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Beiträge, die mit Virus getaggt sind

Measles cases are climbing in the U.S. @BBCNews explains whether you should get another vaccine.
#Measles #Vaccine #Health #Pandemic #Virus

German spy agency believed CoVid-19 likely started in a laboratory in Wuhan.

The widely accepted theory is that Covid-19 emerged in bats and then jumped to humans, most likely through another animal, or "intermediary host."

As time worn on, scientists have not found a virus in either bats or another animal that matches the genetic make-up of Covid-19, leading some to doubt the theory.

#Pandemic #CoVid19 #Asian #Health #Virus #PublicHealth #SARSCov2


Nutzt ihr Antivirus-Apps auf eurem Android? Spart euch den unnötigen Ballast – sie bieten nur trügerische Sicherheit und sind oft voller Tracker. 👇


#android #security #google #tracking #virus #antivirus #app

Das Coronavirus-Update: Entdecken: Viren und Labore (1/10)

Webseite der Episode: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/info/Entdecken-Viren-und-Labore,audio1801990.html
5 Jahre Corona - Was haben wir aus der Pandemie gelernt? Es wäre ein Fehler, Erkenntnisse aus der Covid-19-Pandemie direkt auf die nächste Krise zu übertragen, meint der Virologe Christian Drosten in dieser neuen Podcast-Staffel. Wie gut ist das Wissen über potenziell pandemische Erreger? Wo stehen wir bei einer nächsten Pandemie womöglich besser da? Daniela Remus und Korinna Hennig aus der NDR Info-Wissenschaftsredaktion sprechen in der ersten von zehn Folgen mit verschiedenen Wissenschaftlern darüber, wie die Forschung vorgeht, wenn ein Erreger mit....


⚠️The first US Bird Flu Death is a stark Warning.⚠️

A Louisiana patient is the first person in the US to die as a result of H5N1 infection. The Louisiana health department noted that the person who was infected was over the age of 65 and had underlying medical conditions, which made the person particularly vulnerable to severe disease.


#h5n1 #birdflu #virus #infection #human #death #us #pandemic #healthcare #engineer #media #science #health #tech #nature #news
Without sustained human-to-human transmission or other dangerous changes to the virus, the risk to the general population remains low [at this time]. But, both the CDC and Harris emphasized that people who work with birds and other animals are at greater risk of infection and should take precautions.

According to data collected by the WHO, there have been 954 documented cases between 2003 and 2024. Of those, 464 were fatal, leading to a fatality rate of about 49 percent among documented cases.


A 13-year-old girl in Canada also developed severe disease from an H5N1 infection in November and required intensive care, intubation and the use of the life-support therapy extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). The teenager is, fortunately, recovering, according to a medical report published December 31 in the New England Journal of Medicine.


[With the continued spread in birds and other animals, the virus has more opportunities to adapt to humans. Health experts have criticized the US handling of the outbreaks and not doing more to curb the spread of the virus.]

#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe ##Geflügelpest #press #news #usa

" Zusammengenommen, sagen Experten, deuten diese Indikatoren darauf hin, dass das #Virus Schritte unternommen hat, um zur nächsten #Pandemie zu werden."


CDC detects Bird Flu Mutation in Human, amid new Infections in Cats. [🦠 :ahovercat:]

The ongoing spread of bird flu in the United States has alarmed experts — not just because of human cases causing severe illness, but also due to troubling new instances of infections in cats.


#h5n1 #birdflu #virus #mutation #pets #cats #infections #pandemic #us #cdc #healthcare #engineer #media #science #health #tech #nature #news
Instead, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the mutations were "likely generated by replication of this virus in the patient with advanced disease," emphasizing that no transmission of the mutated strain to other humans had been identified.

Several experts contacted by AFP cautioned that it was too early to determine whether these changes would make the virus more transmissible or more severe in people.

Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, explained that while the mutation might help the virus enter cells more easily, additional evidence [such as animal testing] would be needed to confirm any effect on transmissibility.

Moreover, similar mutations have occurred in previous critically ill patients without leading to broader outbreaks. "It's good to know we should be looking out for this," Rasmussen said, "but it doesn't actually tell us, [Oh, we're this much closer to a pandemic now]."
[ImageSource: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)]

A sample of the virus found in a critically ill patient in the United States has shown signs of mutating to better suit human airways, although there is no indication it has spread beyond that individual, authorities report.

An analysis posted by the CDC revealed that a small percentage of the virus in the patient's throat carried genetic changes that could increase the virus's ability to bind to certain cell receptors found in the human upper respiratory tract.

Importantly, the agency noted that these changes have not been detected in birds – including in the backyard poultry flock believed to have been the source of the patient's initial infection.

Earlier this month, officials announced that an elderly Louisiana patient was in "critical condition" with a severe H5N1 infection. And now, a updated @CDCgov technical report on the Louisiana case is out. There are low frequency mutations in HA that indicate adaptation in a human host [specifically this human host].

The body’s battle with #mpox
How the #virus spreads, mutates, and attacks humans
The latest strain is a mutated version of clade I, a form of mpox spread by contact with infected animals that has been endemic in #Congo for decades.
You can see the contrast between those infected in the African region (men and women somewhat evenly) and the rest of the world (almost all men). The variant in Africa can spread through close contact.

#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #science #press #news #geflügelpest

"der Ausbruch des #Virus birgt die Gefahr einer #Pandemie. Mehr als 60 Menschen in den #USA haben sich infiziert, v.a. durch Kühe oder Geflügel, die Zahl der Fälle könnte in die Höhe schnellen, wenn sich das Virus so entwickelt, dass es sich von Mensch zu Mensch verbreitet. Die jüngste Nachricht, dass eine Person in Louisiana an der #Vogelgrippe schwer erkrankt ist, zeigt, dass es gefährlich sein kann."


Of the 58 people in the U.S. who have been infected by the H5N1 bird flu virus this year, all but two of them had contact with cows or chickens, two species in which the virus is circulating. Scientists are finding that reassuring, but a concerning new study says the strain is only one mutation away from being able to bind more easily to human cells. @time has more.


#H1N1 #BirdFlu #Health #Pandemic #Cows #Virus

#hpai #h5n1 #vogelgrippe #birdflu #geflügelpest #avianflu #avianinfluence #science #press #news #usa

"Darüber hinaus hatte der Teenager zunächst eine Augeninfektion, die sich später zu einer schweren Lungeninfektion entwickelte. Dies könnte darauf hindeuten, dass das #Virus nach einer #Infektion des Jugendlichen besser in Atemwegszellen gelangen konnte. “Es stimmt mit der Idee überein, dass sich das Virus innerhalb dieser Person entwickelt haben könnte, sagt Hensley."


More than 50 people in seven U.S. states have had confirmed cases of a human bird flu variant, concerning health experts that another pandemic could be possible. This week, a child in California with no known contact with infected animals came down with the virus. CBSNews@flipboard.com medical contributor Dr. Céline Gounde explains why this is a worrying development and answers other questions about bird flu.


#Health #Virus #BirdFlu #Sick #Pandemic #Doctors

#birdflu #avianflu #hpai #vogelgrippe #geflügelpest #press #usa #news #cdc

Infektionsrate: 7%

"Forscher fürchten, dass sich das #Virus besser an Säugetiere anpassen kann, wenn es verbreitet in ihnen zirkuliert. Eine #Studie zeigte im August eine Übertragung von Säugetier zu Säugetier, auch zwischen Tierarten, etwa von Kühen auf Katzen. Mutationen des Virus, die zu einer verbesserten Übertragbarkeit von #H5N1 auf den Menschen führen würden, wurden bisher nicht entdeckt"


#h5n1 #hpai #press #news #vogelgrippe #avianflu #geflügelpest #avianinfluence #usa #pandemic

"Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das #Virus das Potenzial hat, in naher Zukunft von einer #Epidemie zu einer #Pandemie zu werden."
