child - before he fell in love with a chatbot and took his own life at 14. His mother has now filed a lawsuit against the most powerful company in the world..."

"#ArtificialIntelligence: A Deadly Love Affair with a #Chatbot" - DER SPIEGEL
https://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/artificial-intelligence-a-deadly-love-affair-with-a-chatbot-a-e5498031-c2b0-4da4-9192-65da9d3f40d6 #AI

#press #media #journalism

#ai #algorithms

❕ Cavete - Please note: Context is more important than conmen

"Anti-genocide activists exposed by pro-Israel groups using facial recognition tech

Washington has revoked hundreds of student visas in recent weeks as part of a crackdown on foreign university students who oppose the mass killing of Palestinians by Israel"

The Cradle
March 29, 2025


#USA #fascism #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #FacialRecognition #Israel #Palestine #genocide #holocaust #colonialism #imperialism #capitalism

Wer jetzt noch bei X bleibt, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen!

Da #Musk die Lästerplattform #X nun an seine Tochterfirma #XAI per Aktiendeal verscherbelt hat, werden die Nutzerdaten nun komplett als Datenbasis seiner KI-Maschine genutzt.

Wie lange bleiben Politiker der #EU und aus #Deutschland, die sich oft so kritisch über die neue Regierung der #USA äußern, noch auf X?! Jetzt ist es wirklich fahrlässig, noch dort zu bleiben.


#leavex #unplugtrump #datenschutz #ki #ai

Overheard at a conference about #AI in #Medicine:

Speaker: "I hear neurologists prefer we say that generative AI systems 'confabulate' and not that they 'hallucinate'."

Neurologist [shouting from the back of the room]: "CORRECT!"

#psychiatry #neuroscience #sciComm #edu
Chase Parsons, DO, MBI
Chief Medical Information Officer
Boston Children's Hospital

In the studio working on a new song for the #offlinealbum.

"Dany" is about #AI, loneliness and stupid f*ckers who sell us the first as a solution to the second.

And it's as close to Electroclash as I'll ever get. Distorted RD-6 on speed, amplified Trident and glitching #waldorf M.

really starting to get excited about

Yes of course this a #revolution, Elon #Musk. A #rightwing #extremist #billionaire revolution.

And if your fucking task is to protect that revolution by keeping everyone calm & quiet with your fancy #AI tools & #propaganda, but instead the people are coming after YOU with a #TeslaTakedown - than YOU have failed.

Not the people of America that you didn't care about anyway - but your fucking billionaire friends. 😌

Pathetic #loser.


a fucking lot of burning Tesla cars in the browser picture search

In diesem Zusammenhang sei auch nochmal auf die Petition von @marcuwekling hingewiesen. Die kann noch Unterzeichner:innen gebrauchen!

#DeepFakes #KI #AI

@kattascha schrieb:

Meta: Der große Bücherraub

#AI #Meta

#ai #meta

This post by photographer Jingna Zhang resonates with me.

#AI art is devoid of humanity, intention, and backstory. It’s a shallow remix of human works, designed to be consumed and discarded, grinding human creation down into a sandy paste, to be re-extruded into grotesque displays. It’s the opposite of what makes art so valuable.

#aiArt #art #plagiarism #artist

(alt text continues)
A Facebook post by Jingna Zhang. Shown is a photograph of a pale woman with closed eyes and dark red lips covered in flower petals. Next to it is a prompt: “Make her eyes open. Make the image very similar, from the the colors, composition, the tone, the feel, including the frozen eyebrows, make it as similar as possible.”, followed by an AI-generated facsimile that is similar, but with eyes open.

The post reads:

Someone passed my photo through OpenAI's new image model, and no matter their intentions being well-meaning, seeing this as the original artist just makes me feel like shit. 

I did this series when my work wasn't being as accepted and was viewed as neither commercial nor fine art enough for either worlds. So I shot in my apartment, with flowers one of the few props I could afford. And for this shoot I sat with a team and applied petals onto the model, one by one.

The final work is a crystallization of that experience and memory of those times, it's proof of the days l'd lived.

An Al didn't sit there placing petals onto my model, and it feels like an insult to the memory when people go "Al can do this!", like no actually, I did that.

If you needed another reason why LLMs are problematic, read this.

The problem is that any popularity algorithm can be manipulated. This is something we have seen with search SEO, with social media algorithms and now with LLMs. People will try to manipulate these algorithms for marketing reasons and sadly for more nefarious reasons.

For me, the first step of any solution is to ban user profiling.


#AI #Politics #SocialMedia

#ElonMusk has sold #X ,his #socialmedia #company ,to #xAI ,his own #ArtificialIntelligence start-up. Why does that makes sense? Well, the two #Musk companies already share many resources. Especially, the AI models of xAI are already trained on #data posted by the X users who, thus, work for free for Elon. Merging both companies will also boost the use of #AI in X, for instance as far as individualized #publicity targeting and large scale manipulation of #publicopinion are concerned.

If it seems hard to keep up with AI, you're not alone! This AI Literacy Day, check out our page with resources including:

✨ Checkology lessons
✨ Quizzes
✨ Posters + more!

#AI Threads

📢 Remember: register for the “AI in Public Health Research” Symposium until 25 April.

📆 7–11 July, 2025 📍 Berlin

Explore AI in decision-making, AMR, climate change & public health policy.

🔗 https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/Termine/EN/ZKI-PH/AI-in-Public-Health-Research_2025.html

#AIinPH #AI #PublicHealth
AI in Public Health Research: 14-15 May. Register now!  Keynote Speakers: 
Prof. Sylvia Thun: Digital Health and its Impact on Public Health
Dr. Dimitra Panteli: Supporting Evidence-Informed Decisions in Health Policy and Practice

KI-Bilder in Blogs
#AI #Bilder #Blogs #KI #Texte

PSA: Having your avatar / profile picture generated by an AI in Studio Ghibli style (or in *any* living artists' style really) is a surefire way to earn a lifelong place on my block list.

These are *artists* whose work you're perverting.

Either become an artist yourself or support an artist or get the f*ck out of my face.

p.s: The same – only with more expletives – goes for music you "created" with #Suno.

#ai #art #artwork #music

My #tech prediction:

Despite the hype from Silicon Valley, my belief is the generative #AI and LLM bubble is nearing its bursting point.

Like with the dot com crash, Wall Street and Investors are getting impatient and want to see profitability.

Most AI startups aren't even close. And mass adoption of AI tools still hasn't become ubiquitous among the general public - and probably never will.

Most "features" are over-hyped and AIs can still "hallucinate" (lie) when providing information - a very big issue the tech industry is trying to downplay.

Startups are going to either shut down or be acquired by the bigger players.

Also, like the dot com bust, only the biggest, most deep-pocketed players are going to remain standing after the shakeout.

I think the AI landscape is going to start imploding as early as the end of this year.

AI will still play a role, but not be as revolutionary as the tech industry wants us to believe.
#ai #tech


by Kit Klarenberg in Mint Press News

“Days after a #Pentagon spokesperson celebrated the work of Elon Musk’s DOGE, the Minerva Initiative—an influential research program—was killed without fanfare. No mainstream outlet covered it. But the reasons behind its demise reveal the next frontier of American war planning: #AI, #surveillance, and full-spectrum #social #control


#Press #US

DSGVO-Beschwerde gegen OpenAI: ChatGPT lieferte falsche Informationen über eine Einzelperson, darunter eine fiktive Verurteilung wegen Kindesmordes. Noyb kritisiert, dass OpenAI keine Möglichkeit zur Korrektur bietet, was gegen EU-Datenschutzgesetze verstößt. Ein wichtiger Fall zur Genauigkeit von KI-Datenverarbeitung. #DSGVO #AI
#ai #dsgvo

Good Night, Tech Right!
PDF #Zine

„We’re excited to announce a new zine version of Good Night, Tech Right: Pull the Plug on AI Fascism, a deep-dive into the influence of far-Right and neo-fascist politics on the emerging bloc of tech billionaires within the Trumpian state, and its push to cement Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a new regime of capital accumulation.

With anger only rising against techno-fascists like #ElonMusk and calls for protests against #Tesla growing, we hope this zine offers people a resource and chance to start discussions around our shifting landscape.“

https://itsgoingdown.org/good-night-tech-right-pdf-zine/ via @igd_news

#Technology #Fascism #Musk #FckNzs #AI #KI #SurveillanceCapitalism #Capitalism #Protest #Sabotage #politics

Good Night, Tech-Right: Pull The Plug On AI Fascism

„The Tech-Right is united, but less by their scattered reactionary ideologies, and more by their shared class interests. They want us divided, thinking we’ll fight each other over the scraps they offer us, or by generating the latest outrage on social media platforms they control.

We need to organize and build around our shared class interests, reaching across divisions, around common goals and struggles. We want homes for everyone. We want a livable planet for our children. We want control over our labor. We want to abolish the systems that are destroying us.

In the 1990s, anarchists, labor unions, anti-sweatshop activists, and environmental groups helped mobilize thousands in militant protests against corporate globalization, all under a Democratic president. Using decentralized networks, independent media, and affinity groups, they helped to create a growing movement, rooted in anti-capitalist analysis and direct action. We did it before, we can do it again.“

The oligarchs want a king. Let’s give them a peasants’ revolt instead.“

Via @igd_news

#Technology #Data #SurveillanceCapitalism #Surveillance #Musk #Zuckerberg #Trump #Fascism #Protest #AI #KI

Letztens habe ich mich bereits über das Thema KI im Blog ausgelassen. Inzwischen habe ich mich ein wenig intensiver mit der Technik und einigen KI-Angeboten beschäftigt. Und jetzt muss es raus: Ja, ich nutze KI im Blog!

So, geht es wieder? Luft wieder da? Dann komme gerne lesen.

#blog #blogging #blogger #ki #ai


Ich empfehle , sich etwas mehr mit den Fähigkeiten von Palantir und dem Datenhunger von AI zu beschäftigen.

Wer glaubt eine Ermittlungsbehörde könnte der Versuchung widerstehen mit Daten Ermittlungserfolge zu maximieren, ist naive.

Hessen ist bereits dort angekommen und der Rest des Landes folgt. Stichwort NSA Skandal in den USA.

#Datnehunger #AI #MenschlicheNatur #Ehrgeiz #BestIntentions #RoadToHell

The capitalist mindset.
#Amazon is just another store.
#Turkey is just another holiday destination.
A #Cybertruck is just another mode of transport.
#Nestle is just another coffee brand.
Factory farmed #chicken is just another source of protein.
#LLMs (#AI) are just another tool.

#Capitalism needs you to ignore the social and environmental costs, and think only of personal benefits.

🕸️ We are doing this conference at Media of Cooperation in June ... It is called THE DATAFIED WEB, and it will be a blast! Registration for #RESAW25 is now open. Please spread widely, and do not forget to check out the marvelous programme at https://www.datafiedweb.net!

Really looking forward to everything, especially the keynotes by @nthylstrup on "Vanishing Points: Technographies of Data Loss" and @jwyg on "Public Data Cultures"!

#www #history #archive #data #AI #media
Registration open for RESAW 2025 The Datafied Web at Siegen University

#Palantir #AI #Thiel und die #Gedankenpolizei in #Deutschland ... ich glaub, ich krieg das Kotzen:

Ein gefährlicher Dammbruch: Polizei bekommt Zugriff auf Gesundheitsdaten

#Datenschutz #Polizeibehörden #BigBrother

💡 GPT-4o riceve la generazione immagini integrata in ChatGPT


#ai #blog #gpt4o #ia #news #openai #picks #tech #tecnologia

„KI-Innovation beruht auf Commons, nicht Big Tech“

Weizenbaum-Forscher Sebastian Koth erklärt im Interview, dass in Zeiten von KI-Nationalismus, Tech-Oligarchien und geopolitischem Wettrennen wahre Innovation in dezentralen gemeinwohlorientierten KI-Infrastrukturen liegt. Die Wissenschaft macht es bereits vor.

Zum Interview 👉 https://www.weizenbaum-institut.de/news/detail/ki-innovation-beruht-auf-commons-nicht-big-tech/

#KünstlicheIntelligenz #KI #OpenScience #AI #OpenAI #Musk #Trump #DeepSeek #DOGE #PublicAI #GlobalAIRace

From: blenderdumbass . org

This is a test of federation. But I will be using it the way it was intended, for discussion and respectful disagreements between people. In this case I will be trying to counter argument the statement in this post by Madiator, while agreeing with some of it.

Read: https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/using_ai_for_art_is_to_disrespect_your_audience___testing_federation_with_madiator_s_blog__

#madiator #fediverse #federation #test #blog #webdev #AI

so i downloaded this #opensource recipe app from #fdroid, #twilirecipes, but it won't start without an #AI API token
Screenshot of Twili Recipes app:
"LLM service: [ ] Perplexety, [ ] Anthropic, [ ] OpenAI
⚠️ Please provide token"

Creeping fascism - using Israeli spy technology perhaps?

“Breaking: Met Police installing permanent live facial recognition cameras”

by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox

“Force slammed for racism, misogyny and homophobia, which serves police state and is stitching up anti-genocide protesters will soon be able to spy on you across the capital. What could go wrong?”


#Press #UK #Police #London #MetPolice #Facial #Recognition #Surveillance #AI #Racism #PoliceState #Fascism

What the fucking fuck????
=> "Einen noch krasseren Privatsphärenangriff erleben Nutzer*innen der WhatsApp-Beta-Version Bei ihnen ist die Funktion „Voice First“ inbegriffen. Dabei beginnt der KI-Assistent, sobald er geöffnet wird, die Nutzer*innen abzuhören. Er tut dies so lange, bis die Nutzenden das Tool verlassen, das Mikro stummschalten oder zu Tastatureingaben wechseln."



#whatsapp #meta #ki #voicefirst #ai #wtf #unplugtrump

Some Employees Are ‘Sabotaging’ Their Company’s AI Strategy, According to a New Survey


The survey found that 41 percent of Millennial and Gen-Z employees said they’d done some form of sabotage.

#AI #sabotage #tech #press

"Vancouver school staff and anyone else with links to the files could read everything. Firewalls or passwords didn’t protect the documents, and student names were not redacted, which cybersecurity experts warned was a massive security risk.

The monitoring tools often helped counselors reach out to students who might have otherwise struggled in silence. But the Vancouver case is a stark reminder of surveillance technology’s unintended consequences in American schools.

In some cases, the technology has outed LGBTQ+ children and eroded trust between students and school staff, while failing to keep schools completely safe.

Gaggle Safety Management, the company that developed the software that tracks Vancouver schools students’ online activity, believes not monitoring children is like letting them loose on “a digital playground without fences or recess monitors,” CEO and founder Jeff Patterson said.

Roughly 1,500 school districts nationwide use Gaggle’s software to track the online activity of approximately 6 million students. It’s one of many companies, like GoGuardian and Securly, that promise to keep kids safe through AI-assisted web surveillance."


#USA #AI #Surveillance #Schools #PoliceState #Gaggle

Behind the Numbers: LIVE TRACKER: GenAI in media – 70+ tools and products from around the world (in English and in Finnish). “…in this blog you can now find an updating list of GenAI tools and products in media, both in English and in Finnish. My name is Kalle Pirhonen, a Finnish media Analyst ( who is soon switching from the Finnish Broadcasting Company to Sanoma Media Finland to work as […]
