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Beiträge, die mit publichealth getaggt sind

📢 Remember: register for the “AI in Public Health Research” Symposium until 25 April.

📆 7–11 July, 2025 📍 Berlin

Explore AI in decision-making, AMR, climate change & public health policy.

🔗 https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/Termine/EN/ZKI-PH/AI-in-Public-Health-Research_2025.html

#AIinPH #AI #PublicHealth
AI in Public Health Research: 14-15 May. Register now!  Keynote Speakers: 
Prof. Sylvia Thun: Digital Health and its Impact on Public Health
Dr. Dimitra Panteli: Supporting Evidence-Informed Decisions in Health Policy and Practice

"A federal judge on Wednesday found the extreme heat in Texas prisons is 'plainly unconstitutional,' but declined to order the state to immediately start installing air conditioning, which could cost billions.

The judge affirmed claims brought by advocates of people incarcerated in the state, where summer heat routinely soars above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius)."


#PublicHealth #CriminalJustice #incarceration #prisons #heat #climate #environment #texas

#News: #Research in @thelancet
finds #pandemics are linked to #ecosystem and #biodiversity declines, with viruses jumping from animals to humans. Urgent #publichealth and #conservation needed #Boycott4Wildlife
@palmoildetect.bsky.social https://palmoildetectives.com/2024/09/08/protect-nature-to-avoid-future-pandemics/

📣 Today, March 24, is the last day to submit your game pitch!

🎮 Communication Games Design Challenge

🥳 We will announce the Finalists March 31

🌐 https://communicating.games

#indiedev #indiegame #videogames #games #communication #media #publichealth #nonprofit #gamedev #gamedesign

Far more people in far more states are in the early stages of infection due to the relatively long incubation period of #measles averaging 11-12 days from exposure to symptom onset.

Even then early measles symptoms mimic other common viral illness and most won't seek evaluation until a rash develops - typically 14 days post exposure.

In summary - it’s already far worse than it looks, and somehow, it’s only downhill from here. #publichealth


In 1 decade, Texas went from having high vaccination rates to low rates


#measles #publichealth #vaccines #texas
2 maps of the US showing changes in childhood vaccination rates between 2010 and now

German spy agency believed CoVid-19 likely started in a laboratory in Wuhan.

The widely accepted theory is that Covid-19 emerged in bats and then jumped to humans, most likely through another animal, or "intermediary host."

As time worn on, scientists have not found a virus in either bats or another animal that matches the genetic make-up of Covid-19, leading some to doubt the theory.

#Pandemic #CoVid19 #Asian #Health #Virus #PublicHealth #SARSCov2


I wrote a guest article for Healthy Debate that looks at why we need mandatory masks in healthcare, why surgical masks aren’t enough, and how the mounting threats to public health are putting lives at risk.

If you’re a healthcare worker, mask up.

Show us you take your oath to “do no harm” seriously


#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #longcovid #pandemic #publichealth #wearamask #n95 #measles #h5n1 #keepmasksinhealthcare #chronicillness #disability

Five years ago today, the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Since then, much of the world has moved on—but COVID hasn’t disappeared.

People are still getting sick, hospitals still see surges, and Long COVID continues to disrupt lives. The good news? We still have the power to protect ourselves and our communities.

Read our latest blog on why prevention still matters: https://whn.global/five-years-since-covid-was-declared-a-pandemic/

#COVID19 #LongCOVID #PublicHealth #MaskUp #CleanAir
A digital graphic from WHN.Global features a background image of a crowded indoor setting with people walking, many wearing masks. At the top, a red banner with white text reads "FIVE YEARS." Below, bold white and red text states: "IT’S BEEN 5 YEARS SINCE COVID WAS DECLARED A PANDEMIC." Additional white text below reads: "Since then, much of the world has moved on. But COVID hasn’t disappeared, and many continue to respond accordingly." The WHN.Global logo is in the upper right corner, and a row of five colored dots (pink, green, yellow, blue, dark blue) is in the upper left corner.
A digital graphic with a black background and white text. At the top, a red banner with white text reads "FIVE YEARS." The main bold text states: "COVID-19 is not over." Below, a white outlined box contains three bullet points:

"We still have the power to protect ourselves and others."
"Masking, ventilation, and vaccines remain essential tools."
"Every infection avoided reduces the risk of Long COVID."
At the bottom, a red call-to-action button with white text reads: "Learn more & take action today → whn.global." The WHN.Global logo is in the upper right corner, and a row of five colored dots (pink, green, yellow, blue, dark blue) is in the upper left corner.

It’s true that the measles generally has a low mortality rate in the #USA, but that doesn’t mean it is something to fool around with.

The effect of disease is more than mortality (death). It’s about morbidity (illness, chronic illness) too.

And the #measles can make someone VERY ill.


#PublicHealth #health

~ Measles rarely kills in the US – but when it does, here’s how ~
(from 2019)


Per the NIH, “measles outbreaks are increasingly occurring” in the #USA and “measles cases have considerable morbidity requiring hospitalization.”


#PublicHealth #measles

~ Inpatient morbidity and mortality of measles in the United States ~
(from 2020)


Also, per the CDC, there have been 2 probable #measles deaths in the #USA this year.



#PublicHealth #measles

There is so much wrong with this statement by Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary RFK Jr.

1) Autism isn’t a chronic disease. It isn’t even a disease.

2) Autism doesn’t lead to someone potentially developing fatal encephalitis (brain swelling) or pneumonia.

3) Autism doesn’t require urgent medical hospitalization (which measles can) & stress the healthcare system.

3) Autism doesn’t spread from person-to-person in the air.


#PublicHealth #measles #autism #rfkjr #USA #FalseComparison
"We've had two measles deaths in 20 years in this country - we have 100,000 autism diagnoses every year," he said. "We need to keep our eye on the ball. Chronic disease is our enemy."


Accessed: 10 March 2025 at 1636 MST

📢 Join the "AI in Public Health Research" Symposium by the Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Research at #RKI!

📆 14-15 May 2025 | 📍 Berlin, Germany

Explore #AI’s impact on #publichealth with top experts.

🔗 https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/Termine/EN/ZKI-PH/AI-in-Public-Health-Research_2025.html

Symposium: "AI in Public Health Research". 14-15 May 2025.

Pandemics change people. We aren’t used to dealing with the mass death, disability & uncertainty that comes with them.

Unfortunately due to technology & misinformation, society is choosing NOT to process its collective trauma.

Most people are firmly in denial about COVID, and many are grasping on to conspiracy theories and harmful rhetoric in order to return to their 2019 version of “normal”.

That denial is changing us. Refusing to deal with trauma has consequences.

We’re becoming more detached, reckless and apathetic.

There’s still time to change. It starts with acknowledging that the threat has not passed and we all need to do our part to protect our health & the health of those around us.

We have to begin to adapt so that we can heal.

#pandemic #publichealth #trauma #chronicillness #longcovid #COVIDisAirborne #covidisnotover

Never underestimate the power of wearing a mask. It’s a simple and safe act of compassion, resistance and self care.

Sick of being sick? Wear a mask.

Have a vulnerable loved one you want to protect? Wear a mask.

Work in healthcare and want to protect your patients? Wear a mask.

Want to fight fascists? Wear a mask.

Worried about low vaccination rates bringing back measles, polio and other eradicated diseases? Wear a mask.

Want to resist and keep your activism virus free? You guessed it, wear a mask.

When worn correctly, they’re highly effective. Trump and Vance are as anti-mask as they come, so we need as many people as possible masking in solidarity.

Let’s keep people healthy while normalizing them as an important tool in the fight against disease AND fascism.

#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #fascism #resist #wearamask #pandemic #publichealth #measles

Rep. Ritchie Torres Jen Rubin interview fired #USAID worker, Nancy Bolan

"Nancy Bolan — who has spent over 25 years saving the lives of mothers and newborn babies — was fired from her health care position at USAID on January 28 as part of Elon Musk's purge at the U.S. Agency for International Development."

#TheContrarian #RichieTorres #doge #musk #trump #uspol #publichealth

There’s so much going on in the world that we can’t control.

The Covid pandemic gave way to rising fascism, just like the pandemics that have come before.

People are scared. Many lost loved ones. Society changed overnight. The loss of control that many felt allowed bad actors to rise up and capitalize on people’s fear.

No matter what our governments say or do, Covid isn’t over. It’s still killing and disabling people.

What’s worse, the pro infection crowd has become so loud and emboldened that vaccine uptake is down, masks are vilified and we’re seeing a resurgence of diseases like measles and tuberculosis.

Despite all the infectious disease threats out there, we still don’t have mandatory masks in healthcare.

The one place people absolutely can’t avoid, the place they should have a reasonable expectation of safety, has become one of the least safe public spaces.

Patients are being infected trying to access basic healthcare, because staff refuse to mask. Refuse to test. Refuse to isolate.

It’s eugenics, and we need people to realize it before it’s too late.

We need mandatory masks in healthcare. We must protect patients AND staff. We must protect even the ones who refuse to protect themselves.


#uspoli #pandemic #publichealth #fascism #masks #n95 #chronicillness #disability #ableism #eugenics #covidisairborne #covidisnotover

📃 KI kann #PublicHealth transformieren – wenn sie richtig eingesetzt wird. Ein neuer Artikel in LANCET Public Health gibt klare Empfehlungen:

✅ KI-Expertise einstellen und schulen
✅ Digitale Infrastruktur stärken
✅ KI-Tools ethisch und umweltfreundlich nutzen
✅ Transparente und diverse Daten sichern

🔗 https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(25)00036-2
Dachzeile: Publikation in LANCET Public Health 
Text: KI in Public Health: neue Impulse
Das Bild zeigt eine Paneldiskussion auf einer Bühne mit fünf Personen, die auf weißen Sesseln sitzen. Die Teilnehmenden sind in formeller Kleidung, und einige halten Notizen in der Hand. Im Hintergrund ist eine große Leinwand zu sehen, auf der ein Ausschnitt einer Präsentation mit zwei Porträtfotos und Namen angezeigt wird: Keyrellous Adib (WHO Europe) und Katharina Ladewig (Robert Koch-Institut). Die Gestaltung enthält geschwungene blaue Formen im oberen Bereich.

🌍 Sitz des IANPHI-Sekretariats geht nach Deutschland!

Das Sekretariat der International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) wird 2025 an das RKI verlegt.

Ein wichtiger Schritt für die globale #PublicHealth -Kooperation!

🔗 https://www.rki.de/DE/Aktuelles/Neuigkeiten-und-Presse/Meldungen/Archiv/2025-03-04_IANPHI-Sekretariat.html

New York confirms two cases of measles as RFK Jr does an about face on vaccinations.

After spending years spreading harmful anti-vaxx rhetoric and lies, he’s now tacitly recommending the MMR in the wake of the first child death of measles in a decade.

More outbreaks will continue to happen until people start vaccinating their kids again.

Measles is incredibly contagious, and it’s airborne. The average person goes on to infect approximately 9 others.

The disease was all but eradicated thanks to vaccination, and it’s on the rise again because of people like RFK Jr

The kids need us to protect them. They need the adults to make smart choices.

Also, wear a respirator! It’ll help protect from measles, covid, flu and more.


#measles #rfkjr #publichealth #airborne #wearamask #vaccines #hhs #COVIDisAirborne #covidisnotover

RFK Jr finally recommends vaccination to deal with the measles outbreak hitting Texas right now.

This is quite the about face for a man who’s been spreading harmful anti-vaxx rhetoric for years.

Just a few days ago he was minimizing the outbreak by saying it was “normal” and recommending vitamin A.

What changed? Not going to lie… my initial thought was “it must be really bad if RFK Jr is pushing the vaccine”

Please folks, get your boosters. Wear a mask. Clean the air. Protect your health & the health of those around you.


#rfkjr #vaccines #measles #uspoli #hhs #publichealth #texas #wearamask #COVIDisAirborne #covidisnotover #disability

Am 24. März ist #Welttuberkulosetag

Tuberkulose ist noch immer eine große #PublicHealth-Herausforderung.

Weltweit sterben über 1 Million Menschen pro Jahr an Tuberkulose. Mit Prävention und Behandlung könnten viele Leben gerettet werden.

🔗 https://www.rki.de/zahldesmonats

Oben mittig befindet sich ein Foto von Tuberkulose-Bakterien unter einem Elektronenmikroskop, die Bakterien sind als rötliche, stabförmige Strukturen auf schwarzem Hintergrund zu sehen.

Links oben ein orangefarbenes Element mit einer angesteckten Pinnnadel-Illustration, in dem in weißer Schrift steht: „Zahl des Monats“.

Der untere Teil der Folie ist in Blautönen gehalten.

Groß und fett hervorgehoben: „11 Millionen“
Restlicher Text: „Fast 11 Millionen Menschen erkranken jährlich weltweit an Tuberkulose“

#usa #press #journalism #canada #cdnpoli #publichealth #emergency #media #uspol

#Newspapers: it would be GREAT if you could waive your access fees for articles updating energencies affecting the community. https://mastodon.social/@mackayim2022/114094870522954610

The measles outbreak in Ontario has doubled, putting 18 children in the hospital (one in the ICU).

“He adds measles vaccinations have fallen to about 40 per cent during the pandemic, where before it was 85-90 per cent. He says people aren’t getting the vaccine anymore because of many factors, including “vaccine fatigue”.

Who would have imagined that having to get a series of Covid shots would lead people to give up on vaccines that have saved lives for decades?


#measles #publichealth #pandemic #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #vaccines

There are measles outbreaks in the U.S. and Canada. A disease we eradicated is making a comeback due to dangerous anti-vaxx rhetoric.

We need mandatory masking in healthcare, and we need it now.

A respirator protects against Covid, measles & more.

There’s no excuse to expose patients when we have the tools to prevent it:


#masksinhealthcare #measles #longcovid #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #n95 #keepmasksinhealthcare #h5n1 #publichealth #donoharm

Texas becomes the latest State to propose a mask ban (while in the midst of a measles outbreak that’s currently over 100 cases).

These are ugly laws. They’re discriminatory & push disabled people further out of society. They increase the likelihood of police harassment. They paint maskers as “bad”.

There’s an excellent document with scripts for how to call & fight back! 🧵 1/2


#uspoli #maskbans #nomaskbans #uglylaws #infectioncontrol #publichealth #texas #measles #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #ableism #eugenics #disability

Could H5N1 be spread for multiple kilometres by air?

"some reports have proposed that windborne spread plays a significant role in IAV [Influenza A Virus] transmission over longer distances under suitable weather conditions.
➡️ In studies of the severe H7N7 HPAI [Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza] outbreak in the Netherlands in 2003, one study claimed that wind spread accounted for 18% and another 24% of transmission events up to 25 km.
➡️ Similarly, during the 2007 equine H3N8 influenza outbreak in Australia, 81% of infections within a cluster of 437 horse farms were attributed to windborne spread over a distance of 1-2 km.
➡️ Around the same time, the serological screening of turkeys in Minnesota in 2007-08 revealed that turkey premises within a 1.9 km radius of swine farms were most likely to test seropositive for H3N2 and H1N1 IAVs, thereby suggesting windborne transmission.
➡️ And during the 2014-15 multistate H5N2 HPAI outbreak in the USA, it was estimated that up to 39% of farms in Iowa alone could have experienced windborne infection within a radius of 8.5 km"

1/🧵from this preprint: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2025.02.12.637829v1.full.pdf

h/t @JoePajak

#H5N1 #birdFlu #influenza #fluIsAirborne #influenzaIsAirborne #respiratoryDiseasesAreAirborne #pandemic #publicHealth #health #disease

If you think mask bans are “no big deal” because there’s medical exemptions, please consider the following:

😷 Police are not doctors
😷 Many disabilities are invisible
😷 Disabled people don’t live in a bubble. I need my friends and caregivers to mask to protect me
😷 Everyone should have the right to protect their health, you shouldn’t have to already be sick to be permitted to mask
😷 Criminalizing masks sends a message that maskers are “bad”. It emboldens anti-maskers and increases odds of aggression

The reality is that mask bans are discriminatory, ableist and eugenicist. They push disabled people out of public spaces. They put marginalized and POC at increased risk of police profiling.

There’s no official policy for a medical exemption either, it’s at police discretion.

If you’re stopped and questioned, you will have to prove you’re masking for the “right reasons”

I’m more than willing to admit that if I were stopped by a cop for masking, I would appear nervous, shaky, tachycardic and probably “suspicious”.

Not because I’m doing anything wrong, but because my illnesses do not respond well to stress and the police are stressful.

It’s not right to put the onus on the masker to defend their right to mask. We’re still in a global pandemic. Texas has a measles outbreak. There’s tuberculosis in Kansas. Bird flu is spreading and it’s the worst year for influenza A in over a decade.

Masks are a public health tool. They’re a disability accommodation. They should NOT be criminalized.

For more on mask bans and medical exemptions, I wrote an article on the Nassau County ban here:


#nomaskban #uspoli #texas #northcarolina #maskban #disability #uglylaws #publichealth #ableism #eugenics #h5n1 #measles #longcovid #covidisairborne

If you want to fight fascism? Wear a mask.

If you want to show solidarity with disabled people? Wear a mask.

If you want to protect your own health? Wear a mask.

If you recognize that no one is coming to save us? Wear a mask.

My ultimate guide to respirators looks at the early days of mask mandates, the rise of antimaskers, how to up your mask game for the ultimate personal protection and why we need to “fix our hearts or die”


#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #wearamask #n95 #uspoli #fascism #chronicillness #longcovid #h5n1 #publichealth #disability #ableism

I just can’t with these people. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

“The United States Department of Agriculture on Tuesday acknowledged that, over the weekend, it accidentally fired "several" agency employees who are working on the federal government's response to the H5N1 avian flu outbreak.

In a statement, the agency said it is trying to quickly reverse the firings.”

#USPolitics #Politics #BirdFlu #PublicHealth #PublicSafety #MuskCoup #TrumpRegime #USDA


"In healthcare, the DSA endorsed the profit-driven policy of “herd immunity” as far back as 2020, originally promoted by the first Trump administration and the extreme right and which became state policy under the Biden administration. Jacobin has also favorably interviewed signatories of the pro-mass death Great Barrington Declaration in late 2020 and called for the reopening of schools, knowing they were significant vectors for the virus.

The organization has therefore been in political solidarity with policies which have produced the conditions which nurses face, including the near collapse of the healthcare system."

How the Democratic Socialists of America enforces unsafe staffing levels in Oregon hospitals

#CovidIsntOver #PublicHealth #Nursing #DemocraticSocialistsOfAmerica #DSA #Oregon

Now more than ever we need to support and amplify healthcare workers who are trying to get the word out about the state of public health

Support independent journalists who are doing the same.

With the CDC muzzled we don’t have the line of sight we should on outbreaks and threats to the population

What we do have is alot of doctors and nurses sharing serious concerns about how sick their influenza A patients are

We do have a significant egg shortage because of unmitigated bird flu

We do have measles and TB outbreaks.

The good news? A well fitted respirator can protect you from all these things.

It may be our best and last line of protection as it doesn’t depend on government or public health for accessibility.

Mask up and keep yourself and your community safe!

#uspoli #publichealth #resist #censorship #fascism #pandemic #covidisairborne #h5n1 #wearamask

🚀 Die Gesundheitsberichterstattung #GBE am #RKI stellt regelmäßig Daten zu nichtübertragbaren Krankheiten und ihren Einflussfaktoren auf #GitHub und #Zenodo bereit: maschinenlesbar, offen, frei verwendbar.

🔗 https://www.gbe.rki.de/DE/Startseite/meldungen/2025-02-12_OpenData.html

#OpenData #Gesundheit #Transparenz #PublicHealth
Transparenz durch Open Data
RKI stellt Daten zur freien Nachnutzung bereit