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Beiträge, die mit LongCovid getaggt sind


#Covid #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver
Reposting link for broader exposure, I hope you don't mind. Significant article. Regrettable 'prove you're human' gatekeeping, but worth surmounting the harassment.

"‘Something was wrong with my brain’: How covid leaves its mark on cognition"

Long Covid will cost the economy trillions of dollars. The economic devastation of a mass disabling event can not be overstated.

Yet more funding has been cut, including to a project that was nearing completion.

The reason? Its a “waste of time”

The only reason to believe this is because you don’t care about Covid, you certainly don’t care about Long Covid and you’re preparing to leave the chronically ill behind.


#longcovid #chronicillness #uspoli #disability #covidisnotover #covidisairborne

@auscovid19 Speaking from personal experience, the mental health case burden in college health at our local university has significantly worsened compared to 10-15 yrs ago, and it keeps getting worse every year since the beginning of the pandemic.

#LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #COVID #COVID19

#Krankenstand & #LongCovid oder?
Wundert ja keinen das die kleinen nix lernen wenn sie inkl. der Lehrer ständig krank sind.

Press release for a new UK study:

"Nearly one in ten unsure if they have Long Covid. Almost 5% have the condition and socially disadvantaged groups are most affected"

Free paper:

#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC

@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 @novid@chirp.social #novid @novid@a.gup.pe #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
News Release 17-Mar-2025
Nearly one in ten unsure if they have Long Covid
Almost 5% have the condition and socially disadvantaged groups are most affected

Peer-Reviewed Publication
University of Southampton

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Almost one in ten people (9.1%) in England think they could have Long Covid but aren’t sure, according to a new analysis of NHS England survey data by the University of Southampton.

Hey #RFKJr, you say you want to study #ChronicIllness. Well, I have one! It was caused by #COVID19, and now you want to close the office that studies #LongCovid? Forgive the technical terminology, Mr. Secretary, but rot in hell. https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:flwgfsh2mhpoqwjwwt2mesjv/post/3ll6ah6wczk2s

“We focus on common phrases that clinicians often tell patients, but which can be nonproductive, inappropriate, and frankly, damaging to the physician-patient relationship.”

#MEcfs #LongCovid
@mecfs @longcovid


“Who is the target audience for the paper?

Physicians of all specialties and other healthcare practitioners, such as psychologists, physical therapists, social workers, nutritionists, and others.”

#MedEd #Mastodon #mecfs #longcovid
@mecfs @longcovid @dysautonomia


“For people with complex chronic diseases such as long COVID, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and dysautonomia, a clinician’s inadvertently hurtful language can compound suffering and derail effective communication.”

#Dysautonomia #PwME #mecfs #longcovid
@mecfs @longcovid @dysautonomia

🇬🇧 UK: Amber Richards from Brighton caught COVID-19 in March 2020 and was diagnosed with long Covid in November 2021. Once active, enjoying walks, festivals, and clubbing, she now struggles with extreme fatigue, sleeping 14 to 18 hours daily.


Source: https://archive.md/7Fos8
'I'm mourning my old life due to long Covid'

19 hours ago

Claire Starr

BBC News, South East

You know what might actually help some of us work? A council-run trades service.

I need a weekly cleaner who will actually turn up. I need a plasterer without the ringing round trying to get quotes. I need a decorator without the searching and trying to get recommendations. I need someone I can call to change lightbulbs I can't safely reach and hook the curtain back on its rings.

I'd happily pay the going rate for the work if it got rid of the headaches.

#Disability #LongCovid #BenefitCuts

Wenn Bundespräsident #Steinmeier über die nötige “Aufarbeitung” der #Corona-#Pandemie spricht, klingt das so, als wollte er noch den letzten Querdenker besänftigen. Wann und wie wird eigentlich wieder der #Covid-Toten gedacht (letzte Gedenkfeier war bei 80.000 Toten 2021, jetzt sind es mehr als doppelt so viele), wie werden deren Angehörige, Menschen mit #LongCovid “abgeholt”? Wie wird gewürdigt, dass Zehntausende Menschen nur wegen Pflegekräften, Hygienemaßnahmen, Impfungen noch am Leben sind?

Oh, I'm on the front page of Rolling Stone right now, kinda. Guess I picked a bad moment to look at my phone. Don't be me. Don't look at your phone lol.

Photo is from #MEAction protest at White House, Sept. 2022, right after Biden said the pandemic was over.

Thanks @justyourluck for posting this.

#LongCovid #MEcfs #journalism


As far as I know, I've only had COVID once. It was a "mild" case. It didn't feel any worse than a cold and a bit of a sore throat for me. And even though I was fully vaccinated, took Paxlovid right away, and rested very very hard for three months (going to bed whenever I felt even the slightest bit tired), I still ended up with long COVID. I was strong and healthy before. I trained five days a week at the gym and yoga studio and hiked on weekends.

I'm scared shitless about getting COVID again. I'm one of the very few people I know who still masks regularly. #LongCovidAwarenessDay #LongCovid #Covid #MaskUp

I was an athlete for years. I did fitness competitions, trail running, mountain running, obstacle course races, interprovincial bicycling, hiking, and martial arts. I was a professional dancer, an aerialist, a model, and a LARPer. These days, I spend the vast majority of my time sitting down. I go to the gym a couple of times a week and try to go for walks every day, but if I exert too much or think too hard for too long, I'm exhausted.

This is not the normal feeling of being tired after a grueling workout. It's not a mind over matter thing. It's the kind of fatigue you feel when you're sick or dealing with a nasty injury. #LongCovidAwarenessDay #LongCovid #PostExertionalMalaise #ChronicIllness

Because of long COVID, my dad will never walk on the beach again. He can no longer play accordion or guitar because of long COVID.

Because of long COVID, I am no longer a martial artist, dancer, distance runner, or athlete. I no longer feel energetic. I no longer have proper restful sleep. I have aged rapidly. #LongCovidAwarenessDay #LongCovid #ChronicIllness
A person with glasses and gray hair wearing a white mask poses for a selfie at an event. They are dressed in a black shirt with a colorful graphic design. The background shows empty chairs and blurred figures of other attendees.

It’s International Long Covid Awareness Day, and my latest article looks at the reasons why people believe they don’t know anyone with Long Covid.

We desperately need increased visibility into this debilitating chronic illness so that we can raise awareness and fund treatments, mitigations and cures.

Anyone can get Long Covid. It’s not limited to ‘only the vulnerable’ or those who had a severe initial infection.

This disease does not discriminate. Even people with asymptomatic initial infections have found themselves disabled by Long Covid.

It’s time we start processing the trauma of the pandemic and stop living in denial.

We are in the middle of a mass disabling event, and the longer it takes us to admit that, the more people will be harmed.

Let’s spread the word that the only way to avoid Long Covid is to avoid getting Covid in the first place.

Wear a mask. Stay home when sick. Clean and ventilate the air.

When we all agree to care about the air we share, we can begin to bring about real change.


#longcovid #longcovidawarenessday #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #chronicillness #wearamask

From Iraq:

Increased galanin-galanin receptor 1 signaling, inflammation, and insulin resistance are associated with affective symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome due to long COVID


From the latest Science for ME weekly update

#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
Increased galanin-galanin receptor 1 signaling, inflammation, and insulin resistance are associated with affective symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome due to long COVID — Wasim Talib Mahdi Al Masoodi et al.
"a sizable portion of the variation in the physioaffective phenome was accurately predicted by a combination of biomarkers, including GALGALR1 signaling, CRP, PGE2, and z PBT - z SpO2"

“Ultimately, you are on your own.” A qualitative analysis of barriers to health care from the perspective of patients with long COVID

In German with English abstract:

From the latest Science for ME weekly update

#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen
“Ultimately, you are on your own.” A qualitative analysis of barriers to health care from the perspective of patients with long COVID — Sabine Hammer et al.
"The study shows that there are currently no adequate care concepts and structures for post-infectious illnesses and that activating therapies, mostly in connection with the assumption of a psychosomatic origin, lead to significant malpractice. The finding that the majority of respondents feel weakened, ashamed or harmed by their physicians is particularly dramatic. The data also provide evidence of systematic stigmatization and discrimination against those affected."

I wrote a guest article for Healthy Debate that looks at why we need mandatory masks in healthcare, why surgical masks aren’t enough, and how the mounting threats to public health are putting lives at risk.

If you’re a healthcare worker, mask up.

Show us you take your oath to “do no harm” seriously


#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #longcovid #pandemic #publichealth #wearamask #n95 #measles #h5n1 #keepmasksinhealthcare #chronicillness #disability

From Germany:

Clinical, histopathological, and radiological characterization of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19


From the latest Science for ME weekly update

#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC

@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 @novid@chirp.social #novid @novid@a.gup.pe #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
Thesis: Ulm University
Clinical, histopathological, and radiological characterization of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 — Czech
"Except for one outlier, the viral matter could not be associated with pathological processes, challenging the hypothesis that unresolved viral presence is the cause of chronic inflammation. The observations suggest that PASC represents a post-viral pathological process driven by bronchiolitis. The histological, serological, and radiological results within this PASC cohort align with the criteria of bronchiolitis following a mild COVID-19 infection."

🇺🇸USA: I'm a doctor studying devastating effects of long Covid. Now it's ruining my life too.

"When Dr Allison Cohen began studying a new and mysterious illness in 2021, she never thought it would come after her."

"But 3 years later, long Covid has upended her life so much that even a run or long drives make her ill."

"Dr Cohen and up to 17 million Americans with the condition, every task—showering, chores, work, socializing—drains energy."

#LongCOVID @auscovid19

Source: https://archive.md/DGqnk

Five years ago today, the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Since then, much of the world has moved on—but COVID hasn’t disappeared.

People are still getting sick, hospitals still see surges, and Long COVID continues to disrupt lives. The good news? We still have the power to protect ourselves and our communities.

Read our latest blog on why prevention still matters: https://whn.global/five-years-since-covid-was-declared-a-pandemic/

#COVID19 #LongCOVID #PublicHealth #MaskUp #CleanAir
A digital graphic from WHN.Global features a background image of a crowded indoor setting with people walking, many wearing masks. At the top, a red banner with white text reads "FIVE YEARS." Below, bold white and red text states: "IT’S BEEN 5 YEARS SINCE COVID WAS DECLARED A PANDEMIC." Additional white text below reads: "Since then, much of the world has moved on. But COVID hasn’t disappeared, and many continue to respond accordingly." The WHN.Global logo is in the upper right corner, and a row of five colored dots (pink, green, yellow, blue, dark blue) is in the upper left corner.
A digital graphic with a black background and white text. At the top, a red banner with white text reads "FIVE YEARS." The main bold text states: "COVID-19 is not over." Below, a white outlined box contains three bullet points:

"We still have the power to protect ourselves and others."
"Masking, ventilation, and vaccines remain essential tools."
"Every infection avoided reduces the risk of Long COVID."
At the bottom, a red call-to-action button with white text reads: "Learn more & take action today → whn.global." The WHN.Global logo is in the upper right corner, and a row of five colored dots (pink, green, yellow, blue, dark blue) is in the upper left corner.

Here's the latest News in Brief (March 3 - 9), a weekly summary of ME/CFS and Long Covid news from the Science for ME forum:


@mecfs @longcovid

#MEcfs #LongCovid #ChronicIllness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Science4ME

"Even if certain types of immune damage following COVID did turn out to be transient, which is another line of argument taken up by minimizers, how would we know in a world plagued by never-ending reinfections? If damage lasts 7 or 8 months, and a child is reinfected with the KP.2 variant in the summer and the XEC variant in the winter, when is that child ever healthy? This type of debate becomes academic in a world without mitigations; the body would barely have time to recover from one infection before the next would be on deck."

#Covid #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID #LongCovidKids #WearAMask


Pandemics change people. We aren’t used to dealing with the mass death, disability & uncertainty that comes with them.

Unfortunately due to technology & misinformation, society is choosing NOT to process its collective trauma.

Most people are firmly in denial about COVID, and many are grasping on to conspiracy theories and harmful rhetoric in order to return to their 2019 version of “normal”.

That denial is changing us. Refusing to deal with trauma has consequences.

We’re becoming more detached, reckless and apathetic.

There’s still time to change. It starts with acknowledging that the threat has not passed and we all need to do our part to protect our health & the health of those around us.

We have to begin to adapt so that we can heal.

#pandemic #publichealth #trauma #chronicillness #longcovid #COVIDisAirborne #covidisnotover

On March 15, join people across Canada and beyond to honour #LongCovid Awareness Day 🩵🩶 In BC, @cancovsoc will lead an event at the Vancouver Art Gallery grounds (750 Hornby St. Vancouver) from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.

Access info: wear a respirator. (Some will be available on site, courtesy of Clean Air 604.) The area is accessible to mobility aid users. Speakers will have microphones. Learn more about all the events: https://covidsociety.ca/priorities/long-covid/

If we were to see immune damage manifesting at a population level, it would look like what we’re seeing today: big waves of common illnesses. Unusual spikes of uncommon illnesses. Course reversal for previously declining and eliminated illnesses. An unexplained, global wave of sickness.

How much more denial can the bodies of our children take? Are we going to force them to find out?
lots of citations demonstrating that damage and more at https://www.thegauntlet.news/p/kids-keep-getting-sicker-as-evidence

#AirborneAware #CovidCompetent #LongCOVID #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #immunity

Unusual but sympathetic paper:

Language Matters: What Not to Say to Patients with Long COVID, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Other Complex Chronic Disorders


#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME @longcovid
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC

People with Long COVID, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and other complex chronic disorders consistently report having difficulty obtaining effective and compassionate medical care and being disbelieved, judged, gaslighted, and even dismissed by healthcare professionals. We believe that these adversarial interactions and language are more likely to arise when healthcare professionals are confronting complex chronic illnesses without proper training, diagnostic biomarkers, or FDA-approved therapies. These problematic conversations between practitioners and patients often involve specific words and phrases—termed the “never-words”—can leave patients in significant emotional distress and negatively impact the clinician–patient relationship and recovery. Seeking to prevent these destructive interactions, we review key literature on best practices for difficult clinical conversations and discuss the application of these practices for people with Long COVID, ME/CFS, dysautonomia, and other complex chronic disorders. We provide recommendations for alternative, preferred phrasing to the never-words, which can enhance therapeutic relationship and chronic illness patient care via compassionate, encouraging, and non-judgmental language.

Highlights of @ducky 's COVID-19 roundup https://covidbc.webfoot.com/2025/03/07/2025-03-07-general/ this week:

ten people out of 27 had significant improvements after a stellate ganglion block: [...]

The other fifteen partially responded, and got another treatment — which meant that their data couldn’t honestly be used in this comparison [...]

The two who did not respond at all to treatment were two of the three people who only had smell/taste issues
air pollution and genetics both raise the risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes.

For each interquartile range–rise in air-pollution concentrations, the risks of COVID-19 infection were 96% higher for PM2.5 and PM10, 97% for NO2, and 98% for NOx.
Asthmatics who got Paxlovid for COVID-19 infections were 35% less likely to be hospitalized than ones who got molnupiravir
#CovidIsNotOver #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #COVID #LC #LongCOVID

Prior to Covid it was normal to mask in the NICU. People understood that premature babies are as vulnerable as they come and need to protected.

Now? Gowns & gloves but no masking.

The damage caused by anti mask rhetoric will be felt for years (possibly decades) to come.

Mask mandates belong in healthcare. We should be providing free respirators at the door & cleaning and ventilating the air.

If you’re a healthcare worker who doesn’t think you need to mask, please read my plea on behalf of vulnerable patients:


We know masks in healthcare stop the spread of airborne disease. We know they reduce the risk of hospital acquired COVID (which has a 10% mortality rate).

We know respirators work even better.

So why aren’t we masking? Why are patients having to bear the brunt of infection control?


#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #longcovid #chronicillness #ableism #eugenics #keepmasksinhealthcare #disability